2012-13 NFH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 2012/13 Nominating Committee* *Elected by NFH membership Fran Filer, Chair Barb Bailey Dick Burrows Roy Glauthier Bill Williams 509-829-6781 253-383-2388 253-859-4355 949-650-5956 218-827-3151 NFH STANDING COMMITTEES Executive Committee Geoff Anderson, Chair Sarah Dahl Mike Hoover Glen Hildreth Barb Bailey Mary Clarke Ver Hoef (ex officio) 916-253-3854 530-345-1245 775-322-1349 970-221-0145 253-383-2388 800-669-9971 Bylaw & Policy Committee Judy Ervin, Chair Roy Glauthier Richard Loe Mike Hoover Larry Turner Geoff Anderson, ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 503-657-4322 949-650-5956 818-790-2332 775-322-1349 619-865-6689 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Communications Chris Oberti, Chair Mike Hoover Mary Lou Christensen Al Blanc Meredith Randall Jay Tripathi Geoff Anderson, ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 559-299-7030 775-322-1349 801-424-9042 925-825-4077 770-751-0976 707-433-7413 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Environmental Sarah Dahl, Chair John Anderson Chris Oberti Bob Warnock, Jr. Geoff Anderson, ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 530-345-1245 916-712-0683 559-299-7030 323-256-2930 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Finance Glen Hildreth, Chair Pete Bailey Roy Glauthier Robert Leet Chuck Myers Sharon Karr Jim Wheary Jay Tripathi Geoff Anderson ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio Version 05-17-12 970-221-0145 253-383-2388 949-650-5956 415-847-5479 626-286-7895 541-549-8592 925-299-1900 707-433-7413 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Government Liaison Roy Glauthier, Chair Dick Almy Peter Bailey Chris Oberti Barry Davis Mike Hoover Dennis Driggers Jane Van Dyk Geoff Anderson Mary Clarke Ver Hoef (ex officio) 949-650-5956 206-527-3416 253-383-2388 559-299-7030 307-527-6087 775-322-1349 559-322-9259 406-656-8798 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Membership Sally Goodin, Co-Chair Paula Hoiland, Co-Chair John Murray 510-524-4804 503-636-9058 hm: 281-589-1471 Cabin: 218-335-6543 John Anderson 916-712-0683 Dian Burrows 253-859-4355 * Sarah Dahl 530-345-1245 Bill Williams 218-827-3151 Paula Hoiland 503-636-9058 Tessa Johnson 307-733-8046 Meredith Randall 770-751-0976 Jane Van Dyk 406-656-8798 Geoff Anderson, ex officio 916-253-3854 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef 800-669-9971 (ex officio) Program Bill Williams, Chair Al/Emily Blanc Dian Burrows Chris Oberti Paula Hoiland Barbara Warnock Brad Aspell Meredith Randall Geoff Anderson, ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef (ex officio) 218-827-3151 925-825-4077 253-859-4355 559-299-7030 503-636-9058 714-836-7442 541-883-7754 770-751-0976 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 2012-13 NFH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS SPECIAL COMMITTEES Website Working Group Awards Committee Jay Tripathi, Chair 707-433-7413 Daryl and Eileen Weech 928-485-2224 Sally Goodin 510-524-4804 Rosie Janz 541-343-1059 Brad Aspell 541-883-7754 Geoff Anderson, ex officio 916-253-3854 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 800-669-9971 Richard Fanning, Chair Chris Oberti Peter Bailey Glen Hildreth Doug Gann Geoff Anderson, ex officio Barbara Warnock ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 714-476-3027 559-299-7030 253-383-2388 970-221-0145 425-882-7933 916-253-3854 714-836-7442 800-669-9971 AD HOC COMMITTEES On Regional Representation Strategic Plan Geoff Anderson 916-253-3854 Roy Glauthier 949-650-5956 Mike Hoover 775-322-1349 Ted Filer 509-829-6781 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 800-669-9971 Editorial Committee Roy Glauthier Geoff Anderson Mary Clarke Ver Hoef 949-650-5956 916-253-3854 800-669-9971 Daryl Weech, Chair George Cardinet John Murray 928-485-2224 530-795-3718 281-589-1471(TX) 218-335-6546(MN) Karen Norton 316-683-1104 Jim Stockdale 901-396-1957 Bill Williams 218-827-3151 Bob Ervin 503-657-4322 Meredith Randall 770-751-0976 Geoff Anderson, ex officio 916-253-3854 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 800-669-9971 Convention Forum Committee Barb Bailey, Chair Sarah Dahl Mike Hoover Al Blanc Mary Lou Christensen Brad Aspell Barry Davis Roy Glauthier Bill Williams Geoff Anderson, ex officio Barbara Warnock, ex officio Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 253-383-2388 530-345-1245 775-322-1349 925-825-4077 801-424-9042 541-883-7754 307-527-6087 949-650-5956 218-827-3151 916-253-3854 714-836-7442 800-669-9971 Permit Language Review Committee Brad Aspell, Chair Geoff Anderson Barb Bailey Wayne Fuller Dennis Driggers Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 541-883-7754 916-253-3854 253-383-2388 208-549-1820 559-322-9259 800-669-9971 Vote by Mail Working Group Al Blanc 925-825-4077 Richard Loe 818-790-2332 Nancy Chapman 503-234-0162 Geoff Anderson, ex officio 916-253-3854 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 800-669-9971 Centers of Expertise Group Barry Davis, Chair 307-527-6087 Doug Gann 425-882-7933 Paula Hoiland 503-636-9058 George Davis 559-841-2661 Rob Scanland 775-883-2490 Geoff Anderson, ex officio 916-253-3854 Mary Clarke Ver Hoef ex officio 800-669-9971 Committee on Staff Engagement Brad Aspell, Chair Sarah Dahl Sally Goodin Barbara Bailey Richard Loe Geoff Anderson, ex officio 541-883-7754 530-345-1245 510-524-4804 253-383-2388 818-790-2332 916-253-3854 TAB 5 Version 05-17-12 2012-13 NFH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS EMAIL ADDRESSES Nominating Committee Dick Burrows <aa7pr@comcast.net>; Barb Bailey <BBailey@harbornet.com>; Fran Filer <tfiler81@aol.com>; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>;Bill Williams <imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Executive Committee Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Sarah Dahl<sdahl56@gmail.com>; Michael Hoover<mike8558@psln.com>; Glen Hildreth<NFH_Treasurer@comcast.net>; Barb Bailey <BBailey@harbornet.com>;Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Bylaw & Policy Committee Judy Ervin<ervinjb@aol.com>; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Brian Gordon <bfgordon@cableone.net>; Evelyn deGhetaldi <evelyn@deghetaldi.net>;Brad Aspell <BAspell@ADRRLaw.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Michael Hoover<mike8558@psln.com>; Richard Loe <fordydelux@yahoo.com>; lawrenceeturner@yahoo.com; Communications Committee: Chris Oberti<twico@earthlink.net>; Mike Hoover<mike8558@psln.com>; Al Blanc <enbalb915@aol.com; nfh100@yahoo.com; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Mary Lou Christensen <marylouc121@aol.com>; meredithrandall14@gmail.com; jt@gardenworks-inc.com; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Environmental Committee Sarah Dahl<sdahl56@gmail.com>; John Anderson<johnanderson@earthlink.net>; Chris Oberti<twico@earthlink.net>; Bob Warnock Jr.<warnocks6@earthlink.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Finance Committee Glen Hildreth<NFH_Treasurer@comcast.net>; Peter Bailey<pbailey@harbornet.com>; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Robert Leet<bigshot4@ix.netcom.com>; Jim Wheary <jimwheary@comcast.net>; Chuck Myers <cmyers1138@aol.com>; Sharon Karr<nfhtreas@cbbmail.com>; jt@gardenworks-inc.com; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Government Liaison Committee Dick Almy<theseattlealmys@msn.com>; Peter Bailey<pbailey@harbornet.com>; Chris Oberti<twico@earthlink.net>; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Barry Davis<bdavis@tctwest.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; vandykj@rocky.edu;dennis@driggers.com; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Membership Committee Sally Goodin<sgoodin@sbcglobal.net>; John Murray<jlm1952@hotmail.com>; John Anderson<johnanderson@earthlink.net>; Dian Burrows <kb7lhe1@comcast.net>; Barry Davis<bdavis@tctwest.net>; Sarah Dahl<sdahl1192@sbcglobal.net>; Bill Williams<imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Paula Hoiland<p.hoiland@comcast.net>; Tessa Johnson<tessajohnson@wyoming.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>;P.Hoiland@comcast.net; vandykj@rocky.edu; meredithrandall14@gmail.com; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Program Committee Al/Emily Blanc <enbalb915@aol.com>; Dian Burrows <kb7lhe1@comcast.net>; Chris Oberti <twico@earthlink.net>; Bill Williams <imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Paula Hoiland <p.hoiland@comcast.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Barbara Warnock<bjfmjaj@ix.netcom.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>;Brian Aspell<BAspell@Adrrlaw.com>; meredithrandall14@gmail.com Version 05-17-12 2012-13 NFH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Awards Committee Ted Filer<tfiler81@aol.com>; Fran Filer<tfiler81@aol.com>; Daryl & Eileen Weech<deweech@cableone.net>; Sally Goodin<sgoodin@sbcglobal.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Brian Aspell<BAspell@Adrrlaw.com>; jt@gardenworks-inc.com; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Website working group: Chris Oberti<twico@earthlink.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Barbara Warnock<bjfmjaj@ix.netcom.com>; Peter Bailey<pbailey@harbornet.com>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; rkfanning@aol.com; dgann7@gmail.com; Glen Hildreth<NFH_Treasurer@comcast.net>; Strategic Plan Committee Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Ted Filer<tfiler81@aol.com>; Mike Hoover<mike8558@psln.com>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Editorial Committee Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Geoff Anderson <anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Convention Forum Committee Barb Bailey <bbailey@harbornet.com>; Sarah Dahl <sdahl1192@sbcglobal.net>; Michael Hoover <mike8558@psln.com>; Al Blanc <enbalb915@aol.com>; Mary Lou Christianson <marylouc121@aol.com>;Mary Clarke Ver Hoef <nfh100@yahoo.com>; Roy Glauthier <rglauthier@aol.com>; Brad Aspell<baspell@adrrlaw.com>; Barbara Warnock<bjfmjaj@ix.netcom.com>; Barry Davis <bdavis@tctwest.net>; Bill Williams <imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Permit Language Review Committee Brian Aspell<BAspell@Adrrlaw.com>; Barb Bailey<bbailey@harbornet.com>; Geoff Anderson <anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Wayne Fuller <wpf@ruralnetwork.net>; dennis@driggers.com; Committee on Regional Representation Daryl Weech <deweech@cableone.net>; George Cardinet <ghc3@inreach.com>; John Murray <jlm1952@hotmail.com>; Karen Norton<norton75@swbell.net>; Jim Stockdale <jes71130@aol.com>; Barry Davis <bdavis@tctwest.net>; Bill Williams <imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Bob Ervin <ervinjb@aol.com>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef nfh100@yahoo.com; Barbara Warnock <bjfmjaj@ix.netcom.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; meredithrandall14@gmail.com; Vote by Mail Working Group Al Blanc<enbalb915@aol.com>; Richard Loe <fordydelux@yahoo.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Nancy Chapman<chapmannj@comcast.net>; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Centers of Expertise Group Barry Davis <bdavis@tctwest.net>; dgann7@gmail.com; P.Hoiland@comcast.net; rscanland@charter.net; Mary Clarke Ver Hoef<nfh100@yahoo.com>; Committee on Staff Engagement Sally Goodin<sgoodin@sbcglobal.net>; Barb Bailey <bbailey@harbornet.com>; Richard Loe <fordydelux@yahoo.com>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Sarah Dahl<sdahl56@gmail.com>; Brian Aspell<BAspell@Adrrlaw.com>; Version 05-17-12 2012-13 NFH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS COMMITTEE CHAIRS ONLY Fran Filer<tfiler81@aol.com>; Judy Ervin<ervinjb@aol.com>; Chris Oberti<twico@earthlink.net>; Sarah Dahl<sdahl1192@sbcglobal.net>; Glen Hildreth<NFH_Treasurer@comcast.net>; Sally Goodin<sgoodin@sbcglobal.net>; Bill Williams <imaranger@frontiernet.net>; Geoff Anderson<anderson.geoff@sbcglobal.net>; Barb Bailey <bbailey@harbornet.com>; Brian Aspell<BAspell@Adrrlaw.com>; Daryl Weech <deweech@cableone.net>; Bob Warnock <warnocks6@earthlink.net>; >;P.Hoiland@comcast.net; rglauthier@aol.com; jt@gardenworks-inc.com; rkfanning@aol.com; Roy Glauthier<rglauthier@aol.com>; Barry Davis <bdavis@tctwest.net>; Version 05-17-12