Draft4 final research Eng 302

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Keshav Koirala
Professor Dr. Thompson
English 302
4 August 2015
Paper# 3, Draft 3
Models of cloud computing and their Advantages
Cloud computing is the new computing technology where user can get all applications
and computer resources such as applications, software, data storages through the Internet. The
use of cloud computing in our everyday life is increasing day- by- day. All we use the email, web
application, store the data like picture, word documents and even we share these thing to other
through the Internet. We are able to use these services without having our own IT infrastructure
or spending a lot of money. The cloud computing technology allows doing these services for
much convenient and cheaper way. There are increasing number of web-enabled devices for
accessing and sharing the computing resources. The term cloud refers as data that store in the
outside of user devices and whenever they want, they can easily access their information from
the internet. Cloud computing is the technology that provides computing over the internet.
According to Sosinsky, in his book Cloud Computing Bible, “Cloud computing takes the
technology, services, and applications that are similar to those on the Internet and turns them into
a self-service utility. The use of the word "cloud" refers to the two essential concepts, which are
abstraction and virtualization. In abstractions, cloud computing abstracts the details of system
implementation from users and developers. Applications run on physical systems that are not
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specified, data is stored in locations that are unknown, administration of systems is outsourced to
others, and access by users is ubiquitous. In virtualization, Cloud computing virtualizes systems
by pooling and sharing resources. Systems and storage can be provisioned as needed from a
centralized infrastructure, costs are assessed on a metered basis, multi-tenancy is enabled, and
resources are scalable with agility” (Sosinsky, 2011).
Also in the business world cloud computing services as offers by the service provider on
pay-per –use bases. Azure Platform, Amazon Web services are the few example of the cloudcomputing platform that offer by big companies like Amazon and Microsoft. Same like other
Information technology based companies provide cloud services for both business and public
sector. In public some of are they offer as free such as, Google email Drive , Dropbox, Google
drive, Microsoft email, SkyDrive and many others. In business sector, they offer more
application as well data storage space. Cloud computing help to provide the companies and their
employees to get the resources they need to run the business. For an example, companies need to
by hardware and software to work their daily life at the same time they have to provide right
software for every employees and these software are expensive. At the same time, companies
need to maintain the infrastructure like hardware and software. For doing All of these things
companies need to spent a lot of time and money, but cloud computing avoid all of these and
make more easy for doing the business. The help of the cloud computing companies only need to
buy and install the software and the applications. Once it installed every employees in business
have assesse all resources through the internet by just log in to his or her account. This paper will
provide an account the various models, their advantages and the security concerns of cloud
computing, so that business communities have more confidence by using them.
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History of cloud computing
The concept of cloud computing was introduced back in 1960 by computer scientist John
McCarthy. He suggested, “Computation may someday be organized as a public utility” (Padhi,
2012). His concept was computer technology could be sold as a business model like the utilities
such as water and electricity. This idea was very popular in 1960 but it was not developing until
the 1990. After 1990, the World Wide Web began to its popularity for accessing the information
through the Internet was the main turning point of the cloud computing. We have to look the
developing process of the Internet to get the background of cloud computing. Around the 1950
computer are only works and process by using the punch card, which was called batch
processing, and it is more time consuming and annoying. This process took more time and if
something mistakes it need to do the whole process again to get the results. John McCarthy and
another computer pioneer of MIT Licklider introduced the concept of time-sharing. “Time –
sharing was different. It allowed a whole lot of terminals to be hooked up to the same
mainframe, so that many users could type in command directly and get a response almost
instantly”(Isaacson 224).This concept was same as today cloud computing where user share and
get response through the Internet from anywhere. When Internet was developed and this timesharing concept truly transfer as the cloud computing. According to Spence on his article, “A
brief history of the Internet”, the Internet was developed primarily in the 1960s and '70s as a U.S.
Department of Defense project, but its history actually begins in the 1950s with the
establishment of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Even though the Internet was
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developed around 1960, and 1970 it has not been for public until 1980. The development of the
Internet was the turning point of the cloud computing.
Model of Cloud Computing (I need to add more references in this
section and add more example that how business used cloud)
There are mainly two models in the cloud computing which are: deployment models and
Service models. In deployment models refers as the management and the location of cloud
infrastructure. This model includes public, private and hybrid cloud…….( I need to work on this
area , costs etc..)
Public cloud: Cloud computing services eliminate the startup cost of server virtualization.
The services usually charge a monthly fee for a finite amount of data storage. The higher your
storage amount, the higher the fee. This cloud model use internet to make and share the resources
to the users. Google AppEngine, Windowes Azure Service platfoem are the example of public
Private cloud: A private cloud service is a cloud platform built within your own walls on
your own hardware and software. Since your own internal IT team manages a private cloud, it is
ideal for businesses that want exclusive access, more flexibility and greater control over their
cloud. To use a private cloud service, however, organizations build their own data centers,
making it a costlier cloud option.Data center that owned a single company is the best example of
Private cloud.
Hybrid cloud: A hybrid cloud service employs both private and public clouds. In a hybrid
cloud system, an organization’s own IT team manages part of the cloud in-house and the rest offsite. For instance, a hybrid cloud system is perfect for an organization that wants to manage
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business-related data (such as customer files) in-house but wants to store less-sensitive
information with a third party.
Organizations use the cloud in a variety of different service models. This service models
are infrastructure as service (IaaS), platform as service (PaaS), and software as service
(SaaS).These service models deployed using various deployment models such as private, public
and hybrid cloud models.
In IaaS model “The consumer can control operating systems, virtual storage and
deployed applications, and have limited control over a set of networking components. The
control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of clouds, including the
network, servers, types of operating systems, and storage system are implanted by the cloud
provider (Arutynov, 2012)”. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),Eucalyptus ,GoGrid are the
example of this model.
In PaaS model, “where consumers are able to use infrastructure for the installation
of base software in order to use new or previously existing applications (consumer –created,
developed on order, or acquired packaged applications) (Arutynov, 2012)”. This model cloud
providers provide a computing platform such as operating system, programming languages,
database, web server so that application developers develop the new application, which helps the
cost for buying the new application. Froce.com, Google AppEngine, Windows Azure Platform
are the example of this model.
In SaaS model, provider provided application upon consumer demand base.
Consumer are not worried about maintain, setup, installation to run the application. The cloud
computing provider do that all jobs .In this model includes Email, Google Drive, Drop Box,
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Microsoft Office 365 and many more applications. Oracles on demand, SQL Azure are the
example of this model.( need to write how this works)
Advantage of cloud computing
Cloud computing has tremendous advantages in the business sector as well as in public.
Most of computing devices price depend upon their memories and hard drive. Now user can
easily get cheaper computing devices because of the popularity of cloud computing. They do not
need more hard drive they can easily uses cloud services that offered by different companies.
Generally there are some free cloud services in market that normal user can use some like
Microsoft one drive, Yahoo Flicker, Dropbox. Yahoo provides free one TB email and Flicker
service with all security and spam free features. Similar other companies also provide these kind
of services. That helps for small business, where they do not need more storage. There are many
advantages of cloud computing in the business sector, some of are reduction of capital
Expenditure, reduced administration costs, quick and easy implementation. Alijabre explains
advantage and disadvantage of cloud in his article “Cloud Computing for Increased Business
Value” he said “Cloud computing can be seen as a beneficial tool for businesses for several
reasons. To begin, businesses can have lower cost computers for users. This means that the user
does not have to have a high-powered computer to run cloud computing web-based applications
as these applications run in the cloud, not in the desktop or PC. Again, because the applications
are run from the cloud instead of running them on a computer, cloud computing can improve the
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performance of a desktop PC. It is not unusual for many companies to have very high IT
infrastructure costs and it is with the use of cloud computing that it actually lowers the costs of
these infrastructures. As a result companies do not have to invest in a large number of powerful
servers; the IT department of companies can then use the computing power of the cloud to
enhance or change the internal computing resources”(Aljabre 2012).
Another benefit of using cloud computing in business is the software cost. Software are
very expensive and need to maintain is very hard for organizations. They did not have to buy
single software for each computer. Employees of the organization can access software through
the cloud. Cloud computing provides the share and collaborated project for many employees or
users that helps to reduce the time and money for the business.
Security issue, Privacy issues
There are number of security issues and concerns associated with cloud computing.
These issues can be differentiate into two categories, which are security issues faced by cloud
providers and security issues faced by their customers. Cloud providers are providing
software platform and infrastructure as a service through the cloud. The providers must
ensure that infrastructure is secure and that their clients’ data and applications are protected.
At the same time, the customer must ensure that the provider has taken the proper security
measures to protect their information. Generally, service providers are stored the customer
data in the data were house. Customers are not very sure about their data, because they
cannot controlled their own personal data. There are always big concerns that what happened
if the cloud providers goes out of service or data center lost their data due to natural disaster
or other incidents. Still many users are not confident to using the cloud because of the
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security issues. In addition, these datacenter are not in only one place or country. There are
many big companies they operated data center in different country, for an example Microsoft
has many data center in Asia, Europe, North America. That means they can stored data
anywhere in the world. There are more concerns about the security of these places and the
rules and regulation of these countries. “The data centers of cloud service providers are
located in various locations all over the world. That means data on the cloud could be stored
in any country. The 'physical location' raises the question of legal governance over the data.
In case of a conflict between the cloud vendor and the customer the question of which
country's court system will settle the dispute comes to the fore. In cases where there is
litigation, an organization will have to deal with a third party cloud provider to gain access to
information relevant to the litigation. (Dlodlo, 2011). Another concern in cloud is the users
privacy , weather users personal information such as social security number, bank account,
emails are securely stored or it uses for advertising and marketing purpose.
There are numerous security issues and threats associated with cloud computing. In
article “Bursting the Cloud: Security threat & preventions” the authors listed many security
issues and their solutions associated with cloud computing. Hackers attacking the cloud
itself is the main security threat in the cloud computing. “In this the most common strategy
used is Denial of service (DOS) in which hacker floods the cloud with unnecessary requests.
The cloud then exhausts it’s all resources in order to service them while the actual user
requests get denied” (Tyagi, 2004). Other types of security risks are browser security, SQL
injection attacks, Inserting Malicious software in Cloud. Similar Sniffer attack is another
attack in the cloud, where “attacks are launched by applications which can capture packets
flowing in a network and if the data that is being transferred through these packets is not
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encrypted, it can be read. There are chances that vital information flowing across the network
can be traced or captured” (Goyal, 2013).
Cloud computing helps to provide products and services for individual and business
wherever, whenever they need through the Internet. This technology is the cheaper, and
convenient for business sector to uses the computing utilities. Cloud computing has a lot of
benefit in the business sector at the same time there are numerous security risk involved in this
field. ( need add more)
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Aljabre, Abdulaziz. "Cloud computing for increased business value." International
journal of Business and Social Science 3.1 (2012): 234-239.Web.4 August 2015.
Arutyunov, V. V. "Cloud Computing: It’s History of Development, Modern State,
and Future Considerations." Scientific and Technical Information
Processing 39.3 (2012): 173-8. ProQuest. 18 June 2015.
Dlodlo, N. (2011). Legal, privacy, security, access and regulatory issues in cloud computing
Paper presented at the 161-VIII. Retrieved from Augest 5, 2015
Goyal, Kashish, Supriya."Security Concerns In The World Of Cloud Computing". International
Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science 4.2 (2013): 230-234.
Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 7 Aug. 2015
Isaacson, Walter. “The Personal Computer.” The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers,
Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 2014. Print.
Padhy, Rabi Prasad, and Manas Ranjan Patra. "Evolution of Cloud Computing and Enabling
Technologies." International Journal of Cloud Computing and
ServicesScience 1.4(2012):182. ProQuest. Web. 24 July 2015.
Sosinky, Barrie. “Cloud Computing Bible”.Indianapolis, IN:Willy &Sons, 2011. Proquest
Safaribook Search. Web. 6 Aug. 2015.
Tyagi, Jhankar1, and Ankita2 Tyagi. "Bursting The Cloud: Security Threats & Preventions."
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International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science 5.8 (2014):
112-113. Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 7 Aug.