Courses are offered on a 4-month Semester basis

PIM Fact Sheet for Incoming Students: 2009-2010
Last updated: March 2009
Dina Bakopanos, Student Advisor
Masters Programs Office (MBA Program)
Desautels Faculty of Management
1-514-398-4042; Fax 1-514-398-2499
Contact person
Donald Melville, Director
Masters Programs Office
Desautels Faculty of Management
Fax 1-514-398-2499
School address
McGill University
Desautels Faculty of Management – MBA Program
1001 Sherbrooke Street West – Room 302
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3A 1G5
Deadlines to Nominate
FALL 2009: April 1st 2009
WINTER 2010: August 3rd 2009
Deadlines to Apply
Fall term (Sept.–Dec.) Friday May 1st 2009
Winter term (Jan.–Apr.) September 2009 – exact date to be announced
Required Documents
- Exchange application – online at
- Official transcript showing enrolment into a Graduate- level program
- Certified Translation of transcript - if not in the English or French language
- A letter from the Program Director confirming that the applicant is in a
Graduate-level program at his/her home university
- Passport photo
- Current Resume / Curriculum vitae (that includes an email address)
IMPORTANT: ALL documents must be RECEIVED by the MBA office
no later than the application deadlines mentioned above.
Study program
Exchange students may take courses in the following areas:
Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Information
Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, and Strategic Management.
Exchange students must take their courses in the Desautels Faculty
of Management MBA program.
Exchange students take MBA elective courses. Students may view the
schedule of the current year by going to
A brief course description is available at
Language of Instruction
Language requirement
Language courses
English is the language of instruction
English (TOEFL with a minimum overall score of 86 on the iBT, and a
score of at least 20 for each of its four components (or a minimum score of
213 on the computer-based test, or 550 on the paper-based test; or IELTS
with a minimum overall band of 6.5)
English language courses are not offered as part of the MBA program.
Extra-fee courses may be taken through the McGill’s English and French
Language Centre
Exchange students must be in their final year of a Graduate program.
Exchange students are required to take a minimum of 4 courses (each
course has a credit weight of 3) to be considered “full-time”. The standard
load for McGill full time students is 5 courses. Exchange students are also
welcomed to take 5 courses.
Full-time Workload
The classes are given twice a week for 1.5 hours or once a week for 3
hours. Each 3-credit course has 39 contact hours. Classes run for 13
weeks, followed by an examination period.
Learning Expectations
Most classes are case based, requiring group work. Class participation is
encouraged and even expected as a portion of the final grade is awarded
based on class participation.
All courses are graded out of 100% with a minimum of 65% required to
pass a course.
85 to 100%
80 to 84%
75 to 79%
70 to 74%
65 to 69%
0 to 64% ; Failure
How are transcripts handled?
Two copies of the transcript will be sent free of charge to the partner
university’s exchange office at the end of the term.
Not all courses have final examinations. The course outline will say
whether or not there is a final exam. The examinations are held in the twoweek period following the last class. Special arrangements cannot be
made for exchange students to write their exams in other than the official
examination period. The examination schedule is available in mid-October
for the Fall term and mid-February in the Winter term.
Term dates for the academic year 2009-2010
Courses are offered on a 4-month Semester basis:
The FALL term runs from early September to late December.
The WINTER term runs from early January to late April.
The Fall 2009 term begins on:
September 1, 2009 and ends on December 22, 2009.
Fall 2009
It is recommended that students arrive a minimum of two weeks prior to
the beginning of classes. The Calendar of Dates which includes all
important dates may be obtained by going to
The Winter 2010 term begins on:
January 4, 2010 and ends on April 30, 2010.
Winter 2010
Summer programs or shortterm programs
Living Expenses
Health insurance
It is recommended that students arrive a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the
beginning of classes. The Calendar of Dates which includes all important
dates may be obtained by going to
The summer term is not open to exchange students.
There is no on-campus housing for graduate students at McGill. The offcampus housing office at McGill provides a list of apartments for rent: Rent for a 1 bedroom furnished
apartment runs between $800 and $1000 per month.
Health insurance is compulsory. However, the Government of Quebec
has agreements with some countries which exempt international students
from the International Health Insurance Plan. The list of exempted
countries will be provided from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Office along with the letter of acceptance. If required to pay the
international health insurance, the relevant fee is approximately $300 for
a single coverage for 1 term (subject to change without notice).
*** It is important to note that health insurance is set by default to an
annual fee. Upon their arrival exchange students should present
themselves to the International Student Services Office in order to set
their coverage solemnly for 1 semester and ensure that they pay the
appropriate fees.
Student Services
Students coming on exchange for less than six months do not need a
Student Visa. Instead a Tourist visa is required. Tourist Visa
requirements differ by country. As a result, we strongly recommend that
the exchange student contacts the Canadian Embassy or Consulate of
their country. Additional information will be included in the package sent
from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office.
All exchange students will be given an e-mail address; have full access
to the MBA computer lab, Management Career Centre and to the
University libraries.
All exchange students will be assigned a “buddy” whose role will be to
help them get settled in Montreal. In addition, there are many social
activities, clubs, etc., organized by the MBA students in which the
exchange students are encouraged to participate.
FALL term: The MBA program office hosts orientation week in the Fall
(normally in August) for newly admitted students. Exchange students are
also invited to participate, however it is not mandatory.
Career services
WINTER term: There is no admission process to the MBA program for
the Winter session and thus no orientation session. Exchange students
are encouraged to present themselves at the MBA program office for any
Internships are not available to exchange students.
Exchange students may apply for full-time positions posted through the
Management Career Centre.
Exchange Services
The MBA program office is involved in all aspects of student life
pertaining to the academics of the MBA program, including exchange
students. Our Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office issues the
official acceptance to the program and all other related official