HEALTH EDUCATION & PROMOTION FOR All HEALTH PROFESSIONS (Johali HEPAHP) The Way ahead Towards Assertive Patient Centered Health Education with Best Evidences Johali APCHE'R QUALITY الطريق إلى تثقيف وتعزيز صحي معتمد على المرضى مبني على البراهين Eisa Ali Mohammad Johali عيسى بن علي بن محمد الجوحلي Riyadh الرياض 1صفحة 2011/1432 \ 2015\1436 why تغيير مع اضافة – تقديم بحوث مكانة التثقيف بعد Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 © عيسى بن علي الجوحلي 0211م، فسح وزارة الثقافة واإلعالم بالمملكة العربية السعودية رقم .............. وتاريخ .............. (موجود االن الفسح امبدئي -والنهائي بعد تسجيل مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية وتسليم خمس نسخ للوزارة) فهرسة مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية الرياض الجوحلي ،عيسى بن علي التثقيف والتعزيز الصحي للمدير الصحي وكافة المهن الصحية :HEPHAP Health; Education; Promotion; Quality' Healthful; Life; Patient; Community; Centred; Best Evidence; Health Professions: Health Administration, Medicine; Nursing; Dentistry; Pharmacy; Medical Laboratory, Medical Radiography, Clinical Nutrition, Emergency Medical Services; Social Workers رقم اإليداع................: ديوي ..... الطبعة األولى 2133م 3412هـ - …..… - ردمك..........................: © JOHALI, Eisa Ali © عيسى بن علي الجوحلي By National & Global Laws Copy Right is reserved for the Author الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ،وال يسمح بالتصوير أو النسخ وال التعديل مطلقا ،وألغراض بحثية يمكن االقتباس شريطة توثيق هذا االقتباس وفق حقوق النشر والتأليف المحلية والعالمية. 6114شارع النويصيب حي طويق وحدة رقم ( )1الرياض 4536-16116 الرياض -المملكة العربية السعودية 1866010213600 صفحة2 هللا الرحم الرحيم Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 افتتاحية Inductive إيمانا بمفهومي عن الدنيا وأن " كل من عليها فان وال يبقى إال وجه ربي ذوا الجالل واإلكرام ،أفتتح كتابي الثاني هذا بتوضيح غايتي العظمى من التأليف والنشر بسم هللا والصالة والسالم على خامت األنبياء والرسل نيب ورسول العاملني "حممد بن عبدهللا" عليه أفضل الصالة والسالم ،وبعد ،ادعوا هللا العلي العظيم أن يكون هذا الكتاب عمال وبقوله عز وجل: ون إِلَى سيَ َرى ال ّل ُه َ { َو ُق ِل ْ ون َو َ م َو َر ُ م ُلواْ َف َ س ُت َردُّ َ م ْؤ ِم ُن َ ع َ اع َ سو ُل ُه َوا ْل ُ م َل ُك ْ (التوبة )501 ون } عا ِل ِم ا ْل َغيْ ِ ب َوال َّ ما ُك ُ َ ش َه َ م ُل َ م َت ْع َ اد ِة َف ُي َن ِبّ ُئ ُكم ِب َ نت ْ It is my prayer that this book will be "Meaningful sciences" in the behave of God obedience, as He said in His Holy Quran: And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will "He show you the truth of all that ye did. And as His Prophet says: وقول رسوله الكريم عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام: "إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية -ولد صالح يدعوا له و علم ينتفع به"رجيا أن يكون عملي هذا "علم مقبول ينتفع به دنيا وآخره " خالصا لوجه هللا بسم هللا الرحم الرحيم صفحة3 As all my work, it is my hope that this book Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 DEDICATION ========================================================== This third published book devote to: ● The Spiritual Gurus of Humanity Our Sovereign the Custodian of he Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz (God reserve him) Plus, - My Lovely Family: o My Mother my dream to Heaven with ALLAH Desire o My Wife & Children for their patient and support - My lovely Learners; My lovely Profession the “Missing Health Education & lovely Colleague A H Alshehri "God Mercy Be Upon Him” & My Lovely Brother Dr. Ghiath Al Souki, his family and his beauty land "Damascus & Al Kusair" ============================================== Health Education and Promotion for H. A and All health Professions Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 4صفحة FORWARD 5صفحة Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 PART ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION & REASONING Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 6صفحة Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 Chapter 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 7صفحة PREFACE & PROMOTION This introductory Learning Part aims to promote the Reader; Learner & Researcher to reason, understand and be familiar with the secrets structure and style of this creative learning reference, to promote and motivate them to be “Ready & Welling for lifelong learning, to use, read and study smartly. They have to realize the overall aim and the learning Objectives of every parts and chapter. They have to probe “why they are reading or studying health education and promotion?". It hopes to motivate you to learn, grow and develop forever. A Preface You will Pass…Just Be Ready & Welling to Learn In this book, If you are a student, a practitioner, a reader or researcher, you will come out with meaningful outcome. As an introductory to this probing chapter, I would like to send a progressive educational message to my dear “readers; learners; researchers ” . My dears remember that this is not just a book or traditional reference. It is an honor creative guide, it motivates you to think, reason, justify and promote your selfesteem towards treasure of lifelong learning. While you are reading or studying you have to “Think, Participate, Practice & Reflect on and in, you have to react actively and voluntarily with every word and concept. It helps you to think around, back, about, over and up. It is prepared to promote you to search about the most appropriate knowledge, attitude that can lead to the right behavior for you, your patients and community as well. As a first book in the world, it has leading scientific concepts mainly "Assertive the empathetic, compassion or other Feelings" with "Patient Centre Health Education and promotion (APCHE) with Best Evidence Health Education and Promotion (BEHEP) and . All of these new concepts are initiated in a prime integrative model "Johali APCHE'R Quality Model. --It consists of ……………… sequenced parts with step by step ….. chapters. If you are familiar with theater or television films, will find it a serious of stages or shows. This is the first par, it guides you to discover why and how to get meaningful learning. After its introductory chapter comes the second which is designated for reasoning Why these professions, students, patient and all people are reading, using, searching and studying this book. Why HEP for all health administrators and health professions? including: 8صفحة - Health Education for Health Administrator (HEHA)'; - Health Education for Dentists & Dental Assistant (HEDDA) - Health Education for Medicine (HEM); Health Education for Nursing HENUR); Health Education for Medical Laboratory Technician & Technology (HEMLT); Health Education for Pharmacist & Pharmacy Technician (HEPT); Health Education For Radiographer & Radiography Technician (HERT); Health Education for Nutrition (HENUT); As the author believe in the Arabic proverb that "probe the roots with There is The second part … ?!!!!! The second part briefly overviews history with probe of he -- In order to read, study, and use this scientific educational guidance, you have to use "Your All Senses" and "Abilities", as well; You have to attend, see, listen, ask, discuss and participate actively in teaching, learning and assessing your self, your colleague, your teaching and learning process and materials, your curriculum, and your teacher, as well. Finally, if you do so, do not worry, you will success in your course and your life as well. With this Creative Counseling Book' All People will be healthy except those who don't welling to behave healthy & “All Learners will success except the one who do not welling to” EISA ALI JOHALI The Author 9صفحة A PROLOGUE Moving Towards “QUALITY -The Lifelong Student /Patient Centred with Best Evidence (Still under Review) This persuasive introductory is an encouragement and invitation as well, to my nation, all HEP and health sectors, and leaders, to my patients, to my students and to all readers and researchers, to move from be dependent towards dependent, to itch their skin rather than be itched, or may be hurter. Simply, it reflects what It calls you to move from the non useful the traditional ways of education the “professor; lecturer; teacher; educator; administrator, physician; nurse; pharmacist; radiogrer… Centred Health Education” towards the useful the quality assured strategies the “Learner and Patients Centred HEP, the Quality of Lifelong Education and Health Care". Even if you are a philosopher or expert, when read imagine that you are a novice learner….. At early era and up to the late of 20’s Century, and even today in many nations, physician was the dominated profession to patient education. The leading approaches of education and health education was “Physician or Teacher Centred” rather than the progressive “Student or Patient Centred” (Johali 1995; 2006; Tindall 1994, 2003 &many other)”. Despite the most common Arab Proverb: “Nothing Itching Your Skin Like Your Nail ”ما يحك جلدك مثل ظفرك, Just think, who can itch your skin without hurting ! You or other?; Who is looking for education and its outcome or for success, who is looking for health and health care; Who is going to learn, study, practice, consume or use medication, "the professor, teacher, educator, physician, nurse and other health professions or the students/ patients"?. Who can understand better; the passive student/patient who taught or filled, shaped.. Or the active student/patient who "listen, ask, discuss, argue, take a smart note…learn and caring his/her self, or at least share, participate"? 10صفحة A few Arabs people students and patients are trust the new concepts of “Self Care” & Self Learning”. All the students are instructed/ injected via “Teacher and teaching or training Centred” or “Prescribed Text Book Centred Teaching” they have no chance, even for few participation or asking and discuss. They dislike meaningful learning through “Student/Learner and Learning Centred” the worldwide new progressive approach, by which they have a great chance not only to participate and be active, but also, to to be full independent and a creative learner, technician and patient. Worldwide, the “Self” progressive concept is introduced to every thing looking for quality, including all levels and fields of education and professions. Finally, this concept introduces to “Self health care; Self health profession education; Self health and patient education. While the world looking for “Patient Self/ Centred Medication” (Tindall et al 1994, 2003 ; Johali 1995; Rogers 1983 & others) , we still promote our patient to be “Physician & Allied Health Profession Centred”, even with his “Health Education & Self Health Care”?!. By which we lost a lot of activities, times & drugs; facing difficult how to promote patients to comply with medicine & medical advices & to reach the quality of health full life!. Therefore, this course, its plan, its concise and your lecturer aim to promote you to “Move towards QUALITY = Lifelong learning + Patient Centred /the Best Evidence HEPHAP”; To reach this prophecy the pretty insight , you have to “encourage your self, your colleagues and patients to move from dependent towards independent (Self) health education. By which you will assure your optimum goal“ the Quality of Lifelong Education; Health Education ; Healthful Care & Healthful Life”. 11صفحة Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 The Book Objectives With your positive collaborative, full participation and attention, by the end of reading and studying this progressive book, it is expected that we will achieve the following “Reading & Learning Objectives”: 1. Explore the sciences of health, education, health education from the nature and duties of his profession and his specialized courses, 2. Briefly highlight the historical overview of Health Education, 3. Probe education ↔ health & briefly highlight philosophical & scientific HE roots. 4. Well realize the recent HE scientific concepts, methodologies, technologies & planning procedures that can promote the quality of lifelong health. 5. Define Global health education ↔ Create a“ National Definition” which suites our national nature and characters & predict HE Principles, Fields, Communication & Ethics. 6. Be aware of the “Teaching & Learning” methods and technologies that we taught by during our HE study. 7. Distinguish & use the most common HE Methodologies & Technologies, and their major advantages and disadvantages. 8. Produce simple interactive HE materials: Leaflet, Folder, Poster and Pamphlet….. 9. Use the most related scientific concepts to plan an effective HE Activities. Finally, do not forget that this is fortitude book that promote and motivate you personality to be “a Self thinker, a Self creative, and a Lifelong Learner, who can, independently, explore and apply the above sciences to protect, prevent and promote themselves, their patients, their environment & community”. & WE WELL ACHIEVE OUR GENERAL AIM The Way Ahead Towards A “Assertive Patient Centred HE with Best Evidence (Johali APCHE'R QUALITY ) 12صفحة Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 Chapter 2 REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Health Education and Promotion for All health Professions Johali HEPAHP 1432-1011\2015 13صفحة REASONING WHY HEPHAP? & A NATIONAL HEPHAP? Before justifying HEPHAP, let us reasoning why "Why HEPHAP itself", is it really carry any creative experience or at least new idea for new future and generation. Just think, with our national health education activities; What we did, what we have achieved?, what we are doing and what we are going to achieve?. How many years we are teaching, educating or transferring and shaping? Or we really educating or we are advertising and misuse time, effort and money. Do we help and promote people to prevent and protect themselves or at least do we really transfer or shape people knowledge, attitude and skills that we are looking for ?!, if we did .. what is the value of its outcome just in health behavior?!!. Do we increase the healthy life expectancy or it is in decreasing, how many people with positive health style or negative attitude, how many people dead by heart attack, how many people have health nutritional style, how many people with Diabetic Mellitus ?; How many people was smoke & how many people are still smoke now and why!!. Finally, it is worthwhile to think and ask "Are we ready & welling to creative new meaningful sciences, are our student ready and willing to study, are they ready and willing to cooperate, to understand. Even if just a reader, think why you are read?, are you ready & welling to learn from your reading?!,. Otherwise, you may waste, not only your time but the time of your students, patients, nation & life. T assure the quality, as a lecturer, I spent the first week just to explain why we are studying this course. As a health educator, I believe that "if we just working to motivate and promote our patients to be "Aware; Ready and Willing to Learn" or at least to reason and be smart reader" that means we reach the total quality of teaching, learning, health education and health promotion. 14صفحة REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Q1: Is HE a matter of choice ? Do health administrator & physicians have a choice to study ? practice? Q2: Do you think HE is a responsibility of HAs; physicians; all medical / health team ? Q3: Does HE a part of any medical or health strategy such as PHC? This reasoning applied for all health professions. ==== This is one major Evidence : 15صفحة REASONING WHY HEPHAP? MOH Health Education Guide for All Heath Professions This is the 2nd major Evidence : Health Education Guide for All Heath Professions Source: Johali Special Collection 1987 16صفحة REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Why HEHA? The Place of Health Education and Promotion in Health Administrator JD? To conclude: As you see, HE is a Prime leader the first element of the common eight PHC Elements. When you graduate, you will be the leader of HE and all PHC activities, you will be the "Master" of all health service activities including HE. You as HA have to play a master role to protect, prevent and promote your self, your profession, your patients, your colleagues, your environment & community well being”. Meanwhile at global level, the Associated Health Administrator play a Millennium role, HA is not just to manage may be with aggressive style- BUT to communicate, coordinate, ,facilitate & guide - You should have the ability and interests to grow & develop your self and your profession. You must be able to Educate, Promote & Conduct Technical Research. Now, are you “Ready & Welling to learn HEHA!”; let us have a travel learning? This is also evidence for significance of HE in all Health Care & for all HP including HAs & Physicians 17صفحة REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Why HEM The Place of Health Education and Promotion in Medicine JD\PHC Physician Source: MOH Guide of PHC Workers 1986 REASONING WHY HEPAHP? 18صفحة Why HEM Physicians Duties and Responsibilities in Health Education General Duties: 1- Overseeing the proper management of visitors to the unit to ensure comfort and a sense of satisfaction to serve. 2 - Enlighten the public services performed by the unit. 3 - Action periodic meetings of union workers to develop a monthly program of health education. 4 - Use of the potential of health education section 5 - Mentoring tactfully to maintain the cleanliness of the unit. 6 - Supervising the work of a monthly report records the work done by the unit of activity in the field of health education, raising of the Department of health education 7 - Aware of the importance of immunization of children against infectious diseases 8 - Enlighten the public about the importance of reporting of infectious diseases and their causes and prevention. 9 - Enlighten the public about the importance of hygiene and health of the environment and foods. Remedial health education: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inform patients and their families both types of the disease and about its causes and Hinder and its complications, and methods of prevention and combat. Insight to the importance of the initiative to treatment and how to take the treatment and the necessity of attendance it. Patient internal Ola urged to follow healthy habits and behaviors that lead to ward off disease and maintain health and improve and ensure the exercise of those habits after leaving the hospital. Inform the patient, including to follow in the way of living, commensurate with the circumstances of his illness, and especially during the period of convalescence and after leaving the hospital until his condition does not unravel. Guide workers in the food and drink to the methods of cleaning and urged them to immunization for the prevention of infectious diseases. 19صفحة REASONING WHY HEPAH? WHY HED Health Education for Dentistry? Explore Place of HE in DJD ? Source: MOH Guide of PHC Workers 1986 Duties of Dentists in health education: Enlighten the public about the importance of care and treatment of the teeth, especially for pregnant women and children, and care of food and the right way to clean teeth using brush and paste. (Johali translated from Manual functions and duties in health education, management of health education, Ministry of Health 1398 H) 20صفحة REASONING WHY HEPHAP? Why HENUR ? Health Education for Nursing Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue LOOKING FOR THE PLACE OF HE IN THE PHC NURSING JOB DESCRIPTION ? ============================ This JD, the nature of the national and worldwide Nursing profession indicate that HE is a Part of the NUR professional duties “Job Description D No 7, It is Evidence for all”. =============================== 21صفحة REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Why HENUR ? Duties of Nurses and Health Visitors in Health Education General: duties: 1. Good reception of visitors to the unit to ensure comfort and a sense of satisfaction for their service. 2. Enlighten visitors to the unit to the importance of hygiene. Prevention health education: 1. 2. 3. Enlighten visitors to the unit to the importance of debridement Instruct patients to the precautions to be followed to prevent transmission of the disease of others. Guide pregnant women and mothers to utilize the service of motherhood and childhood care and attendance at the center frequency on the dates scheduled. Nursing Medication Health Education: 1. 2. Guide patients towards good use of therapeutic services performed by the unit. Conduct patient education seminars to provide them with simplified scientific facts about the disease and persuade them that attendance to treatment is the right way to stop the disease when alone and prevent complications. 3. Provide good manner Care for inpatients, and direct them towards healthy habits styles and medication by which they can practice after discharging, and keep contact until healing. 4. Conduct seminars for visitors regarding their positive roles towards patients, hospital and themselves. Nurses and health visitors' Health Education Duties in home treatment for tuberculosis: 1. Guide patient regarding health precautions necessary to prevent disease transmission to family members and patients caregivers 2. Advice and train caregivers how they can safely treat and care patients, provide adequate food and improving the good accommodation conditions. Nurses and health visitors' school health education: 1. Health guidance in terms of personal hygiene and awareness for infectious diseases and skin and the development of good health habits. 2. Association of school health and revitalization of its work. (Johali concise translated from Manual functions and duties in health education, management of health education, Ministry of Health 1398 H) REASONING WHY HEPHAP? 22صفحة Why HEMLT? Health Education and Promotion for MLT Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue LOOKING FOR THE PLACE OF HE IN THE MLT JOB DESCRIPTION A brief reviewing of the national and worldwide literature of the current education and curriculum of the MLT, there is a minor interest in HE. However, nationally, health education is a part of the nature of the MLT duties (MOH 1398). MLT has to participate in educating their colleagues and his patients ….. regarding: Bacteria & Parasites Diseases General Cleaning mainly hands & clean vegetables & fruits before eating Hazards of water, disposal & sanitation, pollutions.. Health Promotion Plus; MLT Brief JD USA M/CLT Clinical laboratory technicians perform less complex tests and laboratory procedures than technologists do. Technicians may prepare specimens and operate automated analyzers, for example, or they may perform manual tests in accordance with detailed instructions. They usually work under the supervision of medical and clinical laboratory technologists or laboratory managers. Like technologists, clinical laboratory technicians may work in several areas of the clinical laboratory or specialize in just one. Phlebotomists collect blood samples, for example, and histotechnicians cut and stain tissue specimens for microscopic examination by pathologists. Therefore, it is your chance, to learn the today "Science of Health Education” which integrates “the science of quality with education, health, nursing and HEMLT. It is your opportunity to explore the related sciences of MLT hazards (exposure, risk factors, danger…) for you, your clients, patients and community; the science of Quality and the science of HEMLT that can lead to lifelong healthful health. REASONING WHY HEPHAP? 23صفحة WHY HEPT ? Health Education & Promotion for Pharmacist & Pharmacy Technician Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue LOOKING FOR THE PLACE OF HE IN THE PT JOB DESCRIPTION ? REASONING WHY HEPHAP? 24صفحة WHY HEPT Duties of the Pharmacist & PT in health education 1. Explain how the use of medications and the importance of attendance in treatment is so healing. 2. Explain how the conservation medicine and not be used after the end of expiry date. 3. Explain the importance of not taking any medication without medical prescription, physician and a statement harm the use of certain drugs and addiction, such as sedatives and some vitamins and hormones. 4. Facet to avoid using recipes municipal treating illnesses that may affect the health of individuals. 5. Guide patients and their relatives regarding the safety of home pharmacy, and medication. 6. Alert on people, especially housewives, to expel their children about drugs or, more precisely to make medicines and aid funds, out of reach of children up to the possibilities of drug poisoning. Source: م1196 /هـ1516 وزارة الصحة، ترجمة عن دليل االختصاصات والواجبات في مجال التثقيف الصحي:المصدر JOHALI CONCISE HEPT REASONING WHY HEPT? Despite that this place is questionable worldwide may be because there are HE Specialists; Nationally, there no wide concern regarding HE spec ialty and specialists, thus it is a part of the nature of all HPs as it is stated in the HE Guide (MOH 1398) Group Discussion & Dialogue The Place of HE in PTP the PTJD? The Place of HE in PTE related courses? • Play a role of PT working in a PHC Centre or any Government or Private H Service Setting: Do you have to practice HE (protect, prevent, promote healthful healthful life of you, your colleague & your patients, families and community? community?) Then, Play a role of PT Student what is/are the most related PT Courses/ Sciences to HE ? ===== • To conclude; The Major Reason WHY HEPT?, HEPT?, because “HE is a part of PT Professional Duties PTJD”; To: - Protect; - Prevent and; - Control; - Maintain, and Promote Quality of healthful life for your, your colleagues, your patients and environment ..from Medication and Drugs Hazards; Misuse; Incompliance .. Updated 9 Feb 2010 Johali REASONING WHY HEPHAP? Why HERT ? 25صفحة Health Education and Promotion for Radiology Technologist Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue LOOKING FOR THE PLACE OF HE IN THE RT JOB DESCRIPTION ? 11 Despite the minor interest of Medical Radiography as profession and education with Health Education, nationally, it is a part of the nature of the RT Assistant & Technicians duties (MOH 1398), the Saudi RT have to participate in educating: - Outpatients, inpatients and public regarding Radiology & Radiation hazards - Self & colleagues regarding prevention & protection from Rad. Hazards. Plus; The RTJD 10 July 2010 Johali 12 Therefore, it is your chance, to learn the today "Science of Health Education” which integrates “the science of quality with education, health and HERT. It is your opportunity to explore the related sciences of RT hazards (exposure, risk factors, danger…) for you, your clients, patients and community; the science of Quality and the science of HERT that can lead to lifelong healthful health. REASONING WHY HEPHAP? 26صفحة WHY HEHI / HEET? Health Education for Health Inspectors / (New title: Epidemiology Technician) Due to HE loads, some time this profession known as health educator; many of them were study two courses of HE, despite that they quality still questioning. REASONING WHY HEPAHP? WHY HESW ? Health Education for PHC Social Workers ? Explore Place of HE in SWJD ? 27صفحة It is clear that are many HE duties for SW, for this reason beside the shortage of health educators, HE became one of the major duty of SWs. Not only for SW but for all H Workers, my question which under research did they qualify to carry HEP?. REASONING WHY HEPAHP? Why HENUT? 28صفحة The Place of HE in the Clinical Nutrition & Dietitian JD ? Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue LOOKING FOR THE PLACE OF HE IN THE CLINICAL NUTRITION PROFESSION & EDUCATION? Although, Nutrition is one of the most significance area in the Primary Health Care, there is no Job Description for Nutrition Profession as other health team. Johali Translation project, the Health Education Duties of Health Professions Health Education Duties for Nutrition Professions 1. Directing the public to the importance of hygiene and the preservation of food from contamination 2. Enlighten the public signs of damaged food especially canned 3. Enlighten the public not to eat food exposed to contamination and exposed to flies and dust and clean hands of others 4. Inform staff in the preparation and handling and transportation of food to the purposes of medical examinations conducted for them to get health certificates 5. Shortening the food shop owners and their employees to maintain the food م1196 /هـ1516 وزارة الصحة، دليل االختصاصات والواجبات في مجال التثقيف الصحي:المصدر )(وثيقة نادرة في مكتبتي المنزلية Source: Directory functions and duties in the field of health education, the Ministry of Health 1398 H / 1978 (Johali Special Collection) 29صفحة REASONING WHY HEPHAP? HEALTH EDUCATION ROLES & DUTIES OF HEALTH TEAM As further evidence and conclusion, Al Jowaily (1413 H) wrote that health education is a responsibly of all health professionals, for health team he defined Three Major Health Education Roles: 1) Improve their skills to implement health education activities. 2) Hold health education meetings (in suitable place, time and prior advertising) to gather information, exchange ideas, discus and solve problems. 3) Set health education plans to solve problems These roles can be implemented through Five Duties: 1- Determine health education objectives 2- Set health education strategy (Problem Solving) 3- Assess availability of health education resources 4- Set time table for health education activities. 5- Hand out personal and team responsibility Finally, it the author intention to ask and search for the actuality, why HE for all health team?, Are they actuality conduct their HE roles and duties?, are the 30صفحة Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 PART TWO HEPHAP? HISTORICAL OVERVIEW “Nature & History Proper Definition” Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 31صفحة Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 HEPHAP BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW “Nature & History Proper Definition” Chapter 3 THE ORIGIN & PLACE OF HEALTH EDUCATION & PROMOTION (HEP) IN ISLAM JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam 32صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam HEPHAP HISTORICAL OVERVIEW – HEP IN ISLAM “Nature & History Proper Definition” HEP Origin & Place in Islam From historical point of view, this learning unit helps you to probe the structure of health education, determine its boundaries (Health & Education); and to come out with proper “Lifelong Learning & HE definition” for you, your patients & community. The history of health education is the tale of the personal experience with health and education. Both education and health appears in all human civilizations, from the creation of Adams till today. Both terms origins from religions, the places of worship were the places of education and caring. Contemplate about the Islamic State of Health as it is stated on the Holy Qur’an verse e.g.; 4 Al Tin, 1-3 Al A’la, 6-8 Al Inftar, 38-39 Al Qiyamah, 3 Al Taghabun,...& Write a short scientific report take in consider all scientific concepts of this Unit 2-3 Pages ALLAH (the Only Great Creator) creates our Father Adam (pbuh)) in an optimum state of health:. )6س ِن تَ ْق ِويم{ (التين َ سانَ فِي َأ ْح َ اإلن ِ ْ } َل َق ْد َخ َل ْق َنا 95:4 (Asad) Verily, We Create Man in the best conformation ( Surah Altin 95:4) 95:4 (Y. Ali) We have indeed Created Man in the best of moulds (Surah Altin 95:4) 95:4 (Picktall) Surely We Created Man of the best stature (Surah Altin 95:4) In his translation; Asad says: I.e., endowed with all the positive qualities, physical as well as mental, corresponding to the functions which this particular creature is meant to perform. The concept of "the best conformation" is related to the Qur�anic statement that everything which God creates, including the human being or self (nafs), is "formed in accordance with what it is meant to be" (see 91:7 and the corresponding note 5, as well as in a more general sense - 87:2 and note 1). This statement does not in any way imply that all human beings have the same "best conformation" in respect of their bodily or mental endowments: it implies simply that irrespective of his natural advantages or disadvantages, each human being is endowed with the ability to make the, for him, best possible use of his inborn qualities and of the environment to which he is exposed. (See in this connection 30:30 and the corresponding notes, especially 27 and 28.)(Quran Ref: 95:4 ) 33صفحة In the next chapters, we will use these Islamic teachings to redefine a new national definitions of health, and health education and promotion. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Place of Sehah / Health in Islam (The place of the most meanings, concepts & synonyms of "Health & its Arabic term Sehah") HEP Term (Health/Sehah & their Synonyms) Holy Quran & Its Translations Hadith m www.qurancomplex.or g Health /Healthy 9/3 4 7/3 22 41 Good 436 405 310 762 783 Good manner Wellness 5 51 12 20- 351 4 Perfect ? 12 197 ? 258 197 17 17 22 ? 88 19/18 86 5 29/ 47 33 29 3/5 87 22 11 165 33 137 (Well/Welling/Being) Perfect (syn. to well) Happy (Happiness) Wealth Worth \ Worthy Worth = Value Health: Physical condition, fitness/vigor, form, wellbeing, strength, healthiness, :صحة In Arabic "Sehah" = authenticity; accuracy; exactitude; fidelity; health ; nicety ; tonicity ; truth ; validity; veracity 34صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam The Place of Education and Promotion in Islam (The place of the most meanings, concepts & synonyms of "Education & Promotion ) HEP Term (Education & Its Synonyms) Education (breed; grow; nurture; foster) Holy Quran & Its Translations Hadith 37 24 37 61 29 (breed 4 Malik; 37 Muslim; nurtured 1; foster 6/35Bukhari (Grow; Breed) (Grow29; Breed; Foster) Teach 16 12 11/30 (E/AP) 60 71 Teaching Learn\learning 10 17 7 17 8/14 10/19 5 27 13 87 Know 322 694 228 797 693 Knowledge 159 224 140 152 169 Inform\information Advice Help Perfect/Perfection Think\Thought 37 16 101 17 77 6 4/132 131 17 128 58 (AP) 17 82/170 38 83 121 31 209 34 354 26 323 88 35صفحة Promote = Encourage; Advocate ? / Think and Thought = Deliberation; Contemplation Breeding 1 Strue; perfection; edification 0 Civic : تهذيب: إصالح: betterment; reformation تربية: breeding; education; fosterage; nurture; upbringing يربي: breed ; grow; foster; nourish These are some Evidences (Just Sample of Evidences): (V.1:2). Narrated Abu Sa‘îd bin Al-Mu‘alla: While I was praying in the mosque, Allâh’s Messenger صللى هللا عليل ولللمcalled me but I did not respond to him. Later I said, "O Allâh’s Messenger, I was praying." He said, "Didn’t Allâh say - Answer Allâh (by obeying Him) and His Messenger when he صللى هللا عليل ولللمcalls you." (V.8:24). He then said to me, "I will teach you a Sûrah which is the greatest Sû rah in the Qur’ân, before you leave the mosque." Then he got hold of my hand, and when he intended to leave (the mosque), I said to him, "Didn’t you say to me, "I will teach you a Sûrah which is the greatest Sûrah in the Qur’an?" He said, " AlHamdu lillahi Rabbil-‘âlamîn [i.e. all the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the ‘Âlamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists)], Sûrat Al-Fâtihah which is AsSab‘ Al-Mathâni (i.e. the seven repeatedly recited Verses) and the Grand Qur’ân which has been given to me." (Sahih Al-Bukhâri, Vol.6, Hadîth No. 1). They ask you (O Muhammad )صللى هللا عليل ولللمwhat is lawful for them (as food). Say: "Lawful unto you are At-Tayyibât [all kind of Halâl (lawful-good) foods which Allâh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits)]. And those beasts and birds of prey which you have trained as hounds, training and teaching them (to catch) in the manner as directed to you by Allâh; so eat of what they catch for you, but pronounce the Name of Allâh over it, and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Swift in reckoning."(Al Maidah, 3) On the Day when Allâh will gather the Messengers together and say to them: "What was the response you received (from men to your teaching)?" They will say: "We have no knowledge, verily, only You are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (or unseen)." ."(Al Maidah, 109) 36صفحة They followed what the Shayâtîn (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaimân (Solomon). Sulaimân did not disbelieve, but the Shayâtîn (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allâh’s Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew. (Al Bagarah 102) The word(s) "Think" appears 88 time(s) in 85 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation.(1) They (Think to) deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not! ( لورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #9) Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) English Translation (by M. Muhsin Khan) Displaying Hadith 1 through 20 of 237 Hadith(s) found. (20 Hadith(s) displayed). . 009.093.596 - ONENESS, UNIQUENESS OF ALLAH (TAWHEED) - - - Narrated Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'I am to my slave as he Thinks of Me, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he Thinks I can do for him). (See Hadith No. 502) ----- Results : 1 to 10 from 140 Search Reslults of "knowledge" As "SearchTruth" is especially designed to search any word in the Quran and the Hadith. Search any word in the Hadith from Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abudawud, or Malik's Muwatta.: 37صفحة The word "Think" appear 228 time(s) in 206 hadith(s) in Bukhari translation.(1) Narrated Humran: (the slave of 'Uthman) I saw 'Uthman bin 'Affan asking for a tumbler of water (and when it was brought) he poured water over his hands and washed them thrice and then put his right hand in the water container and rinsed his mouth, washed his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out. then he washed his face and forearrlns up to the elbows thrice, passed his wet hands over his head and washed his feet up to the ankles thrice. Then he said, "Allah's Apostle said 'If anyone Performs ablution like that of mine and offers a two-rak'at prayer during which he does not Think of anything else (not related to the present prayer) then his past sins will be forgiven.' " After performing the ablution 'Uthman said, "I am going to tell you a Hadith which I would not have told you, had I not been compelled by a certain Holy Verse (the sub narrator 'Urwa said: This verse is: "Verily, those who conceal the clear signs and the guidance which we have sent down...)" (2:159). I heard the Prophet saying, 'If a man performs ablution perfectly and then offers the compulsory congregational prayer, Allah will forgive his sins committed between that (prayer) and the (next) prayer till he offers it. (Book #4, Hadith #161) Not found delete In Arabic, education means (Knowledge; Breeding (Propagation; reproduction; proliferation; procreation) Perfection; Promotion = Endorsement (Encouragement; Help; Support;…); Advertising (Campaign; Staging; Marketing); Raise ( Elevation; Upgrade; Advancement The study follows the place of the most related English and Arabic synonyms, meanings and concepts of the term 'promotion' in Holy Quran & its translations. In addition to the major synonyms the endorsement, advertising, raise, the study follows ………….. ---- These are some Evidences: The word(s) "health" appears 9 time(s) in 9 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation: (1) Verily, We sent (Messengers) to many nations before you (O Muhammad )علي وللم صلى هللا. And We seized them with extreme poverty (or loss in wealth) and loss in health (with calamities) so that they might humble themselves (believe with humility). ( لورة األنعام, Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #42) The word "Health" appear 50 time(s) in 43 hadith(s) in Bukhari translation.(1) Narrated Abu Qilaba: Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became Healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle ." (Book #4, Hadith #234) The word(s) "Healthy" appears 3 time(s) in 3 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation. The word(s) "Good manner" appears 6 time(s) in 439 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation. The word(s) "Well" appears 236 time(s) in 217 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation and all others translators. 38صفحة The word(s) "Welling" appears 19 time(s) in 18 verse(s) in Quran in all translations (Yusuf Ali; Shakir; Pickthal and Khan) The word(s) "Happiness" appears 4 time(s) in 4 verse(s) in Quran in all translations except Pickthal once. The word(s) "Happy" appears 16 time(s) in 15 verse(s) in Quran in Shakir translation. The word(s) "Perfect manner" appears 4 time(s) in 4 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation.(1) Nor do they spend anything (in Allah's Cause) - small or great - nor cross a valley, but is written to their credit that Allah may recompense them with the best of what they used to do (i.e. Allah will reward their good deeds according to the reward of their best deeds which they did in the most Perfect manner). The word "Help" appear 187 time(s) in 135 hadith(s) in Muslim translation.(1) It is narrated on the authority of Tariq b. Shihab: It was Marwan who initiated (the practice) of delivering khutbah (address) before the prayer on the 'Id day. A man stood up and said: Prayer should precede khutbah. He (Marwan) remarked, This (practice) has been done away with. Upon this Abu Sa'id remarked: This man has performed (his duty) laid on him. I heard the Messenger of Allah as saying: He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the Help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart, and that is the least of faith. (Book #001, Hadith #0079) Noble Quran - English / M. Picktall Displaying Verse 1 through 8 of 8 Verse(s) found. ( 8 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page IslamiCity Search For: GOODNESS - Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) Search For: HEALTH Noble Quran - English / Muhammad Asad Displaying Verse 1 through 4 of 4 Verse(s) found. ( 4 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page IslamiCity 39صفحة Search For: GOOD MANNER - Displaying Verse 1 through 12 of 12 Verse(s) found. ( 12 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page Well: Displaying Verse 1 through 20 of 351 Verse(s) found. ( 20 Verse(s) displayed). Welling: Displaying Verse 1 through 20 of 20 Verse(s) found. ( 20 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page Search For: WELLING - - Search For: HAPPY: Displaying Verse 1 through 10 of 10 Verse(s) found. ( 10 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page The word(s) "Physical condition" appears 0 time(s) in 11 verse(s) in Quran in Shakir translation. For further information regarding "Health and Wellbeing" in Islam look at: Sickness of the Heart and Soul and the Cure in Islam Human Behaviour: Emotions and Drives Ways To Strengthen One's Memory The Types of Hearts Relief in the Heart Lies in Obedience to Allah Ruqyah: Spiritual Healing - Comprehensive Information Page on this Topic Barley to Cure Grief of the heart and Ailments of Kidney Modern Stress and its Cures from the Qur'an Islamic Ethics and Values in the Treatment of Emotional Disorders The Prophet's (saws) Guidance on Recovery from the Affliction of Distress and Grief Relief Through Supplication Healing Weak Iman Medical Science 40صفحة Human Cloning Euthanasia Male Circumcision in Islam Genetic Engineering Dietary Regulations in Islam Haram and Halal Food in accordance with Qur'an and Hadith Alcohol in the Qur'an and Sunnah Halal and Healthy Food and Eating Habits According to the Sunnah Is Kosher Halal? Miscellaneous Articles Vitamin D... Are you Getting Enough Dangers of Soy - Advertising and your Health The Heart: The Centre of Prudence and Insight Life (al-Hayat) Time is Life The Partnership between Body and Soul Blessing of Health and Free Time Miraculous Mixture: Mother’s Milk Avoiding Nightmares & Sleep Disturbances Noble Quran - English / M. Picktall Displaying Verse 1 through 17 of 17 Verse(s) found. ( 17 Verse(s) displayed). Back - Print This Page IslamiCity Search For: PERFECT - - Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 41صفحة HEPHAP BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW “Nature & History Proper Definition” Chapter Four A BRIEF HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CONTEMPORARY HEALTH EDUCATION Johali HEPHAP 1432 -2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CONTEMPORARY HEALTH EDUCATION "Probe education – health and define health education" Worldwide, the literature of both health and education neglected health education and its facts such the above Islamic concepts until the early of this century. 42صفحة It was only in the late 1919 that the term “Health Education” was recognized in the Western literature. This recognition was an outcome of extensive joint work between the related associations and organizations of health and education in the United States of America. Sally Locus Jean, the director of the Child Health Organization summarizes these great effects of the birth of the modern health education in following statement: The term “Health Education” was proposed first about 1919 at a conference in New York of leaders of health and education called the Child Health Organization. The word “hygiene” has become some popular in schools with both teachers and pupils that it was believed a new and more definitive term would be helpful in popularizing health practice. “Health Education” as a term to replace “Hygiene” was advanced by the director of the organization and after much discussion adopted. (Kime et al 1977) The above historical statement clarify the nature of modern HE. It indicates that Hygiene (Germ-free, Pure, Cleanness) was the previous term of health education in the Western literature. It confirms the relationship between Education ↔ Health & HEPHAP Sciences & Profession the Practice. OBVIOUSLY, HE is not just hygiene (Germ free, pure and Cleanness) nor even combination of two words "Health & Education". HE is a healthful life; HE science is an integrated science of two major sciences “ the Science of Education +the Science of Health”, and therefore, HEPHAP is an integrated science of three major Sciences “ “Science of Education + Science of Health + Science of HEPAHP the Profession” that can simplified in the following QHEPHAP formula: EDUCATION HEALTH QHEPAHP So, What is “The EDUCATION that leads to HEALTH?" & promotes the Quality of HEPHAP (QHEPHAP)? As we know in Arabic, the term education has various meanings. Meanwhile the literature has a huge number of meanings of education. Thus, without reasoning, it is not easy to define the term “education” precisely. 43صفحة Over the times, many western and Moslem social, psychological and educational philosophers & scientists of whom: - Arstotale, Plato, Socrate…... the ancient Greece - Ibn Khaldon, Al Gazali, Al Razi, Avecina….the early Moslem leaders of education & health - Piaget, Rousseau, Dewey, Rogers,…..the early Western leaders Were examined this term “education” and stated various definitions according to their philosophical concepts. The term “Education” came from the Latin word “Educo" and the English term "Educe”, which mean “To lead out" & "To draw out". Therefore, the Greece education and the followers understood education as a “transmission of worthwhile knowledge and cultural aspects over the generations”. While in Islam and Arabic Language “Education” means: Breeding; Perfection & Reform ( وإصالح، تهذيب،)تربية --------Ego Reflective Thinking Just think about the relationship between "Educo; Educe; Perfection; Reforming" & the meaning of the above QHEPHAP formula ? JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education The latest educational philosophies such as “the progressivism & the reconstructionism” were connected "Education" to “freedom = the democracy”. In the late 17 Century, "Rousseau" a French scholar “academic teacher & researcher” addressed the following advice: 44صفحة Give your scholar no verbal lessons, he should be taught by experience alone...Put the problems before him and let him solve them himself. Let him know nothing because you have told him, but because he has learnt it for himself. Let him not be taught science, let him discover it. Not only Rousseau, but "Albert Einstein" (1878-1955) the German/US Physicist said: " I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the condition in which they can learn" (Valcin 2001) These advices formed the foundation of the progressive, the freedom or democratic education which produced many modern educational theories and strategies such as: Problem-Solving & Problem Based Learning; Learning by Experience; Learning by Discovery, and finally, "Andragogy” the"Student / Learner Centred Leaning". JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education The Optimists (Idealists) of the above philosophies and theories believe that: A Perfect education will produce a perfect society or heaven on the earth” This believe was strongly criticized by many educational philosophies such as, the Realism who reject the terms “perfect or idealist”; the Behaviorism who see “education in their behaviors” and, the Experientialism who connects “education to the experience only”. Reflecting on the above educational concepts with health considerations, the logical definition of “General Education” can be concluded as: 45صفحة “A Lifelong Process of Growth and Development”. ====== Self thinking “EGO QUESTION: Modify the above definition of “general education” into an Islamic definition?” ==== “A growth and development process for ………….. & the …… ……..”. The Ideal Islamic Definition of “GE” is A Growth and Development Process TODAY & for the Day After JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education The appropriate “Education” that can lead to health, can be defined as: An intellectual & behavioral process of “Teaching and Learning” activities that influence the growth & development of healthful life. While the traditional “Teaching” is understood as: “A teacher based process of providing and injecting knowledge, attitudes and skills” to inflate memory. The “TEACHING” that we are 46صفحة looking is “a process of promoting and helping other to LEARN. The traditional behaviorism “Learning” is realized as “a process of gaining deep and wide knowledge, attitudes and skills that can control and shape behaviors. Such learning is a form of training rather than education. While, The Millennium “LEARNING” that we are looking for is: “An Independent Process of Growth and Development within the personal science, technology, experience, & behavior JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education ANDAGOGY the Adult LEARNING The Place of Education that we are looking for" in the Common PHILOSOPHIES & SCIENCIES OF EDUCATION ANDRAGOGY THE ADULT LIFE-LONG LEARNING = LIFELONG QUALITY HEHAT THE FOUR PHILOSOPHIES & FOX’s THEORIES OF EDUCATION TRANSFERING - SHAPING - TRAVELLING & GROWING ( Where is QUALITY ? & the Place of "Patient Centred HEPAHP?) Key Concepts Most Common Philosophies & Theories of Education Humanism Technocrat Progressivism Reconstructionism Transfer Shape Travel /Jearny Grow 47صفحة Education /HE Preserve& Transmit Process Knowledge Adaptation/ Training Training/Skills/Objectives Personal Growth & Society-Centered Development Create better society Knowledge/ Theory worthwhile relative- essential for safe Life experience practice Tentative Student interest Skills/ Practice Relative to safe Vital practice Teacher/HEPH Centre Transferor AP Examination/ Evaluation / Instructor & Guide Vital-theory Passivecontainer Fully-controlled Curriculum/Pla Map of key Subject n Student/Patient Vital- practical Life experience Tentative Society interest Vital Vital Facilitator Indoctrinator/ Orientator Self interest evaluation & Vital theory-practice for better society Passive- holder practically Active/ Free-interest Active fully supervised Semi-control Schedule of Basic Skills/ a Portfolio kind of Technology Experiences of Agenda of Cultural Issues As guidance for us to assure quality of HEPAHP, we have to consider these philosophies and theories while we are thinking about health, personality ………………………………………… JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education WHAT IS HEALTH that we are look for: As the story of education, “Health” also has various meanings according to its philosophies and theories as summarized in the following Creative Table: Some Examples of various human being understandings of Health The Medics “Curative Medicine” Behaviorists Social Scientists Humanists Idealists 48صفحة physical fitness absence disease to Well social function adapt “Adaptation absent of all ” diseases, (HBM) health problems & handicaps ability of harmonious functioning of organs commodity “just feeling good” Personal Perfect strength\abil ity self growth & developme nt well-being in every respect Absent of all respects Behaviorist also come under Realism = Pragmatic As we have pointed out in part one, ALLAH (the Only Ultimate Scientist) creates the human being scientists) in an optimum (ideal, ultimate, perfect) state of health. It is stated in some Western references (e.g Seedhouse 1986, 29) that the conceptual term (optimum, ideal, perfect or the Best) refer to Socratic era. However, the truth that these concepts were exist before Socrates with first Prophet, as it is stated in the Holy Qur’an. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education As I understand from the Islamic Literature, the Optimum/Ideal Islamic state of personal health incorporates “Physical, Moral and Spiritual, Mental and Psychological, Social, Economic and Behavioral factors. Many concepts of this comprehensive understanding of Islamic health, were considered in many ancient and early modern western literature. However, many of these factors were excluded from WHO health definition and some integrated. 49صفحة Therefore, the latest global definition of health as it is written in the WHO’ Constitution 1946, that “Health” is: A STATE OF COMPLETE PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL WELLBEING AND NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF DISEASE AND INFIRMITY. Infirmity = any health problem or defect Despite that this is the definition of WHO, when we reflect on the above concepts of health and the think about the health related factors or dimensions, we will found that this definition is a questionable. One of most common evidence that there are missing factors or dimensions is that just during the last two years, the WHO added "Spiritual" as fourth dimension. Despite that, it is still debatable, just imagine that you are looking for quality of healthful life and think how many other related factors should be added. ===== Ego reflective Quiz So, as an ideal religious centred society, how we can create an accepted “National Health Definition”? ============= JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 The Place of HEP in Islam Probe education – health and define health education WHAT IS HEALTH EDUCATION? As health + education, “HEALTH EDUCATION” has different meanings and definitions. Based on the scientific principles of the “Learning and Behavioral Theories & Models” and “the Diagnostic Approach of HE Planning”, the most appropriate definitions can be a combination of these two definitions: WHO” DEFINITION 50صفحة A PROCESS WITH INTELLECTUAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, & SOCIAL DIMENTIONS RELATING TO ACTIVITIES THAT INCREASE THE ABILITIES OF PEOPLE TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS AFFECTING THIER PERSONAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WELL-BEING. & BEHAVIORIST DEFINITION ANY COMBINATION OF LEARNING EXPERIENCES DESIGNED TO FACILITATE VOLUNTARY ADAPTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR CONDUCTIVE TO HEALTH. In order to achieve our overall goal "what the health education can "educo, educe, lead out, draw out" health and assure quality of HEPAHP, it is recommended to reflect these definitions to all previous concepts and definitions of education and health, and to decide, are these definitions can help us to achieve our goal?. JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 Probe “Nature & History Proper Definition” HEALTH EDUCATION AIMS; OBJECTIVES & A NATIONAL DEFINTION Drive from our historical understandings of “EDUCATION HEALTH” & the two major definitions of health education. The most appropriate national definitions of HE & HEHAT and their overall goals can be illustrated by the following theorems: H E QUALITY OF HEALTHFUL LIFE 51صفحة HEPAHP QUALITY OF HEHAT PATIENTS’ & EMPLOYEES’ HEALTHFUL LIFE & THE TWO MAJOR HE OBJECTIVES ARE HELP PEOPLE TO INCREASE THIER ABILITIES TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS AFFECTING THIER PERSONAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WELL-BEING. FACILITATE VOLUNTARY CONDUCTIVE TO HEALTH. ADAPTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR BY ENCOURAGING, MOTIVATING, PROMOTE ........NOT TEACH/INSTRUCT\ORDER PEOPLE\PATIENTS TO: ACQUIRE .………………………………...…, PERCEPT (Accept/ not Reject) .…................, MOTIVATE To (accept) ……….…………...., MODIFY\CHANGE ..........……………….......; & PROMOTE and MAINTAIN HEALTH BEHAVIORS JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 A NATIONAL DEFINITION OF HEALTH & HEPAHP 52صفحة The history of health, education and health education show that health education has many definitions and understanding. These definitions and understanding are varied from generation to other and from nation to nation according to their cultural and social background. To motivate people to accept and react positively with health education message and activities, the early and the religious based definitions were considering the terms "Moral; Spiritual & Emotional"... As an outcome of the Western Age of Reasoning, these morality terms were neglected. At the early of 20 century, there were worldwide debates regarding the most appropriate definitions for health, education, and health education. As a result of these philosophical and scientific debates, the early terms and many other such as “physical and / or intellectual, mental and / or psychological, cultural/environmental and or social….” were discussed for the best health education definition. Beside "Politics" the administrator factor, there are many other factors such as "economical, scientific and technological" factors such as poverty, hunger, hazards that can affect the quality of health full life of people (-ve/+ve). Ego (self) Reflective Learning: Thus, let us hold a “Learning Debate” Based on these literature, the nature of the Saudi Arabian community and culture, the nature and fortitude future of "Health Education and Health Promotion, the ideal definition of a “National Health & National HEPAHP” that the whole people can understand, accept and react with it positively, is: A dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental and (11) Economical, that can help people to make informal decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of Nursing Student Group Work 25/7-3/8/1423” JOHALI HEHAP 2011 However, by the time, me and my students think, debate and reflect more widely on the nature, interest and needs of our community, HEPHAP define as: 53صفحة An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental, (11) Economical, with (12) Professional Ethics, that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of MLT; HEHA; HEPT; HERT Student Group Work 21/2/1427” Finally, the latest and more comprehensive definition of , HEPHAP is: An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Educational (10) Cultural, (11) Environmental including Climate, biological, chemical; free pollution (12) Economical, (13) Political with (14) Professional Ethics and (15) appropriate “Technology" that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions within a specific “Time” affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of “HEHA & all HEPHAP Student-Lecturer Dialogue" ”modified 1428 & 1431 /2010 Just keep thinking everyday you will find more factors and dimensions JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PART THREE 54صفحة HEPHAP HEALTH PROMOTION The Millennium HE Chapter 5 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Health Promotion the New, the Fashionable the Millennium Name The "first and best known" definition of health promotion, promulgated by the American Journal of Health Promotion at 1986, is: "the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health“. 55صفحة This definition was derived from the "1974 Lalonde report" the Government of Canada, which contained a health promotion strategy "aimed at informing, influencing and assisting both individuals and organizations so that they will accept more responsibility and be more active in matters affecting mental and physical health Recently, WHO 2005 redefined HP as: “the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health“. It is noted that the primary means of health promotion occur through developing healthy public policy that addresses the prerequisites of health such as income, housing, food security, employment, and quality working conditions. There is a tendency among public health officials and governments—and this is especially the case in liberal nations such as Canada and the USA—to reduce health promotion to health education and social marketing focused on changing behavioral risk factors. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Health Promotion the New, the Fashionable the Millennium Name Recently close to the Optimists, the Spiritualists define HP as: 56صفحة Health Promotion is the art and science of helping people discover the synergies (independent discovering) between their core passions and optimal health, enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health. Optimal health is a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of learning experiences that enhance awareness, increase motivation, and build skills and, most important, through the creation of opportunities that open access to environments that make positive health practices the easiest choice. O’Donnell MP. Definition of health promotion 2.0: embracing passion, enhancing motivation, recognizing dynamic balance, and creating opportunities. Am J Health Promot. 2009 Sept Oct;24(1):iv. HP Def. Model: Physical: Fitness; Nutrition; Medical self-care; Control of substance abuse. Emotional: Care for emotional crisis. Stress Management Social: Communities. Families. Friends Intellectual : Educational; Achievement; Career development Spiritual : Love; Hope; Charity (It is more..see Johali 2010 SARMR Texas What do think - Compare to National HEMLT def.; Discover which is missing from the most important three dimensions , putt it at Centre & Redraw HP Model that we are looking for ?! Source Johali HEMLT 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Health Promotion the New, the Fashionable the Millennium Name WHO Health Promotion Principles Health promotion initiatives should be planned and implemented in accordance with the following principles: 1. Empowering: Health promotion initiatives should enable individuals and communities to assume more power over the personal, socioeconomic and environmental factors that affect their health. 57صفحة 2. Multi-strategy: Health promotion initiatives should use a variety of approaches, including policy development, organizational change, community development, legislation, advocacy, education and communication, in combination with one another. 3. Participatory: Health promotion initiatives should involve those concerned in all stages of planning, implementation and evaluation. 4. Holistic: Health promotion initiatives should foster physical, mental, social and spiritual health. 5. Inter-sectoral: Health promotion initiatives collaboration of agencies from relevant sectors should involve the 6. Equitable: Health promotion initiatives should be guided by a concern for equity and social justice. 7. Sustainable: Health promotion initiatives should bring about changes that individuals and communities can maintain once initial funding has ended. 8. In addition to; Advocacy: activities directed at changing policy of organizations or governments These principles drawn by The American University's National Center for Health Fitness as: JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEP Optimal Wellness Model 58صفحة Source: The American University's National Center for Health Fitness Reflect on the previous probing and national definition; you can redraw and create Self Optimal Wellness Model, and an Optimal Wellness Model for every profession, by which you reach APCHER QHEPHAP. 59صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PART FOUR HEPHAP Most related THEORIES & MODELS JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 60صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPHAP THEORIES & MODELS Chapter 6 PERSONALITY (Self) DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES (PDT) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PERSONALITY (Self) DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES (PDT) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 61صفحة PERSONALITY (SELF) DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES “Why: Who are you, who is your friend, colleague & patients = HEP customers?” This chapter helps you to realize the most appropriate Philosophical & Scientific Concepts for qualitative health education. REMEMBER, during planning, if you are a learner or health educator, you have to practice every thing, all the sciences that you have learn or read in this chapter. PERSONALITY (SELF) DEVELOPMENT THEORIES ‘A MODIFIED MODEL FOR EFFECTIVE HEALTH EDUCATOR’ WHAT IS PERSONALITY? A Person and Personality are the centre of human communications and health education. Therefore, it is important to understand these terms before studying the personality development theories. * A Person is a human being considered as having a character of his or her own. * Personality is the whole nature or character of a particular person or individual. It is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his/her characteristic behavior and thought. In our Integrative Modified Model (IMM); ** PERSONALITY is a dynamic process of three basic forces “Heredity, Environment and Self (see the IMM model) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PERSONALITY (SELF) DEVELOPMENT THEORIES ‘JOHALI MODIFIED INTEGRATIVE MODEL FOR EFFECTIVE HEALTH EDUCATOR’ 62صفحة PDT: A Creative Integrated Global Model Personality Environment Heredity Physiological Process (Repro & Growth) SocioCultural Genetic DNA Physical Attributes Socialization SELF Determine Development Concept Experiential Identity – Esteem – Effectiveness Learning Worth – Copy – Express – Aware – Autonomy Updated 9 Feb 2010 Johali Response – Behave – Attitude - Belief – Value – Actualization (Essential for Johali HEPAHP Communication, there is no QC; QHEHAP without PDT) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 63صفحة Theories of Personality (Self) Development In the literature of sociology and psychology and education, there are many theories concerning personality development. The attached figure is an integrative modified model that represents a summary of the major concepts of the most related theories. PDT PDT is the base and the master theory that builds and shapes the whole personal characteristics. Heredity shapes the physiological development process of the fetus from conception to birth and, the “Chromosomes” which made up of Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acids (DNA) carries the genes that determine the personal physical attributes. Environment consists of many surrounding geographical, cultural and social forces that are originated outside the individual and shaping his/her personality development including the “Religion”. Socialization is a state of living with others in successful manner, social process starts immediately after the birth. Culture is the vital force which shapes and control our live, all people are molded by the particular culture in which they reside. Culture in the Western literature means religions, beliefs, ethics, norms, traditions, values, attitudes, thoughts, learning or education, actions and the wisdom of the people. These and other cultural forces are preserved, transmitted and developed from generation to generation by the process of socialization and every society has its culture or social system. **In Saudi Arabia & ALL Muslim nations; personality and its developmental process shaped by Islamic Principles. JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 64صفحة SELF THEORIES SELF is the whole being of a person who has specific nature, character and ability or the structure of the personality. The term “SELF” denotes how individuals perceive or understand and accept themselves in terms of identity, worth, esteem, and effectiveness - In terms of realistic, knowing, doing, achieving, and being. It denotes how they experience events and interpret them either to reinforce or alter earlier perceptions; how they develop consistency and continuity of purpose; and whether they see their own selfhood as unique (Ross & Mico, 1980, 36). Many psychologists and sociologists holds the fact that the person who has healthy reproduction and growth, genetic and environment patterns will have healthy characters (behavior and thought) or healthy personality. In Western literature, there are many theories clarify self structure, the most popular two are the “Self-concept” of learning (Beatty, 1968) and, the “Self-determinism” of behavior development. Both theories are rooted to many humanistic psychology, psychoanalytic and learning theories (e,g; Freude; Piaget; Maslow; Rogers; Skinner..). JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 Self-Concept of Learning 65صفحة Self-concept is defined as an organization self images perceived through the appraisals or feedback of others by which the individual develops a concept of adequacy or effectiveness. The observed self and adequate self together make up the self-concept, it is a process of “how to behave in order to be effective”. Due to the fact that experience is an early stage of personality development; Beatty identifies four areas of “Organizing Experience and Learning”, with "Awareness of HE", the Five Areas are: Self Worth (Sense): By experiencing love or other inclusion (area), to gain a sense of self-worth without an accompanying sense of defensiveness. Self Copying (Do): by learning how to do something that previously could not be done, to feel more able to cope effectively. Self Expressing (Response): by means of affective (pleasant or unpleasant), by experiencing sensations, to become more self-expressive and relatively free of tension and anxiety. Self Awareness (Percept): Process of analyzing how you are communicating at actual time of interaction, mostly, you have to ask questions such as “what type of message I have to send?; what is the correct terminology I have to use?”. "Think about the relation between aware, awareness & HE in Arabic language"?. Self Autonomy: making autonomous choices, to develop a greater range of choices. Self-determinism theories Self-determinism is based on believe that “human beings are unique in their individual ‘Responses, Behaviors, Attitudes and Values, these concepts are potentially the Self-actualizing . Both self theory of learning & self theory of determinism integrate many theories such as experience and learning (Beatty), personality development (e.g; Coleman's Model), perception and motivation (e.g; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & H B Model). Ego Reflective Qs Think which Self is most related to HE & HEPAHP ?; Which Self is most related to HE & HEPAHP Communication? JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 66صفحة MASLOW HIERACRCHY (Ladder) BASIC HUMAN NEEDS Updated 9 Feb 2010 Johali Ego Q: Why for HEPAHP ? Is there relation to PDT?; Is there physiological HE; Safety HE; Security HE; Self esteem HE & SA?. Can we reach quality without this model? JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 67صفحة COLEMAN P DEVELOPMENT STAGES (CDS) Comparative Summary CDS/ Maslow 6 Later Age 60+ Retirement/ new live 5 Middle Age 36-60 Full Responsible self realization 4 Early Adulthood 18-35 Be Responsible self estimation 3 Adolescence 12-18 Identity/Ego 2 Middle C 6-12 Social needslearning 1 Early Child hood 0-6 Basic needs Learn to Live social safety physiological Ego Ref Qs: - Why Maslow with Coleman ?; Why M & C for HEPAHP ? -Learn to live is essential at late age ( T / F) correct - Self esteem/Ego raised at adolescence ( T/F) correct if F Johali 68صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Chapter 7 PSYCHO-LEARNING PHILOSOPHIES & THEORIES TOWARDS ASSERTIVE HEPAHP (TEACHING & LEARNING) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 69صفحة PERCEPTION & MOTIVATION THEORIES PERCEPTION THEORY The base of Human Behavioral Model (HBM) & Assertive MLTHE Perception (Awareness) is a mental and psychological process. It is a dynamic process of thinking - learning and, memorizing (learn by heart). It is the “Five Human Senses. It denotes how things “Look; Sound; Feel; Smell and Taste. It explains “why individual perceived/accept or reject health Education Messages. It is the first and the most important element of HE process. If you welling to achieve the quality, we have to use the “ATAPE (5) Sages Plan” (Tindall1994,34): 1. Anticipate different perceptions (Mainly: Persons/individuals; Message & Share dif. Perceptions”. 2. Try to be aware 3. Ask for feedback from receiver the patients 4. Provide feedback to the sender the health educator 5. Evaluate level of perception 70صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 MOTIVATION THEORY Traditionally, Motivation is a process of encouraging perception towards a positive health behavior. There are six sub-theories of motivation: Reinforces -Needs Cognitive dissonance or conflict -Attribution (why) -Personality affiliation or achievement & Expectancy. Generally, this theory comes after perception to initiate, direct, maintain and promote behavior to fulfill ‘Basic Needs’. Today & in this course, we hope to use “Perception Motivate” to “initiate and promote our self & Patients to move toward the Optimum Quality of HE Optimum Quality of Healthful Life. Motivation takes two major forms: 1) Drives: the Internal / physical motivators: PRIMARY drives e,g; hunger-eating, thirst-drinking. LEARNED behaviors (desire-smoking, drug addiction.....) which become functionally autonomous through repetition and reinforcement. 2) Incentives: the External motivators: Facilitative, to satisfy needs and realize potentials Coercive/persuasive, to impose behaviors strange to person’s needs or potentials. "Think for further factors" 71صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF PRECEPTION & MOTIVATION The Principles of Perception and Motivation are applicable for learning and their methodologies and technologies that meet the concepts of the personality theories including ‘Maslow Model’. These principles can be summarized in the following two: READINESS: Learning is Most Effective when a learner is Ready and Welling to learn. INCENTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT & PROCESSES: Good place and atmosphere, effective teacher and teaching lead to cooperative and effective learner and outcomes. (More details “Factors & Models” in the attached table & Redman, the Practice.. Ch 2 ) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 72صفحة Time Based Motivation Factors & Strategies Time BEGINNING: When (Patient/Student) and STARTS Process Factors Attitude: towards Learning Toward learning ENTERS environment, Learning teacher/educator, subject, matter, and self Strategies - Make Positive Condition - Reduce or remove environmental failure or fear - Plan activities promote selfesteem Needs: Learner Basic Needs at time of learning Change style to promote learners' Stimulation: DURING: Simulation process affecting reaction and involvement by: - Problem Solving; When Learner is INVOLVED learner during learning Role Playing & process in the Learning Process Simulation - Student/Patient Centered Affect: Emotional experience of the -Use learner concerns to organize learner while learning learning content and process - Use group cooperative - Consistent feedback Competence: and ENDING: Value of competence in the - Acknowledge affirm learners' When Learner is result of learning behavior responsibility in COMPLETING the Learning completing task Process - When learning has Reinforcement: natural Reinforce to increase value of consequences allow learning experience them to be congruently evident - Provide Artificial reinforcement and closure with positive end Modified from Redman, 1997 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 73صفحة THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES "Learn to behave" THE TAXONOMY OF HEALTH LEARNING OBJECTIVES In order to set a definite and effective health education objective, you have to understand this theory well. You have to classify your definite objectives according to the nature, characters and needs of the patients and health education activity. THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Learn to behave BLOOM s’ TAXONOMY OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES the Domains Simple / Dependent / Passive COGNITIVE Know – Knowledge AFFECTIVE Think – Value – Response - Judge PSYCHOMOTOR/ACTION Intellectual Skills Behaviors (Doing): Reflect – Adapt - Modify - Decide – Move Complex Updated 9 Feb 2010 / Independent / Active Johali Adapted 2003 from (Johali 1995) JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 74صفحة THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES "Learn to behave" THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESLearn to behave The BLOOM s’ TAXONOMY OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES Domains Verbs Simple Class / Dependent Area / Behavioral Objective Cognitive Knowledge Knowledge Int. Ability Reflect/Move Reason Respond Communicate Plan to solve Value/apprise Act Format Organize/character Adapt Int. Skills Evaluation Complex Updated 9 Feb 2010 Action/ Psycho Receive Analysis Synthesis Affect Remember Comprehension Application Passive / Independent Understand Create/Interpret Develop Inter Judge Ext Judge Decide / Active / Deep understanding Johali Discover the Place of HEPHAP Objectives (Verbs) in this BT Summarized from (Johali 1995) 75صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Chapter 8 HEALTH BELIEF MODEL HBM General principles, models & Its place in Islam JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEALTH BELIEF MODEL (HBM) 76صفحة Because, HBM bases on the concepts of “perception, motivation, Behavioral objectives theories as well experiential learning theories”. Thus, It can be considered as “an integrated and interactive health learning model”. It was first developed in the 1950s by social psychologists (Godfrey Hochbaum, Irwin Rosenstock, and Stephen Kegels) working in the U.S. Public Health Services. The model was developed in response to the failure of a free tuberculosis (TB) health screening program. The Health Belief Model is a framework for motivating people to take positive health actions that uses the desire to avoid a negative health consequence as the prime motivation. For example, the perceived threat of a heart attack can be used to motivate a person with high blood pressure into exercising more often. It's important to note that avoiding a negative health consequence is a key element of the HBM. For example, a person might increase exercise to look good and feel better. That example does not fit the model because the person is not motivated by a negative health outcome — even though the health action of getting more exercise is the same as for the person who wants to avoid a heart attack. The HBM can be an effective framework to use when developing health education strategies ( HBM define as a paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior based on value-expectancy theory. It affirms that individuals are not likely to take a health action unless they are: Well Motivate to Learn = Well Background + Well Perceptions Reflect these theorem and the above concepts in the Model 77صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HBM THE MODEL (With simple modification) BACKGROUND PERCEPTION Prompt to Act Threat - - Media - P. influence - Reminders Perceive P SusceptibilityP Severity Socio-Demographic Factors + e. g; educe; age, gender.. ACTION Reduce Behave Threat based on Expectation Expectations Perceive Benefits - Barriers = Self efficacy to act Simple Modified from ( Fig 2-1 Schematic Diagram, Redman, 1997, p 9 + Fig 3-1 & 3-2 Green 1980) JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 78صفحة Define & Apply HBM Concepts Concept Definition 1. Perceived Susceptibility One's belief of the chances of getting a condition Application Define population(s) at risk and their risk levels Personalize risk based on a person's traits or behaviors Heighten perceived susceptibility if too low 2. Perceived Severity One's belief of how serious a condition and its consequences are Specify and describe consequences of the risk and the condition 3. Perceived Benefits One's belief in the efficacy of the advised action to reduce risk or seriousness of impact Define action to take — how, where, when Clarify the positive effects to expected Describe evidence of effectiveness 4. Perceived Barriers One's belief in the tangible and psychological costs of the advised behavior Identify and reduce barriers through reassurance, incentives, and assistance 5. Cues to Action Strategies to activate "readiness" Provide how-to information Promote awareness Provide reminders Provide training, guidance, and positive reinforcement 6. Self-Efficacy Confidence in one's ability to take action Summarized with slight modification modified from Recap 79صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 A Concise HBM for Predicting and Explaining Sick-Role Behaviors 80صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 A Concise HBM as Predictor of Preventive Health Behaviors 81صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PART FIVE HEPHAP related HUMAN COMMUNICATION Theories – Types; Levels & Process Chapter 9 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HUMAN COMMUNICATION THEORIES 82صفحة As HE deals with peoples, and starts with communication “contact, connect, interact, exchange…” we have to study the basic concepts of the common communication related theories & process. Communication is a connection process with other person, family, group of peers, patients and so on. Since we have cover the most important theories that deal with nature and development of the personality, it is therefore important to study group dynamics theories. Group dynamics is the study of the nature and development of the groups and their interrelationships with others. Group dynamics theories relate to the individual and group interaction and change. In this mater, the literature has a huge number of theories, the most useful for HE Communication are: Interaction Theory Interaction is the act of having an effect on each other. Thus, it is a process of exchange or communication. Interaction Theory holds the concept that the group exists only for participation and satisfaction of its members. It is based on a consideration of three main elements: - Activity, refers to the act or behaviors that the group undertakes. - Interaction, pertains to the reaction or the exchange that occur among group members. - Sentiment or Attitude to the feelings members have their communicating or working to gather. Its main principle is that “ members who feel that a group is satisfying their own needs while also accomplishing the group task at hand are the likelier to commit themselves enthusiastically to change”. Therefore, this theory is the most related one to H. educator & H. communicator. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 83صفحة Systems Theory Systems Theory is an outcome of productivity model which holds the following theorem/equation: Actual = Potential Productivity - Losses of faulty process It is relatively similar to the interaction theory except that it focuses on the linkages between inputs to the group’s function, output from its efforts, and the role of its members. It is based on three main variables: 1) Task demands or requirements 2) Facilities: resources, knowledge, skills, tools. 3) Process: task steps and procedures. Attitude Change Theory Attitude change theory is an outcome of communication studies. It is based upon the foundation that ‘The greater the prestige and credibility of communication process, the greater effectiveness and attitude change’. In order to produce effective communications and to change attitude, this theory gives Three main conditions: 1) The Nature of communication: eg. Sender characters 2) The validity of communication source: e,g; Massage. 3) The Characteristics of the audience/receiver. The Greater the Fear aroused by the message, the Less likely were the patients to Accept it. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 84صفحة HUMAN COMMUNICATION PROCESS & NETWORK Types & Skills of Human Communication & MLTHE NON VERBAL SYMBOLS VERBAL WRITTEN (SPEECH/LANGUAGE) 1. Facial Movement. 1. Jargon trap ( Med. Terms) 2. Gestine & Body Mov. 3. Gaze & Eye Contact. 4. Body postur & Contact. 5. Use of Space 2. Use +ve words for hope 3. Be rationale to: conceal, justify, explain and conver other feelings - describe and correct your feelings and share them with other. 6. Use of Time 7. Appearance & cloths Meta communication: Deep thinking, understanding - truth JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 85صفحة Johali Tenant Model For H Communication & Education Levels National & International (Public / Mass) Intra & Inter SOCIAL & CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONAL GROUP INTERPERSONAL INTRAPERSONAL HUMAN COMMUNICATION LEVELS 1. Self interact to interpret reality & create messages. At this basic level, the central communicative processes of encoding & decoding are performed to help us coordinate our meanings and messages at 2. 2. Interaction, negotiation and relations between two individuals, its effectiveness based on level 1, this level is the most important to health communication and, thus, it is important to gain at least the “Seven Top Health Communication Skills (Pagano & Ragan, 1992, 29) . 3. Interaction of three or more individuals to adapt & achieve common tasks, its effectiveness based on 1. & 2. e.g; medical team. 4. Encompasses 1, 2, & 3, it is important to develop effective formal channels and informal networks e.g; hospitals & health centres. 5. Intra & Inter Social/Cultural joints all the above, it can be within more than two different groups, communities in one organization, nation or nations. 6. This is the highest level of communications, e.g; national and international mass media & satellites. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPAHP HUMAN COMMUNICATION PROCESS (HCP) 86صفحة THE HCP BASIC COMPONENTS & STEPS 1. The Sending Person who has an idea, thought, feeling, value, attitude, information. 2. The Encoding process: the sender mental perception by which he/she thinks, translates and codes the communication message. The common codes are the symbols and signs of the verbal & nonverbal (4-1). 3. The Message the product of the encoding process which formulated in a certain order hoping that it will be understood by receiver. 4. The Channel of sending the message, our senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) are the common channels at the basic intra- & interpersonal levels and, the most used are sight and sound or speech. 5. The Interference the step of preventing the sending message from distortion (the message sent being the message received). To prevent your message, you have to understand the receiving personality and to use the appropriate codes and channels for him/her. 6. The Receiving/ Responding Person who has idea, thought, feeling, value, attitude ..and, who have to interpret the sent message without any distortion. 7. The Decoding process the receiver mental perception by which he/she thinks and translates the encoding massage as it is being sent. To do so, the sending message must be coded according to the receiver’s needs, knowledge and characteristics. 8. The Making of Meaning the massage which attempts to avoid expected outcomes. If you are passive you have negated and sat on your own feelings at some cost to yourself. 9. The Feedback & Evaluation: checkout & promote feeling JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI COMMUNICATION PROCESS “NETWORK” 87صفحة 2. Thinks Encoding Process0 Or: he has not got my massage try again 3. formulates massage 7. Decoding Process 8 Makes meaning 4: sends via 5. Interference 1 Sender Channel : Feelings Sight Sound Touch Smell Either Keep it Receiver 6 OR 9a: I well lat him Know how 9b: feedback Ed : checkout Mansour Artist 10 th.Hajah 31 Discover: 1) HC Components & Steps 2) Where is: the Health Profession ?; Patient; Who usually decode and who encode Source: 88صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PART SIX HEPHAP Most related ETHICAL BASES Chapter 10 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPHAP ETHICAL BASES THE MOAJOR ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES ISLAMIC ESSENTIALS 89صفحة The main Islamic sources (Holly Qura’an & the Prophet Sunnah) have many essentials deal with Personality development & ethics. As Islam is the Holly Comprehensive Religion, Its essentials are covered all “Life & Day After Sciences” including the Basic Sciences of Health Education & Human Communication, the Major related Essentials /(االمام )محمد أبو زهرة are: 1) Individual/Personal Nature & Educational Development التربية والتطور الطبيعي للفرد 2) Social Security/Welfare & Relationships التكافل واألمن والعالقات االجتماعية 3) COMMUNICATION RIGHTS حقوق التعامل والتواصلل As a Muslim learner, you have to find at least (Aiah or Hadeeth) as scientific evidence for each JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES ISLAMIC FOUNDATIONS FOR HEPAHP QUALITY 90صفحة Derived from its essentials, Islam is the life and the day after, The Major related are: الكرامة اإلنسانية 1. HUMAN NOBILITY / Dignity العدالة والمساواة 2. JUSTICE & EQUITY 3. HUMAN COOPERATION التعارف والتعاون اإلنساني 4. FORGIVENESS/COMPASSION/AFFECTION الرحمة والمودة/ التسامح اإلخالص/األمانة 5. HONESTY / FIDELITY 6. BENEFIT/ USEFULNESS المنفعة والمصلحة/البر/اإلحسان =========== As a Muslim learner, you have to find at least (Aiah or Hadeeth) as scientific evidence for each ----------------------------------------------------------Compare these FOUNDATIONS with the later Global Ethics JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEHA ETHICAL BASES GLOBAL ETHICS 91صفحة ETHICS are essential not only to overcome health professions’ problems and barriers, but for all life and professions, by which we can improve the quality of life. ETHICS always connected to the religions, as a main source or bases, thus, many social and ethical references are started with "Moral Reasoning & Development". DEVELOPMENT OF MORAL REASONING In Islamic nations, Moral is the religion “Values, Beliefs, Attitudes…”, due to global disagreement, the West & worldwide create “THREE MAJOR LEVELS with SIX STAGES: 1) PRE-CONVENTIONAL LEVEL STAGE 1: Moral Realism STAGE 2: Individual & Instrumental Morality 2) CONVENTIONAL LEVEL STAGE 3: Interpersonal Normative Morality STAGE 4: Social System Morality 3) POST-CONVENTIONAL LEVEL STAGE 5: Human Rights & Social Contract Morality STAGE 6: Universal Ethical Principles (because People seen as having value in themselves rather than as agent of social values, thus it emphasis the “Self chosen for best Justice; Human dignity & Rights → Optimum Quality, JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEHA ETHICAL BASES (Cont.) ETHICS PRINCIPLES Drives from their moral reasoning, there are many Western Ethical Principles, The MOAJOR ARE: 92صفحة 1) BENEFIENCE : Act in the best interest of the patient, it is a moral (religious) principles, the Western traced to Hippocratic pledge. Meanwhile, it is one of the major Islamic Principles. 2) AUTONOMY: Patients rights to self-determination; to chose what will be done to them. 3) HONESITY : Patients have the right to the truth about their medical conditions, the course of their disease, the treatments recommended & alternative treatment available. 4) INFORMAL CONSENT : this is a part of Autonomy & honesty principles. The patients have the right to be informed about all the relevant medical aspects including the treatment. 5) CONFIDENIALITY : based on the human dignity, patients have the right to assure that all the information about their medical conditions & treatment will not be given to other without their prior permission. 6) FIDELITY/ Loyalty: Your responsibilities should be directed toward the “Patients Welfare”, not to the physician interests ================= Ego Reflective: Compare these with “Islamic Teachings” JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 ETHICAL BASES (Cont.) THE SEVEN SEAS (7 C’s) OF QUALITY HEPAHP HUMAN COMMUNICTION 93صفحة 1. Credibility: You the source “the Sender (S)” must be competent and reliable to Motivate 2. Context: HE Message (HEM) must be relevant to the receiver 3. Content: HEC must have genuine meaning “meaningfulness” 4. Clarity: the R “Patient” must be able to understand the message 5. Continuity: Though repeated with variations, HE Message must be consistent (steady reliable) enough NOT to Confuse the R 6. Channels: HE must use the most acceptable communication channels\media (HE methodology & technology) to the R 7. Capability: The R must be able to communicate effectively with Least amount of Effort JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPAHP ETHICAL BASES (Cont.) 94صفحة THE SEVEN (7) TOPS OF HEALTH COMMUNICTION SKILLS 1. Give accurate & Adequate Feedback 2. Listening Carefully 3. Interpreting Accurately 4. Giving Clear Directions 5. Treating Others in Professional Manner 6. Communicating Information Clearly 7. Establishing One’s Credibility JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 HEPAHP ETHICAL BASES (Cont.) QUALITY REQUIRMENTS Originally; this "Quality Requirements" is written for effective traditional health communication and education process as: 95صفحة - (to be added ) Who really understand the term "Quality" just as (Ideal & Excellency), will consider its deep Islamic roots and the "Japonica–American" principles, and focus on: - Patient humanity and ethical based communication, by which you will reach… - Crosby's Zero Defect: HEPHAP without defects, then you will meet.. - Patient fulfill needs and satisfaction, your patients will be full satisfy if your activity meet their interests and needs. Almost all these concepts are in the following chapter. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 96صفحة PART SEVEN APCHE’R QUALITY Assertive Patient Centred HE’R with Best Evidence Chapter 11 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPAHP SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT In our step by step HEPAHP, the style of managing HEPAHP Process is the last step towards "APCHER, it is a vital which will lead our model to achieve its overall aim "Quality of Healthful Life". There a huge numbers of management theories and approaches. For this course, the most related is “WHO Open System Planning Approach (WHOSPA)”: 97صفحة “Adopted from “WHO Training Manual on Management of Human Resource For Health” Why OSP in HEHA?; There are many reasons, the major is to remind you with your work environment “with whom you are working: with persons under legal and not only with MOH and related medical professions but with academic sectors, people and technologies. Beside the above Environment Centred Model, with which of the following managerial style you will assure quality. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEALTH EDUCATION MANAGERIALSTYLES ASSERTIVE (FEELING) THE IDEAL WAY TOWARDS QUALITY OF HEPAHP The Behavioral, Psychological, Social & Educational Sciences & Scientists (e.g Carol Rogers father of Person Centred Psychotherapy”; Jean Piaget; Bloom; Dewey....etc) create many behavioral/managerial responses. As arranged from the “Highest to the Lowest” effect on the quality of human communication & Education, the MOST COMMON STYLES ARE: The Highest the Most Trusted Styles “Ethically–Humanity” the Highest Quality HEPAHP ASSERTIVENESS (Confidence, Self assure, Be empathic –feel others Feeling; Communicate 98صفحة without Attack..): Give patient freedom for direct expression of ideas, opinions ands desires. The intent of Assertive PT behavior is to communicate in an atmosphere of TRUST. It is “how to communicate straight without hurting others”. It focuses “On What we should Do rather than What we want others to Do” The Assertive communicate message caries Feeling, Behavior and Effect”: Example: I feel angry (Feeling), when you are not comply with medication (Attitude/Behavior) and/thus, I blame you (Effect) For deep understanding of (feeling, attitude, effect) (Reflect on/in personality structure & Behaviorism – the Bloom Taxonomy of educational Objectives). PASSIVE AGRESSIVENESS (Indirect Attack, non assertive): Indirect attack, who has the intent to attack, but is carried out in an indirect avoiding way. Passive behavior designed to avoid conflict at all cost; The Passive or non assertive PTs do not say what they really think out of fear, that other may not agree. They “hide” at pharmacy corner or behind window.. The recipient/Receiver is often left Puzzle & Confused?! OFFENSEVENESS/ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE(Direct attacker; Not friendly, non peaceful/ not healthy): Aggressive people seek to “win” in conflict situation by dominating or intimidating (threatening) other. Offensive is the direct attack behavior by which a parson decide to hit out others using blame and putdown words e. g: “As usual you are being hopeless”. Aggressive/Offensive PTs, the persons who promote their own interests or points of view indifferent way or hostile to the feeling, thoughts and needs of others. The Lowest the Less Trusted Styles “Ethically–Humanity” the Less Quality HEPAHP JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 WHAT & WHY APCHER QUALITY ? APCHER based on the above Assertive Style the Feeling of others the patients “HPs feel that they are he is the patient” this is the Ideal way to assure quality In addition to”caries feeling of patient”, It covers all related scientific concepts that we have learn with (e.g Carol Rogers father of Person Centred Psychotherapy”; Jean Piaget; Bloom; Dewey....etc) 99صفحة As a Muslim, its overall goal is not just "Quality of Healthful Life" the intent goal, the desire and the need for every person, patient and every community and nations, but it will achieve the quality of our life today and the day after. APCHE’R Quality Model consists of “Three Major Models”: Patient Centred HEPHAP; the Patients Self Awareness; Readiness, and Willingness. When our people aware, ready and willing sure they will Assertive based HEPHAP Style; Moral, spiritual and emotional ideal religious "Islamic - Sympathetic" Feelings; By which all health leaders, planners, and providers have to feel that they are the Patients, they are carrying others' pains, sickness, healthful and happiness feelings. Best Evidence HEPHAP; the scientific research & assessment of all patients health and his its associated factors, the nature, characters, interests and needs … Our creative APCHER Quality model arranged “Highest to the Lowest” effect on the quality of human communication & Education as follow: JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI's APCHER QUALITY MODEL 100صفحة صفحة101 JOHALI HEPAHP 2011 PART EIGHT HEPAHP METHODOLOGIES & TECHNOLOGIES Johali Chapter 12 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 102صفحة METHODOLOGIES & TECHNOLOGIES Methodology refers to the sciences (theories and models) of teaching and learning approaches, strategies and methods that appropriate to specific nature, character and objectives... Technology refers to sciences of teaching and learning aides “audio- visual, materials..” that appropriate to the methodologies.... The literature of health education and its boundaries has huge numbers of methodologies and technologies that associate with philosophies and theories of teaching and learning. Each philosophy and theory of teaching and learning has its own strategy to meet its own concepts, and to achieve its objectives. Based on philosophers and theories of education and health, and the Fox’s four theories, this is my overall model for choosing the most appropriate HEPAHP methods, media and strategie: DEPENDENT PASSIVE T& L Theories -VE T& L Methods & Strategies ( Lecture Knowledge Drill, Labs Skills informal field study\visit\gurney Self ability Transferring Shaping Traveling Computing Technologies & Networks: CDs, IAL.. Saudinet, Gulfnet, Internet) Formal & Informal teaching Learning: sharing, co-operative, self\open learning; Growing “Tran.+Trav.+ Shap”. Reading Ref., book, materials - CTs & Networks.. INDEPENDENT ACTIVE + VE Who looks for the Quality, should use more than one theory as possible. JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 103صفحة THE MOST COMMON “HE” METHODOLGIES The most common health education strategies, methods are ordered according to its effectiveness on the following concept: The First/ Formal/Single/Dependent & Passive /-VE The Last/ the Informal & MultiIndependent & Active / +VE ARE DEPENDENT PASSIVE -VE LECTURE: traditionally, a verbal speech to teach, instruct, transfer knowledge or information and, progressively with others to help learning. QUESTIONING & DISCUSSION (Individual & Group) to explain and exchange for groups, and may be with individuals. DIALOGUE & DEBATE for free and wide exchange, the best recommended for HA DEMONSTRATION to see / show how to:… CASE STUDY show by example how to decide ROLE PLAYING an experiential learning to demonstrate opinions and feelings and to copy skills SIMULATIONS & GAMES for imaginative & attractive practice LABS\DRILL the real practice at labs & field PROBLEM SOLVING a self confident if it is independent PATIENT/EVIDENCE/ASSERTIVE CENTRED HE new concepts for optimum quality SELF/INDEPENDENT HEHA the highest quality for those who ready & welling INDEPENDENT ACTIVE +VE INTERACTIVE +VE Johali 1413 (HENUR); Johali HEHA2006 Who looks for the APCHER Quality have to use more than one with highest approaches JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 104صفحة THE COMMON “HE” TECHNOLOGIES The most common health education technologies as listed according to its effectiveness ARE PASSIVE -VE PRINTED MATERIALS e.g; Leaflet/ Folder, Poster, Pamphlet, Booklet, Books….. AUDIO-VISUAL AIDES e.g; Overhead/ Slide projectors, Recorder…. MASS MEDIA Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Satellite HIGH HIYPER-INTERACTIVE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES HYPER Interactive& Attractive TELCOM / SPACE TELECOM/ INTERNET ATTRACTIVE ACTIVE +VE INTERACTIVE +VE Who thinks about the quality have to use more than one of the latest accepted .. Other General & HEPAHP methodologies, technologies (Strategies): Advantages and Disadvantages & Relations.. are shown in the Tables:.. Discover which we are looking for – which can achieve APCHER Quality JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 105صفحة HE STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 106صفحة HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 107صفحة HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations 108صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) 109صفحة Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 110صفحة HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 111صفحة HEPHAP STRATEGIES (METHODS & TECHNOLOGIES) Advantages –Disadvantages + Practice with different situations HYPER TECHNOLOGY 112صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PART NINE Looking for the Quality of HEPHAP HEPHAP PLANNING Chapter 13 PROBING & DEFINING HEPHAP TERMS Key Terms JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PROBE & DEFINE PLANNING TERMS 113صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PROBE & DEFINE PLANNING TERMS 114صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 115صفحة HEPHAP PLANNING DEFINTION & PRINCIPLE As we have noticed from defining key terms. Generally; “HEALTH PLANNING / PLANNING FOR HEALTH” is define as : “A Process of establishing priorities, diagnosing causes of problems and allocating resources to achieve objectives”. Meanwhile, its is scientific PRINCIPLE is: PEOPLE ACT POSITIVE IF HEALTH EDUCATION RESPECTS THIER PERSONALITY NATURE, CHARACTERS, INTERESTS & MEET THIER NEEDS. Thus; The “HEHA PLANNING is “a dynamic process of integrating the following major activities: Understanding “Personality”/ clients nature & behaviors.., Assessing their needs, Defining objectives, Establishing priorities, Allocating resources, Acting/working to achieve/improve Quality of Health JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 PROBING (WHY & HOW..) QUALITY OF PLANNING? To prepare well, manage, validate and grantee the quality of H. E. activities & outcomes 116صفحة LEARNING & PLANNING FOR QUALITY As we have taught and may be learnt, for understanding the boundaries and its concepts, normally, we have to start by defining health education; its goals and objectives; its philosophical and theoretical concepts; methodologies, technologies and research and finally, the planning process. Outcomes QUALITY HEALTH/WHY Inputs QUALITY EDUCATION/HOW In order to plan for the quality of health of clients, people and community, it is recommended to “start from the end or bottom, from the field (patient, clients, people, community) as follow: Inputs QUALITY EDUCATION/HOW .. Outcomes QUALITY HEALTH/WHY (THINKING IN THE FOLLOWING MODELS) General Models (Ross & Mico fig 13 “Model 1” p 209 & table 11 p 210-211; fig 14 “Model 2” p 212 and table 12 p 214-215) The FOCUS MODEL “PRECEDE framework” (Ross & Mico fig 12 p 206-207; fig 3 p7071) HEHA PLANNING MODELS: The Concise JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Predisposing Reinforcing Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis Evaluation FRAMEWORK HEHA PLANNING BY “P..R...E...C..E..D..E..” 117صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Applying “P..R...E...C..E..D..E..” Hypertension a General Example 118صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 TURING MANAGEMENT HBM & NURSING PROCESS Into A HEHA PROCESS PLANNING MODEL As HE is a new course introduced into HA, Its planning must take in consider the most related scientific concepts of “HE & HA, with HBM the common medical model and the Nursing Process. The Best modified “HEHA QUALITY PROCESS PLANNING MODEL” can be illustrated as follow: 119صفحة (Johali 29/03/2006) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 Johali's CONCISED PLANING MODEL FOR HEHA\HEPHAP (Based on all above HEPHAP Sciences) HEPHAP the QUALITY OF HEALTH/LIFE PROMOTE/DEVELOP QUALITY OF HEALTH / LIFE 120صفحة Why What/When/ Where/How & Who EVALUATION QUALITY OF HEALTH / LIFE Why What /Where/When/Who & How INTERVENTION\ACTION PLAN QUALITY OF HEALTH / LIFE Diagnose assessments Define needs (Physical, Environmental\ Health, Non health causes & needs?\ Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing educational factors & needs?) Objectives, Priorities, Resources PLAN EMPATHETIC DIAGNOSIS & PLAN SETTING (Why, What & How?) QUALITY OF HEALTH / LIFE 1. Assessing personality structure & needs (heredity, culture, social and self) 2. Assessing personality health problems, related factors & needs 3. Assessing personality behaviors & needs 4. Assessing educational requirements & needs How good communication & observation ASSERTIVE (Empathetic) ASSESSMENT (Why & How?) "Learners have to invent similar self concise model" (HEHA 2006, 39 Mar. Johali) JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEALTH EDUCATION FIELDS/SPECIALTIES & RESOURCES HEALTH EDUCATION FIELDS/SPECIALTIES Either it is accepted or rejected; it is carried out or may neglected, it is the fact that health education is a part of all health professions, institutions & activities. Furthermore, it has many (FEILDS/TYPES) Specialties, The Majors Are: 121صفحة General/Public Health Education (G/PHE) Hospital Health Education (HHE): Patient & Outpatients Primary Health Care Education (PHCE) Community Health Education (CHE) School Health Education (SHE) Nursing Health Education (NHE) Clinical Nutrition Health Education (CNHE) Environmental Health Education (EHE) Occupational & Safety Health Education (OSHE) Chronic Diseases Health Education (CDHE): Diabetic, HBP, Cancer…. Drugs Control & Pharmaceutical Health Education These specialties can be reorganized as: Individual or Personal; Group, Community and Public ….Health Education JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 HEALTH EDUCATION RESOURCES LOCALLY In Saudi Arabia, despite that there is no special “Association or Board”… as it is the case of global HE, there are many HE Resources. In addition to a department within every government and private health service sectors, the major HE government sectors are: 122صفحة 1. Department of Health Education, General Directorate of Preventive Health, Ministry of Health, which is located at “Al Suliamnia, King Abdul Azis Road. 2. Department of Health Education, King Khalid Eyes Specialist Hospital, Riyadh. The most active HE hospital department now, mainly in regarding of HE symposium. 3. Department of Health Education, Kin Fahd Specialist Hospital, King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard. 4. Department of Health Education, Riyadh Military Hospital. It is the oldest department, and it was the most active hospital HE department mainly with HE researches & materials. 5. Department of Health Education, King Fisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre. 6. Department of Health Education, General Directorate of Schools Health, Ministry of Education, “the place of “Uniceef HE Seat Fond”. 7. Department of Health Education, Security Force Hospital, Riyadh. 8. Academic Department of Health Education, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh. The lonely academic department. It establishes at 1403 AH. 9. Saudi Health Specialties Council (Association), It services all health professions including heath education specialists & heath educators. “independently, you have to discover the activities of these sectors and other national sectors” A CONCISE HEALTH EDUCATION FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR – Johali 2006 HEALTH EDUCATION RESOURCES GLOBAL 123صفحة JOHALI HEPHAP 2011 هـ3413/0/20 فيفا "ولماذا ال تسير "فلسفة الكتاب ملخص التثقيف والتعزيز الصحي للمدير الصحي وكافة المهن الصحية HEPHA COURSE CONCISED SUMMARY By EISA JOHALI, the lecturer The PLACE OF HE IN HA SCIENCE-EDUCATION & PRACTICE (1) HISTO-PROBE “EDUCATION?HEALTH?HEHA DEF.& RELATIONS (2) GOAL/OBJECTIVES HEHA (TEACHING+LEARNING+PRACTICE QUALITY OF LIFE 124صفحة (3) MAJOR HEHA SCIENCES PERSONALITY THEORIES (HEREDITY + ISLAMIC CULTURE & SOCIETY YOU & CLIENT) (4) HEHA (TL + HA) THEORIES LEARNING = MOTIVATION (READY & ACTIVE LEARNER & CLIENT) +VE BEHAVIOR (5) HEHA ISLAMIC & GLOBAL ETHICS & COMMUNICATION (6) HEHA METHODOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY Interactive Strategy +VE Method & Technique Excite Media (7) QUALITY-ASSERTIVE HEHA PLAN (7) + (6) + (5) + (4) + (3) + (2) + (1) ASSESSMENT DIAGNOSIS INTERVENTION\ASSERTIVE ACTION PLAN (8) ASSERT. EVALUATION\RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT(8 -1) (HEHA2006, 29 Mar. Johali) "Learners have to invent similar self concise model" !!ملحق ؟ 125صفحة A CONCISE HEALTH EDUCATION FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR – Johali 2006 THE MAJOR REFERENCES & RESOURCE “Arranged according to their priority the Concise” ???? or alphabetic ??? A -xyz JOHALI, E. A. (1427) A Concise Medical Laboratory Health Education: A Lecture’s Note (you can by it “ready & bind” from AL Quwafil Centre, King Abdullah Road, south east of King Saud University. (This Concise is the Major student Reference) 126صفحة === ROGERS R. C (1983) Freedom To Learn for the 80’S. New York: MacMillan Publishing C. JOHALI, E. A. (2006) A Concise Health Profession History & Ethics: An Arabic & English Lectures’ Note for Health Professions Students. Al Mazrou et al (1410) Principles and Practice of Primary Health Care. WEDDING, M. E & TOENJES, S. A. (1992) Medical Laboratory Procedures (Focus: Preface, Units 1 & Appendixes ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis GREEN, L.W et al (1980) Health Education Planning: A Diagnostic Approach. USA: Mayfield Publishing Co. ROSS, H. S. and MICO, P.R. (1980) Theory and Practice in Health Education. USA: Mayfield Publishing Co. Redman, 1997 Tyler, R. W. (1949) Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. USA: the University of Chicago Press. Tindall (1994) Brown, S. and MacIntyre (1993) Making Sense of Teaching: Developing teachers and teaching. Buckingham: Open University Press. Ministry of Health (MOH) 1398H/1978G Manual of Functions and Duties in Health Education (Arabic) MOH (1410) The Curriculum Guidelines for Clinical Laboratory Technicians Programmes. KIMBROUGH, V.K. & HENDERSON, K. (2006) Oral Health Education “Part 4 Communication Styles”. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice hall. TINDALL, W. N. et al 2003 (4th Ed) Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice: : A Practical Guide for Students & Practitioners. Williams & Wilkins. KERPS. G. & KUNIMMOTO, E (1994) Effective Communication in Multicultural Health Care Settings. Sage Publications. PORRITT, L (1984) Communication Choices for Nurses. Churchill Livingstone. WHO (undated) Training Manual on Management of Human Resources for Health. …………………………… A CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES American Health Administration Association ………... n/Health_Belief_Model.doc/ Others HEP INTERNET SITES. 127صفحة American Academy on Physician and Patient European Association for Communication in Healthcare Visit Patient Education and Counseling Online Online Sample Copy (Johali 29/03/2006) ERIC #: Title: Authors: Descriptors: 128صفحة Source: PeerReviewed: Publisher: Publication Date: Pages: Pub Types: Abstract: ED156649 The Place of Health Education in Health Administration. Report on a Working Group. N/A Delivery Systems; Foreign Countries; Government Role; Health Education; Health Programs; Organizational Theories; Public Health; Relationship; Role Theory N/A N/A N/A 1977-00-00 27 Reports – Research Four working papers presented at a World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Working Group meeting on the place of health education in health administration are summarized, along with group discussion of the papers. General discussion of the meanings of health education and health administration, types of integration, and methods of achieving integration of the two are also presented in condensed form. Papers prepared for the meeting were: (1) "Health Education Administration in the European Region;" (2) "The Theory and Practice of Health Education as Related to the Place of Health Education in Health Administration;" (3) "Health Education in the North Karelia Project: Principles and Recommendations;" and (4) "The Place of Health Education in the Health Administration of Yugoslavia." General group discussion focused on descriptions of health education systems, types of health care systems, types of health education systems, health education and health problems, health education agents, methods of development of health administration services, general factors influencing future developments and identification of present needs. Conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group to the Regional Office conclude the paper. (MJB) Abstractor: N/A Reference N/A Count: Note: Identifiers: Record Type: Level: Meeting of a Working Group (Manchester, England, March 2931, 1976) Europe; Health Administration Non-Journal 1 - Documents indexed from January 1993 forward available for free through the ERIC Web site; all others restricted to microfiche Institutions: N/A Sponsors: World Health Organization, Copenhagen (Denmark). Regional Office for Europe. 129صفحة