PRESENT:– Cllr A Lord (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr A Bufton (Deputy Mayor), Cllr N Bally, Cllr M
Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr R Reid, Cllr J Wilding,
APOLOGIES: Cllr Z Argent, Cllr J Hopkins, Cllr Pip Turner, Cllr William Powell (Town & Powys
County Councillor).
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk
Virginia Brown – For item re World War I events in 2014
welcomed Virginia to the meeting. Virginia introduced herself and spoke about the World War One
Walk, one of the Walks at Talgarth Walking Festival (2-5 May 2014), which commemorates the men
of Talgarth who gave their lives in the First World War. She said they plan to visit places in and
around Talgarth where some of the men lived and worked and their memorials and she is trying to
find out as much as possible about the town at that time, relating to the war, and would like to look at
the Town Council records for 1914-1919 and perhaps later years. She mentioned that the Brecon
County Times is now online and there are reports of Town Council meetings.
Virginia was also pleased to report that she has recently located the original Town’s World War I
Memorial for Talgarth which took the form of a brass plaque and this was removed from the Town
Hall when the Memorial by the river near the Town square was unveiled in 1957. This plaque was in
safe keeping with John Gwynne, a former Town Councillor.
She also informed Town Councillors that they are hoping to record their findings in association
with the Historical Society.
Town Councillors were interested in this project and keen to see this original plaque properly
conserved and replaced in the Town Hall with some of the original historic panelling, housed in the
Town Hall basement. The Council wondered if they could apply for grants and Lottery funding for
this. Agreed Cllr J Wilding take a lead with Virginia on this Project WW1 for Talgarth.
Proposed by Cllr A Bufton, Deputy Mayor and seconded by Cllr M Dodds, all in favour, agreed that
the original World War I Memorial plaque should be restored and re-sited back in the Town Hall.
Virginia said that Alan Lovell, Historic Society is preparing a grant application for the restoration of
the old plaque and wondered if it may be possibly to include restoration of the original panelling of
the old plaque. Virginia agreed to liaise with Alan Lovell and let us know the position.
Virginia said that she had contacted the National Museum of Wales and was directed to Phil Parkes
of Cardiff Conservation Services and talked to him about the plaque and he said that they could treat
it and suggested if she wanted to take it further, she should email a picture and he could give an
estimate. He thought it would take 2 days for the work at a charge of £300 a day – she was not sure
if that included the materials and it would have to be taken to Cardiff.
She said that she finds the idea of Tim Martin doing the work in Talgarth as a community project
more attractive. His estimate was £700 including supervision of the work, all materials (he has a
licence for the necessary oxalic acid) protective gear and disposal of waste. She stressed that
whatever happens, the work needs funding.
She says that she has made some progress on the men, especially Reuben Williams who has
interesting connections with the chapel in Back Lane. The Roll of Honour in the Chapel has 25
names only two of which are on the Memorial in the Town. There is a huge amount to be gleaned
about Talgarth from the old newspapers. She mentioned the Roll of Honour in the Chapel in Back
Lane and the memorial to Willie Williams in the Bethania Chapel.
Local List Criteria Mid Wales Hospital – Virginia expressed her latest concerns regarding the
Local List Criteria Mid Wales Hospital and said she will forward to the Town Clerk, her recent
correspondence to and from Cllr William Powell and the BBNPA. She said she is currently drafting
a letter of concern to Martin Buckle BBNPA, the Heritage Champion and will copy the Town
Council into this and any future correspondence regarding this matter.
13/306 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – There was2 Declaration of Interest by Cllr R Reid in
respect of 13/310 Christmas Lights and 13/323 St Gwendoline’s Churchyard - Tender for the Cutting
back of the Yew Trees in the Churchyard. Noted Cllr Reid signed the Declarations of Interest
13/307 MINUTES: The Minutes of the main meeting held on 13 November and Planning meeting
4 December, previously circulated to all Councillors, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought their adoption.
Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that the Minutes of the
meeting held on 13 November be signed as a correct record.
Proposed by Cllr J Wilding and seconded by Cllr A Bufton, all in favour, that the Minutes of the
Planning meeting held on 4 December be signed as a correct record. Noted Cllr J Wilding kindly
took the notes at the 4 December Planning meeting.
Town Council Standing Orders – Received Model Standing Orders from OVW. Cllr A Lord,
Mayor, requested that when we update our Standing Orders at the AGM on 14 May 2014, he wished
to include that ‘Any urgent action/decisions between meetings, can be agreed by e-mailing Town
Councillors for responses’.
Dementia Drop in Sessions – First Wed of each month - Update received from Jean Nowell,
Dementia Support Worker, saying they did not get any callers to the first session on 4 Dec.
Due to first Wed in January being New Year’s Day, the next session will be held on Wed 5 Feb.
Brecknock & Radnor Community Health Council - Cllr J Wilding – Cllr A Lord, Mayor,
extended congratulations, on behalf of the Town Council, to Cllr J Wilding on her recent
appointment as a Member of the Brecknock & Radnor CHC from 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2016
(a) Planning Application 13/10186 – “Residential development” Land Off High Street,
Talgarth – Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, to respond
by thanking the developers for having taken on board the comments made by the Town Council
in Jan 2013, in respect of layout and access but to point out a number of concerns with these new
plans, in terms of character, materials and finishes etc which do not accord with policy or sit well
with the location.
(b) Permission for Development Granted – Planning Application 13/10054/FUL – “Demolition
of ground floor bathroom and shed and erection of single and two-storey extensions” (Full
Application) at 3 Lower Hospital Villas, Talgarth.
(c) BBNPA LDP – Cllr Bally reported that the LDP will be adopted on 17 Dec by the BBNPA and
will effectively come into force from that moment. However, there is a six week period where it
can be legally challenged. Once the LDP is in force it means that it replaces all other previous
Local Plans. Planning Policy Wales is the national plan and the LDP comes under it.
(d) BBNPA Local List criteria – Update received from Rosie Burton stating that they are having a
discussion with the heritage champion later this month and she is proposing that as the owner of
the former Mid Wales Hospital site has not come back with the additional information requested
that a report should be taken to 14 Feb BBNPA meeting.
(e) Melin Homes – Update received on 20 Nov from Susan Absom, Melin Homes, stating that they
held their first consultation event in Talgarth on 8 Nov, to start the process of letting people have
input into their proposals for the Churchfields site and for residents to come and see the
proposals and have their point of view heard. Some residents who would be living close to the
site had concerns about the proposed increase in density, the design, layout and who may be
living there. Melin representative listened to all the points. There were also a number of local
residents who came in and expressed a need for an affordable home and were keen to learn more
about what types of homes may be available. There is optimism after a meeting with the PCC
Highways Officer that planning permission may be sought in the coming months for the
Churchfields site. Melin Homes will ensure the community are informed.
Received letter of concern re the type of development etc, from Stephen Jones, resident adjacent
Churchfields site and Melin Homes’ response.
Town Councillors felt the content of Mr Jones’ letter to be valid.
Noted Town Council only gave approval in principle to Melin Homes proposal.
Susan Absom confirmed that she had sent the proposal the community produced with David
James about the Co-op to William Powell for information and will be meeting David Palmer
from the Co-operative society next week to discuss options, then will be tackling the Co-op
themselves to get some commitment. She will keep the community informed as she gets any
results from this work.
Powell circulated his monthly report in advance of the meeting and the minutes of the
Brecknockshire meeting of 27 Nov, at which he was present. There have been no meetings of Full
Council in the intervening period - but a huge amount of turbulence, with the meltdown of the
previous Powys County Council Cabinet. This appears to be based more on factional infighting
within the various 'Independent' Groups than on substantive policy differences. This led to waves of
sackings of previous Cabinet Members, whilst the Leader, County Cllr David Jones remains in
position, albeit to a high degree at the mercy of events.
Cllr Powell understands that there is likely to be a vote of no confidence tabled at the first Full
Council meeting on 10 Jan. The impact of all these changes on BBNPA membership is uncertain but is likely to be considerable, which is regrettable in terms of both continuity and cost to the public
purse. Below is the official press statement made on behalf of Cllr David Jones, which may be of
interest to colleagues.
Cabinet portfolios announced – A strong united cabinet is vital to tackle the huge budget pressures
facing Powys County Council, the council's Leader has said.
A strong united cabinet is vital to tackle the huge budget pressures facing Powys County Council,
the council's Leader has said.
Councillor David Jones last week announced he was leaving the Shires Independent Group and
joining the Powys Independent Alliance. He would remain as the council’s Executive Leader with
Councillor Tony Thomas remaining Leader of the alliance and taking on the role of deputy leader of
the cabinet.
The move triggered wide-scale changes to the former cabinet with six members being removed and
one member resigning.
Councillor David Jones said the changes were a difficult but necessary move to create long term
stability and a council capable of meeting the severe financial challenges of the coming years.
“Powys is facing unprecedented financial challenges with a projected £40m shortfall over the next
three financial years and the council needs stability more than ever before to deliver the
transformational changes demanded,” he said.
“My decision to change the cabinet was not taken lightly. The council is an independent body and it
is fitting that the cabinet is made up of members from the largest independent groups. The interests
of our communities far outweigh those of individual groups and we have to work together for the
benefit of our residents.”
“The changes may signal a new era for the council but it does not lessen the financial or service
delivery challenges we face. Whatever decisions we consider in the months ahead, and some will be
very difficult, they must done in a mature and responsible way with the best interests of our citizens
at their heart.”
“I am confident that the new cabinet has the ability and determination to tackle the very serious
financial challenges facing the council,” he said.
The new cabinet members and their areas of responsibility are:
Cllr David Jones – Leader Cllr Tony Thomas – Cabinet Deputy Leader: Finance & Value Cllr Dawn
Bailey: Care Cllr Stephen Hayes: Commissioning & Procurement Cllr Geraint Hopkins:
Environment Cllr Wynne Jones: Learning Cllr David Price: Regeneration Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe:
Corporate Delivery Cllr Kath Roberts-Jones: Property, Housing and Welfare Cllr Avril York:
Leisure & Culture
The Leader will be seeking to appoint a Welsh Language Champion from outside the cabinet to
ensure issues around the Welsh Language are appropriately represented.
Cllr William Powell said he continues to deal with a range of local case work issues around housing,
street lighting and regeneration, and have been active in relation to securing the future of the
Bronllys Pain Management Clinic, both locally and in the National Assembly for Wales. He will
arrange for recent BBNPA and Assembly correspondence relating to Talgarth and its environs to be
forwarded to colleagues.
WAG Plenary Contributions from William Powell AM October & November 2013 - Cllr
Powell circulated his Record of Contributions.
ONE VOICE WALES – No new update
School Shopping evening in the Town Hall - 23 Nov – Noted the event raised approx £260.
School Xmas Fayre at Talgarth School on Fri 6 Dec at 6pm was well supported.
School Christingle Service being held this evening, Wed 10 Dec - Noted Cllr Pip Turner and Cllr Z
Argent were attending this evening.
Newsletter – Dec Newsletter - on circulation.
Festival Group – Noted the AGM of the Festival Group – 7pm Tues 19 Nov in Town Hall and the
following Officers appointed – Chairperson – Tony James, Vice Chairperson – Sue Lewis, Treasurer
– Jack Christopher, Secretary – Julie Evans. Noted Cllr A Lord and Cllr R Reid attended.
Xmas Lights Group – Noted Cllr R Reid abstained from discussion and decision, a member of the
Lights Group. Update received from Martin Draper re the approx cost of electricity provided by the
businesses/households during the Christmas period. Cllr A Lord said that he understood the Lights
Group was dealing with this issue.
Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and agreed by all, to forward a letter of thanks to Martin, on behalf of the
Volunteers of the Lights Group, for the wonderful display of Xmas lights again this year and also, as
a ‘thank you’ from the Town Council, to put on some eats/drinks in the Committee Room for the
Volunteers during the beginning of January when they begin to take the lights down. Cllr M Dodds
suggested it would be a nice gesture if Town Councillors brought along the eats/drinks themselves –
this suggestion was agreed to by fellow Councillors – the date being Mon 13Jan at 8pm.
Agreed also that the Town Council meet with Martin and reps of the Xmas Lights group to discuss
and agree procedures re the future Xmas lights ie ordering, electricity etc.
Noted Xmas Lights AGM is to be held at 6.30pm on Wed 22 Jan in Committee Room, Town Hall.
Agreed to payment of £8.98 for 5 headlamps from Blockbusters.
Agreed to payment of £19.80 to Cynthia Argent for providing Mulled Wine and Mince piece for the
‘Switch on’ Xmas lights evening.
Agreed payment of £191.32 + £38.26 VAT to Edmundsons for Xmas lights maintenance items.
Tree of Light Service at St Gwendoline’s Church – Sun 1 Dec at 4pm – Cllr R Reid reported
that Tony James, Derek Lewis and Richard Reid had put up the Xmas tree and lights in the
Churchyard, again this year for the Service on 4 Dec and not the Xmas Lights Group.
Tourist Information & Resource Centre (TIRC) – No new update.
TOWN HALL UPDATES Minor works – Noted Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid collating a list of minor works requiring
attention, redecoration of the main hall etc.
Town Hall rear wall on the corner near The Mill lift and the repairs of same wall near ground
level in Mill Yard, Clock Tower & other Town Hall works – Agreed to draft Tender prepared by
Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid, for works on the Town Hall to go out to Tender.
Agreed to invite Tenders from local Building Contractors for consideration at 8 Jan meeting.
Town Hall Guttering/Leaking onto the Mill Yard - Agreed to payment of invoice £195.82 for
this emergency work.
Notice Board for official notices of Town Council & Frames for official documents and for
Chairmen names etc – Noted matter in hand.
Proposed rails at entrance - Sue Pascoe – Disability Dept. No new update.
Store Cupboard on rt hand side of stage for Table Tennis equipment – Awaiting final invoice
from T Bowen, Builder, for Tender work + extra work.
Heating Options, Town Hall – Noted Cllr J Lilly agreed to again look into heating options etc.
J B Joyce, Town Clock Maintenance Company – Agreed to payment of £181.00 + £36.20 VAT
for annual Clock maintenance visit on 4 Nov when Cllr A Bufton was present.
Vandalism to Town’s Notice Board on front of Town Hall – Agreed to accept Matthew
Devereux’s written apology and £50 payment for the damage caused to the Notice Board on the
front of the Town Hall and to send a letter and official receipt, stating that the matter is now closed.
Talgarth Table Tennis Club – Clerk reminded Town Councillors of Gareth Walters’ invitation to
an exhibition match on the 16th December at 6pm with Ryan Jenkins the Welsh No1.
Periodic Electrical Inspection- 5 year at the Town Hall – Clerk reported that invitations to Tender
had been sent out to 4 Electricians and 3 completed Tenders had been received as follows:
Brecon Electrical & Security Ltd - £250 + £50 VAT - £300.00.
Skyrme Electrical Solutions - £300 + £60 VAT - £360.00.
C A Meredith Ltd Electrical Contractor - £480.00 + £96.00 VAT - £576.00.
Proposed by Cllr J Lilly and seconded by Cllr M Dodds, all in favour, to accept the lowest Tender of
Brecon Electrical & Security Ltd.
Boilers (2) Servicing – Noted Alan Walters Gas Engineer will be servicing the 2 boilers soon.
Town Hall Annual Premises Licence (Entertainment & Alcohol) – Clerk reported that PCC, on
checking their records, has found they have wrongly invoiced us every 10 months for the annual fee.
Their records have now been amended, and the annual fees are now due every 24th April.
PCC confirms that Talgarth Town Hall fees have been credited to our account up until year
2014/2015, the next fee will be due on 24th Apr 2015. They apologise for their mistake.
Josephine, Town Clerk, has informed the Talgarth Regeneration Group, who contribute £70 annually
to the Licence that they have contributed up until year 2014/2015, their next contribution due on 24th
Apr 2015. Agreed that the licence is paid up to 2014/2015 – next payment due on 24th April 2015
but to ask for repayment if PCC fold up before this date and refund Regeneration Group if necessary.
Luncheon Club Xmas Dinner – Tues 3 Dec 12.45 for 1pm – Agreed to forward letter of thanks to
the Luncheon Club for the excellent Xmas Dinner on 3 Dec, enjoyed by Cllr J Hopkins, Cllr J
Wilding, Cllr W Powell and Josephine and partners.
New Chairs for Town Hall – Cllr J Wilding agreed to process ‘Awards for All’ Grant in order to
purchase the new Chairs for the Town Hall.
PCC Public Conveniences Provision Consultation – Cllr A Lord reported that at the BBNPA
Liaison meeting it was mentioned that the BBNPA sustainable development fund will provide grants
if it can be shown that there will be an overall saving in terms of electricity and water.
Some Community members’ views re the future Talgarth Public Conveniences have been received
as they are unable to attend the Public meeting 7pm 18 Dec in Town Hall.
Regeneration Group – Christmas Markets Sat 7 Dec – Cllr J Wilding reported how excellent the
Christmas Markets event had gone on 7 Dec. She said there was a lot of extra help on the day but the
Group is still desperately looking for new members. She spoke about the children’s Art competition,
one part of which was to design this year’s Christmas Markets poster, which went well and the
displays were still up in the Committee Room.
Cllr Wilding reported that the Regeneration Group are hoping to work with the Xmas Lights Group
so that the ‘Switch on’ of the Xmas Lights may take place on the same day as the Xmas Markets.
Noted that on 25 Jan a fund raising event to raise funds for the road closure at the Xmas Markets,
will be held at The Castle Hotel at which Cllr M Dodds will be kindly helping the Regeneration
Group to organise.
Cllr J Wilding reported that the Regeneration Group is very committed to assisting with the Town
Hall Basement proposals.
The Group is also hoping to arrange some Sports events and Film Matinees for children in the Town
Hall in the New Year.
Noted the next meeting of the Regeneration Group will be 7.30pm on 20 January in Town Hall.
13/311 CREW REGENERATION WALES – TALGARTH EVENT – Clerk reported that Jemma Bere,
CREW has postponed the Event planned in the Town Hall from 14 Nov to 20 Feb 2014 as she has
had some interest from a few more organisations who want to be involved and One Voice Wales are
interested in co-hosting an event.
Jemma Bere circulated the draft of the Talgarth Case Study for comments etc. She also asked if the
Town Council like to provide a statement which references the input of some of the community and
voluntary groups and the work that they have done toward the regeneration of Talgarth.
Cllr A Lord, Mayor agreed to respond on behalf of the Town Council.
13/312 TOWN & COMMUNITY COUNCIL LIAISON MEETING – 6.30pm – 8pm on 27 Nov at the
GUILD HALL, BRECON – Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor attending the meeting.
PCC Public Convenience Provision - Cllr A Lord said the meeting was predominantly dominated
by discussion re the PCC Closure of Public Conveniences.
Received and on circulation, a letter from Llangorse CC, encouraging all Town and Community
Councils to be represented at the BBNPA Liaison meeting as the PCC closure of Public
Conveniences is being discussed.
Cllr A Lord reported that the BBNPA sustainable development fund will provide grants if it can be
shown that there will be an overall saving in terms of electricity and water.
‘Village Plans’ - Cllr A Lord also said that ‘Village Plans’ were discussed and he emphasised that
the BBNPA will have to listen to Town/CCs if the they want to work with them.
The BBNPA Officers said they would take this point on board.
Re new Oak Orientation Boards – 1 on Town Hall, 2 in Car Park - Carol Williams’ responded to
the Town Council’s concerns at the large crack in the oak frame of the Board on the Town Hall,
stating that the signs are constructed from Green Oak, which comes straight from the tree in effect,
so very wet, normally the Oak dries out slowly and will crack and twist a bit but it happens over a
period of time so is not particularly noticeable, the signs unfortunately due to the delay were in our
work shop for a while, which has accelerated the drying out process, so the cracking has happened
quicker. Now they are outside they will absorb a bit more moisture and the timber will reach a
moisture level, the cracks may close a little, but they will not effect the structure or the strength of
the sign, it is the beauty of natural wood and part of it's character. With regard to the Acrylic to the
front of the signs, the graphics are wrapped with an anti scratch vinyl, which will offer some
protection, if Perspex is put directly onto the graphic you would get a condensation problem between
the panels, an option could be spacing the Perspex off the graphic to allow an air flow if we feel it
needs a protective panel. A lot of people do now use the wrapped Di bond method for signage as it is
relatively cheap to replace if it gets damaged, you could replace it approximately four times before
you reach the cost of a GRP graphic.
Carol asked if we wished to keep the locked panel, which was previously in the Car Park. Town
Councillors wished to keep this panel for future use.
Carol also said that with regards to the finish for the Oak frames, it is not recommended to put a
varnish on Oak as it has natural oils which give it it's durability, if you put something on ideally it
needs to be Micro porous to allow the timber to move and breath, the one we have used if requested
but usually on Douglas Fir is - Dulux Trade Weathersheild Aquatec Preservative Basecoat.
Agreed to ask Carol about ownership and insurance of the new Orientation Boards.
7pm in Town Hall. It is noted that plans are well ahead for the Walking Festival for 2014.
13/315 TOWN HALL BASEMENT – No new update. Noted Cllr J Wilding will seek support and interest
from other local groups at the Public Meeting on Wed 18 Dec in the Town Hall (re Public
Conveniences provision) to determine the interest/need and progress forward as required thereafter.
MILL YARD – No new update.
Bus Stop – No new update
Removal of Double Yellow Lines in Talgarth – No new update
Trees (3) & Seat to be donated by Black Mountains Lions Club to celebrate Queen’s Jubilee –
Noted engrossed Lease from PCC has been signed by both Cllr A Lord, Mayor and the Town Clerk,
Josephine Rumsey, on behalf of the Town Council as Tenants, in order to plant the 3 trees and place
a seat on the highway verge, Hay Road, Talgarth, to be donated by the Black Mountains Lions Club.
Noted PCC suggests that one of the following species of trees or a mixture of them both are planted:
Prunus amanogawa, Prunus 'Spire' - these will not reach more than 10 metres in height and 4 metres
spread, so they will be ideal in this situation.
Clerk to notify the Medical Centre of the venue, out of courtesy and to request that the Black
Mountains Lions Group now purchase the 3 trees and seat.
Street Light TG35 Heol las – Noted street light now in working order.
Tower House – River Ennig problem with water cutting bank – Cllr R Reid brought concerns
from Tim Martin regarding the river water cutting into bank nr his property. Cllr A Bufton had
previously raised concerns that this problem would occur when the reinstatement of Tower Bridge
was being undertaken and had taken photographs to indicate his concerns.
Cllr Bufton agreed to forward these photographs and correspondence he had, at the time, with PCC.
Cllr Reid agreed to ask Tim Martin to officially write to the Town Council so we can forward the
photographs and previous correspondence in order to assist him with these concerns.
South Wales Plan – No new update.
Powys LHB South East Powys Communications Group – Bronllys site development
communications group - Jemma Lewis, Powys LHB forwarded a diagram in relation to the Health
park partnership and asked for ideas from the Town Council as this matter was being dealt with at
the SE Powys Communication Group meeting on Mon next 16 Dec at which Cllr M Dodds and Cllr
J Wilding will be attending.
Veterans Walk to be built at Bronllys Hospital – Information received.
Bronllys site development communications group – Jemma Lewis, Powys LHB forwarded a
diagram in relation to the Health park partnership and asked for ideas from the Town Council.
Noted this matter was on the agenda for the SE Powys Communication Group meeting on Mon next
16 Dec at which Cllr M Dodds and Cllr J Wilding
Josephine – this is also for discussion at this evenings town council meeting – would welcome ideas
fed back to Mondays meeting.
Re Brecon & Radnor CHC meeting 29th Nov – Noted both Cllr M Dodds and Cllr J Wilding on
holiday so unable to attend. Maggie Sims circulated an update from the meeting, stating that –
Stroke Unit Relocation –There were 3 caveats set by CHC
1. The services must be equal to or better than services in Bronllys - There were many queries
raised by CHC members which was heartening. However, these were addressed by LHB but Maggie
did not think satisfactory.
2. Car Parking - There were still problems again raised by CHC members. There was just lip
service paid to that and LHB rep was asked to make sure it was sorted.
3 Robust plan for Bronllys - The CHC Chair did not ask the LHB what their plan was but
understands they are having consultation meetings in January.
Maggie said – To speak more positively, she knows the staff have been asked for their thoughts and
there are good questions they asked – what do we do well - palliative care, rehab. The League of
Friends have already agreed to put £10000+ into this. Maggie said they are feeling so positive and do
feel they have a future.
Maggie said she has already contacted all our AM’s and asked questions eg do we have a case for
passing a motion of no confidence in the CHC
She said there will be a press release by CHC and encouraged everyone to respond and challenge it
and to contact your Town / community Council and to attend the meetings in January.
Pain Management Clinic at Bronllys Hospital – Cllr W Powell circulated a letter from the First
Minister regarding commitments made during First Minister’s Questions. Note the matter is being
looked into.
Speeding Bronllys Road/Trefecca Road/Inconsiderate Parking problems in and around the
Town- Concern was again raised at the speeding and also the dangerous parking problems in the
area of the Rugby Club. Agreed to report to PCC and the Police for action.
Newsletter – Noted the Winter Newsletter had been well received. Agreed to payment of £239 to
the Brecon & Radnor Express for the printing.
Thanks were expressed to Cllr J Wilding for producing the Newsletter and to Josephine for all her
help in collating the information for the Newsletter. Josephine reported that due to several Town
Councillors being unable to deliver to their usual areas with Newsletters, the help for deliveries from
Martin Draper, Beryl Pritchard and Jane Phillips was gratefully received.
Talgarth Together – One Web site – Cllr J Wilding reported that she is looking at a site done by a
professional and hope to have more information for next meeting.
Concrete Block Wall along the Top Path Nr The Rocks Enforcement Case - ENF/11/00885/CA
– Concrete block Wall along the Rocks – property of Mr Lawford .– Received disappointing
response from BBNPA Enforcement Officer,Clare Jones stating that the case is now finished and
nothing further will be done about the concrete wall in this location.
It is noted that Bruce Williams has also received this disappointing information, stating how that he
has followed this case for two years and is absolutely disgusted at the outcome and feels that
BBNPA do not care at all about Talgarth and its environs, especially in this area, being one of oldest
parts of Talgarth..
The Official Opening of the new Mill Gates – Noted the Official Opening took place on Sat 7 Dec
by Roger Williams MP with Talgarth Community Choir present.
War Memorials & World War I Events - Received information from OVW re the forthcoming
centenary of World War I, stating that they have recently met with Cadw, CyMal and War
Memorials Trust to discuss issues around war memorials. They attached a briefing note which
provides information on where we can find help, advice and funding for war memorial related
projects. Such projects may be to the war memorial itself (if it needs work) or wider community
engagement researching the history of the memorial or the names of those who are recorded.
As a first step One Voice Wales is asking all members to contribute information on your local war
memorial(s) to War Memorials Online, www.warmemorialsonline.org.uk. This website is seeking to
create a greater understanding of the condition of war memorials as we approach and through the
centenary. It celebrates those that are well cared for whilst highlighting those that may need
assistance. By reporting any concerns about condition or adding 'Poor' or 'Very bad' condition report
to the website these cases will be followed up by War Memorials Trust. This will help target
resources on memorials that need assistance and ensure they are fit for commemorative events
thought the next few years which will culminate in November 2018.
Please register on War Memorials Online, www.warmemorialsonline.org.uk and add the
information about the war memorials in our area especially those for which you are
If you would like to find out more about grants for works to the memorial then contact War
Memorials Trust. If you are considering doing wider community works you may find the Trust's
Learning resources of interest and details of HLF who can fund community projects useful. The
Welsh government is also promoting the centenary. Cadw is shortly releasing guidance on how to
conserve war memorials and will be launching a grants programme in spring 2014. CyMal have a
website where you can share details of events and activities you are planning for the centenary. All
details can be found on the attached sheet.
Agreed to forward this OVW information to Virginia Brown.
Town Councillors generally felt our War Memorial is in a good condition as it is only a couple of
years ago we have the walls etc rebuilt.
Totally Locally Talgarth – Noted Nicola Willis had held a meeting on this new venture for
businesses on 26 Nov in Town Hall
Old Red Sandstone Symposium – Roddy Williams informed Town Councillors of the proposed
2014 Geological Symposium at the Elim Centre in Brecon and more details to follow.
Twinning Town Project – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, had no new update.
Youth facilities – No new update.
Seats around the Town – Noted Peter Edwards will be continuing with his voluntary work,
painting the ironwork on the seats around the town and finishing painting outside the Town Hall.
Noted when Peter has finished Clerk to contact the Probation Service to come back to complete the
staining of the woodwork on the remaining seats.
Woodlands Play area – No new update.
Woodlands Centre – Awaiting update from Steve Evens PCC. Clerk to chase matter.
13/321 SOCIETY FOR COUNCIL CLERKS (SLCC) – Clerk to seek views of other Town & Community
Council Members, as to its benefits, before making a decision at a future meeting.
13/322 TREFECCA ISSUES – Proposed Footpath – Trefecca – Talgarth – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, had no
new update.
Realignment of the Boundary – Churchfields/Burial Ground – No new update.
Tender for Yew Trees (cutting back etc) – Cllr A Bufton, Deputy Mayor, had prepared a
Specification to go out to Tender for the ‘Cutting back of the Yew Trees’. Cllr Bufton reported that
he had met with both Tenderers below and a proposed Tenderer who did not submit a Tender – this
person undertook the cutting back of the yew trees, some years ago, and did say that the one yew
tree was now leaning over approx 3 ft since then. One of the other Tenderers also brought along a
qualified Tree Surgeon to look at this leaning yew tree and he identified that it was split in one part.
Clerk reported that invitations to Tender had been sent out to 5 Contractors and 2 completed Tenders
had been received as follows:
Huw Morris Contractor - £300 – No VAT. JTCredland Contractor - £2,800 + £560 VAT - £3,360.
Proposed by Cllr J Lilly and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, to accept the lowest Tender of
Huw Morris Contractor.
Cllr R Reid took no part in the discussion or decision making and signed a Declaration of Interest.
Tree Planting Scheme at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Tree / Shrub
Planting at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area - Cllr N Bally met Emma and walked
around discussing the lay out of the cemetery and planting. Cllr Bally felt we should
engage/commission Emma to draw up plans and advise as she has expert knowledge and good
ideas. In the short term in regard to paths. It was thought that the path leading to Lord Richard
Livsey's grave should branch off to the left and right at right angles. Then make a semi circle around
Lord Livsey’s grave. Then take the path straight up the hill to an eventual seating area. Cllr Bally
brought along a rough sketch.
Town Councillors felt it worth Cllr Bally meeting again with Emma for further ideas and to,
hopefully, come up with a firmer plan so we can advertise this in the Town Council Spring
Newsletter, in order to get the views of the community.
Town Councillors did not wish to loose too much grave space for tree planting. Cllr Bally said that
he and Emma were thinking more of shrubs and a few trees. They felt that the grave stones, which
are likely to be mostly black marble, needed softening as it is a large expanse of ground that impactis
upon the church and over looked by a number of houses.
Cllr A Bufton mentioned that he had learned that graves cannot be placed too near to trees.
Agreed Clerk seek the advice of Annie Berry PCC on this point.
War Graves – Xmas Wreaths – Proposed by Cllr J Lilly and seconded by Cllr J Wilding to
payment of £52.15 + £10.43 VAT = £62.58 for 7 Xmas wreaths for the 7 War graves. Noted Cllr A
Lord and Cllr J Wilding had placed the wreaths on the War graves.
13/324 DATE TO AGREE PRECEPT – 2014-2015 – Noted letter dated 2 Dec PCC received and
Precept Request to be returned by 24 Jan. Agreed to a full Town Council meeting at 7pm Mon 6 Jan
in the Committee Room, Town Hall.
AGENDA) & DISCUSSED – FOR ACTION/INFORMATION/ON CIRCULATIONWAG - Appropriate sum under section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 – “Section 137
Expenditure”: Limit for 2014-15.
WAG - 'Funding Opportunities,' compiled by the European & External Funding Unit.
PCC - Alternative Management & Delivery of Leisure Services
PCC – Funding Opportunities Issue 35 – Dec 2013
BBNPA - Archaeological Heritage of the Brecon Beacons National Park
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Annual Performance Assessment 2012/2013below links to the document http://www.mawwfire.gov.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Performance%20Assessment/Performance
PAVO – Seminar - How to organise and run your AGM - Tuesday 10th December 2013
Dyfed Powys Police - Police and Crime Commissioner October Newsletter
Play for Wales - Issue 41 Winter Newsletter 2013
The Big Lunch – Eden Project - Lottery Funded Vision ICT Re £500 Welsh Government grant to develop a website – E-mail received re OVW
about using the £500 Welsh Government grant to develop a website.
For examples of our websites in Wales, please see http://www.hawardencommunitycouncil.gov.uk/,
http://www.luxulyanpc.co.uk/ or http://www.gvcc.org.uk/.
As to what we at Vision ICT can offer, the full package is detailed here
http://www.onevoicewales.org.uk/news/website-development-initiative with
-2 email addresses (eg, clerk@stgeorgestbrides.com / chair@stgstb.co.uk- you can choose)
- 24 hour support, google maps, unlimited sections etc, for £500. There are no extra hidden costs
here and from year 2 onwards, annual costs are only £250.
They also offer a smaller package that gives a more basic website with email addresses, 24 hour
support and constant ‘editability’, using the £500 and paying nothing for the next 2 or three years
(depending on the size of the site).
13/326 Planning Application P/2013/1055 to erect a Single Wind Turbine at Wernoog, Clyro –
Invitation received to an Open meeting Wed 27 Nov 7pm in Clyro Village Hall to give residents and
neighbours of the community a chance to voice views, stating that the wind turbine is large enough
to be seen from Talgarth, Bronllys, Hay. Noted no Town Councillor attended.
13/327 TOWN COUNCIL PHOTOGRAPH – Agreed to have a Town Council photograph at the
8 January meeting, when it is hoped that all Town Councillors will be present.
Hall Hire – Zumba Gold – 7 Nov – 5 Dec – 5 wks @ £10 per wk.
Hall Hire – Table Tennis – 11 Nov – 23 Dec
C C James, Funeral Director – New grave D15 JE dec’d
Greenacre Garden Centre, Brecon – 7 Xmas Holly Wreaths for War Graves –
£52.15 + £10.43 VAT
Blockbuster – Headlamps for Xmas lights maintenance
Cynthia Argent – Mulled Wine & Mince Piece for ‘Switch on’ Xmas lights
Edmundson Electrical – Maintenance items for Xmas lights £191.32 + £38.26 VAT
A G Evans, Builder – Emergency work fixing slates etc
Smiths of Derby – Annual Town Clock Maintenance - £181.00 + £36.20 VAT
B & A Dodds – Dec Salary - £187.50 less Tax £37.40
J Rumsey, Clerk – Dec Salary £759.13 - Less £151.80 Tax = £607.33, Tel Rent
£11.75, Broadband £18.00, Home Office £35, Travel £2.25, Stationery Diary £3
Current Account
High Interest Account - £7,059.98 + £8167.00 on 31 Dec 2013 = £15,226 .98
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 10 30pm.
SIGNED: …………………………..
DATE: ……………………………..