جامعة بورسعيد كلية التمريض Subject: anatomy1 Year 2013

‫جامعة بورسعيد‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
Year 2013-2014
Subject: anatomy1
1st Term
First Year
Date: 5/1/2014
Total Marks: 40
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Dr. Fekry Elsayed Shata
I. Discuss:
(4 marks for each)
1. Cardiac valves (site and communications)?
2. Urinary system (functions & components)?
3. Salivary glands (functions, sites & termination of its ducts)?
II. Compare between:
(4 marks for each)
1. Small intestine & large intestine?
2. Right bronchus & left bronchus?
III. Choose the Most Correct Answer:
(1/2 mark for each)
1) Which of the following positions describes anatomical position?
A. Standing erect.
B. sitting comfortably with your hands on your knees
C. lying on one's side
D. The eyes looking to the side
2) The vertical plane that divide the body into anterior and posterior
parts is:
A. Sagittal
B. Horizontal
C. Median
D. Coronal
3) __________ plane passes through the midline of the body, dividing it
into right and left halves.
A. coronal
B. midsagittal
C. parasagittal
D. transverse
4) An example of a girdle bone is:
A. Hip bone.
B. Humerus.
C. Femur.
D. Metacarpal bone.
5) An example of axial bone is:
4‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
‫جامعة بورسعيد‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
A. Hip bone.
B. Humerus.
C. Femur.
D. Sternum.
6) The following bone is part of the appendicular skeleton:
A. Skull.
B. Ribs.
C. Vertebrae.
D. Scapula.
7) The site of growth of long bone in length is due to the activity of:
A. Epiphysis.
B. Metaphysis.
C. Diaphysis.
D Epiphyseal cartilage.
8) Communications between arteries & veins usually present in:
A. Sinusoids of liver.
B. Nail
C. Spleen.
D. Bones
9) Regarding the veins, one is correct:
A. Veins are vessels that carry blood out of the heart.
B. Veins return deoxygenated blood to the left atrium.
C. veins return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the right
D. Veins are tubes containing deoxygenated blood to the right
10) The largest lymphoid gland in the body is::
A. Adenoid.
B. Thymus gland.
C. Spleen.
D. Tonsil.
11) Pleurae are serous membranes of the
A. abdominal cavity
B. lungs
C. heart
D. diaphragm
12) Pericardial membranes surround the
A. heart
B. lungs
C. thoracic wall
D. kidneys
13) The type of joint that is distinguished by having a fluid-filled joint
cavity is a ______________ joint.
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‫كلية التمريض‬
A. fibrous
B. cartilaginous
C. synovial
D. suture
14) Regarding the nephron choose the correct one:
A. Is the functional unit of the kidney.
B. Is formed of Malpigian corpuscle & collecting duct.
C. Responsible for storage of urine until maturation.
D. About one hundred in each kidney.
15) Regarding the heart one of the following is correct:
A. The left side contains non oxygenated blood
B. The atria give arteries
C. The ventricles receive veins
D. The right side contain venous blood
Axial skeleton include:
A. foot
B. femur
C. fibula
D. vertebral column
17) Appendicular skeleton include:
A. metatarsal bones
B. Hyoid bone
C. mandible
D. sternum
18) Regarding cardiac muscles choose the correct one:
A. Involuntary
B. voluntary
C. Supplied by peripheral nervous system
D. mononucleated
19) Right kidney is lower in position than left one due to the presence of:
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Stomach
D. Pancreas
20) The hilum of the kidney receives:
A. Renal artery
B. Pelvic part of ureter
C. Renal fat
D. Renal pyramid
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‫جامعة بورسعيد‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
IV. Matching: choose from options the suitable answers for
(1 mark for each)
1) Theme:- Respiratory system
A. Primary bronchi
B. trachea
C. larynx
D. Left lung
E. Right lung
F. pharynx
For each question below, choose the most appropriate SINGLE
choice from above options.
1. Formed of three lobes.
( )
2. Has one fissure.
( )
3. Composed of nine cartilages.
( )
4. Part of digestive & respiratory systems.
( )
5. The last cartilage is of it is named Carina
( )
2) Theme:- bony skeleton
A. Short bones
B. Long bones
C. Irregular bones
D. Sesamoid bone
E. Flat bones
F. Diaphysis
For each question below, choose the most appropriate SINGLE
choice from above options.
1. Scapula and bones of skull cap are examples.
2. They are found in carpal and tarsal bones.
3. They are found in the vertebra.
4. They are small nodules of bone developing inside the tendon of
certain muscles as patella.
5. Fibula and tibia re examples of this type of bones
The end of questions
With my best wishes ------------ dr/ Fekry Shata
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