Appalachian State University Foreign Languages and Literarures SPAN 2025 (T & R @ 3:30 p.m) Introducción a la literatura hispanoamericana Dr. María Patricia Napiorski Sanford Hall: 429 Office Hours: T & R 12:30-1:30 Or by appointment Descripción: En este curso leeremos y analizaremos obras pertenecientes a la literatura española, latinoamericana y, de igual importancia, obras escritas por autores hispanos de los Estados Unidos. El estudio se realizará en base a los diferentes géneros literarios: el ensayo, la narrativa, la poesía y el teatro. El estudiante bebe prepararse para cada clase leyendo los textos asignados y respondiendo a los cuestionarios sobre el análisis de las lecturas. Igualmente, es responsabilidad del estudiante el hacer una lectura detallada y concienzuda de los apartados teóricos incluidos en el libro de texto. El calendario tentativo incluido en el sílabo presenta un plan del curso que se llevará para cada clase. Objetivos: El estudiante deberá familiarizarse con los métodos de comprensión y análisis pertinentes a cada género literario. Al mismo tiempo, deberá aprender los datos necesarios concernientes a los autores y los períodos artísticos estudiados en clase. El alumno deberá, igualmente ser capaz de distinguir entre los distintos géneros literarios y conocer los rasgos característicos de cada uno de ellos, y expresar su análisis en trabajos y exámenes debidamente elaborados gramatical y ortográficamente. Evaluación: Diarios Análisis literario Presentación Final Exam = 40 % = 30 % = 10% = 20% Libro de texto: FRIEDMAN, Edward, L. Teresa Valdivieso y Carmelo Virgilio (1994) Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica. Quinta edición. McGraw-Hill. Website: 1 ATTENDANCE: Your grade will be lowed if your unjustified absences are more than four. After the fourth unexcused absence, your final grade will go down one letter for each absence. (For instance, if your final grade is a B but you have more than four unjustified absences your final grade will be B-, if you have more than five unjustified absences your final grade will be C+, if you have six unjustified absences your final grade will be C, and so forth). What constitutes an unjustified absence? Not attending to the entire class, and not presenting a valid WRITEN excuse. According to ASU regulations, students have two excused absences a year for religious celebrations or holidays. The students must provide a written excuse with the date of absence and an explanation of the request no later than the third week of class (Sept. 9) to the professor. Explanation of Grading Criteria Journals/Diarios: Students will write one journal entry a week of about 400 words, and about the texts assigned. Each entry consists of a detailed summary of the text (play, short story, poem, etc.,) and a reflection on the work. A reflection is an answer to the questions: What does this work mean to me? What is the main theme (or themes) of this work? What is the author’s perspective on this theme? Journals are due every Tuesday. Essay/Análisis literario: (5 pages double space). Students will write a literary analysis on one short story, poem, play or essay, previously approved by the profesor. Essays are due October 18. (NO LATE ASSIGMENTS WILL BE TAKEN IN THIS CLASS) Presentation: On the text/work prepared for the literary essay. Presentation Dates: November 20 & December 1. (If power point or any other electronic device is used, please proof read before and make sure there are no gramatical errors. Points will be deducted from your grade for gramatical error son the screen). Final Exam: Essay questions format. December 12 @ Noon Plan de clases: Introducción al curso. Explicación del syllabus. Los diferentes géneros narrativos: (poesía, narrativa, teatro, ensayo) La narrativa (el cuento, la novela) Los elementos literarios del cuento: Orígenes del cuento: Leer: Don Juan Manuel “Lo que le sucedió a un mozo que casó con una muchacha de muy mal carácter” p. 42 2 El Realismo: Benito Pérez Galdós “El Don Juan” Biblioteca Digital El Naturalismo: Emile Zolá y la novela de observación: Leer: Emilia Pardo Bazán “Las medias rojas” p. 50. El Existencialismo: Leer: Miguel de Unamuno “Don Juan Manuel Bueno Mártir” El Realismo Social en España: Leer “Pecado de omisión” de Ana María Matute. P. 74 (Selección “La lengua de las mariposas”) El existencialismo y el naturalismo en Sur América: Leer: Horacio Quiroga “La gallina degollada” Biblioteca Digital. La vanguardia (El Surrealismo): Leer: Jorge Luis Borges “El Etnógrafo” p.66. El realismo mágico y lo real maravilloso: Documental sobre (Frida Kahlo) Leer “La noche boca arriba” de Julio Cortázar p. 60. Leer Gabriel García Márquez “Solo vine a hablar por teléfono” “La luz es como el agua” Biblioteca Digital. El Posmodernismo: Leer Elena Poniatowska “El recado” p. 80 Leer: María Luisa Puga: “La Naturalidad” (En reserva en la biblioteca) Luisa Valenzuela: “Pantera Ocular “ (En reserva en la biblioteca) Cristina Peri Rossi “El Museo de los Esfuerzos Inútiles” p. 83 October 13 (Primera mitad del semestre) La poesía: El Lenguaje literario y Figuras del pensamiento Leer: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, p. 179. Leer: Amado Nervo p.198. Leer: Cesar Vallejo p.206 Leer: Vicente Huidobro p.209 Selección de la película “Il Postino” para discutir la metáfora y la imaginería en Neruda Leer: Pablo Neruda, p. 221. España: Leer Federico García Lorca p. 210 U.S Hispanic poetry: Victor Hernández Cruz: “Tropicalization”(Fotocopia) Leer: Américo Paredes “Alma Pocha” (Fotocopia) 3 Leer: Tato Laviera : “My Graduation Speech” (Fotocopia) El teatro” y Análisis del teatro y la estructura de la obra dramática Leer: Osvaldo Dragún: “La hombre que se convirtió en perro” pp. 249 Leer: Paloma Pedrero “Resguardo personal” p. 317 Leer: Acto primero de La casa de Bernarda Alba de Federico García Lorca. Video La casa de Bernarda Alba. El ensayo: Tipos de ensayo. Leer: Mariano José Larra “Vuelva usted mañana” p.390 Leer: Rosario Castellanos “Y las madres, ¿qué opinan? P. 410 Leer: Rosario Castellanos “La autenticidad de la mujer en el arte” p.414. Examen Final: Monday December 12 @ Noon (By mandate of the Dean of Art and Sciences Office, final exam dates are not changeable) Note: As a community of learners at Appalachian State University, we must create an atmosphere of honesty, fairness, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of each other. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of an Appalachian degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form and will oppose any instance of academic dishonesty. This course will follow the provisions of the Academic Integrity Code, which can be found on the Office of Student Conduct Web Site: / Academic integrity continues to be an important issue, especially given students’ various interpretations of intellectual property rights and the ease of downloading material from the Web. Here are some things you might do in your classes to promote academic integrity, in addition to a statement on your syllabi and course web sites: * Lead discussions about academic integrity during class. * Create multiple versions of quizzes and exams. * Provide a space for students to reaffirm the Academic Integrity Honor Pledge on assignments, quizzes and exams (“I pledge on my honor that I have not violated the Appalachian State University Academic Integrity Code”). * Use current events to illustrate, discuss and reaffirm the value of integrity. * Contact the Office of Student Conduct in all appropriate cases of academic dishonesty. *2. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that we make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. It is important for faculty members to understand what we are and are not obliged to do when providing accommodations for students, so please familiarize yourself with the ODS web site and contact the office if you have questions about a request for accommodation. Please respect students’ rights to confidentiality and privacy when discussing disability accommodations with them. If you have questions, please contact Maranda Maxey, Director of the Office of Disability Services, at extension 3056 or 4 The Office of Disability Services recommends including the following text on syllabi and course web sites: /Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at or 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations./ 5