FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 UNCONFIRMED MINUES SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 HOLIDAY INN ON THE BAY PORTLAND, MAINE These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. MONDAY, September 10, 2007 (CLOSED MEETING) 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson, Al Jankot. Quorum requirements were met at all times for both open and closed meetings. The combined meeting attendance was a follows. ATTENDANCE User Members Present: Al Jankot Dan Smith Mark Scott Ron Clements Mark Paul Mary Francois Erwin Oman Terence Chin Fred Meyer Barbara Donoghue Jerry Onufer Ami Chase Joseph Gambill Hon Lo Perry Freeman Ed Ryan Renatas Sanislouvatis Gregory May Hamilton Sundstrand GE Aviation Boeing, St. Louis Boeing, Seattle Rolls Royce Corp. AIRBUS Bombardier Naval Air Warfair Center Cessna Boeing Boeing Commercial DSCC Hamilton Sundstrand DSCP Boeing, Seattle NAVAIR GE Aviation Boeing, Seattle Other Participants/Members Present: Carlos Garfias Airdrome Precision Components Clayton Ramclam PAMCO Kevin Metcalf Nelson Aerospace Inc. Bryan Caton Parker Steve Etherton Eaton Tim Rusk B & E Mfg. Page 1 of 7 FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 Ricardo Foster Joseph Klamar Roger Christianson Hans Vandervelden May Danhash Ky Nguyen John Binford Andrew Ma Mike Paveglio Makio Sato Steven Hudlet Harlan Blanchard Norm Alexander Pete Stroempl R.G. Allebaugh Christina Frias Dianne Zimnavoda Leo Meredith Allen Hoube John Austin Chris Schofield Doug Kutber Nilesh Patel Mike Schleckman Dick Tomsic Steve Etherton Steve MacDonald Lee Bullock National Utilities Co. NUCO National Utilities Co. NUCO Hydraflow Independent Designed Metal Connections Adelwiggins Airdrome Smiths Tubular Systems Smiths Tubular Systems C.M.T.C. Jetseal Smiths Tubular Systems-Laconia SAE Parker – SPD Aerofit, Inc. Alcoa Fastening Systems RCF Technologies Eaton Aeroquip Parker Stratoflex Parker Stratoflex Hydraflow SAE Shur-Lok Voss Industries Voss Industries Eaton DMC DMC PRI Staff: Keith Purnell Ken Lefebvre Product Staff Engineer PRI Auditor 1.2 Attendance list was routed and updated and the voting membership was confirmed. 1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes The minutes from the March 19, 2007 California meeting were presented and a motion was made for approval, seconded and all were in favor with no disapprovals. Therefore the minutes were approved as written. 2.0 AC7112/2 AC7112/2 DRAFT Revision A dated 2007-07 Audit Criteria for Fittings and Other Machined Components was reviewed. Problems with aluminum forgings and leakage of fittings at sealing surfaces prompted the request to add additional Page 2 of 7 FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 criteria to the draft checklist. Proposed additional requirements included adding criteria to address aluminum shapes (forgings) and requirements for fabrication of seal areas. PRI Staff verified that forgings were outside of the Task Groups scope. Additional requirements would need to be addressed within the SAE standard documents. ACTION ITEM – PRI Staff to set up a conference call to discuss flow down of requirements. 3.0 Current Audit Review Task Group reviewed the four current open audits. Supplier Advisory impact on merit was reviewed. 4.0 Supplier Issues Subcontracting of machining was discussed. Task Group needs to verify the amount oversight being performed assures the products integrity. Purchase order for subcontracted operations need to flow down all the applicable requirements? 5.0 Auditor Training Nadcap Auditors will receive 8 hours of general auditor training on Saturday October 20 in Pittsburgh. Fluid Auditors will receive 4 hours of Fluid Specific auditor training on Sunday Morning October 21, 2007. Boeing will assist in conducting the 2007 auditor training. Nadcap Annual auditor training for 2008 will be in Pittsburgh on July 19 & 20. Task Group will need to decide if the Fluids auditor training will be in Pittsburgh or at the Fall G3 meeting? ACTION ITEM – Primes wishing to assist in 2007 training of the auditors to contact Keith Purnell at kpurnell@sae.org by October 1, 2007. 5.1 New Business 5.1.1 Forging Audits Forgings are outside the scope of the Fluids Task Group. To audit Forging Manufacturers the following actions are required: Draft a scope for the proposed Forging Audit / Task Group and e-mail it to Arshad Hafeez for his review. Provide names and contact information of primes willing to support this initiative. This information will be passed onto Nadcap Management Council. NMC will determine the level of interest. If the level of interest is sufficient the proposal will be presented to the PRI Board. Briefly summarize the problems being encountered with aluminum forgings and need for the audit. Page 3 of 7 FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 5.1.2 eAuditNet - PRI Staff would like to set up a date and time for conducting a Prime eAuditNet Tutorial. ACTION ITEM – Establish date and time on the Next Nadcap Fluids Task Group conference call. 5.1.3 Staff Delegation – Pri Staff presented the last 12 months delegation metrics. Staff maintained 100% concurrence with the Task Group and maintained delegation. Nadcap TASK GROUP OPEN MEETING 6.0 OPENING COMMENTS Vice Chairperson Alan Jankot welcomed all in attendance Attendance list was circulated & Voting membership confirmed. 7.0 MEETING MINUTES 7.1 Previous Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved without change. 8.0 Nadcap STAFF REPORT 8.1 Auditor Status – Task Group currently has 2 lead auditors. A third auditor will be interviewed and hired this year. 8.2 Nadcap audits projected for 2007 are 3523 and audits scheduled to date are 2948. 8.3 Fluid Distribution Systems Audits scheduled for 2007 are 19 re-accreditations and 1 initial in the Americas and 1 re-accreditation in Europe. Five audits completed to date. 8.4 Task Group Metrics were reviewed: Audit cycle for 2007 is 64 days. There were no lapsed accreditations in 2006 or 2007. Average number of Major & Minor NCR’s was reviewed The most common NCR’s from AC7112 & AC7112/2 were: #1 NCR – Sampling #2 NCR – Calibration #3 NCR – Procedure issues – procedures do not address, not following the procedure, not recording required data. 8.5 Status of AC7112/6 & AC7123 Nadcap began conducting audits to these checklists on June 4, 2007. 8.6 Status of AC7112 NMC Ballot Page 4 of 7 FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 Five more votes are required to close the ballot. 8.7 Future Nadcap Meeting Dates October 22-26, 2007 Pittsburgh PA February 25-29, 2008 Rome Italy July 21-25, 2008 Pittsburgh PA (auditor training) October 6-10, 2008 Yokohama, Japan February 16-20, 2009 Dallas TX June 15-19, 2009, London, England October 19-23, 2009 Pittsburgh PA (auditor training) 8.8 2007 Auditor Training Task Group specific auditor training will take place sometime during October 21, 2007 in Pittsburgh PA. PRI Staff asked for Volunteers to assist Action Item: Members that wish to assist in the 2007 Auditor Training to contact PRI Staff by October 1, 2007. 8.9 Announcement was made inviting attendees to participate in the afternoons Aluminum Forging Panel meeting. 8.10 eAuditNet & Nadcap Changes Latest changes are: Tracking of supplier response cumulative lateness days Objective evidence being required for all NCR’s for audits conducted after November 4, 2007 New definition for Major and Minor was reviewed. Definition is located in the Quality Manual that is posted in eAuditNet under user documents 9.0 SUPPLIER MEETING REPORT OUT Suppliers provided feedback on proposed changes to PD2101E and AC7112/2 Revision A. See attached Supplier minutes for a more detailed description. Supplier Minutes Sept 9 2007 10.0 Task Group Standardization 10.1 Currently Nadcap Management Council (NMC) is working on standardization of: NOP-001 Audit Failure Process, NOP-008 Audit Merit Program NOP-003 Delegation of Audit Report Reviewer 10.1.1 For Merit the major changes that will impact the Fluids Task Group are: Page 5 of 7 FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 Eligibility Criteria: 18-Months after 2nd reaccreditation audit; 24-Months after 4th reaccreditation audit No NCR defined as “non-sustaining” during the current or previous audit. No failed audits, no follow-up/verification audits. No confirmed product escapes during merit period. No Level 3 Advisories Limit on days cumulative delinquency (#days not yet determined) Limit on total number of NCRs (normalize by audit days) 10.1.2 For Failure the major changes that will impact the Fluids Task Group are: Limit on number of Major NCR’s based upon the number of audit days and Task Groups history. Limit on total number of NCR’s based upon the number of audit days and Task Groups history. 10.1.3 For Delegation of Audit Report Reviewer, all of the current proposals would not require a change to our existing practice. 11.0 Revision of AC7112/2 AC7112/2 Draft Revision A Dated 2007-07 was reviewed. Action Item: Please review AC7112/2 Draft Revision A Dated 2007-07 and provide comments to kpurnell@sae.org by September 31, 2007. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Minutes prepared by: Keith Purnell kpurnell@sae.org ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* NO *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: Page 6 of 7 Due date: FLUIDS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 2007 Nadcap Division Fluids Rolling Action List Fluids Rail Page 7 of 7