Possible short answer questions for Zoology Exam #2

Possible short answer questions for Zoology Exam #2.
Ch. 28
A) Describe the characteristics of the Kingdom Protozoa. Is it animal or
plant? Why?
B) Describe the symbiotic lifestyle of the Zooflagellated Protozoa Phylum
Apicomplexa: Plasmodium that causes Malaria.
Ch. 32
C) Explain the hypothesis regarding the origin of multicellularity for
bilateral and radial animals.
Ch. 33
D) Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Porifera. Include the cell
types found in the body wall and their general function. Also include the
various skeleton structures found in sponges.
E) Describe the general characteristics of the Phylum Cnidaria and its
“alteration of generations”- Describe the reproductive process of
F) Describe the important evolutionary characteristics of the Triploblastic
Acoelomate body plan.
G) Describe the characteristics of the Phylum Platyhelminthes and the life
cycle of Class Trematoda- parasitic flukes.
H) Describe the general characteristics and the life cycle of the Class
Cestoda- tapeworms.
Key Terms
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Polyphyletic,
autotrophic, heterotrophic, asexual reproduction, flagellated, phytoflagellated
protozoa, symbiosis, parasitism, commensalisms, mutualism, host, definite
host, intermediate host, dinoflagellate, Fission, host, pellicle, protozoan,
euglena, stigma, pyrenoid, mastigophora, zooflagellated protozoa
Phytomastigophora, Zoomastigophora, trypanosoma, trichonympha, volvox,
sarcodina, amoebas, pseudopodia, difflugia, test (shell), coccidea,
apicomplexa, sporozoan, plasmodium life cycle, sporozoites, gametocytes,
ciliophora, conjugation, paramecium
Polyphyletic, Monophyletic, colonial hypothesis, synctial hypothesis, Physalia
physalis- Portuguese Man-of-War, Phylum Porifera- Sponges, pinacocytes,
mesenchyme- ameobocytes, choanocytes- collar cells, central cavity, spicules,
sponging, ascon, sycon, leucon, ostia, spongocoel, osculum, monoecious,
larva, mesohyl, vacuoles, Phylum Cnidaria, radial symmetry, sensory
receptors, diploblastic, mesoglea, gastrodermis, gastrovascular cavity,
cnodocytes, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermis, nematocyst, operculum,
cnidocil- modified cilium, , medusa, polyp, alteration-of-generations, asexual,
sessile, dioecious, gemmules, budding, colony, planula, hydrozoan, hydras,
Gonionemus, Class Scyphozoa, Aurelia, Class Anthozoa- anemone and corals,
mesenteries, gonads, pharynx, oral end, aboral end, tentacles,
Acoelomate, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, diploblastic, coelomate,
cephalization, germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, organ-system
level of organization, flattened dorsoventrally, gastrovascular cavity,
monoecious, parenchyma, excretory system, muscle system, digestive
system, reproductive system, ciruculatory system, respiratory system,,
Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class Turbllaria- flat worms, protonephridia,
osmoregulatory structures, nephros- kidney, flame cells, nephridiopore,
nervous system- ganglion, Ocelli, asexual, sexual, , Class Tremotodaparasitic flukes, tegument, Chinese liver fluke, Class Cestoda- tapeworms,
endoparasites, scolex, proglottids, strobila, gravid proglotid, immature
proglotid, neck and head of tapeworm, holdfast, Class Mongenea- parasitic
flukes, ectoparasite, predator, scavenger, host, definite host, intermediate
host, Phylum Nemertea, unsegmented body, closed circulatory, ciliated
epidermis, cerebral ganglion