State of Washington Employment and Income Analysis of the Boeing 7E7 Project June 22, 2004 State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................................4 II. EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME ANALYSIS OF THE BOEING 7E7 PROJECT ...................................................................7 A. BACKGROUND AND STUDY REGION........................................................................................................................7 B. DEVELOPMENT OF ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................................................................8 C. RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................................12 1. OUTPUT ...............................................................................................................................................................13 2. VALUE ADDED (INCOME)..............................................................................................................................14 3. EMPLOYMENT ..................................................................................................................................................15 III. GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................................................16 IV. APPENDIX .........................................................................................................................................................................................17 A. DETAILED ASSUMPTIONS............................................................................................................................................17 B. LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................23 C. IMPLAN ..............................................................................................................................................................................23 State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 2 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. GENERAL DEMOGRAPHICAL DATA FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ........................................................7 TABLE 2. IMPLAN AIRCRAFT SECTOR ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................................10 TABLE 3. INPUTS TO THE MODEL ....................................................................................................................................................11 TABLE 4. OVERALL RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................12 TABLE 5. SUMMARY OUTPUT RESULTS.........................................................................................................................................13 TABLE 6. SUMMARY VALUE ADDED (INCOME) RESULTS .......................................................................................................14 TABLE 7. SUMMARY EMPLOYMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................................15 TABLE 8. CAPITAL ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................17 TABLE 9. GOODS AND SERVICES SPENDING ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................................................................19 TABLE 10. EMPLOYMENT ASSUMPTIONS ......................................................................................................................................21 State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 3 I. Executive Summary The State of Washington (“State”) engaged Deloitte Consulting (“Deloitte”) to complete an analysis of the potential employment and associated income and sales that could result from the proposed 7E7 project. Boeing and an Advisory Group (Office of Financial Management, Department of Revenue, and other leading economists) provided data or input. This analysis includes direct, indirect, and multiplier effects the project could generate for the Washington economy during both the development phase and ongoing operations. In conducting this study Deloitte relied on assumptions that have been provided for the proposed project by Boeing and on revenue information provided by the Office of Financial Management. The analyses and results contained herein are subject to the limitations set forth in the Appendix attached to this report. Deloitte then utilized IMPLAN’s input-output software to estimate the direct, indirect, and induced effects of the development upon the local economy. The analysis was contingent upon non-proprietary estimates provided by Boeing, including: In-state construction and capital spending (for both goods and services) for the project, over the entire analysis period In-state annual spending on goods and services by Boeing Number of full-time equivalent Boeing jobs, including wages and benefits In-state investment and annual spending (including construction) by suppliers; Number of full-time equivalent supplier jobs, including wages and benefits Office of Financial Management economists provided estimated State general fund tax figures which have been incorporated into the IMPLAN model. These taxes are anticipated to result in additional revenue for the State general fund due to the 7E7 project. It should be noted that the effect of the reduction in the State aerospace B&O tax rate and revenue related to the 7E7 project that will occur as a direct result of the project, have been factored into the tax revenue estimates provided. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 4 This study does not address the impact of the 7E7 project on any future Boeing decision making related to the development of new or derivative aircraft within the State of Washington. Summary results for the analysis are included in following table (definitions of the key terminology can be found on page 16): Summary Results 2004 - Pre-Construction EMPLOYMENT INCOME OUTPUT Impact High Direct 2006 - Construction Low High 2008 - Finish Construction/Early Operations Low High Low 2012 - Steady State/Ongoing Operations High Low $1,118,526,000 $686,369,000 $2,906,046,000 $1,630,265,000 $3,225,960,000 $1,206,259,000 $2,091,298,000 $729,845,000 Indirect & Induced $843,560,000 $501,123,000 $2,208,015,000 $1,194,163,000 $2,403,157,000 $872,560,000 $1,553,375,000 $524,656,000 Total $1,962,086,000 $1,187,491,000 $5,114,061,000 $2,824,429,000 $5,629,118,000 $2,078,819,000 $3,644,673,000 $1,254,501,000 Direct $559,335,000 $244,960,000 $1,382,248,000 $561,880,000 $1,556,565,000 $410,898,000 $1,024,387,000 $254,832,000 Indirect & Induced $489,559,000 $280,935,000 $1,280,819,000 $668,081,000 $1,386,607,000 $485,565,000 $896,597,000 $293,296,000 Total $1,048,893,000 $525,896,000 $2,663,067,000 $1,229,961,000 $2,943,173,000 $896,463,000 $1,920,984,000 $548,127,000 Direct 5,090 2,860 15,820 7,120 14,110 5,140 9,280 3,250 Indirect & Induced 8,050 4,570 21,070 10,830 22,780 7,910 14,790 4,800 Total 13,130 7,430 2004 Dollars (Totals may not add due to rounding) 36,890 17,950 36,890 13,060 24,070 8,060 Highlights of the total direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for 2004 (Pre-Construction) for the 7E7 project include (2004 dollars): Direct employment of approximately 2,860-5,090 jobs created within the State from the proposed development (See IMPLAN explanation in the Appendix on page 23.) Total indirect and induced employment of approximately 4,570-8,050 jobs in the State of Washington as a result to business and household spending effects Output of $1.19 billion to $2.00 billion Income of $526 million to $1.05 billion State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 5 Highlights of the total direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for 2006 (Construction) for the 7E7 project include (2004 dollars): Direct employment of approximately 7,120-15,820 jobs created within the State from the proposed development Total indirect and induced employment of approximately 10,830-21,070 jobs in the State of Washington as a result to business and household spending effects Output of $2.82 billion to $5.11 billion Income of $1.23 billion to $2.66 billion Highlights of the total direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for 2008 (Finish Construction/Early Operations) for the 7E7 project include (2004 dollars): Direct employment of approximately 5,140-14,110 jobs created within the State from the proposed development Total indirect and induced employment of approximately 7,910-22,780 jobs in the State of Washington as a result to business and household spending effects Output of $2.08 billion to $5.63 billion Income of $897 million to $2.94 billion Highlights of the total direct, indirect and induced economic impacts for 2012 (Steady State/Ongoing Operations) for the 7E7 project include (2004 dollars): Annual direct employment of approximately 3,250-9,280 permanent jobs created within the State from the proposed development Total indirect and induced employment of approximately 4,800-14,790 jobs in the State of Washington as a result to business and household spending effects Output of $1.25 billion to $3.64 billion Income of $548 million to $1.92 billion State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 6 II. Employment and Income Analysis of the Boeing 7E7 Project Background and Study Region The State of Washington (“State”) engaged Deloitte to complete an analysis of the potential employment and associated income and sales that could result from the proposed 7E7 project. Boeing and an Advisory Group (Office of Financial Management, Department of Revenue, and other leading economists) provided data or input. Our analysis includes direct, indirect, and multiplier effects the project could generate for the Washington economy during both the development phase and ongoing operations. At a Statewide level, Boeing has provided Deloitte with the timing of construction and operations of the facility, overall spend by Boeing, potential Boeing employment levels and estimated spending and employment for major suppliers of the proposed development. The proposed 7E7 project would generate a number of economic benefits for the State. This analysis quantifies ongoing economic benefits to the area, such as an injection of additional or supported jobs for residents, new sales for businesses, and additional income for workers and other residents. According to Boeing representatives, the extent of the impact generated within the entire State from the 7E7 project is anticipated to be focused in a four-county area including Snohomish, King, Pierce, and Skagit. As such, while the impact at the “State” level has been analyzed in this report, it is assumed that the majority of the impacts would take place within the four-county area. For the purposes of our analysis, the State of Washington is considered to be the geographic area of study. The summary data for the region as reported by IMPLAN is as follows: Table 1. General Demographical Data for the State of Washington State Washington Area (sq. mi.) 66,581 Population 5,987,973 Employment 3,584,766 Households 2,496,301 Total Income $191,644,600,000 Income per Household $76,771 2001 data State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 7 Development of Assumptions Boeing provided Deloitte all of the inputs and assumptions utilized to evaluate the potential impact of the 7E7 project with the exception of tax impacts, which were provided by the Office of Financial Management. Deloitte relied solely on information provided by Boeing and the State of Washington in its analysis. The following information was provided by Boeing in the form of ranges, estimated as low and high potential impacts: Overall timing of the construction phases and operational phases of the 7E7 project; Building construction, machinery and equipment, and other capital item spending information; Raw materials and other relevant goods and services spending by Boeing; Direct Boeing employment and wage and benefit information; and, Estimated spending and employment for major suppliers as a result of the proposed project. Office of Financial Management economists provided estimated State general fund tax figures which have been incorporated into the IMPLAN model. These taxes are anticipated to result in additional revenue for the State general fund due to the 7E7 project. It should be noted that the effect of the reduction in the State aerospace B&O tax rate and revenue related to the 7E7 project that will occur as a direct result of the project, have been factored into the tax revenue estimates provided. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 8 Boeing has indicated that it is estimated that new or increased spending as a result of the construction and operation of the 7E7 project will be less impactful in the following areas; and did not provide spending assumptions for: Furniture, fixtures, and equipment Office supplies Contractor services in the areas of security, landscaping, building maintenance and food service Additionally, Boeing could not confidently provide estimates for state and local sales taxes, property taxes, and major supplier spending on furniture fixtures, and equipment, machinery and equipment, office supplies, or contractor services. As such, the above spending categories have not been incorporated into the analysis in order to not overstate potential spending. The investment, ongoing spending, and employment estimates were estimated at different points in the construction and operation of the project. Key phases have been analyzed as follows: 2004 – Pre-Construction 2006 – Construction 2008 – Finish Construction / Early Operations 2012 – Steady State / Ongoing Operations Due to the unique nature of the 7E7 project and the specialized type of workers necessary, specific project wage and benefit information that was provided by Boeing was utilized to make adjustments to existing IMPLAN sectors 351-Aircraft Manufacturing and 353-Other Aircraft Parts and Equipment. These adjustments were made to provide a more accurate representation of the salaries estimated to be earned by Boeing 7E7 workers and major suppliers thereof. These salary adjustments, along with overall inputs to the model, can be seen in the following tables. Detailed assumptions for our analysis are found in the Appendix attached to this report. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 9 Table 2. IMPLAN Aircraft Sector Adjustments 351 Aircraft Manufacturing VALUE ADDED Employee Compensation Proprietary Income Other Property Income Indirect Business Taxes Per Worker EMPLOYMENT All occupations OUTPUT Industry Output 353 Other Aircraft Parts and Equipment VALUE ADDED Employee Compensation Proprietary Income Other Property Income Indirect Business Taxes Per Worker EMPLOYMENT All occupations OUTPUT Industry Output Original Implan $ (Millions) $5,901.660 $255.914 -$154.599 $98.553 $6,101.528 $82,149 74,274 High $116,344 $8,641.365 $255.914 Estimated Boeing Weighted Average Wages and Benefits ($2004) 2006 2008 2012 Low High Low High Low High Low $81,551 $116,344 $81,551 $111,471 $77,348 $108,081 $73,527 $6,057.092 $8,641.365 $6,057.092 $8,279.396 $5,744.937 $8,027.591 $5,461.160 $255.914 $255.914 $255.914 $255.914 $255.914 $255.914 $255.914 $8,897.279 $119,790 $6,313.006 $84,996 2004 74,274 74,274 $8,897.279 $119,790 74,274 $6,313.006 $84,996 74,274 $8,535.310 $114,917 74,274 $6,000.851 $80,793 74,274 $8,283.505 $111,526 74,274 $5,717.074 $76,973 74,274 $21,692.990 Original Implan $ (Millions) $435.869 $6.490 $85.786 $6.680 $534.825 $64,005 8,356 High $142,980 $1,194.743 $6.490 Estimated Supplier Wages and Benefits ($2004) 2006 2008 Low High Low High Low $100,317 $142,980 $100,317 $128,682 $86,941 $838.247 $1,194.743 $838.247 $1,075.269 $726.481 $6.490 $6.490 $6.490 $6.490 $6.490 2012 High Low $128,682 $86,941 $1,075.269 $726.481 $6.490 $6.490 $1,201.233 $143,757 $844.737 $101,093 $1,081.759 $129,459 2004 8,356 8,356 $1,201.233 $143,757 8,356 $844.737 $101,093 8,356 $1,081.759 $129,459 8,356 $732.971 $87,718 8,356 8,356 $732.971 $87,718 8,356 $1,878.971 Note: To adjust Implan sectors 351 and 353 to look more like estimated Boeing and supplier wages - employee compensation in the model was tied to estimated wages and benefits provided by Boeing State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 10 Table 3. Inputs to the Model 2004 (Pre-Construction) Impact General Description BOEING SPENDING/EMPLOYMENT Building Construction Machinery and Equipment Tooling Design Construction Assembly Materials Raw Materials A B Fuel Administrative IMPLAN Sector IMPLAN Sector Description Corresponding NAICS Code(s) High 2008 (Finish Construction / Early Operations) 2006 (Construction) Low High Low $31,836,000 $44,836,000 Low High Low Labor and materials for bldgs. General equipment 37 269 Manufacturing & Industrial Bldgs. All Other Industrial Machinery 23 333298 $42,448,000 $10,612,000 Internal aerospace labor Equipment erection, foundations, etc. Scaffolding, welding, etc. Tool materials Machine parts Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) For test flights & planes to leave state 351 45 296 282 Aircraft Manufacturing Other Maint. & Repair Construction Welding & Soldering Equipment Special Tool, Die, Jig, & Fixture 336411 230340 3339992 333514 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible $3,714,000 $1,486,000 $1,486,000 $743,000 352 353 407 Aircraft Engine & Engine Parts Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment Gasoline Stations 336412 336413 447 $0 $0 Negligible $0 $0 Negligible $0 $0 Negligible 417 243 455 Sofware Publishers Machine Shops Business Support Services 5112 33271 5614 $85,077,000 $26,177,000 $6,544,000 $13,211,000 $204,184,000 $4,404,000 $62,826,000 $2,202,000 $15,706,000 $33,028,000 $299,082,000 $28,194,000 $162,959,000 $13,515,000 $11,009,000 $92,025,000 $9,398,000 $50,141,000 $4,505,000 $5,505,000 $23,006,000 $4,699,000 $12,535,000 $2,253,000 State general fund 504 State & Local Non-Education NA $37,595,000 $21,758,000 $110,539,000 $55,021,000 $115,688,000 $41,894,000 Engineers, tooling, manufacturing, etc. Production All OH not related to a specific part Administrative 351 351 351 351 Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing 336411 336411 336411 336411 Engineers, tooling, manufacturing, etc. Production All OH not related to a specific part Administrative 351 351 351 351 Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing 336411 336411 336411 336411 37 Manufacturing & Industrial Bldgs. 23 352 353 Aircraft Engine & Engine Parts Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment 336412 336413 $0 $0 $0 $0 353 353 Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment 336413 336413 800 0 500 0 353 353 Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment Other Aircraft Parts & Equipment 336413 336413 $114,384,000 $0 Virtual Manufacturing Environment Computers purchase, setup and maintenance Supplies Other perishable tools, shop supplies Training Training and other related $3,184,000 $297,138,000 $3,449,000 $169,793,000 High 2012 (Steady State Ongoing Operations) $531,000 $212,000 $212,000 $106,000 $42,448,000 $10,612,000 $21,224,000 $10,612,000 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible $3,714,000 $1,486,000 $1,486,000 $743,000 $531,000 $212,000 $212,000 $106,000 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible $0 $19,523,000 $0 $19,523,000 Negligible $1,000,000 $3,429,000 $3,429,000 $150,000 $16,714,000 $16,714,000 $2,000,000 $2,816,000 $2,816,000 $1,000,000 Taxes Income Taxes Employment (Jobs Created) Direct Nonrecurring Direct Recurring Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) Support Employment (Wages and Benefits) Direct Nonrecurring Direct Recurring Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) Support MAJOR SUPPLIER SPENDING/EMPLOYMENT Building Construction Labor and materials for bldgs. Raw Materials Machine parts A Engine parts (50% of Total) B Other parts (50% of Total) Employment (Jobs Created) Direct Nonrecurring Tooling, manufacturing, etc. Direct Recurring Production Employment (Wages and Benefits) Direct Nonrecurring Tooling, manufacturing, etc. Direct Recurring Production State of Washington June 2004 1,625 0 0 875 1,170 0 0 630 3,900 0 0 2,100 2,925 0 0 1,575 1,950 2,500 375 2,488 975 1,000 100 1,075 $78,979,000 $27,037,000 0 2,500 375 1,438 0 1,000 100 550 $232,343,000 $117,371,000 $557,623,000 $293,427,000 $278,812,000 $97,809,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $321,706,000 $86,941,000 $321,706,000 $86,941,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,256,000 $8,694,000 $48,256,000 $8,694,000 $58,518,000 $29,420,000 $140,444,000 $73,551,000 $166,359,000 $50,202,000 $96,137,000 $25,685,000 Negligible Negligible $106,121,000 $21,224,000 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,295,000 $10,295,000 $1,739,000 $1,739,000 $10,295,000 $10,295,000 $1,739,000 $1,739,000 800 0 500 0 0 2,000 0 800 0 2,000 0 800 $50,158,000 $114,384,000 $0 $0 $50,158,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $257,364,000 $69,553,000 $257,364,000 $69,553,000 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 11 Overall Results The estimated economic impacts of the proposed 7E7 project for each of the major phases of the development and operations of the project are as follows: Table 4. Overall Results 2004 - Pre-Construction EMPLOYMENT INCOME OUTPUT Impact High Direct 2006 - Construction Low High 2008 - Finish Construction/Early Operations Low High Low 2012 - Steady State/Ongoing Operations High Low $1,118,526,000 $686,369,000 $2,906,046,000 $1,630,265,000 $3,225,960,000 $1,206,259,000 $2,091,298,000 $729,845,000 Indirect & Induced $843,560,000 $501,123,000 $2,208,015,000 $1,194,163,000 $2,403,157,000 $872,560,000 $1,553,375,000 $524,656,000 Total $1,962,086,000 $1,187,491,000 $5,114,061,000 $2,824,429,000 $5,629,118,000 $2,078,819,000 $3,644,673,000 $1,254,501,000 Direct $559,335,000 $244,960,000 $1,382,248,000 $561,880,000 $1,556,565,000 $410,898,000 $1,024,387,000 $254,832,000 Indirect & Induced $489,559,000 $280,935,000 $1,280,819,000 $668,081,000 $1,386,607,000 $485,565,000 $896,597,000 $293,296,000 Total $1,048,893,000 $525,896,000 $2,663,067,000 $1,229,961,000 $2,943,173,000 $896,463,000 $1,920,984,000 $548,127,000 Direct 5,090 2,860 15,820 7,120 14,110 5,140 9,280 3,250 Indirect & Induced 8,050 4,570 21,070 10,830 22,780 7,910 14,790 4,800 Total 13,130 7,430 2004 Dollars (Totals may not add due to rounding) 36,890 17,950 36,890 13,060 24,070 8,060 Output – represents the estimated increase in total production for all industries in the State supported by the project, and is a measure of overall economic activity. Output can also be thought of as the increase in the value of total sales for the State, or “Gross Local Product”. See detailed results on Page 13. Value Added (Income) – represents the estimated increase in total payroll (including benefits) for all industries in the State supported by the project. It includes wages and salaries of workers, self-employed individuals, and income received by private business owners, doctors, lawyers, etc. See detailed results on Page 14. Employment – represents the estimated total jobs created and supported by the project, on both a temporary and ongoing basis. See detailed results on Page 15. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 12 Detailed Summary of Results – Output The output contribution for specific industry sectors follow in the table below: Table 5. Summary Output Results 2004 - Pre-Construction Industry Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Transportation & Warehousing Retail Trade Information Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental Professional-Scientific & Tech Svcs Management of Companies Administrative & Waste Services Educational Svcs Health & Social Services Arts- Entertainment & Recreation Accomodation & Food Services Other Services Government & Non NAICs Total Multiplier 2006 - Construction High Low High 6,235,000 3,119,000 16,400,000 590,000 342,000 1,607,000 7,235,000 4,079,000 18,728,000 47,622,000 6,314,000 418,090,000 1,136,849,000 780,466,000 2,657,480,000 80,550,000 54,724,000 220,661,000 33,122,000 21,221,000 86,094,000 63,882,000 31,691,000 167,745,000 107,511,000 24,993,000 263,384,000 60,878,000 33,312,000 161,043,000 41,500,000 21,847,000 111,211,000 52,082,000 34,616,000 145,783,000 12,598,000 9,276,000 31,137,000 23,193,000 11,124,000 60,248,000 5,343,000 2,952,000 13,613,000 82,161,000 40,671,000 209,468,000 9,504,000 4,913,000 24,354,000 36,694,000 19,362,000 94,069,000 39,733,000 21,376,000 104,811,000 114,804,000 61,094,000 308,135,000 $1,962,086,000 $1,187,491,000 $5,114,061,000 1.75 1.73 1.76 2004 Dollars (Totals may not add due to rounding) Low 7,365,000 788,000 9,409,000 60,449,000 1,810,932,000 132,799,000 48,665,000 75,042,000 61,091,000 79,067,000 51,942,000 83,150,000 20,321,000 26,783,000 7,028,000 95,364,000 11,553,000 45,551,000 50,148,000 146,982,000 $2,824,429,000 1.73 2008 - Finish Construction/Early Operations High 17,206,000 1,657,000 20,506,000 58,863,000 3,300,760,000 232,155,000 95,496,000 177,254,000 363,783,000 170,702,000 117,167,000 149,811,000 37,998,000 71,527,000 15,118,000 227,512,000 26,599,000 102,918,000 111,382,000 330,705,000 $5,629,118,000 1.74 Low 5,311,000 598,000 7,080,000 16,326,000 1,356,852,000 96,670,000 37,489,000 54,017,000 48,768,000 57,590,000 37,860,000 61,796,000 16,662,000 20,454,000 5,091,000 68,837,000 8,398,000 33,187,000 36,920,000 108,912,000 $2,078,819,000 1.72 2012 - Steady State/Ongoing Operations High 11,250,000 1,107,000 13,585,000 31,137,000 2,163,579,000 149,856,000 63,566,000 116,981,000 204,371,000 111,135,000 75,992,000 97,049,000 26,122,000 43,409,000 9,725,000 148,631,000 17,324,000 67,039,000 73,088,000 219,725,000 $3,644,673,000 1.74 Low 3,260,000 386,000 4,464,000 14,103,000 810,078,000 58,080,000 23,775,000 33,892,000 26,028,000 35,138,000 23,309,000 37,783,000 11,075,000 11,858,000 3,022,000 41,909,000 5,109,000 20,179,000 22,911,000 68,141,000 $1,254,501,000 1.72 Output represents the net new increase in total production for all industries in the State supported by the project (given the stated assumptions), and is a measure of overall economic activity. Output can also be thought of as the increase in the value of total sales for the State, or “Gross Local Product”. Figures in the table include direct, indirect, and induced impacts. . State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 13 Detailed Summary of Results – Value Added (Income) The value added (income) contribution for specific industry sectors follows below: Table 6. Summary Value Added (Income) Results 2004 - Pre-Construction Industry Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Transportation & Warehousing Retail Trade Information Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental Professional-Scientific & Tech Svcs Management of Companies Administrative & Waste Services Educational Svcs Health & Social Services Arts- Entertainment & Recreation Accomodation & Food Services Other Services Government & Non NAICs Total Multiplier 2006 - Construction High Low High 2,029,000 1,012,000 5,430,000 138,000 79,000 381,000 3,357,000 1,897,000 8,669,000 23,252,000 3,007,000 205,292,000 514,933,000 259,596,000 1,115,199,000 54,040,000 36,714,000 148,037,000 17,981,000 11,656,000 46,434,000 39,730,000 19,710,000 104,375,000 72,601,000 15,942,000 177,266,000 34,316,000 19,054,000 90,617,000 30,031,000 15,859,000 80,354,000 39,658,000 26,454,000 110,790,000 9,065,000 6,674,000 22,404,000 16,895,000 8,023,000 43,849,000 3,342,000 1,849,000 8,520,000 47,123,000 23,326,000 120,138,000 5,900,000 3,042,000 15,113,000 19,185,000 10,193,000 49,219,000 21,374,000 11,467,000 56,292,000 93,944,000 50,340,000 254,690,000 $1,048,893,000 $525,896,000 $2,663,067,000 1.88 2.15 1.93 2004 Dollars (Totals may not add due to rounding) Low 2,406,000 185,000 4,370,000 29,518,000 572,699,000 89,092,000 26,615,000 46,680,000 39,075,000 45,197,000 37,698,000 63,435,000 14,621,000 19,352,000 4,401,000 54,695,000 7,152,000 23,991,000 26,909,000 121,870,000 $1,229,961,000 2.19 2008 - Finish Construction/Early Operations High 5,582,000 387,000 9,524,000 28,570,000 1,415,697,000 155,748,000 52,076,000 110,162,000 247,404,000 96,568,000 84,895,000 114,218,000 27,341,000 52,319,000 9,459,000 130,488,000 16,506,000 53,881,000 59,891,000 272,458,000 $2,943,173,000 1.89 Low 1,727,000 139,000 3,294,000 7,873,000 422,645,000 64,854,000 20,626,000 33,588,000 31,478,000 33,015,000 27,494,000 47,241,000 11,989,000 14,806,000 3,190,000 39,481,000 5,197,000 17,495,000 19,789,000 90,541,000 $896,463,000 2.18 2012 - Steady State/Ongoing Operations High 3,646,000 257,000 6,311,000 14,993,000 949,270,000 100,536,000 34,727,000 72,604,000 138,226,000 62,854,000 55,034,000 74,070,000 18,795,000 31,630,000 6,085,000 85,246,000 10,751,000 35,087,000 39,285,000 181,576,000 $1,920,984,000 1.88 Low 1,061,000 89,000 2,078,000 6,829,000 257,054,000 38,965,000 13,121,000 21,010,000 16,580,000 20,143,000 16,915,000 28,931,000 7,969,000 8,543,000 1,894,000 24,037,000 3,162,000 10,636,000 12,265,000 56,846,000 $548,127,000 2.15 Value added (income) represents the net new increase in total payroll (including benefits) for all industries in the State supported by the project given the stated assumptions. It includes wages and salaries of workers, self-employed individuals, and income received by private business owners, doctors, lawyers, etc. Figures in the table include direct, indirect, and induced impacts. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 14 Detailed Summary of Results – Employment The employment contribution for specific industry sectors follows below: Table 7. Summary Employment Results Industry Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Transportation & Warehousing Retail Trade Information Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental Professional-Scientific & Tech Svcs Management of Companies Administrative & Waste Services Educational Svcs Health & Social Services Arts- Entertainment & Recreation Accomodation & Food Services Other Services Government & Non NAICs Total Multiplier 2004 - Pre-Construction High Low 100 50 0 0 10 10 590 70 4,370 2,920 570 390 330 220 1,160 580 270 90 430 240 270 140 650 430 110 80 480 230 130 70 1,120 550 250 130 830 440 620 330 820 470 13,130 7,430 2.58 2.59 2006 - Construction High Low 260 120 10 0 40 20 5,240 750 10,050 6,640 1,570 950 860 490 3,050 1,370 670 210 1,130 560 720 340 1,800 1,030 270 180 1,260 550 340 180 2,850 1,300 640 310 2,130 1,030 1,610 770 2,370 1,170 36,890 17,950 2.33 2.52 2008 - Finish Construction/Early Operations High Low 280 90 10 0 40 10 720 200 12,740 5,070 1,660 690 970 380 3,230 980 860 160 1,200 410 770 250 1,870 770 330 150 1,490 420 380 130 3,100 940 700 220 2,330 750 1,730 560 2,490 890 36,890 13,060 2.61 2.54 2012 - Steady State/Ongoing Operations High Low 180 50 10 0 30 10 380 170 8,440 3,090 1,070 410 640 240 2,130 620 500 90 780 250 500 150 1,220 470 230 100 900 240 250 80 2,020 570 460 140 1,520 450 1,130 340 1,690 570 24,070 8,060 2.59 2.48 Employment represents the estimated total net new jobs created and supported by the project given the stated assumptions. Figures in the table include direct, indirect, and induced impacts. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 15 III. Glossary For the purposes of this report, specific terms are defined as follows: Direct Impacts: Include output, income, and employment generated from the operation and construction of the facility. Includes both Boeing employees tied to the 7E7 project, specific jobs created at major suppliers of the project, and additional jobs created from direct expenditures of the project including construction, raw materials, fuel, tooling, income taxes etc. Direct impacts measure the changes in the employment and expenditures due to the operation of the facility itself. Employment: Represents the estimated total jobs created and supported by the project, on both a temporary and ongoing basis. Indirect Impacts: Include output, income, and employment generated from the changes in inter-industry purchases (supplier to supplier) as they respond to the demands of the directly affected industries. Indirect impacts include business-to-business purchases arising from local spending for goods and services. Induced Impacts: Include output, income, and employment effects on all local industries caused by the expenditures of household income generated by the direct and indirect impacts. Output: Represents the estimated increase in total production for all industries in the region supported by the project, and is a measure of overall economic activity. Output can also be thought of as the increase in the value of total sales for the State, or “Gross Local Product”. Value Added/Income: Represents the estimated increase in total payroll (including benefits) for all industries in the region supported by the project. It includes wages and salaries of workers, self-employed individuals, and income received by private business owners, doctors, lawyers, etc. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 16 IV. Appendix Detailed Assumptions Table 8. Capital Assumptions: Boeing Construction/Capital Spending Pre-Construction (2004) Total Spend $2001 (High) $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $28,000,000 $14,000,000 $5,600,000 $5,600,000 $2,800,000 Total Spend $2001 (Low) $60,000,000 $65,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $800,000 $800,000 $400,000 % Spend in Period (High) 10% 5% % Spend in Period (Low) 5% 5% Inflation Rate 2% 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) $42,448,000 $10,612,000 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible NA NA NA NA $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Spend $2001 (High) $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $28,000,000 $14,000,000 $5,600,000 $5,600,000 $2,800,000 Total Spend $2001 (Low) $60,000,000 $65,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $800,000 $800,000 $400,000 % Spend in Period (High) 70% 80% % Spend in Period (Low) 50% 65% Inflation Rate 2% 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) $297,138,000 $169,793,000 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 2% 2% 2% 2% $3,714,000 $1,486,000 $1,486,000 $743,000 Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Total Spend Impact $2001 (High) Building Construction $40,000,000 Machinery & Equipment Total Negligible (1) Tooling Total $28,000,000 Design (50%) $14,000,000 Construction (20%) $5,600,000 Assembly (20%) $5,600,000 Materials (10%) $2,800,000 Total Spend $2001 (Low) $10,000,000 Negligible $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $800,000 $800,000 $400,000 % Spend in Period (High) 100% 0% % Spend in Period (Low) 100% 0% Inflation Rate 2% NA Period Spend $2004 (High) $42,448,000 $0 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 2% 2% 2% 2% $3,714,000 $1,486,000 $1,486,000 $743,000 Total Spend $2001 (High) $20,000,000 Negligible Total Spend $2001 (Low) $10,000,000 Negligible % Spend in Period (High) 100% 0% % Spend in Period (Low) 100% 0% Inflation Rate 2% NA Period Spend $2004 (High) $21,224,000 $0 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% NA NA NA NA $0 $0 $0 $0 Impact Building Construction Machinery & Equipment Total Tooling Total (1) Design (50%) Construction (20%) Assembly (20%) Materials (10%) Period Spend Comments $2004 (Low) $3,184,000 From 2004-2006 $3,449,000 $7M-$1M (2001$) per year of cons. (2005-2008) $0 Assumed 50% of total tooling $0 Assumed 20% of total tooling $0 Assumed 20% of total tooling $0 Assumed 10% of total tooling Mid-Construction (2006) Impact Building Construction Machinery & Equipment Total Tooling Total (1) Design (50%) Construction (20%) Assembly (20%) Materials (10%) Period Spend Comments $2004 (Low) $31,836,000 From 2004 to 2006 (Est. 25%-40% spend in 2005) $44,836,000 (Est. 15%-30% spend in 2005) $7M-$1M (2001$) per year of cons. (2005-2008) $531,000 Assumed 50% of total tooling $212,000 Assumed 20% of total tooling $212,000 Assumed 20% of total tooling $106,000 Assumed 10% of total tooling Period Spend Comments $2004 (Low) $10,612,000 Remaining increment of initial construction $0 $7M-$1M (2001$) per year of cons. (2005-2008) $531,000 Assumed 50% of total tooling $212,000 Assumed 20% of total tooling $212,000 Assumed 20% of total tooling $106,000 Assumed 10% of total tooling Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Impact Building Construction Machinery & Equipment Total Tooling Total (1) Design (50%) Construction (20%) Assembly (20%) Materials (10%) (1) State of Washington June 2004 Period Spend Comments $2004 (Low) $10,612,000 Continual yearly construction $0 $7M-$1M (2001$) per year of cons. (2005-2008) $0 Assumed 50% of total tooling $0 Assumed 20% of total tooling $0 Assumed 20% of total tooling $0 Assumed 10% of total tooling Estimated total spend of $10M-$140M from 2005 to 2008 of which 10%-20% ($1M-$7M annually) is In-State. Almost all is labor (88%-94%), of which 50% contractors/50% direct), 6-12% is materials (assumed 10%). Deloitte Consulting, LLP 17 Top Supplier Construction/Capital Spending Pre-Construction (2004) Total Spend $2001 (High) $100,000,000 Total Spend $2001 (Low) $20,000,000 % Spend in Period (High) 0% % Spend in Period (Low) 0% Inflation Rate 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) Negligible Period Spend $2004 (Low) Negligible Total Spend $2001 (High) $100,000,000 Total Spend $2001 (Low) $20,000,000 % Spend in Period (High) 100% % Spend in Period (Low) 100% Inflation Rate 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) $106,121,000 Period Spend $2004 (Low) $21,224,000 Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Total Spend Impact $2001 (High) $100,000,000 Building Construction Total Spend $2001 (Low) $20,000,000 % Spend in Period (High) 0% % Spend in Period (Low) 0% Inflation Rate 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) Negligible Period Spend $2004 (Low) Negligible Total Spend $2001 (Low) $20,000,000 % Spend in Period (High) 0% % Spend in Period (Low) 0% Inflation Rate 2% Period Spend $2004 (High) Negligible Period Spend $2004 (Low) Negligible Impact Building Construction Comments Mid-Construction (2006) Impact Building Construction Comments Comments Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Impact Building Construction Total Spend $2001 (High) $100,000,000 Comments General Assumptions All numbers provided by Boeing as 2001 dollars inflated to 2004 dollars As per Boeing, expenditure and employment in State is similar to what would occur in 4-County area All data from Boeing unless otherwise indicated All wage figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 3.5% All other relevant figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 2.0% Totals may not add due to rounding State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 18 Table 9. Goods and Services Spending Assumptions Boeing Goods/Services Spending Pre-Construction (2004) Impact Raw Materials (1) Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Fuel Administrative (2) Computers Supplies Training Taxes Income Taxes Mid-Construction (2006) Impact Raw Materials (1) Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Fuel Administrative (2) Computers Supplies Training Taxes Income Taxes Boeing $0 Boeing $0 Negligible $400,849,000 Negligible $124,492,000 Boeing $0 Boeing $0 Negligible $962,038,000 Negligible $311,230,000 Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Impact Boeing Raw Materials (1) $578,869,000 Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Fuel $942,000 Administrative (2) $1,409,156,000 Computers Supplies Training Taxes Income Taxes Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Impact Boeing Raw Materials (1) $457,002,000 Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Fuel $1,885,000 Administrative (2) $767,798,000 Computers Supplies Training Taxes Income Taxes Boeing $162,713,000 $141,000 $265,680,000 Boeing $121,545,000 $942,000 $127,356,000 % Spend in % Spend in 8% 5% 0% 0% 2% Period Spend $0 $0 $0 Negligible 20% 80% 10% 10% 60% 5% 2% 2% 2% $85,077,000 $26,177,000 $6,544,000 $13,211,000 $4,404,000 $2,202,000 30%-65% of 35%-45% of all direct labor spend 10%-20% of 30%-45% of all direct labor spend 5% of 30%-45% of all direct labor spend $37,595,000 $21,758,000 Estimated by State representatives - based on job creation Period Spend Comments $0 Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend $0 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $0 Estimated 50% of total raw materials Negligible % Spend in % Spend in 8% 5% Inflation 3.5% 0% 0% 2.0% Period Spend $0 $0 $0 Negligible 20% 80% 10% 10% 60% 5% 2% 2% 2% $204,184,000 $62,826,000 $15,706,000 $33,028,000 $11,009,000 $5,505,000 30%-65% of 35%-45% of all direct labor spend 10%-20% of 30%-45% of all direct labor spend 5% of 30%-45% of all direct labor spend $110,539,000 $55,021,000 Estimated by State representatives - based on job creation Period Spend Comments $6,857,000 Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend $3,429,000 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $3,429,000 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $150,000 % Spend in % Spend in 8% 5% Inflation 3.5% Period Spend Comments $0 Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend $0 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $0 Estimated 50% of total raw materials Negligible 100% 100% 2.0% Period Spend $39,045,000 $19,523,000 $19,523,000 $1,000,000 20% 80% 10% 10% 60% 5% 2% 2% 2% $299,082,000 $92,025,000 $23,006,000 $28,194,000 $9,398,000 $4,699,000 30%-65% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend 10%-20% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend 5% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend $115,688,000 $41,894,000 Estimated by State representatives - based on job creation Period Spend Comments $5,631,000 Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend $2,816,000 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $2,816,000 Estimated 50% of total raw materials $1,000,000 % Spend in % Spend in 8% 5% Inflation 3.5% Inflation 3.5% 100% 100% 2.0% Period Spend $33,427,000 $16,714,000 $16,714,000 $2,000,000 20% 80% 10% 10% 60% 5% 2% 2% 2% $162,959,000 $50,141,000 $12,535,000 $13,515,000 $4,505,000 $2,253,000 30%-65% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend 10%-20% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend 5% of 40%-60% of all direct labor spend $78,979,000 $27,037,000 Estimated by State representatives - based on job creation (1) Based on direct recurring labor, which is calculated on labor assumptions tables (equates to $38-$56/hr for 2,080 hrs for 1,000-2,500 employees) (2) Based on 30%-45% of direct labor (recurring and nonrecurring), which is calculated on labor assumptions tables (utilizing hourly wages for 2,080 hrs and applicable direct employees for each period) State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 19 Top Supplier Goods/Services Spending Pre-Construction (2004) Impact Raw Materials Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Supplier Direct Supplier Direct % Spend in % Spend in Recurring Labor Recurring Labor Period Period Spend $2001 Spend $2001 (High) (Low) (High) (Low) $0 $0 8% 5% Inflation Rate Period Spend $2004 (High) Period Spend $2004 (Low) 3.5% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inflation Rate Period Spend $2004 (High) Period Spend $2004 (Low) 3.5% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Inflation Rate Period Spend $2004 (High) Period Spend $2004 (Low) 3.5% $20,589,000 $10,295,000 $10,295,000 $3,478,000 $1,739,000 $1,739,000 Inflation Rate Period Spend $2004 (High) Period Spend $2004 (Low) 3.5% $20,589,000 $10,295,000 $10,295,000 $3,478,000 $1,739,000 $1,739,000 Comments Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend Estimated 50% of total raw materials Estimated 50% of total raw materials Pre-Construction (2006) Impact Raw Materials Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Supplier Direct Supplier Direct % Spend in % Spend in Recurring Labor Recurring Labor Period Period Spend $2001 Spend $2001 (High) (Low) (High) (Low) $0 $0 8% 5% Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Supplier Direct Supplier Direct % Spend in % Spend in Recurring Labor Recurring Labor Impact Period Period Spend $2001 Spend $2001 (High) (Low) (High) (Low) Raw Materials $624,000,000 $183,040,000 8% 5% Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Supplier Direct Supplier Direct % Spend in % Spend in Recurring Labor Recurring Labor Impact Period Period Spend $2001 Spend $2001 (High) (Low) (High) (Low) Raw Materials $624,000,000 $183,040,000 8% 5% Engine parts (50% of Total) Other parts (50% of Total) Comments Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend Comments Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend Estimated 50% of total raw materials Estimated 50% of total raw materials Comments Based on 5%-8% of annual recurring direct labor spend Estimated 50% of total raw materials Estimated 50% of total raw materials General Assumptions All numbers provided by Boeing as 2001 dollars inflated to 2004 dollars As per Boeing, expenditure and employment in State is similar to what would occur in 4-County area All data from Boeing unless otherwise indicated All wage figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 3.5% All other relevant figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 2.0% Totals may not add due to rounding State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 20 Table 10. Employment Assumptions Boeing Employment, Wages and Benefits Pre-Construction (2004) Impact Employment (Wages and Benefits) Direct Nonrecurring Direct Recurring Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) Support Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours Comments and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) 1,625 1,170 $62 $44 2,080 $209,560,000 $105,862,000 3.5% $232,343,000 $117,371,000 65% of total 2,500 high/1,500 low nonrecurring jobs 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 3.5% $0 $0 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 3.5% $0 $0 875 630 $29 $20 2,080 $52,780,000 $26,536,000 3.5% $58,518,000 $29,420,000 35% of total 2,500 high/1,500 low nonrecurring jobs Mid-Construction (2006) Impact Employment (Wages and Benefits) Direct Nonrecurring Direct Recurring Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) Support Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours Comments and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) 3,900 2,925 $62 $44 2,080 $502,944,000 $264,654,000 0.0% $557,623,000 $293,427,000 65% of total 6,000 high/4,500 low nonrecurring jobs 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 2,100 1,575 $29 $20 2,080 $126,672,000 $66,339,000 0.0% $140,444,000 $73,551,000 35% of total 6,000 high/4,500 low nonrecurring jobs Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Impact Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours Comments and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J Employment (Wages and Benefits) (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) Direct Nonrecurring 1,950 975 $62 $44 2,080 $251,472,000 $88,218,000 0.0% $278,812,000 $97,809,000 65% of 3,000 high/1,500 low nonrecurring jobs Direct Recurring 2,500 1,000 $56 $38 2,080 $290,160,000 $78,416,000 0.0% $321,706,000 $86,941,000 Avg. at midpoint of yr Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) 375 100 $56 $38 2,080 $43,524,000 $7,842,000 0.0% $48,256,000 $8,694,000 Est. at 10%-15% of $2008 recurring wages 35% of 3,000 high/1,500 low nonrecurring jobs + 50% over total recurring Support 2,488 1,075 $29 $20 2,080 $150,046,000 $45,279,000 0.0% $166,359,000 $50,202,000 Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Impact Employment (Wages and Benefits) Direct Nonrecurring Direct Recurring Indirect Recurring (Misc. Overhead) Support State of Washington June 2004 Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours Comments and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) 0 0 $62 $44 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 2,500 1,000 $56 $38 2,080 $290,160,000 $78,416,000 0.0% $321,706,000 $86,941,000 Avg. at midpoint of yr 375 100 $56 $38 2,080 $43,524,000 $7,842,000 0.0% $48,256,000 $8,694,000 Est. at 10%-15% of $2012 recurring wages 1,438 550 $29 $20 2,080 $86,710,000 $23,166,000 0.0% $96,137,000 $25,685,000 50% additional jobs over total recurring Deloitte Consulting, LLP 21 Top Supplier Employment, Wages and Benefits Pre-Construction (2004) Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Impact Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) per Year Benefits Benefits (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J Employment (Wages and Benefits) (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) Direct Nonrecurring 800 500 $62 $44 2,080 $103,168,000 $45,240,000 3.5% $114,384,000 $50,158,000 Direct Recurring 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 2.0% $0 $0 Comments Mid-Construction (2006) Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Impact Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J Employment (Wages and Benefits) (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) Direct Nonrecurring 800 500 $62 $44 2,080 $103,168,000 $45,240,000 0.0% $114,384,000 $50,158,000 Direct Recurring 0 0 $56 $38 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 Comments Finish Construction/Early Operations (2008) Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Impact Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J Employment (Wages and Benefits) (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) Direct Nonrecurring 0 0 $62 $44 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 Direct Recurring 2,000 800 $56 $38 2,080 $232,128,000 $62,733,000 0.0% $257,364,000 $69,553,000 Comments Steady State/Ongoing Operations (2012) Est. Est. Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Hourly Hourly Estimate $2001 Wages $2001 Wages Inflation Period Wages and Period Wages and Impact Headcount Headcount Wages+ Wages+ d Hours and Benefits and Benefits Rate Benefits $2004 (High) Benefits $2004 (Low) (High) (Low) Benefits Benefits per Year (High) (Low) (High) (Low) A B C D E F G H I J Employment (Wages and Benefits) (A x C x E) (B x D x E) (F x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) (G x (1+H)^(2004-2001)) Direct Nonrecurring 0 0 $62 $44 2,080 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 Direct Recurring 2,000 800 $56 $38 2,080 $232,128,000 $62,733,000 0.0% $257,364,000 $69,553,000 Comments General Assumptions All numbers provided by Boeing as 2001 dollars inflated to 2004 dollars As per Boeing, expenditure and employment in State is similar to what would occur in 4-County area All data from Boeing unless otherwise indicated All wage figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 3.5% All other relevant figures inflated from 2001 dollars @ 2.0% Totals may not add due to rounding State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 22 Limitations All information contained in this report is the sole representation and responsibility of the State of Washington and Boeing. The financial information and analysis herein does not constitute an examination of compilation of prospective financial information, nor a fairness or solvency opinion in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Accordingly, we express no opinion or other form of assurance on the market or financial feasibility of the proposed development or upon the financial information and analyses contained herein. Further, Deloitte does not assume any responsibility for any financial and tax reporting with respect to the information contained herein, and has no responsibility to address any legal matters or questions of law. This analysis is based on information and estimates available through the date of this report, provided to us by Boeing and the State of Washington as indicated herein. We cannot confirm or warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information provided by these sources. Estimates, by their very nature, are inherently subject to both known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to vary materially from the estimates, including but not limited to general economic and business conditions, demographic and technology changes, existing and future government regulations and tax policies, active and potential future competition, and other relevant factors. This report may not be included, referenced, or incorporated by reference in any prospectus, financial placement, private placement memorandum, or other financing-related document. Furthermore, no reference to Deloitte or this report may be made in any filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other federal, state, or foreign regulatory agency. IMPLAN The employment and income projections in this report were developed using IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning), a model originally developed to assist the U.S. Forest Service in land and resource management planning. IMPLAN was developed independently and is a respected and widely acknowledged tool for this type of analysis. State of Washington June 2004 Deloitte Consulting, LLP 23