introduction to multimedia test#1

DATE: 15/09/2010 TIME: 2:00-3:00pm
(a) This test consist of 10 questions
(b) Attempt all questions
(c) This test weights 10 Marks.
(d) Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room
1. What is Multimedia?
Multimedia means that computer information can be
represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e.,
text, graphics/drawings, images).
2. What are the components of multimedia?
Components of a Multimedia System
Now let us consider the Components (Hardware and Software)
required for a multimedia system:
Capture devices — Video Camera, Video Recorder, Audio
Microphone, Keyboards, mice, graphics tablets, 3D input
devices, tactile sensors, VR devices. Digitising Hardware
Storage Devices — Hard disks, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROM, etc
Communication Networks — Local Networks, Intranets,
Internet, Multimedia or other special high speed networks.
Computer Systems — Multimedia Desktop machines,
Workstations, MPEG/VIDEO/DSP Hardware
Display Devices — CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA, Hi-Res
monitors, Colour printers etc.
3. List all uses of multimedia application.
Following are the uses of multimedia applications:
• Video teleconferencing
• Distributed lectures for higher education
• Telemedicine
• Cooperative work environments that allow to share documents
• Searching large video and image databases for target visual objects
• Making multimedia components editable
Building inverse-Hollywood applications that can recreate the process by which a video was
made allowing storyboard pruning and concise video summarization
• Using voice recognition to build an interactive
Environment – say a kitchen wall web browser
• Computer science student’s interest is that so much of the material covered in traditional
computer science areas bears on the multimedia enterprise: networks, operating systems, real
time systems, information retrieval.
4. Why We Use Multimedia
1. When we incorporate multiple media into an application, more of our senses are
activated. Consequently, one of the reasons we use multimedia is to give life to flat
information. Multimedia encourages users to embrace, internalize, and glean more from
information because they can attack the information from multiple directions. In other
words, users of multimedia applications have an opportunity to read about information,
but they can also see it and hear it. As you will soon see, even smell and touch have a
place in multimedia applications.
2. At the next level, we add interactivity to multimedia. Interactive multimedia allows
the user to respond directly to and control any or all of these media. Users of interactive
multimedia become active participants in an application instead of passive recipients of
information. It is interactivity that gives multimedia range
5. What is meant by the term digitizing?
Digitization refers to the process of translating a piece of information (text,
images, sound, video etc) into discrete values
Digitizing is the process of converting images into a format that the computer
can recognize and manipulate. In other words, the image is converted into a
series of binary data or 1's and O's. There are many different sources of
preexisting digitized images, or you can digitize images that are currently
photographs, slides, or line art.
6. What is meant by “bit-mapped” image?
When you use a paint program the image you create is considered a bitmapped image.
Bitmapped images are stored in memory as pixels. Pixels are picture elements. To
illustrate, imagine that each piece of a graphic image is broken down into small squares.
Each small square represents one pixel. This pixel records the screen location and color
value on a bit map in memory. A bit map is a grid similar to graph paper from which
each small square will be directly mapped back onto the computer screen as a pixel.
Bitmapped graphics editors or paint programs are the only programs that allow you to
edit images at the pixel level. This means they are the only type of program that can be
used to accomplish effects like touching up photographs. In addition, paint programs are
typically easier to learn and use than draw programs. Though bitmap-based paint
programs are easier to use than vector-based draw programs, the resulting bitmapped
images are not as flexible as vector graphics.
Because bitmapped images are pixel-based, when you enlarge these images the squares
simply get bigger. In other words, because bitmapped images have a specific resolution
or number of pixels per inch, if the image is enlarged without
7. What is meant by “vector” image?
Drawing programs excel as art production and illustration tools for creating original
artwork. When you use a draw program, the resulting graphic is vector based. Unlike
bitmapped graphics, vector graphics are created and recreated from mathematical
models. These models actually create the image as a series of mathmatical formulas
that connect vectors or simple geometric shapes like lines s that ultimately become
circles and boxes. based graphics can be resized or contorted without losing the quality
image. Vector-based graphics are smoother and more precise than bitmapped graphics.
They also require a lot less memory. Because vector graphics are more versatile and
more precise than bitmapped images, professionals in drafting often use them. In
addition to draw programs, most 3D graphics s and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
programs also produce vector S. of the more common draw programs used today include
CorelDRAW, Blustrator, MacDraw, Claris Works, and Macrornedia FreeHand. By at some
of the features found in Adobe Illustrator, you should get a feel ing programs and how
they differ from paint programs.
8. What is Hypertext and Hypermedia?
Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts.
The term was invented by Ted Nelson around 1965.
HyperMedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, e.g.,
graphics, images, and especially the continuous media – sound and video.
9. List the four basic characteristics of a multimedia system
A Multimedia system has four basic characteristics:
_ Multimedia systems must be computer controlled.
_ Multimedia systems are integrated.
_ The information they handle must be represented digitally.
_ The interface to the final presentation of media is usually
10. Why use RGB rather than CMYK model for web?
Since cathode ray tube devices, such as computer monitors, display color with red, green
and blue light, this is the color system of the Web.
RGB color
The red, green, and blue (RGB) color system can represent a large portion of the color
spectrum by mixing these three primary colors.