計算機語言 (大一), 福島康裕 助理教授 Upload your report at iteach system: iteach.ncku.edu.tw Deadline: February 26, 2005 Exercise 1: Introduction to MS-Excel You should learn: copy, fill, move, and simple calculation, and sorting in MS-Excel Explain how you have worked on the assignments using pictures and figures. Do not just paste all of your data on your report. 1-1) Start MS-Excel, and input the following data. No Country Region Area GDP per capita Population 1990 2025 1 Uganda Africa 236 250 18794 53114 2 Hong Kong Asia 1 10320 5851 6456 3 Spain Europe 505 9150 39187 42265 4 Portuguese Europe 92 4250 10285 10941 5 Dominican Republic North America 49 790 7170 11447 6 Australia Oceania 7713 14440 16837 23038 7 Poland Europe 313 1780 38423 45066 8 Libya Africa 1760 5410 4545 12841 9 South Africa Africa 1221 2460 35282 65363 10 Singapore Asia 1 10450 2723 3319 11 Ecuador South America 284 1020 10587 19923 12 Burkina Faso Africa 274 320 8996 23710 13 Switzerland Europe 41 30270 6609 6790 14 Haiti North America 28 360 6513 13232 15 Paraguay South America 407 1020 4277 9182 16 Zimbabwe Africa 391 650 9709 22616 17 Chile South America 757 1770 13173 19774 18 Ivory coast Africa 322 790 11997 39334 19 Canada North America 9976 19020 26521 31923 20 Germany (form. west) Europe 249 20750 61324 55141 21 Saudi Arabia Asia 2150 6020 14134 44752 22 Tunisia Africa 164 1260 8180 13405 23 Sweden Europe 450 21710 8444 8584 24 Turkey Asia 779 1370 55868 87701 25 India Asia 3288 340 853094 1442386 26 Argentina South America 2767 2160 32322 45505 27 New Zealand Oceania 271 11800 3392 4117 28 Yugoslavia Europe 256 2920 23807 25990 29 Nigeria Africa 924 250 108542 280890 30 El Salvador North America 21 1070 5252 11299 31 Syria Asia 185 1100 12530 34082 32 Japan Asia 378 23810 124360 127496 33 Sri Lanka Asia 66 430 17217 24572 34 Ghana Africa 239 390 15028 35442 35 Tanzania Africa 945 120 27318 84917 36 Italy Europe 301 15150 57061 52964 37 Thailand Asia 513 1230 55702 80911 38 Finland Europe 338 22060 4975 5119 -1- 39 Brazil South America 8512 2540 150368 245809 40 Pakistan Asia 796 360 122626 267112 41 Korea Asia 99 4400 42793 51631 42 Egypt Africa 1001 630 52426 90355 43 Cameroon Africa 475 1000 11833 36547 44 United Kingdom Europe 244 14570 57237 59658 45 Hungary Europe 93 2580 10552 10199 46 Madagascar Africa 587 230 12004 34014 47 Algeria Africa 2382 2220 24960 51950 48 Columbia South America 1139 1190 32978 54196 49 Malawi Africa 118 180 8754 24730 50 Peoples Republic of China Asia 9597 360 1139060 1512585 51 Iran Asia 1648 5412 54607 113831 52 Bangladesh Asia 144 180 115593 234987 53 Sudan Africa 2506 380 25203 59605 54 Kuwait Asia 18 16380 2039 3775 55 Bolivia South America 1099 620 7314 18294 56 Venezuela South America 912 2450 19735 37999 57 Ethiopia Africa 1222 120 49240 126618 58 United States of America North America 9373 21000 249224 299884 59 Norway Europe 324 21850 4212 4501 60 Peru South America 1285 1010 21550 37350 61 Morocco Africa 447 880 25061 45647 62 Nederland Europe 41 16010 14951 16819 63 Austria Europe 84 17360 7583 7343 64 Israel Asia 21 9750 4600 6908 65 Philippines Asia 300 700 62413 111509 66 Iraq Asia 438 2577 18920 49920 67 Denmark Europe 43 20510 5143 4881 68 France Europe 552 17830 56138 60372 69 Mozambique Africa 802 180 15656 35416 70 Mali Africa 1240 270 9214 24774 71 Indonesia Asia 1905 500 184283 285913 72 Ireland Europe 70 8500 3720 4958 73 Mexico North America 1958 1990 88598 150062 74 Zaire Africa 2345 260 35568 99366 75 Greece Europe 132 5340 10047 10080 76 Malaysia Asia 330 2160 17891 30116 77 Uruguay South America 177 2620 3094 3691 78 Kenya Africa 580 370 24031 79113 1-2) Calculate 1) population density, and 2) population growth rate, using 1-4) MS-Excel. - Population density should be separated with commas for every three digits, and detailed to 1 digit below the decimal point. - Population growth rate should be described to 2 digits below the decimal point with percent (%) representation. Format the table so that it looks better. You can change colors, draw lines between cells, … and so on. Compare top 10 countries for population in 1990 and 2025 1-5) Show top 10 countries for population growth rate 1-3) -2- 計算機語言 (大一), 福島康裕 助理教授 Upload your report at iteach system: iteach.ncku.edu.tw Deadline: February 26, 2005 1-6) 1) 2) 3) Draw lorenz curve by following the instructions. Copy the data to another sheet Sort the data by ______________ Add GDP, Cumulative income, Cumulative population, Cumulative relative income, and Cumulative relative population on the right side of the current data 4) Push chart wizard button, and select “XY (scatter)”, and draw scattergram, make it look better than the default settings. Lorentz curve (1990) Cumulative relative income 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Cumulative relative population -3- 0.8 1