HITECHNIQUES LTD. Tel: 01-4580725 Page 1 of 4 E-Mail: DATASHEET 0050 info@hitechniques.ie HOW TO SURVEY WITH THE NTS302R+ TOTAL STATION This tutorial will show you how to survey points with the NTS302R+ total station, including stationing, setting backsight angle to 0°, and surveying points. It takes approximately 1.0 hours Also included are Moving to a forward station, Backsighting to a known point, and Downloading to a PC (CD, Download Cable & PC required). You will need: 1. NTS302R+ total station with charged battery 2. Tripod 3. Prism & pole 4. Staffman to hold the prism 5. Points on the ground on which to station STNA (1000,1000,100) and STNB 6. Points to survey 1, 2…. CONFIGURATION – Set these configurations each time at power up 1. Turn on the instrument, display will show V OSET TURN. Tilt the telescope up/down and display will show V, HR 2. Press STAR button to left of On/Off button, display will show “Contrast Adjustment” 3. Select Prism Type: F1:MODE 4. F1:PRISM, square brackets will show around F1:[PRISM] 5. (F2: REFLECTOR is for reflector tape, F3:NO REFLECTOR is reflectorless) 6. ESC button 7. Set Compensator (defaults to OFF on PowerOff): F2:TILT 8. F1:X-ON 9. F4:YES 10. Set Prism Constant: F3:S/A 11. F1:PRISM, set to -30 12. Prism constant will not be adjustable if Prism type is set to F3: NO REF. 13. Set Pressure & Temp: PRES should be in range 995-1015, PPM should be in range 0 to -11 14. ESC twice STATIONING 15. MENU button. 16. F1:DATA COLLECT 17. Select a file: Since there are no files in the instrument we must input a file: F1:INPUT. (Later when there are a number of files in the instrument you may select by F2:LIST) 18. We will call our file TEST, press the following keys: 1 – F2 = T 8 – F2 = E 1 – F1 = S 1 – F2 = T F4:ENT to complete the input 19. Display then shows the DATA COLLECT menu 20. It is important to check the SAVE Configuration before starting to survey. Press F4:P 21. F3:CONFIG 22. F3:SAVE CONFIG © HITECHNIQUES Ltd. This datasheet may be copied and freely distributed only as a complete unit. 19 July 2012 HITECHNIQUES LTD. Tel: 01-4580725 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Page 2 of 4 E-Mail: DATASHEET 0050 info@hitechniques.ie F1:AUTO SAVE COORD, display shows F1:[YES ] F4:ENT ESC twice and F4:P Display again shows the DATA COLLECT menu, select F1: OCC. PT# INPUT F1:INPUT the point number Pt#: STNA, point code P.Code: ST, and instrument height – measure from dot on LHS of instrument to top of station (e.g 1.530). You can scroll up and down the display using the arrow keys to the right hand side of the display. Press F3:OCC when finished entering data F3:NEZ, and input the following co-ordinates for STNA: N: F1:INPUT, 1000, F4:ENT E: F1:INPUT, 1000, F4:ENT Z:F1:INPUT, 100, F4:ENT After entering the Z coordinate the display returns to the previous screen. Press F4:NOTE and F4:YES to record the station information. Display changes to DATA COLLECT menu CHECKPOINT 1: Display should show the DATA COLLECT menu again Select F2:BACKSIGHT to orient the instrument Point at STNB or a well-defined point to orient the instrument and F2:OSET followed by F4:MEAS, F1:VH, F4:NOTE. (See below for orienting to a backsight point.) Display returns to the DATA COLLECT menu F3:MEAS F1:INPUT and input a PT# e.g. 1, F4:ENT F1:INPUT and input a point code PCODE e.g. WL (for wall), HG (hedge), KB (kerb), MH (manhole) etc. You can enter more than two characters but traditionally only two have been used to save key input time. F4:ENT F1: INPUT and enter the reflector height R.HT. CHECKPOINT 2: Display should show PT#: (say 1), PCODE (say WL), R.HT: (say 1.5) SURVEYING 39. Set the prism on the first point to be measured and point the telescope cross-hairs at the centre of the prism. F3: MEAS 40. F3:NEZ 41. Display will show the co-ordinates of the point and continue to measure (each click is a measure). F4:NOTE and NOTE! will flash at the bottom of the screen to show the coordinates are recorded. 42. Move to the next point (change PCODE if necessary) sight the prism and press F4:ALL 43. Continue to record points in this way until all points are surveyed. 44. If battery goes dead during survey, or you turn off the instrument, it is necessary to restation (Points 26-34) on your present station to ensure correct co-ordinates 45. To check that co-ordinates are being recorded, press ESC button back to MENU and F3:MEMORY MGR, followed by F2:SEARCH, F1:MEAS DATA, F4:ENT and F2:LAST DATA It is not necessary to restation after checking co-ordinates, to return to surveying ESC x 4, F1:DATA COLLECT, F4:ENT and F3:MEAS and continue surveying. © HITECHNIQUES Ltd. This datasheet may be copied and freely distributed only as a complete unit. 19 July 2012 HITECHNIQUES LTD. Tel: 01-4580725 Page 3 of 4 E-Mail: DATASHEET 0050 info@hitechniques.ie MOVING TO A FORWARD STATION 46. Survey the forward station point (STNB) as a normal point as above. 47. Move the instrument to set up on the forward station STNB. 48. MENU key 49. F1:DATA COLLECT. Select File: F4:ENT 50. F1:OCC. PT# INPUT 51. F3:OCC 52. F2:LIST 53. Scroll through the list until the arrow is opposite the station point STNB, F4:ENT, and F4:YES 54. Enter PCODE 55. Enter instrument height above the station point 56. F4: NOTE, F4:YES BACKSIGHTING TO A KNOWN STATION 57. After we have moved to a forward station we want to orient to a known backsight point. 58. F2:BACKSIGHT 59. F3:BS 60. F2:LIST (or F3:NEZ and enter the co-ordinates if there are no points in memory, go to 65) 61. Scroll through the list until the arrow is opposite the backsight point, F4:ENT, and F4:YES 62. Enter a new PT# 63. Enter PCODE 64. Enter reflector height R.HT 65. Set the reflector on the backsight point and point the telescope cross-hairs at the centre of the prism. F4: MEAS 66. F3:NEZ 67. Instrument measures to the point and display flashes the co-ordinates of the measured point, F4:NOTE 68. Display shows DATA COLLECT menu 69. Continue to survey F3:MEAS © HITECHNIQUES Ltd. This datasheet may be copied and freely distributed only as a complete unit. 19 July 2012 HITECHNIQUES LTD. Tel: 01-4580725 Page 4 of 4 E-Mail: DATASHEET 0050 info@hitechniques.ie DOWNLOADING TO A PC 70. Power on. Connect the cable to the instrument and PC. Check which PC COM port the cable is attached to in Device Manager (see 91 below), usually it is COM1 71. Start the download software on the PC by double-clicking on the file TS-COM0 and the software will load. 72. Click Comm>Parameter and settings should be: PROTOCOL: None Timeout: 30 Interline Delay: 800 PORT: COM? as in Device Manager BAUD: 1200 Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 PARITY: None 73. Click OK 74. Click Comm/Download300Data/OK 75. On instrument MENU key 76. F3:MEMORY MGR 77. F4:P twice 78. F1:DATA TRANSFER 79. F3:COMM.PARAMETERS, check that parameters are same as 72 above, ESC 80. F1:SEND DATA 81. F1:MEAS DATA 82. F4:ENT, F4:YES 83. On the PC the point information will display in the TS-COM0 window. 84. Click Transform>NEZSurveyData and the information will display in columns of PT#, E, N, Z, PCODE 85. For n4ce Survey Software click File/SaveAs, set ‘Save as type’=’All Files’, add a .nts extension (it is not added automatically) and save the file. 86. For Autocad click Transform>CASSCoordinates->DXF, give it a name and save it as a DXF file. TROUBLESHOOTING DOWNLOADING 87. NTS-300 TOTAL STATION PROGRAMME UPGRADE appears on instrument when I turn it on. Turn off the instrument, disconnect cable, turn on instrument, reconnect cable. 88. Check Instrument & Software: Instrument must be NTS302R+ (not NTS302, NTS302B), software must be TS-COM or TS-COM0 (both have blue & white planet icon) 89. Check Parameters: Check the parameters are the same in 72 & 79 above. 90. Check Com port: In Vista click on Start, type Device Manager in the search box. In XP>Start>Settings>ControlPanel>System>Hardware. Click on Device Manager and then Ports. There should be an item Communications Port (COM1) or Communications Port (COM2). Try setting the parameters in TS-COM0 to COM1 or COM2 and downloading again. 91. Using a USB-Serial Adaptor: In Device Manager (see 90) there should be an item USB Serial Port (COM?). If not, you have not installed the adaptor correctly, reinstall it. See www.ftdichip.com/uc232.htm for Instructions & Drivers. If the COM is greater than 6, you need to double click on it PortSettings>Advanced and change the COM Port Number to 1-6. Set it the same in the TS-COM0 parameters © HITECHNIQUES Ltd. This datasheet may be copied and freely distributed only as a complete unit. 19 July 2012