COMMUNICATION No. 13 Bogota, 26th October de 2004 FOR THE PRESIDENTS OF AIDA'S NATIONAL SECTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NEXT PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL AND AIDA WORKING PARTIES MEETING (NOV. 11/04) SPANISH-PORTUGUESE INSURANCE LAW CONGRESS QUESIONNAIRE FOR A STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF AIDA NATIONAL SECTION LIBER AMICORUM, TRIBUTE TO PROF. ANTIGONO DONATI AIDA'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PRIZE (2004-2006) AIDA-MAIL AIDA-FLASH NATIONAL SECTIONS' ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Dear Mr. President: We address you hoping that your Section's activities are running well and to advise you on the following matters: 1. As you are aware, the next Presidential Council meeting will th be held in Madrid on 11 November 2004. The central topic of this reunion will be the planning of AIDA'S XII World Insurance Law Congress, which will take place in Buenos Aires (2006). Specifically, the content of the questionnaires that are being prepared by i) the Argentine Section and ii) Profs. Robert Merkin and Jerome Kullman will be reviewed; the latter were designated as general moderators of the theme "Terrorism, Insurance and Reinsurance. 533570360 Other issues that will be discussed, according to the answers submitted to the General Secretariat or the Presidency, are those related to the National Sections' Structural and Functional Diagnosis; and the Working Parties'. As it has been customary in these institutional activities, some Working Parties will host meetings; Accumulation and Subrogation, as well as Prevention in Insurance and Reinsurance will stage separate reunions. 2. The Presidential Council meeting will take place during the Spanish-Portuguese Insurance Law Congress, organized by the Spanish and Portuguese AIDA Sections. Attached please find a copy of the academic program. 3. We have had the opportunity to iterate the importance of receiving an answer to the questionnaire for the National Section's Structural and Functional Diagnosis, which was supposed to be completed by 8th August/04. Though this topic will be treated in the Presidential Council meeting, we have not received an answer by all of AIDA's National Sections; therefore, we request your cooperation in this respect if you have not sent it yet. This information is crucial for the Presidential Council to examine the corresponding information If you have any doubt or need further information please contact us at 4. We also invite you to promptly confirm your participation in the Liber Amicorum, which will be dedicated to Prof. Antigono Donati. For this purpose, please contact Prof. Agostino Gambino, President of the Italian Section (, who is in charge of this project. 5. With respect to AIDA's Scientific Research Prize (20042006), we are glad to inform you that the terms and conditions are being printed out and will be sent in different languages. These terms and conditions will be posted on AIDA's ( and ACOLDESE's websites 533570360 (, channels. as well as in other diffusion In the interim, attached please find the terms and conditions so that you can send them out to your section's member, university's, relevant government entities, insurance and reinsurance groups, law offices, and any person who can be interested in the study of Insurance and Reinsurance Law. The Prize's success or failure largely depends on its diffusion and promotion, for which we thank you in advance. 6. AIDA-MAIL was recently sent; please advice Mr. M. Mendelowitz, if you did not receive it ( 7. We are currently preparing another edition of AIDA-FLASH; if you would like any information to be included, we would be grateful for you to send it swiftly so that we can incorporate it. 8. AIDA-FLASH will mention the academic activities that were recently hosted by AILA and ACOLDESE, as well as those that will be held in the near future (XI Argentine Insurance Law Rounds and the Hungarian Insurance Law Colloquium) We will keep you posted on the conclusions of the Presidential Council meeting in Madrid. Kind regards, CARLOS IGNACIO JARAMILLO J. _____________________________ Prof. Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J. Calle 54A # 5-19 Bogotá-Colombia Tel: 3104877 Fax: 3102606 E-mail: 533570360 PRIZE FOR SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR INSURANCE LAW AIDA 2004 - 2006 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL In order to stimulate research into and detailed study of Insurance Law and related matters, the International Association for Insurance Law (AIDA), together with AON RE GLOBAL, announces AIDA’s PRIZE FOR SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, which will be based on the following terms and conditions: The work must be original and unedited, regarding any subject within the fields of Insurance and/or Reinsurance Law. The author or authors must sign their work with a pseudonym. They must also include their name, nationality, address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers in a sealed envelope, which must have the corresponding pseudonym and title of the work on its outside. Three printed copies of the work, in any one of AIDA’s official languages (German, Spanish, French, English, or Italian), must be sent so as to be physically received at AIDA’s General Secretariat by 30th March 2006 at the following address: Colin Croly, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, Beaufort House, 15 St. Botolph Street, London EC3A 7NJ, United Kingdom. The work should also be electronically sent to AIDA’s General Secretariat (, and simultaneously copied to AIDA’s President (, In order to preserve competitors’ anonymity, the General Secretariat and President undertake to remove, so far as reasonably possible, any information which might reveal the authors’ true identities when forwarding electronic copies of the works to the juries designated below. Any works received after said date will not participate in this Prize. All participants in this competition accept its terms and conditions and expressly waive and/or renounce the right to bring any judicial and/or non-judicial action or proceeding in connection with such terms and conditions. The breach of any of these 533570360 terms and conditions will result in immediate disqualification from eligibility for the prize for the author or authors that do not comply with them. This prize’s terms and conditions will be internationally promoted, as well as included on AIDA’s website and on other institutional diffusion channels. Any issue that is not contemplated in these terms and conditions will be considered and decided by AIDA’s Executive Committee (the President, Vice Presidents and General Secretariat), whose members may not participate in this competition. 2. PRIZE The prize consists of 10,000 EUROS and a commemorative badge. Said sum will be distributed as follows: - 8,000 EUROS for the fist prize. - 2,000 EUROS for the second prize. AIDA will determine if the winning work will be internationally published. The author or authors grant copyright to AIDA over the works submitted for this prize. AIDA may make as many translations and editions as it deems convenient (in conventional or electronic formats), and will give the author(s), at no cost, 25 copies if the work is published. All benefits arising out of the publication of the works’ first edition(s) will be AIDA’s exclusive property. The author(s) will however be free to publish future editions. If the second prize is not awarded, the first prize will be 10,000 EUROS. 3. PARTICIPANTS Persons interested in the international study of insurance and reinsurance may individually or jointly participate in this prize. 4. LANGUAGES AND EXTENT The works must be produced in any one of AIDA’s official languages (German, Spanish, French, English, or Italian), with a minimum extent of 200 conventional (A4 or letter-size) pages, single spaced, including a table of contents, as well as a subject and author index. 5. QUALIFYING JURY The qualifying jury will be drawn from renowned Common and Civil Law scholars, previously appointed by the Association’s Presidential Council, who will designate 533570360 highly qualified persons with appropriate linguistic skills. composed as follows: The juries will be a. The designation of five preliminary juries, one for each language in which the works may be presented, so that they select the best work submitted for their consideration. The juries may decide that none of the works submitted in their language deserves the award. b. The designation of a final jury, which will be in charge of selecting the best or two top works according to the recommendations issued by the pre-selection juries (preliminary juries). The final jury will issue its decision before AIDA’s XII World Insurance Law Congress (Buenos Aires, 2006), where it will be made public. The final jury may also declare that none of the submitted works deserve to be awarded the prize. If this happens, the AIDA Presidential Council may re-run this competition for a new prize if they believe it appropriate. The juries’ decisions may not be appealed. The final jury may, by majority, grant special distinctions to timely submitted works even if they do not win the prize. 533570360 Sección Española SEAIDA Secçao Portuguesa SPAIDA CONGRESO HISPANO-LUSO DE DERECHO DE SEGUROS CONGRESSO LUSO-HISPANO DE DIREITO DOS SEGUROS Madrid 11 y 12 de Noviembre de 2004 Centro de Convenciones MAPFRE Bajo la Presidencia de Honor de S.A.R. Príncipe de Asturias Justificación de la propuesta ¿Por qué un Congreso Luso-Hispano de Derecho de Seguros? Los mercados de seguros español y portugués presentan características comunes que favorecen la colaboración de los operadores de ambos mercados con el fin de aprovechar las experiencias de cada uno de los países para mejorar las propias legislaciones y avanzar hacia un futuro de armonización de las mismas como un mercado regional dentro de la Unión Europea. Las diferentes experiencias legislativas de España y Portugal sirven como base para una reflexión sobre sus ventajas e inconvenientes. La legislación sobre seguros, sobre todo en su vertiente de ordenación del mercado, viene definida por la necesidad de su sujeción a las Directivas comunitarias. Las distintas experiencias de Portugal y España en su transposición será objeto de debate en el Congreso. España ha optado por una ley de contrato de seguro que, en estos momentos, necesita una seria revisión. Muchas de las modificaciones que se demandan son fruto de la necesidad de trasponer normas comunitarias, otras de la evolución del mercado. Una revisión conjunta de las soluciones dadas por ambas legislaciones a problemas similares puede ser de gran utilidad a la hora de plantear las necesarias modificaciones. La cercanía de ambos países, fronterizos, hace necesario revisar los planteamientos de valoración del daño personal en ambas legislaciones. España aprobó, en 1995, un Sistema de Valoración de Daños Personales en Accidentes de Circulación, sobre el que, en estos días, se debate, en relación con su posible aplicación a otros tipos de responsabilidad. Por otro lado, existe un avanzado proyecto de Baremo Europeo de Daños Personales. Las experiencias españolas en la aplicación de unos criterios legales de valoración pueden ser de gran utilidad para el mercado portugués, al tiempo que su visión de la situación española permitirá valorar desde otra perspectiva las ventajas e inconvenientes de esta legislación. Los planteamientos para la previsión social complementaria son importantes en ambos países. Mientras en España preocupa la carga económica del seguro social estatal, Portugal ha optado por un sistema privado de aseguramiento de los accidentes de trabajo. Contrastar ambas experiencias y hacer propuestas conjuntas de futuro será una de las metas de este Congreso. 533570360 PROGRAMA 11 de noviembre, jueves: 16,00 h. Inauguración del Congreso. 16,30 h . 1º Panel: La legislación sobre el contrato de seguro: estado actual de las legislaciones portuguesa y española y posibilidades de modificación teniendo en cuenta las tendencias de la armonización en el derecho comunitario. Coordinador: D. Aurelio Menéndez Menéndez. Ponentes: D .Fernando Sánchez Calero. Catedrático de Derecho Mercantil. Presidente de SEAIDA. D. José Carlos Moitinho de Almeida. Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo de Portugal. Presidente de SPAIDA. 20,00 h. Cóctel de bienvenida. Por cortesía de FIDELIDADE/MUNDIAL 12 de noviembre, viernes: 9,00 h. 2º Panel: Valoración y reparación del daño corporal. Análisis de los sistemas portugués y español y propuestas para el futuro. Coordinadores: D. Duarte Nuno Vieira, Presidente del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal de Portugal. D. César Borobia Fernández. Presidente de AMES. Profesor de Medicina Legal de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ponentes: D. José Manuel Maza Martín, Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo. D. Antonio da Costa Basto. Abogado. Miembro del Consejo General de la Ordem dos Advogados. 11,00-11,30 h. Pausa para café 11,30 h. 3º Panel: El arbitraje como medio de resolución de conflictos en el seguro y el reaseguro. Coordinadora: Maria de Jesus Serra Lopes. Conselheria de Estado. Abogado. Ponentes: D. Evelio Verdera y Tuells. Vicepresidente de SEAIDA. Catedrático de Derecho Mercantil. D. Diogo Lacerda Machado. Abogado. 13,30h. 16,00 h. Almuerzo libre 533570360 16,00 h. 4º Panel: Tendencias en la previsión social complementaria: planes de pensiones, seguros de vida y seguros de dependencia. Coordinador: D. Alberto Javier Tapia Hermida. Profesor Titular de Derecho Mercantil. Abogado. Presidente del Grupo de Trabajo de SEAIDA “Pensiones”. 18,30 h. Conclusiones y Clausura del Congreso 21,00 h. Cena de clausura La Sección Española de AIDA (SEAIDA) SEAIDA es la Sección Española de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho de Seguros (AIDA), constituida el 28 de octubre de 1961. Es miembro de pleno derecho de la AIDA con total autonomía en el ámbito nacional. SEAIDA es una persona jurídica privada, sin ánimo de lucro, de carácter independiente, cuyo objeto es el estudio del derecho de seguros y de aquellas otras materias, dentro del campo del derecho y de la economía, que afectan directamente a la institución aseguradora. La participación de SEAIDA en la producción e interpretación del Derecho de Seguros es de gran importancia, no sólo a través de la organización de foros sobre aspectos esencialmente complejos del Derecho de Seguros, sino también debido a la presencia de miembros de SEAIDA en organismos prelegislativos como la Comisión General de Codificación o la Junta Consultiva de Seguros. SEAIDA está regida por un Consejo Directivo cuyos miembros son elegidos y renovados por la Asamblea General. SEDE DEL CONGRESO Y SECRETARIA: El Congreso tendrá lugar en el CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES MAPFRE de Madrid; situado en el corazón de Azca, zona estratégica de negocios, en General Perón, 40, frente al Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos y junto al Centro Comercial Moda Shopping, uno de las más prestigiosos de Madrid. Secretaría Dirección Postal de SEAIDA: C/ Sagasta 18 2º izda. 28004 MADRID Tf. (91) 594 31 50 / (91) 594 30 88 Fax. 91 594 33 53 E-mail: Para la reserva de hoteles pueden ponerse en contacto con Beatriz (, sobre las siguientes ofertas (ref. Congreso Hispano Luso de Derecho de Seguros-SEAIDA) - Hotel Melia Castilla (5estrellas) - Hotel Holiday Inn (el más cercano, 4 estrellas) Derechos Inscripción: 300 € para asociados de AIDA 500 € para no asociados 533570360 BOLETÍN DE INSCRIPCIÓN Congresistas: Apellidos....................................................................................................... .....................Nombre..................................................................................... ....................................... Nº D.N.I. o Pasaporte...................................................................................................... .. Cargo............................................................................................................ ................... Empresa........................................................................................................ ................... Dirección....................................................................................................... ................... Ciudad........................................................................................................... .................. País.........................................Código Postal.................................................................. Teléfono............................................Fax...................................................... .................. Pago realizado mediante: Cheque Transferencia bancaria -Cheque nominativo a SEAIDA -Copia de justificante de transferencia bancaria a Barclays Bank, (Sagasta 11, Madrid) C/C 0065-0086-35-0001021762 Ruego me envíen información adicional sobre Hoteles 533570360