Phylum Apicomplexa Gregarines, Coccidians ~ 5,000 species All parasitic Apical complex Organelles for attaching parasite to host cell Hooks/suckers Plasmodium vivax Causes malaria Kills 1-3 million / year Mostly in Africa Vector = mosquito Malaria: important world-wide disease • • • > 300-500 million infections / year > 1 million deaths / year Distinctive fever pattern – cyclic 48 hours Gregarine: gut parasites of many invertebrates Best known from arthropods sporozoite spores In beetle Phylum Dinoflagellata ~ 4,000 species described Most unicellular, some are filamentous or colonial Some planktonic, some symbiotic (w/ corals, other cnidarians) Red tide caused by dinoflagellates Discolored area of ocean with billions of dinoflagellates Produce toxins, kill everything. Two flagella: armor or not Ceratium Ceratium sp. Noctiluca Dinoflagellates Freshwater and marine Osmoregulation by pusules Tubules that open to outside Autotrophic and heterotrophic Switch Many photo pigments Repro Asexual Sexual: haploid cells divide, produce daughter cells = gametes Forms cyst, resting stage Phylum Rhizopoda: amebas ~ 200 species Most free-living, some endosymbiotic, some pathogenic Pseudopodia in all Entamoeba histolytica Amebic dysentery 4 nuclei - cyst found in fecal smear Difflugia Phylum Actinopoda ~4,240 species Radiolarians, Heliozoans, etc. Most w/internal siliceous skeletons Planktonic and benthic Heterotrophic mostly (phagocytosis) Binary fission, budding, sex rare Actinopoda “ray feet” = axopodia Slender pseudopodia Actinosphaerium Actinosphaerium Foraminifera ~ 40,000 species All aquatic habitats Some planktonic, most benthic Tests form chalks, marble, limestone Chalk cliffs of Dover Phylum Diplomonadida Plasma membrane rigid from three microtubular roots Most phagotrophic, feed on bacteria Asexual, most form cysts Giardia No mitochondria, ER, or Golgi bodies Warm climates mostly In severe infections every cell in gut is covered by a parasite. Coating of inside of intestine interferes with absorption Giardia lamblia Phylum Chlorophyta “Green algae” - green chloroplasts Like plants Some colonial Some have lost photosynthesis = heterotrophs Volvox Phylum Opalinida Many rows of cilia - different than in ciliates Reproduction is longitudinal (like flagellates), not transverse (ciliates) ~ 150 species Endosymbiotic in frog and toad gut Phylum Opalinida Sexual repro by synamy Asexual = binary fission Opalina Protist Phylogeny Origins ~ 2.5 bya Evolution of eukaryotes? Serial Endosymbiotic Theory (SET) Serial endosymbiotic theory