RECON 2007 A few pearls of wisdom from Marc Rebhun Well, by the time you read this RECON 2007 will indeed be just around the corner. If you haven’t made your room reservations yet please put this down and immediately call the hotel or use the link on our website (! If we don’t have your game submission yet you may be too late for the published program but not for the Con! And if we don’t have your pre-registration or game sign up request, what’s keeping you! This will be only our second Con at our new location and our first RECON. We are still working out any bugs. On top of that, as many of you know, I assumed the dubious distinction of becoming the director for our conventions effective Friday night at Hurricon. I believe the other title I assumed was “target” (said with a smile). Actually my experience is we have the best group of Gamers, GMs, and Vendors around and you all are a pleasure to work with. I ask for your help, your suggestions and most of all your patience. A few issues for those of you just joining us. Hotels make their money on their meeting space in various ways. They can simply rent the space out. They may require a banquet. They may ask for a minimum in food and beverage services. They may put a minimum amount of rooms rented during the event as a requirement. They may use a combination of the above. In our case we have a straight room night to facility charge contract. Simply put we are on a sliding scale with anything from a maximum charge up to free depending on the number of room nights we actually have. We believe we have a great contract with the facility, one that benefits our members. We have some trade offs as you can imagine and one of those is the Citrus Ballroom. We take all the major meeting space/banquet space except for that room. If we take that room our charges go up 5 fold, the hotel is giving up renting that space during the day and using it in the evening for wedding receptions and the like. The off shoot is folks if for some reason it is available when we are there we might make use of it but we will not contract for it currently. Cost of rooms can be an issue. For 2007 the rooms are $99. Remember, we are now at a first class facility, not the dump we used to call home. Further the hotel allows up to 4 in a room at that charge. It is possible in the future we might even see a 10 percent rise in that charge. However I think you all will agree it is a terrific place and an excellent price. While some may contemplate staying at a cheaper hotel and traveling to the Con just remember the paragraph above. We don’t make room nights and we get charged. If we get charged we will have to raise convention rates and vendor rates at best and at worst we are looking at game days in the back of your local hobby shop. Flea market remains a thorny issue. MANY thanks to Mick Chaika for stepping up and running our flea market at RECON. It will be Friday night, 6:30. But our problem becomes a space to hold it in the future. The hallways are out of the question and our current meeting space is all spoken for. We may think about holding it Friday night in part of the Tournament room in the future, as that facility is under-utilized on that day but stay tuned. Let me close by saying I expect RECON 2007 to be a smash hit. I look forward to seeing you all and PLEASE, come up and say hello if I haven’t met you! 1 The David G. Chandler Memorial Quiz (with the permission of the family) From Andrea Novin 1.Who was the Best Man at Lieutenant Grant’s Wedding? 2. Whom did General Grant send a silver service to in 1865? 3.What was General Grant=s given Christian name? 4. What Gentleman truthfully said that the Civil War began on his front porch and ended in his parlor? 5. Who was the highest ranking person to resign from the U.S. Army and “go south”? 6. Who commanded the Army of the Potomac in 1861? 7. Who fired the first shot at Fort Sumter. Who fired the first shot of the Civil War? 8. During the war, the Commander of Fort Sumter, Major Robert Anderson was a national hero. Who was the second in command, who was to become more famous figure today? 9. One Civil War general founded a college which was named after him, and another had one named after him. Who were they? 10. Which Officer was awarded two Medals of Honor causing his flamboyant brother not to speak to him for years? 2 TGWAG OR NOT TGWAG The following comments were entered on a news group in response to arguments about the degree to which HM gaming organizations, usually HMGS Chapters, should collaborate with general conventions of “The Greater World of Adventure Gaming.” I thought in view of our diverse clientele and involvement in MEGACON these things might be of interest to HMGS SOUTH. One reason malcontent HM gamers met at Wally's Basement in November of 1981 was the apparent dismissal of our part of the hobby by the masses at ORIGINS 80. I believe that was the year Frank Chadwick's cardboard counters for "SYSTEM 7 NAPOLEONICS" got the prize for best new miniatures line. It was seen as a low point in the standing of our hobby with the mainstream. It should be kept in mind that we had just passed the peak of board gaming, and there remained controversy and discussion about how people who played with toy soldiers had morphed into board gamers (or not.) FRP was in its booming adolescence, cards and computers on the horizon. Bob Coggins, who would later make a nuisance of himself condemning Pete Panzeri for conflict of interest over the latter's involvement with the Historicals at Origins Team (HOT) convinced the founders to develop and execute the historical miniatures program at ORIGINS 82. It was at the HMGS Meeting at ORIGINS 82 that I sought and received permission from the BOD and Membership to launch an off season independent HM oriented convention. This was done the following February as the "Historical Miniatures Mini-Convention," which grew rapidly through 1988 after which it was taken over by new management as COLDWARS. Our relationship with "TGWAG" in the form of the ATLANTICON Corporation broke down in 1984, temporarily killing our chances of using general conventions to showcase our hobby in prime time. That prompted us to stage the first HMGS HISTORICON. However, at HISTORICON 84 Bob Coggins (of "Conflict of Interest" fame in later years) got elected to the BOD on the promise of getting us back into ORIGINS 85, which like ORIGINS 82 would be run by ATLANTICON at UMBC. This was done, and successfully. But afterwards our relationship with ATLANTICON again soured, so we went back to HISTORICON in 1986 and haven't looked back. We ran HISTORICON 87 at Camp Hill (suburban Harrisburg PA) very successfully opposite ORIGINS 87 in Baltimore. Frank Chadwick, who was and remains an enthusiastic miniatures gamer, attended HISTORICON 87 as President 3 of GAMA and expressed some concern over the secession of HM gamers from the mainstream. However, HMGS MIDWEST got going, and got in the planning loop for GENCON/ORIGINS 88. It proved to be a good show, most noticeable, perhaps, for inviting Don Featherstone over (his first visit to the U.S.) as Guest of Honor. That precedent was followed almost annually by Bob Coggins and Dick Sossi who ran HISTORICON from 1987 through 1994. In 1995 with much input from the HMGS community, ANDON staged ORIGINS 95 in Philadelphia a weekend before HISTORICON. There had been much discussion in HMGS circles about how to deal with this. In the end we (I was then President of HMGS EAST) opted to sponsor selected GMs to run showcase historical miniatures games at ORIGINS 95 and circulate promotional material at that convention. It should be noted that my nemesis, Bob Giglio, had been agitating for such sponsorship. In fact, he submitted one letter to the newsletter stating that we should give in to the inevitable and merge HISTORICON with ORIGINS. I did not reply to that letter. It was hardly necessary. He was shouted down by outraged members, and merger of HISTORICON into ORIGINS disappeared from his political platform. A team (including the Giglios) ran a very visible and popular HM slate of games at ORIGINS 95. Thousands of AAR, PEL, and letters from Bill Gray to "ORIGINS Warriors" struck home. We were not billed by ANDON for half the room night cost of our GMs. HISTORICON 95 a week later drew 2,890 attendance, up from 2,250 the year before. In 1996 ORIGINS moved to Columbus Ohio. The HMGS EAST BOD (sans myself) decided to drop promotional efforts at ORIGINS. HMGS-GL treated ORIGINS in their backyard with all the enthusiasm they would extend to an outbreak of bubonic plague. The leadership included Daryl Smith, who has recently been beating the drums for exclusion of ORIGINS on the HMGS GL news group. Against HMGS EAST indifference and HMGS-GL hostility Pete Panzeri began promoting historicals at ORIGINS 96. He was supported to a degree the following year by HMGS MW and HA, as well as by a donation of product from Editions Brokaw which was sold to raise money for HOT expenses. HMGS GL began to come around. There was a rapid increase in HM participation at ORIGINS 97 and 98. In the latter year thousands of HISTORICON Preliminary Event Lists were distributed at ORIGINS. Subsequently HISTORICON 98 achieved it current record attendance of 3,600 or so. Over the years HOT has produced an increasing number of HM games at ORIGINS. The administration of the effort has been increasingly transferred to 4 HMGS GL. However, there has been a good bit of HMGS EAST, MW, and HA involvement. The general policy of HMGS GL's leadership currently is to exploit rather than evade ORIGINS. Pete has since been elected to the HMGS EAST BOD, and attacked by Mr. Coggins (who, recall, was elected in 1984 to bring HMGS back into ORIGINS) for conflict of interest. Bob Giglio, who has never repeated his call for merger with ORIGINS, has also worked at ORIGINS, but is now running HISTORICON (and doing a damn good job.) My own view, obviously, is that showcasing our branch of the hobby in the TGWAG mainstream is not an alternative to running our own HM oriented conventions. The efforts seem mutually supportive. At the same time, I believe it is reasonable to examine the degree and manner in which this is done. Bob Coggins is not being hypocritical because he challenges the degree of participation in ORIGINS advocated by others. Over the years he seems to have come to the conclusion that showing off our hobby to role players, board gamers, card and computer gamers etc. is not an optimum way to promote the hobby. In effect, that they will dance with the gal that brought them, and tend to remain true to the dark sides of the hobby. That is a reasonable point of view, though in my opinion not true in an absolute sense. Nor does it make sense for Bob or anyone else to frame accusations of impropriety against people who have failed to abandon their own opinions on the subject. Recently Daryl Smith asserted on another news group that he didn't see any advantage to showing off HM gaming at general conventions. Moreover, he didn't want to have Klingons or Storm Troopers pushing his toy soldiers around. 5 I can take or leave Klingons and Storm Troopers. But Bikini Babe (the lady at ORIGINS in the chain mail bikini) can push my toy soldiers around any time. AN HISTORICAL GAMER IN THE LAND OF OZ! Chuck and Jeannie Kennedy visit MEGACON 07 Storm Troopers-picture from Ed Baldridge. Personally I prefer Bikini Babe. Jeannie and I went to MEGACON the other day. It was my first trip to a "Fan Con" and I gotta tell you, it was an experience. We got there about noon on Saturday. Ed Baldridge met us and gave us a quick tour. Talk about a crowd, officially, there was over 30k people already there and the organizers were talking about closing the doors because they were well over the legal number, according to the Fire Marshall. Lots of folks in costume, everything from Captain Jack Sparrows to Homer Simpsons. Oh, I almost forgot, tons of cuties in costume, mostly anime characters, a couple of Xenas, but unfortunately, no bikini babes. There was a small contingent of the Jax Garrison. Put a table up anywhere in a thousand miles and some of those guys will show up, running some miniatures games. I got a chance to play in a Zombie game hosted by Jim Berhalter and Chip Coffey and let me tell you, I had more fun killing the undead than I did divorcing both my ex wives. 6 Look forward to this game at a future show, fight to get a space. Also watched part of a new Richard Borg game hosted by Jim Duke. Looked like lots of fun. There were several special guests present ranging from Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) to Noel Neill (the original Lois Lane). We headed for the house about 4pm, a little bit tireder and not too much worse for the wear. If you get a chance to go to one of these shows, I recommend you take a shot. It's a once in a lifetime experience. Chuck Kennedy ` Dealer Area at MEGACON 2007-If only they were selling toy soldiers! Photo by Ed Baldridge 7 SIEGE OF AUGUSTA XVI By Pat Condray Siege of Carthage 146 BC by Phil Viverito (at the corner) The 16th Siege of Augusta came of on schedule from 12-14 January 2006. There had been some delays. The usual suspects, including Dr. Jim Birdseye and Chris Damato had been distracted. But Paul Elkin took up the slack, and with an all-volunteer staff put together the convention. I pitched in with some posters from our usual printer, and Paul printed up the flyers on his home computer. Together we got the attendance up almost to the normal 200+ gamers and vendors. There were somewhat fewer tourists and curiosity seekers that Dr. Jim always managed to attract over the years. There were over 50 scheduled events. I did detect a slight reduction in the average appearance of games, which I attribute to lower than normal participation from the colorful Jacksonville Garrison. But the highlight of the show for table top excellence was Phil Viverito’s Siege of Carthage. Phil is famous for his table tops. I’ve seen his depiction of Alexander the Great’s Siege of Tyre, El Cid’s defense of Valencia, Troy, Hadrian’s Wall-his latest newsletter reports that he was invited to L.A. for Strategicon where he ran Tyre and Valencia. Hadrian’s Wall appeared on the cover of HISTORICAL MINIATURES GAMER 06. Phil’s games are a class act. And while he and his wife won’t be able to attend RECON 07, they tell me that they will be trying for HURRICON 07. For the curious, the game in question covered the siege from 149 to 146 BC in which Rome, paranoid about the problems Carthage had caused them in the past, destroyed the city and sold its surviving citizens into slavery. As a friend of mine is fond of saying: “Violence never settled anything-ask the Carthagenians.” 8 Carthagenian forces deploy before the city Dwight Jones French and Indian Canoe Game 9 There were air games, naval games, micro-armor WWII and Dien bien Phu. Even an old fashion Column Line and Slaughter game (with bounce sticks!) I was intriqued by Paul Harrison’s Dettingen, a 15mm game based on the epic battle in 1743 when George II was the last King of England to lead his army in battle. Rick Edelblute’s Kolin (everybody is doing that) with his now famous 1/72 nd plastics. And there were the usual ancients tournaments, DBA, Warrior, and some DBM games. For my part I had a peculiar agenda item. The restoration of Dr. Jim Birdseye’s publication the HMGS Military Forum. I traveled with Dr. John Dunn of Valdosta State University’s History Department, and we discussed the idea with several college level historians. The Forum involved soliciting papers on military history topics, subjecting them to peer review, and publishing them at HMGS EAST expense. Nothing decisive was accomplished, but I am getting and education into the arcane world of academe, and we still hope, with the support of HMGS EAST’s Education Director, to restore this program. Flames of War is ever present, even in Augusta It wasn’t as brisk a convention as in some past occasions. Dr. Jim’s ability to rally community interest was missed. But Dr. Jim seems to be recovering, and others are getting involved. So there is a good chance momentum can be restored to this convention to our immediate north. Since the convention I have also learned that Baxter Key is again at the helm of NASHCON, the Flagship Convention of MIDSOUTH (see UPCOMING EVENTS) again. So we are hoping the MIDSOUTH convention program will continue. And perhaps the MILITARY FORUM will be restored as well. 10 RECON 07 PRELIMINARY EVENT LIST Session 1 (Fri 9am-1pm) HM04 Bloody Ridge V2: Come and join us as we once again fight out the battle on Bloody Ridge. The game will be expanded this time to include Henderson Field, and will also include lots of new figs. The table will be a massive 5' x 20' monster board. Don=t miss this one if you enjoy the Pacific War. This is a two session game. Players may sign up for either or both sessions. GM: Bill Moreno, Jeff Baumal, Chuck Kennedy. Era: World War II. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Arc of Fire. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 12. HM15 Battle Cry: Based on the Boardgame and using the Command and Colors system of rules. Battlecry! A low complexity game of American Civil War battles recreated through he use of 3-D terrain allows for the setup of famous civil war battle fields and hand painted 54mm plastic civil war miniatures are used to represent the various forces during the conflict. Players manage a hand of cards that provide different orders to your troops in the right flank, left flank, and center positions of the battlefield. GM: Karl Petterson. Era: ACW. Scale: 54mm. Rules: Command and Colors. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 12. HM39 Dogger Bank:: Buoyed by the success of the raid on the British fishing fleet at Dogger Bank, Admiral Hipper resolves to repeat the exercise by attacking the following month, but is intercepted by Beattie=s battlecruisers. Directed by the members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. Some naval wargaming experience helpful, but not required. GM: Joyner. Era: WWI. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 8. Session 2 ( Fri 3pm-6 pm) HM05 Bloody Ridge V2: The second session of Bloody Ridge will continue the fight on a massive 5' x 20' table with all the major features included. Once again Once again flame throwers, Banzai attacks and maybe even our famous bulldozer will make their appearances. You can sign up for one or both sessions. GM: Bill Moreno, Jeff Baumal, and Chuck Kennedy. Era: WWII. Scale: 28mm. HM18 The Battle of Savo Island: America has started to push in the Pacific with the invasion of Guadalcanal. Only a few days after the landings the Japanese retaliate with a night naval action that was to prove very costly to the United States Navy. Come and refight the famous battle of Savo Island. The Imperial Japanese Navy must disrupt the American landing operations before daylight leaves them exposed to the American carrier aircraft while the United States Navy must defend the landings. The outcome of this game will impact the HM12 Eimen Shma game on Saturday. GM: Paul Robinson, Vince Stella. GM: Paul Robinson, Vince Stella. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Flagship. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 6. HM19 Battlelore: Epic Fantasy Adventures. An LRPG Event! Part history, part fantasy... take command of an army of knights, swordsmen and archers in a medieval quest to vanquish your opponent. If you are lucky, mercenary soldiers such as dwarves or goblins will rally to your side-for the right price. This session includes a demonstration of the game for the beginners followed by as many battles as time allows. The Game Masters will be present to assist all players. Three copies of the game will be running simultaneously. GM: Jeff Whealton, Will Harrison, Karl Petterson. Era: Medieval/Fantasy. Rules: BattleLore. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 6. 11 HM22: War of the Roses-DBA mini-campaign: This campaign will be played in three successive multi-player battles! The first battle is Towton. The results of this battle determine the nature of the next one: Barnet. The third battle is Bosworth. The rough outline of the battles will be the same as historically happened, but the kings who rule, the types of troops involved, and the factions will be different depending on who won the last battle. Winner is determined by a prestige point system. GM: Martin Schmidt. Era: Medieval. Scale: 15mm. Rules: DBA v2.2. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 6. HM35 Great Northfield Raid: The city of Northfield in 1876 was a respectable small southern Minnesota community with a population of 2,000. It also proved to contain a surprising number of ordinary citizens who would defend their town and catch the infamous James/Younger Gang off guard when the outlaws attempted to raid the First National Bank. GM: Rob Morse. Era: Wild West. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Gutshot. Experience: Beginners welcome. HM47 Mining the Gulf of Danzig: 12 January 1915: The Russian Baltic Fleet under the brash Admiral Essen after a series of uncontested mine laying operations is attempting to mine the Gulf of Danzig for the first time. The Germans, tired of the unrelenting Russian mine laying operations finally is ready to go on the offensive. German forces under Rear Admiral Homan assemble what forces are available in the Baltic to protect there forward operating bases. Russian forces under Rear Admiral Bakhirive sail into the Gulf of Danzig unaware the Germans have finally come ready for battle. Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. Some naval wargaming experience helpful but not necessary. GM: Bellman. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. GM: Czarnecki. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Experience helpful but not required. G,M: Bellman. Era: WWI. Scale: 2400. HM48 Hell=s Corner: Reventlow Germany 17 October 1944. The 116th Regiment of the 30th Division has just shut the door on Aachen. The 8thg Motorized Regiment of the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division will attempt to kick the door open again. GM: Joseph Guilbert. Era: WWII. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Battleground. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 8. HM50 Force Z Reconsidered: In this variant of the historical situation, HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse are attacked by Japanese surface units rather than air units. Can one of the most advanced radar-equipped battleships afloat overcome smaller but more numerous enemies practiced at night fighting? Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. Some naval wargaming experience helpful but not required. GM: Czarnecki. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules Seekrieg 5. Experience: Necessary. Players: 9. Session 3 (Fri 8pm-12am.) SF01 Got Any Brains: Welcome to Westchester, a peaceful little community8 just outside of Pittsburgh. Of course, it=s even more peaceful since most of the town up and turned into Zombies!! Now its=s up to you and your team to rescue the few remaining live humans in town. Search building to building while avoiding the shambling masses that now infect this once peaceful little hamlet. GM: Kevin Mello. Era: Modern. Scale: 28mm 1 to 1. Rules: Dead Will Walk. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 3-6. SF02 Space Hulk: The classic GW boardgame with 3D terrain and extra surprises. GM: Chip Coffey. Era: Sci-Fi. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Space Hulk. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 4-6. SF03 40K Bike Race: Who is the best biker on the course? Are you fast, normal, or slow, but well armed? Time and the course will tell. Play an Ork, a Space Marine, a 12 Necron Destroyer or try your own design. Winner of the race gets bragging rights and a one day pass to MegaCon 2008. Contact: If you have any questions. GM: Joe Caso. Era: Warhammer 40K. Scale: 25mm. Rules: To be handed out at the start. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 10. SF04 The Battle of Pellanor=s Fields. Mighty forces clash in the plain outside of Minas Tirith. The remnants of the Rohan Relief Force rally around Eomer and the Rohan Royal Standard. Will the other forces of good (Prince Imrahil and the Knights of Dol Amroth, Aragorn and the Grey Company, the Army pf the Dead) arrive in time to save Eomer? GM: John Adams. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 25mm. Rules: GW LOTR. Experience: Experience necessary. Players: 46. RPO1A S1 The Tomb of Horrors for Advanced D&D 1 st Edition. In the far reaches of the world under a lost and lonely hill lies the sinister Tomb of Horrors. This labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures and somewhere within rests the evil Dimi-Lich Acererak. Legends tell of the terrible crypt and the lives it has claimed-can YOU survive The Tomb of Horrors? Game continued in session 5. -An HMGS Role-Playing event fully realized in 28mm DWARVEN FORGE dungeon terrain. GM: Bill Silvey. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 28mm. Rules: AD&D. Experience: Experience necessary. Players: 6-8. RP03 Knightly Duty: LRPG event! The Great War continues and though the tide has turned against the invading Chin, their defeat is not assured. A determined offensive is spreading thin the forces of Iberia. An outlying holding may fall and the ruling nobles are requesting evacuation. Can a unit of Iberian knights save the nobles from impending doom? GM: LRPG Guild Master Scott M. Presley. Era: Sci-fi. Scale: RPG. Rules: D20 Future (enhanced). Experience: Some helpful. Players: 6-8. HM01 Modern Armored Warfare: U. S. And Russia fight over the oil resources of the middle east. Modern MBTs and AIFB with some air and artillery support. GM: Mick Chaika and Andy Roth. Era: Modern. Scale: 1/285.Rules: Modern armored Warfare. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 2 to 8. HM03 Knife Fight Over The Med: On Friday February 11, 2005 the World Tribune ran this story; Diplomatic Sources said Israeli Air Force f-16 multi-role fighters intercepted and downed two Syrian MiG-29 fighter jets last year. The sources said the dogfight took place in September 2004 over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The World Tribune story is pure fiction. But why let that stop us from recreating it? Fulcrums versus Falcons! Come pay this fast fun game of modern air-to air combat. GM: Doug Hawes. Era: Modern Air Combat. Scale: 1/300. Rules: Air War C21 modified. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 8. HM20 Move Over the Yanks are here, Sicily 1943: Sicily 1943.On the Road to Messina. GI=s are attacking dug in Italians. Can the Italians hold on long enough for the supporting veteran Panzer Grenadiers to come to their aid? Or will they just cover the retreat? Game will have armor on both sides. GM: Stephen Chin-Quee. Era; WWII. Scale: 20mm. Rules: Steve=s rules. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 8. HM23 Back To Almansa: Three hundred years ago James Fitzjames, Duke of Berwick, Marshall of France led the Franco-Spanish forces loyal to Philip V, Bourbon King of Spain. Arrayed against them were the Anglo-Dutch-Portuguese forces commanded by Das Minas of Portugal and Lord Galway championing the cause of Charles of Hapsburg for the same throne. Oddly enough, James Duke of Berwick was an Englishman-very English, son of and English King (James II) and Arabella Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough=s sister. And Galway was a Frenchman. How did it turn out? Well, the King of Spain is a Bourbon (so the Englishman won.) GM: Pat Condray. Era: The Age of 13 Marlborough. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Wargaming the Age of Marlborough. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 2-8. HM36 Battle of Raymond: During the Vicksburg campaign Grant was determined to prevent Confederate reinforcements from the east under Joe Johnson from joining Pemberton in or around the Southern river citadel. Near Raymond, 12 miles southwest of Jackson, McPherson=s detached Corps came up against a Confederate Brigade under Gregg, which had just arrived from Port Hudson the previous day. It is all about the bridges. GM: Bob Moon. Era: American Civil War. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Fire & Fury Regimental. Experience: Some helpful. Players: up to 8. HM40 The Battle of Puerto Sara: The blunders of Chilean ex-Presidente Montt have allowed the Argentine Navy and Army to land an invasion force at a key city in the Straights of Magellan. The Chilean navy is determined to turn this indignation into a bloody disaster for their long time enemy. Sponsored by the Seekrieg Admiralty. GM: Koten. Era: Pre-Dreadnought. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Some gaming experience helpful. Players: 8. HM42 Harwood=s Headache: Harwood believes he has finally found the elusive Graf Spee, but runs into double trouble in the guise of a sister-ship come to escort the victorious raider home. Can his reinforcements arrive in time to swing the balance back to him? Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. Some naval wargaming experience helpful but not required. GM: Merritt. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Some necessary. Players: 7. BG03 Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: The pyramids are crumbling. The temples are in ruins. Even the nose of the Great Sphinx looks like it might fall off any day now. Cleopatra is one unhappy queen! She has called on the members of the Society of Architects to build her a magnificent new palace in Alexandria-with a Pharaoh=s ransom going to the design that pleases her most. Cleopatra & The Society of Architects is a fun and engaging game that challenges players to become the wealthiest of Cleopatra=s architects. Players will be tempted to deal with shady characters and trade in materials of dubious origins. When Cleopatra finally strolls into her new palace at the end of the game the most corrupt architect will be seized and offered as a sacrifice to her sacred crocodile! Only then will the wealthiest surviving architect be declared the winner. GM: Neil Edge. Era: Ancient. Scale: Board Game. Rules: Cleopatra and the Society of Architects. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 10. SESSION 4 (Sat 9am-1pm) SE02A Flames of War Tournament: Welcome to the 3rd Annual RECON Flames of War Tournament, hosted by the Jacksonville Garrison. This event will be a regional qualifier for the Nationals to be held at Origins 07. As the National is going to be a late war event this RECON we will be hosting a late war tournament. Please use the new book Festung Europa, 1500 points, air is allowed, all late war lists allowed. This event will return to the 3 rounds, 2.5 hours per round format. Starting time 8am Saturday morning, RSVP write-ups and army lists turned in to Chaz at So now is the time to dust off the old figures and get ready for the hedge rows of northern France, or mountains of Italy. Seeya there. GM: Chaz Amrhein and Edgar Pabon. Era: WWII. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Flames of War. Experience: The more the better. Players 12. SE03A 15mm Open Armati Tournament (Three Rounds). Armati Tournament starts at 9am. The tournament is an open so any army from Armati II or from the Warflute web site is allowed. Each player must use the same army for all three rounds, but can select 14 different bonus units from the 75 points allotted. Terrain, deployment screens, rulers, and ground cloths will all be provided. A plaque will be provided for first place and a $50 gift certificate will be awarded for the best sportsman voted on by all the players. GM: Robert Jones and Mike Winters. Era: Ancient. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Armati II. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 10. SE04A Warhammer Fantasy Tournament: 2,250 points of pure Warhammer action.! Swords, plaques, figs, glory and more await those brave enough to face down 29 of your fellow Warhammer Players. Special characters allowed? Yes! Non-GW figs allowed? Yes! Must your entire army be painted and based? Yes!! Scoring done in an RTT style, but this is not an RTT. All players must turn in a character sheet at least 1 hour before the tournament in Army Builder format. Late payers will miss the first rounds! Tell your friends! GM: Chris Carpenter. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Warhammer Fantasy 7th Edition. Experience: Necessary. Players: 30. SE06 Reaper Miniatures Paint and Take: Whether you are an experience painter or a neophyte drop by and try out Reaper=s full line of paints. Models, brushes and other supplies are provided. You may bring your own models and paint them if you wish. Families are welcome to join in, but children left unattended will be given large amounts of sugar/caffeine, and a free puppy. THIS EVENT WILL RUN OVER SEVERAL SESSIONS. GM: Melanie Carr, Eve Finley-Moad. Era: NA. Beginners welcome. RP02 Temple of Past, Present Time: As war rages through the heavens and across the material plane a group of adventurers have stumbled across a long hidden underground fortress, the temple of past-present time. GM: Jason Roof. Era: Fantasy. Rules: House version of D&D 3.5. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 3-7. HM08 Shimoto Kojiro and the Samurai Showdown. Come join the adventures in 13th Century Japan. Play one of several factions in this character driven skirmish game. Play one of the feuding clans as they try to dominate the region, but the monks of the Shining Temple may have something to say about t hat. Who is the mysterious Ronin who has taken up the cause of the troublesome villagers and what brings the Imperial Official here? Prizes will be given to the most skillful and entertaining players. GM: Matt Gorman and Roger Medlin. Era: Medieval Samurai. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Home rules. Experience: Adult supervised children welcome. Players: 8. HM09 Operation Winter Solstice-16 Feb, 1945. One of the last major German offensives of the war was Operation Sonnenwende (Winter Solstice) launched against the flanks of the Soviet 1st Belorussian Front. Planned as a bold move by Field Marshall Guderian the offensive was severely scaled back by Hitler. Leading the attack on the southern flank against the Soviet 2nd Guards Tank Army is Panzer Division Holstein. Holstein is not only outnumbered, but the Soviets have superior armor. All players will be on the German side against a programmed Russian force. GM: Marc Rebhun, Jim Barker, Scott Woodman. Era: WWII. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Rapid Fire 2nd Edition. .Experience : beginners welcome. Players: 6. HM11 Eimen Shima: Amongst the Guadalcanal Campaign=s most important momentsJapanese attacks along the Tenaru River and the naval, air, and ground movements against Henderson Field will be played out over a massive 5' x 12' table incorporating all the vital features. The game will be coupled with a Naval ASavo Island@ battle on another table as the South Florida Gamers continue the Pacific Theater of Operations at RECON 2007. This is a two session game but you may play in either or both. GM: Bill Moreno. Era: WWII. Scale: 285. Rules: Spearhead .Modified. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 8. HM13 Mission Berlin: Fall, 1944. Bomber Command and the Mighty 8 th Air Force have been pulverizing Hitler=s Germany night and day. Now that the landings in Normandy 15 have put the Allies on the continent the Luftwaffe is stretched even thinner. Their planes are old, pilots few, and the Allies control the skies. As the American bomber formation wings its way to target Berlin the Luftwaffe throws what it can in the way...including something new. GM: Kevin Mello. Era: WWII. Scale: 1/300. Rules: Hunters of the Sky. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 4-6. HM16 Warfare in Normandy: Recreate operational level battles set in WWII. The game includes historical scenarios that are based around the Normandy theater in 1944. Players will take command of German, U.S. and British Commonwealth forces. Players will plan their strategies and activate units to reach the scenario objective in the required number of turns. The scenarios will be played out in 3-D terrain with Axis and Allies miniatures to represent the combatants. GM: Karl Peterson. Era: WWII. Scale: 12mm. Rules: War to Axis Histo Command Dice. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 26.HM24 On to Irun!: A Traditionalist Column commanded by Major Bourlequi moves northwest to cut off the Republic from France at Irun. Facing them are strong forces of Basque separatists (who are still bombing in Spain), Anarchists, and several kinds of Communists including local militia and foreign volunteers coming in from France under Andre Marty, future leader of the International Brigades. General Mola reinforces the Traditionalist column with a Bandera of the Tercio (Spanish Legion) and a battery of 155mm guns. The problem is compounded by differing objectives among the Republican factions. GM: Pat Condray. ERA: Spanish Civil War/ 1936. Scale: 20mm. Rules: VIVA EL CRISTO REY! Experience: Beginners welcome. Players 2-8. HM26 The Raid on Coffeeville: On October 5, 1892, Bob Dalton and 5 members of his gang attempted to rob 2 banks in the town of Coffeeville Kansas. They knew the layout of their home town. What they didn=t know was the stuff its citizens were made of. (I was asked to redo this game for this convention, so here it is.) In this game you will each play a m ember of the gang against the historical programmed defenders. GM: Rob Morse. Era: Wild West. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Gutshot. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 6. HM29 The Plains of Abraham: Choose sides as Wolfe=s Army faces off with Montcalm=s defenders on Quebec in the key battle for the fate of New France. Each player will command a brigade or equivalent size unit in a tactical simulation of this September 13th 1759 Battle. GM: Mark Luther. Era: Horse and Musket. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Complete Brigadier. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 5-7. HM31 Memoir 44: Memoir >44 Pacific Theater expansion features the Marines attempting to reclaim tiny Pacific Islands or Japanese who fight to the last man in true Bushido-style. New Pacific Theater scenarios will be featured during the session. GM: Richard Borg. Era: WWII. Scale: 20mm. Rules: Memoir >44. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 6 HM37 Black Wampum: Susquehanna attack on a Pennsylvania settlement, Autumn 1755. The women and children have been sent south to the fort at Cumberland. The remaining men decide to band together and fight the Warbands that are sure to come as the entire frontier is up in flames. The men converge at a nearby tavern, drill and form into small groups to elect leaders and wait. GM: Bob Moon. Era: French & Indian War. Scale: 40mm. Rules: Brother against Brother (skirmish). Experience: Adults only please. Players: Up to 6. HM43 Wake Island: One of the great A might have been=s@ of the Pacific Theater, the first carrier battle might have taken place in December 1941 off of tiny embattled Wake Island instead of five months later in the Coral Sea. Will Task Force 14 deliver the first measure of revenge for Pearl Harbor, or just deepen the disaster? Here=s your chance to use the Seekrieg 5 Air rules and replay this historic moment in WWII Pacific History 16 under the direction of a former U. S. Navy flyer. Part scenario, part seminar. Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. GM: Czarnecki. Era: WWII. Scale:1/2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Necessary. Players: 8. SESSION 5 (Sat 2pm-6pm.) SE02B Flames of War Tournament (continued.) See event listing for session 4. SE03B 15mm Open Armati Tournament (continued.) See event listing for session 4. SE04B Warhammer Fantasy Tournament (continued) See event listing for session 4. RP01B S1 The Tomb of Horrors. See description from Session 3.RP04 The Great Canyon of Mars. LRPG event! Bizarre creatures, strange sights and ancient legends fill the great Scar on the World. The curious, brave, and foolish have long sought to plum its mysteries and find its riches. Few have returned and fewer still have brought back treasure. Who is brave, skilled, and lucky enough to succeed where others have failed? (Loosely inspired by the stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs.) GM: LRPG Guild Master Scott M. Presley. Era: Pulp Fantasy. Scale: RPG. Rules: D20 Fantasy (enhanced.) Experience: Some gaming experience helpful. Players: 6 to 10. HM02 It=s a Mad, Mad Wild West Town: The death of old Jake, the promise of buried gold, and twenty others also looking for it, makes this day in Promise City just a little more interesting than the rest. The goal in this game is simple-whoever deposits the most gold into the bank wins. So do you have the gumption and the wits to figure out w here the gold is? Or maybe there are other ways to get the gold? This is a fast paced fun game of the Wild West, so mosey on over with your sarsparilla and play a game of the Reel West! GM: Doug Hawes. Era: Wild West. Scale: 25mm. Rules: The Rules with no Name. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 8. HM12 Eimen Shima- See listing from Session 4. HM10 What the Hell is That? Can the poor yank stop the so big cats? GM: Eric. Era: WWII. Scale: 20mm. Rules: Battleground. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 6. HM21 The Battle of Komandorski Island. It is 1943, with the war in the Pacific at full swing. The Japanese are trying to hang on to their gains against American pressure. Set in the remote Aleutian Islands the Japanese must re supply Attu Island with two fast transports. With the Americans aware of the Japanese convoy at trap is set. Come and refight the naval battle of Komandorski Island and see if the Americans will sink the convoy or will the Japanese use their superior numbers to fight the convoy through to Attu. The outcome of this game will impact the HM06 Gunshin Wakuru Rareru game on Saturday evening. GM: Paul Robinson, Vince Stella. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Flagship. Experience: Some gaming experience helpful. Players: 6. HM25 Prokhorovska: Climax at Kursk. July 12 1943 dawned gray and cloudy. The veteran troops of the 1st SS Panzer Crops prepared to jump off against what they hoped would be the final breakthrough to Kursk and the defeat of the Red Army. What they didn=t realize was that the entire 5th Guards Tank Army lay between them and their objective. And what followed may have been the greatest tank battle in history. Join us to see if you can change the course of WWII. GM: Bill Bass. Era: WWII. Scale: MicroArmor 285. Rules: Command Decision 2. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 612. HM27 Gunfight at Ingalls: Nowadays there is nothing left of the town of Ingalls, but in 1894 it was a lawless town in western Oklahoma. It was also the place where the infamous Doolin Dalton Gang visited often. Sheriff John Hixon with 12 Sheriff=s Deputies surrounded the Ransons and Murrays Saloon. Without warning they opened fire on the place. What happened after that is known as the gunfight at Ingalls. In this game 17 you will each play a member of the Doolin Gang against the historical programmed posse. GM: Rob Morse. Era: Wild West. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Gutshot. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 7. HM28 Napoleonic Quick March: This is a new product just on the market from Flaming Monkey Games LLC, an Orlando based game development company. It is a fast play grand tactical scale war game of the Napoleonic era. Corps level command, the major units are divisions. Fun exciting, and easy to learn. GM: Boyd Bruce. Era: Napoleonic. Scale: 15mm. Rules: Napoleonic Quick March. .Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 2-8. HM30 Winter War in the Air: Finnish fighters attempt to stem the Red Air Force onslaught on Helsinki in the winter of 1939-40. Players will fly a pair of Fokker DXXIs or Gloster Gladiators as interceptors, or I-16s and -153s as escorts to a flock of SB-2s. GM: Mark Luther. Era: WWII. Scale: 1/300. Rules: Air Force/Dauntless. Experience: Some gaming experience helpful. Players: 2-6. HM32 Command and Colors Ancients: Command and Colors ancients allows you to re-fight epic battles of the ancient world between the two rival Punic War powers, Carthage and Rome. Meet the author, Richard Borg, who will field your questions and share insights on the game system. GM: Richard Borg. Era: Ancients. Experience: Some gaming experience helpful. Players: 6. HM33 Battle of Dertosa 215 BCE. Having finally quelled the tribal uprisings following the defeat at the Ebro River, Hasdrubal Barca is ready to confront the Roman Proconsuls Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio. Rome has the advantage in manpower. Carthage has the advantage in cavalry. Can Hasdrubal match his brother=s success at Cannae just the year before? GM: Martin Schmidt. Era: Ancients: Scale: 15mm. Rules: Big Battle DBA V 2.2. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 6-8. HM38 Red Hatchets: The Delaware are coming! For several days now refugees have been streaming through the adjacent countryside. The local settlers have taking to working their farmsteads in groups for safety. Tedescyung and his war band are looking to wipe out the farms and take a few pilgrims prisoner. GM: Bob Moon. Era: French & Indian War. Scale: 40mm. Rules: Brother versus Brother (skirmish.) Experience: Adults only please. Players: up to 7. HM45 Tsushima: Part 1: Relive this seminal event in naval history, hosted and directed by Bill Madison, GAMA award winning author of A Dawn of the Rising Sun.@ This is a two-session game, and players must attend both sessions. Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. GM: Madison. Era: Pre-Dreadnought. Scale: 1/6000. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Experience necessary. Players: 10. HM49 Battle of San Bernardino Straight: 25 Oct 1944: Battleship Yamato and the remainder of Admiral Kurita=s fleet attempt to break through the American naval forces in the San Bernardino Straight. This hypothetical battle is a balanced big gun shoot-out between fleets. No carriers, fighters, submarines, or torpedoes in this battle. GM: Fred Best./ Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Necessary. Players: 4-10. BG01 Clout Fantasy: The world=s first collectable throwing game, Clout Fantasy! The first of its kind, Clout Fantasy is an innovative collectable hobby game played with premium quality poker style chips featuring gorgeous fantasy art by some of the industry=s best artists It is a game of both strategy and dexterity, and the best players are those who can master both. GM: Daniel Sloan. Era: NA. Scale: NA. Rules: Clout Fantasy. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 50. SE01 HMGS South 15mm DBA Championship: DBA Matched Pairs Tournament. Bring a pair of well matched armies who were historical enemies. Choose wisely as your opponent gets to pick which army of the two they wish to use against you. Four rounds 18 total against four different opponents. Two with your pair of armies, two using someone else=s. Both armies of the pairing must be based for the 15mm scale (40mm wide) but may use 10mm or 6 mm figures on 15mm bases. Both armies must use the same size figures. Players without Each party armies of their own are welcome to participate. A loaner pair of armies can be provided or you can default using your opponent=s armies. The players may agree to use their own army and fight that pairing. This event is sponsored by Rudy Nelson and Time Portal Hobbies, Corvus Belli and the North American Society of Ancient and Medieval Wargamers. The NASAMW DBA scoring system will be used. An additional entry fee of $5 will be collected at the tournament site. Players are asked to arrive 30 minutes early so we can st art the first round as soon as possible. Each participant will receive a 15mm AConfused General@ figure courtesy of NASAMW and Fernando of Corvus Belli in addition to other prizes. This even is a qualifier for the 2006 DBA National Invitational Championship Tournament (NICT) at HISTORICON 07. NASAMW membership is not required but only members can qualify for the NICT and prizes provided by the society. GM: Martin Schmidt. Era: Ancient to Medieval. Scale: 15mm. Rules: DBA V2.2. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 16. SESSION 6 (Sat 8pm-12am) RPO5 Avalonian Counterstrike: LRPG Event! After the Battle of Avalon Prime the capital is ruined and King George is dead. Yet the Empire remains steadfast and is directing a final counter-offensive to stop the invading Chin. Securing local space, diplomatically or militarily is the first priority. Can the heroes of the earlier battle force the Chin magistrate to stand down his garrison? GM: LRPG Guild Master Scott M. Presley. Era: Sci-fi. Scale: RPG. Rules: D20 Future enhanced. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 6-8. HM06 Gunshin Wakure Rareru-The God of War has Forgotten Us: It is May 1943 in the cold reaches of the North Pacific. You must take on the Japanese AND the elements an reconquer the Island of Attu. With limited resources you must fight a desperate defender who believes he is AGod Forgotten.@ Come and fight over a huge and beautiful scenic and daunting piece of sculpted terrain using micro scale air, land, and sea forces. All players will run U.S. forces while the refs and club members will pay the Japanese. GM: Bill Moreno, Jeff Baumal, Paul Robinson. Era: WWII. Scale: 285. Rules: Spearhead. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 6. HM14 Cactus Strike B: The U.S. Marines have been holding on to Guadalcanal by t heir fingernails. Almost daily the Japanese bomb by air during the day and by sea at night. The Japanese try all they can to destroy the tiny air force that flies from Henderson Field to flame the Bettys and Zeros that make their life a living hell. Thinking they have finally wiped out the American flyers, the IJN conducts a landing north of the American perimeter, unloading transports in broad daylight. But the American planes they thought were destroyed show up to foil the landings. GM: Kevin Mello. Era: WWII. Scale: 1/300. Rules: Hunters of the Sky. Experience: Beginners Welcome. Players: 4-6. HM17 The case of the Lethal Leviathan: More of the HMGS South pulp mayhem. This time strange lights are seen in the skies over China Station and residents are beginning to disappear. Now what? Tune in next time. GM: Chip Coffey. Era: Interwar. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Rugged Adventures. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 4-10. HM34 The Sword in the Sudan: Last Chance for Chinese Gordon. Anglo Egyptian Forces are attempting to regain control of their proxy colony in the Sudan by sending in Chinese Gordon to evacuate the international community and their Egyptian allies. Gordon has apparently lost his mind by declaring the Sudan worth saving and Khartoum 19 defensible. Bowing to public pressure to rescue Gordon the British Government is mounting an expedition by land and sea to A Get Gordon Out.@ GM: Bill Hogan. Era: Victorian Colonial. Scale: 28mm. Rules: The Sword and The Flame. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 10. HM41 Halsey versus Kurita: The Showdown: The showdown the ABull@ Dreamed of. On 19 January 1945 Halsey makes a daring raid into the South China Sea. Will the recently repaired Yamato, Nagato, Haruna, and supporting units be enough to lock the ABull@ in the South China Sea? Directed by members of the Seekrieg Admiralty. GM: Freeman. Era: WWII. Scale: 2400. Rules: Seekrieg 5. Experience: Necessary. Players: 10. HM46 Tshushima: Part 2: See description from Session 5. BG02 Clout Fantasy Tournament: See description from Session 5. SESSION 7 (Sun 9am-1pm) SF05 Lord of the Rings: The Shire has been occupied by Sharkey (aka Sauruman) and his orcish and human thugs. Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Sam have returned from Gondor just in the nick of time. Can these Brave Hobbits with the help of Rangers of the North, Farmer Maggot, his hounds of renown Fatty Bolger, Paladin Topok, Lobedelia Sackville Baggins, Sam=s Gaffer, et. Al. Lead the people of the Shire to regain their freedom? GM: Eric Adams. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 25mm. Rules: GW LOTR. Experience: Beginners welcome. players: 4-6. SF04 The Battle of Pellanor=s Fields. Mighty forces clash in the plain outside of Minas Tirith. The remnants of the Rohan Relief Force rally around Eomer and the Rohan Royal Standard. Will the other forces of good (Prince Imrahil and the Knights of Dol Amroth, Aragorn and the Grey Company, the Army pf the Dead) arrive in time to save Eomer? GM: John Adams. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 25mm. Rules: GW LOTR. Experience: Experience necessary. Players: 4-6. SF07 Lord of the Rings-Mirrormere: Balin ventures out of Moria to Durin=s Pillar and is ambushed by Goblins (they=ve got a Cave Troll!!). Can Balin=s escort get him safely back to the Entrance of Moria? He does have Durin=s Axe, but there are so many...GM: William Adams. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 25mm. Rules: GW LOTR. Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 2-4. SF08 Return of the Necromancer-Hordes of the Things: The forces of Good narrowly defeated the Necromancer and his allies last time. Things have been quiet for the past year with only the occasional evil beastie for a hero to slay. The evil Necromancer and his allies have not been idle however. He=s been visiting graveyards and gathering AEvil@ allies far and wide. He even has an extra special surprise for those goodietwo0shoes elves this time. This time he=s bringing his Mummy.! Oh man is she pissed! Mass Battle Hordes of the Things (a fantasy version of the popular DBA system). Players are welcome to bring 24AP (army point) of their own troops and join one of the sides! GM: Jason Schmidt (with help from Dad!) Era: One upon a time. Scale: 25mm. Rules: Hordes of the Things (WRG). Experience: Beginners welcome. Players: 6 +. SE05A Warhammer 40K Tournament. 1,850 points of pure Warhammer action! Sword=s plaques, figs, glory and more await t hose brave enough to face down 29 of your fellow Warhammer players. Special characters allowed? Yes! Non-GW figs allowed? Yes! Must your entire army be painted and based? Yes! Scoring done in an RTT style, but this is not an RTT. All players must turn in a character sheet at least one hour before the tournament in Army Builder format. Late players will miss the first 20 round! Tell your friends. GM: Chris Carpenter. Era: Sci-Fi. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Warhammer 40K 4th edition. Experience: Experience necessary. Players: 30. SE07A Warmachine Steamroller: Steamroller 500 points-Press Ganger: Jim Vinsand. Era: Fantasy. Scale: 28mm. Rules: Steamroller 3.0. Experience: Some helpful. Players: 20. SESSION 7 ( Sun 2pm-6pm.) SE05B Warhammer 40K Tournament (continued) See description from Session 6. SE07B Warmachine Steamroller-Session 2. See description from Session 6. AREA GAME CLUBS North Florida Gaming Association (aka Tallahassee Militia): Another multi-genre adventure gaming organization, the inspiration for TBGA. Robert Freeman, 523 N. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32301. (850) 222-1773. E-mail: Jacksonville Garrison: Edgardo Pabon,. 565 Chancellor Dr. W. Jacksonville, FL 32225, e-mail: or Chip Coffey, 8459 Sand Point Dr. W. Jacksonville, FL 32244, e-mail: Gainesville Garrison: Historical: Deke Ashton 1700 SW 16th Ct.#B22, Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 379-9843, e-mail: Fantasy-Sci-Fi: Mike Jones 1432 NE 19th Place, Gainesville, FL 32609 (352) 372-1904, e-mail : . Central Florida Gamer’s Network: Jeff Cornett, 728 Ashgrove Terrace, Sanford, FL 32771, (407) 330-1968. E-mail:, web page: . Space Coast Garrison: Michael Ramos 1225 N. Wickham Rd. #726 Melbourne, FL 32935. E-mail: Web page: . South Florida Gamers Association: Bill Moreno, 8264 Shadow Wood Blvd., Coral Springs, FL 33071. http://w . Brandon Brigade. Webb Pierce, 203 S. Parsons Avenue, Brandon, FL 33511 (813) 685-5095 office number. E-mail: Tampa Bay Gaming Assoc: David Glenn,, P.O. Box 4792 Seminole, FL 33775-4792. Web page: . Central Florida Garrison: POC Doug Bohannon, 90 Spirit Lake Rd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 401-8221, FAX (863) 401-3182, e-mail: Meets most Fridays at the Tactical Edge. AREA GAME SHOPS 21 The War Room: 5950 State Bridge Road, Duluth GA 30097. (770) 729-9588, e-mail Morning Star Games: 1545 East Montgomery Crossroads, Savannah, GA 31406, (912) 356-1066. E-mail: Broadsword Comics and Games: 1871 Wills Rd. # 12, Orange, FL 32073. (904) 2159170. E-mail: Sanctuary Books and Games: 1855-3 Cassat Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210. (904) 3883991. E-mail: Web page: War Dogs Game Center: 5800 Beach Blvd. Suite 110, Jacksonville FL 32207. Devin Barber, (904) 399-1975. E-mail: . Borderlands Comics and Games: 10230-11 Atlantic Blvd. Jacksonville, FL. 32225 (904) 720-0774. E-mail: , Cosmic Cat Books: 507 W. Gaines St. Tallahassee, FL 32301. (850) 224-5554, e-mail: TBS Comics Inc: 6873 N. 9th Ave., Pensacola, FL 32503. (850) 474-1419, E-mail: Comics Direct: 768 John Sims Parkway, Niceville, FL 32578 (850) 678-0026, e-mail: Books & Games Emporium: 311NW Racetrack Rd. Ft. Walton, FL 32547 (850) 8637964, e-mail: , web site: Level Up Gaming: 1309 NW 5th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32603. Jed (352) 378-7566. Email: Mega Comics & Games Inc. 6765 W. Newberry Rd., Gainesville, FL 32605. (352) 3313252. Web site: Rhubarb Games: 6801 University Blvd. Unit 12, Winter Park, FL 32792. (407) 6798811. Web page: E-mail: Colonial Photo and Hobby: 634 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803. (407) 8411485. Web site: . Sci-Fi City: 6006 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 282-2292, e-mail: Coliseum Games of Orlando: 4722 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839. (407) 240-7882. Web site: . Wizard’s Wall: 235 W. Hibiscus, Melbourne FL 32901. (321) 727-2599. 22 Oasis Games: 775-2 8th Ct. Vero Beach, FL 32962. Phone (772) 467-2555. Alpha & Omega Entertainment: 137 North Krome Avenue, Homestead Florida 33030 Jorge Enrique Cruz, (305)-245-2769. Web site: WWW.AOENT.COM. Sunshine Role Players: 7921 Bird Rd. #44, Miami, FL 33155. (305) 264-1250. E-mail: Dragon’s Lair Games: 5118 S. State Rd. 7 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314, (954) 587-3347, e-mail: Hobby Town USA: 2464 W. Brandon Blvd, Brandon, FL 33511. (813) 655-6366 e-mail: . Web site: Wonder Water: 14743 N. Dale Mabry, Tampa, FL 33618. (813) 269-8859. Wonder Water: 25718 US Hwy 19 N. Clearwater, FL 33763. (727) 799-4855. Wonder Water: 4705 66th St. N. Kenneth City, FL 33709. (727) 548-1208. Emerald City Comics and Games: 2475-L McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759, (727) 797-0664, e-mail:, web site http// and 9249 Seminole Blvd Seminole, FL 33722, (727) 398-2665. Gateway Games: 6840 Park Blvd., Pinellas Park, FL 33781. (727) 541-6654. E-mail: . Hobbytown USA Lakeland: 3615 S. Florida Ave. Suite 1030, Lakeland, FL 33803. (863) 644-0197. The Battlezone: 17 W. Main St. Avon Park, FL 33825. Ed Baldridge (863) 453-9663. Web site: The Tactical Edge: 96 Spirit lake Rd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 430-2557, e-mail: Coliseum Comics: 111 3rd St. SW,. Winter Haven, Fl. 33880, Aaron Conley (863)-2947795. Camelot Games: Camelot Games, 1944 Winkler Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33907. Phone: 239) 278-4600. Web address:, . Omniverse Hobbies: 1952 Park Meadows Drive, Unit 1, Fort Myers, FL 33919. (239) 275-1115. Web site: . Cool Comics and Games: 1407-13 Del Prado Blvd. Cape Coral, FL 33990. (239) 5737468. Web site: . Spellbinder Games: Del Prado Mall,1506 SE 14th St. #3, . Cape Coral, FL 33990. (239) 458-6644. Web page: . 23 Cosmic Games: 5120 Manatee Ave. West, Bradenton, FL 34209. (941) 746-5856. Web page: . Franks Trains and Hobbies: 3910 Tampa Rd. Oldsmar, FL 34677-3118 (813) 8551041, e-mail The Fantasy Factory: 3615 Florida Ave. S. suite #300 Merchants Walk Shopping Center Lakeland, Fl. 33801. 863-646-3813 Time Portal Hobbies: Rudy Nelson, 1602 15th St., SW, Childersburg, AL 35044. (256) 378-8082. E-mail: London War Room: 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465. (601) 584-8533. E-mail: UPCOMING EVENTS HMGS Sponsored Events Sponsoring Regions: MS=MidSouth; E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great Lakes; HoA=Heart of America; TA= Tornado Alley; GS=Gulf South; PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific Southwest. 16-18 March 07 COLDWARS 07-E. EAST. (Theme: “Siege and the Military Engineer”) Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Walt O’Hara, 10730 Burr Oak Way, Burke, VA 22015. (703) 503-9833 (between 6-pm);, web page: 13-15 April 2007 LITTLE WARS 07-MW: Marriott Lincolnshire Resort, Lincolnshire, IL. POC Rodger Kruse, (262) 886-9584, or e-mail: Web page: 4-6 May 2007. CALL TO ARMS-HA: Overland Park International Trade Center, Overland Park, KS. Brian Beal, PO Box 15192, Kansas City, MO 64106. (816) 9363201, or e-mail: Web site: 10-13 May 2007 RECON 07-S: Holiday Inn 6515 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819. Hotel (888) 465-4329. Convention POC: Marc Rebhun e-mail: HMGS SOUTH web page: 18-19 May 2007. DRUMS ALONG THE MAUMEE 8. Toledo plaza Hotel, Toledo OH. POC: Jim Thomasson, 1217 Birch ave., Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 893-3025, or email: Web page: 25-27 May 07 NASHCON 07-MS: Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin TN. POC Baxter key, 3628 Trousdale Dr. Suite A, Nashville, TN 37204. (615) 331-1046, or e-mail:, web page www, 25-27 May 2007. ENFILADE-PNW: Red Lion Hotel, Olympia, WAS. David Sullivan, e-mail: Web site: 24 8-10 Jun 07: GS BAYOU WARS. Quality Inn Hotel 2261 N. Causeway, Metairie, LA 70001. Web site: POC: Chris Johnson, E-group: 26-29 July 2007 HISTORICON 2007) "Historical Miniature Gaming's Biggest Summer Vacation!"Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center, Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA POC: Bob Giglio,; HMGS "Flagship" show - the one place you have to be for Historical Miniature Gaming each summer - make plans now! (pre-reg opens May 14th). 21-23 Sep 2007. ADVANCE THE COLORS 2007-GL: The Heritage Center of Clark County, Springfield, OH. 45503. (937) 342-0109, or e-mail: Web site: 27-30 Sep 2007 HURRICON 07-S: Holiday Inn 6515 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819. Hotel (888) 465-4329. Convention POC: Marc Rebhun e-mail: HMGS SOUTH web page: 28-29 Oct 2007 MINI=WARS Fall Campaign-PSW: Verdugo Hills BSA Service Center, 1325 Grandview, Glendale, CA. For details contact www.HMGS-PSW.ORG. Other North American Events 23-24 Mar 07. SEVEN YEARS WAR CONVENTION: Holiday Inn Downtown, South Bend, IN. Paul Petrie, 1723 Ashford Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. (815) 479-1099, or email: 23-25 Mar 07. MIDSOUTH CON: Holiday Inn Select, 2240 Democrat Rd. Memphis TN. (901) 332-1130. POC (731) 664-6730. E-mail: 30 Mar-1Apr 07 SPRING RECRUITS, Lee's Summit High school, Lee's Summit, Missouri (KC Suburb). The convention's primary focus is to introduce new gamers to the world of miniature wargaming - historical, fantasy or science fiction. POC: Duane and Laura Fleck, or Website 25-28 May 07 KUBLA CON: Burlington Hyatt Regency, 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame CA 94016, for reservations call 1 (800) 233-1234. POC Japji Khalsa, 1 *66) Kublacon. Web page: 25 (Actually This Is the 26th Year-But Who’s Counting) 5-8 July 2007 ORIGINS 2007: Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH. Contact: Steve Smith, 29715 Carolina Ave., Elkhart OM 46516. E-mail: Web site: 25-26 Aug 2007 NATIONAL WWII WARGAME CONVENTION: National WWII Museum 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. POC: Walt Burgoyne, (504) 527-6012. HISTORICON 2007-The Big One! Around 3,000 gamers, over 250 vendor tables, over 500 games. Termed by the Wall Street Journal “The Mother of all Wargame Conventions!” And that was when it was around two thirds its present size!You will meet the leading game designers running their own games, some of the best table-tops in the hobby. And practically all products catering to it. Of course, some of the best will be run by your friends from HMGS SOUTH, but that’s to be expected. July 26-29. HMGS EAST. Lancaster Host Resort Hotel Lancaster PA. POC Bob Giglio, e-mail: ; Web page: 26 HMGS SOUTH PRESENTS RECON 07 MAY 10-13 HOLIDAY INN INTERNATIONAL DRIVE RESORT, ORLANDO, FL Battleground Game at HURRICON 06 RECON 07 will return to the venue which hosted HURRICON 06. There is ample space for over 100 games, with the best of all historical and some not so historical eras from open gaming Thursday night 10 May 2007 to the last scheduled gaming on Sunday afternoon 10 May 2007. Warhammer Ancient Battles, WW2 Flames of War, and De Bellis Antiquitates and Warmachine tournaments, Warhammer Fantasy and 40K Rogue Trader Tournaments, and more. Board Games, and Fantasy Role Playing events and a Painting Competition. And for the less active gamers in the family the attractions of Universal Studios, Wet and Wild Water Park and Sea World are available with a complimentary shuttle. To reserve rooms for RECON 07 contact the hotel at 1-(888) 465-4329, Hotel Front Desk 1-(407) 351-3500. Our Group Code is REC. Special RECON rate $99. To Schedule Games, Register on Line, and keep up with convention developments contact our web site: Convention registration $10 pre-registration, $15 at the door for members, $20 preregistration, $25 at the door for non-members. Pre-Registration ends April 23, 2007. No additional fees for tournament play unless listed in game description. To sign up to run games contact the convention Director Marc Rebhun e-mail: To pre-register by mail send to Rickey Grice, 3426 Lori Lane S. Lakeland, FL 33801, e-mail: 27 Museum to Host WWII Wargame Convention this SummerThe National World War II Museum will host Heat of Battle: The National World War II Wargame Convention August 2426, 2007 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Gamers from around the world will be attending this all-WWII historical board and miniatures game convention. Game referees will be using a variety of rules sets to recreate famous and lesser-known land, sea, and air engagements from all theaters of the war. Attendee registration information will follow in late spring. Hotel information is available at atID/0/locID/9/startrange/All/endrange/All/substart/A/subend/ G/hit/1Holiday Inn Convention Center is the closest to the museum. Mention National World War II Museum – Heat of Battle Wargame Convention to receive $79.00 room rate. Bookmark this webpage to learn more about the event as gamemasters and rules sets are chosen, schedules are posted, and special guests and vendors are announced.Thanks for all your help so far and all your help to come! 28