International Meeting of Salesian Bulletin (SB) Editors Rome 17 – 20

International Meeting of Salesian Bulletin (SB) Editors
Rome 17 – 20 May 2009
Preparation for the meeting
1.1 The SB Editors' Meetings 2009, took place within the framework of the Social Communications
Department Plan for the six year period 2008 – 2014 (AGC 402), which in area 3 on information points
out the objective, process and interventions to be achieved:
3.1 Consolidate and increase information and media animation, by constant practice and the unification
of the aims of the ANS, and the SB in the world, to strengthen the voice and the image of the
3.1.3 Strengthening the identity and pressing for the publication and unification of the Salesian Bulletins
in the world.
Interventions: Through a member of the Social Communications Department Team, animate and coordinate
the Salesian Bulletin at world level. Consolidate the process of the identity and renewal of the Salesian Bulletin already begun in the
previous period. Bring together and offer systematic assistance to those responsible for the Salesian Bulletin.
The reason for their being two different locations for the meetings, Munich and Rome, was consistent
with the importance of supporting Project Europe in a particular way, seeking ways to have it known and
to provide information on experiences and activities which can put it into practice. The Editors of the SB
in Europe know their own situation better than anyone else and because of this can support it and
communicate it better.
Each SB Editor prepared for this by studying and applying with his editorial and admin team the
various quality indicators, challenges and common lines of action from the Rome Congress in 2005, to
their own situation. They were further invited to carry out a study in order to keep in mind some of the
fundamental objectives: foundation, publication schedule, print run, contents, quality of graphic layout,
costs, financing, distribution, target, etc. Therefore they knew not only what they were coming to, but
they also came prepared having studied their own SB.
The meeting
Place: General House and Salesianum Rome
Date: from afternoon of 17 May till afternoon of 20 May 2009.
Participants: 27 (25 SDB, two lay people (1 female, 1 male)
Official languages: Italian, Spanish, English
Topics and experiences: an intervention by the Rector Major; presentations by Fr. Vito Orlando, Fr. Julian
Fox and Fr. Giancarlo Manieri; presentation by each Salesian Bulletin on quality indicators, lines of common
action from the Rome 2005 Congress; presentation of strengths and weaknesses of each SB; visit to Vatican
Publishers/Print Shop; 'Good Night' from Frs. Franco Lever (UPS) and Joseph Costa (Vat. Pub.); criteria of
identity, indicators of quality and common actions towards the 2012 meeting.
I am grateful for the presence of each SB Editor and wish you well in your work towards the next major meeting in 2012.
A special thanks in particular to the Rector Major who has always maintained an interest in our meeting and who
intervened personally to offer us guidelines and to animate us to continue our work with quality and passion. I am equally
grateful to Frs. Orlando Vito and Julian Fox for their presentations. A special thanks to Fr. Giancarlo Manieri who
organised the meeting and to Fr.s Giuseppe Nicolussi and Joseph Zucchelli who welcomed us fraternally into the
General House and the Salesianum. May Mary Help of Christians continue to give growth to the Congregation, its
mission and to the SF.
Following on this you will be sent the materials from the different presentations from both meetings which can help in
your understanding and communicating of experience and form part of your local SB archives.
May Mary Help of Christians continue to give growth to the Congregation, its mission and to the SF
In Don Bosco:
Fr. Filiberto González Plasencia sdb
SC General Councillor