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PSBN 2637
PSBN 2637
Mon, Wed: 11 AM – 1 PM, 4 – 6 PM, Fri: 11 AM – 12 noon
Tues, Thurs: 12 – 1 PM, 4 – 6 PM
(My office hour on Fri. from 11 AM-noon)
TA: Sarah Muliadi
Class Website:
Lab Sections: Mon. 6-10 PM (PSBN 2666) / Tues. 1-5 PM (PSBN
Text/Materials: Bring the following to lab every week.
General Chemistry Laboratory Manual; Laboratory Notebook – duplicate pages, quad-ruled
Safety goggles or safety glasses – worn at all times in lab
Calculator (for quizzes and lab calculations)
Appropriate clothing: It is absolutely mandatory that you dress appropriately for lab. Long hair must be pulled
back. Loose baggy clothing is not allowed. No short shorts, long shorts are permitted; Shirts must have long
sleeves and cover your midsection. Closed Toed Shoes (no sandals allowed).
Please put your name in your lab manual, your lab notebook and on your calculator.
ATTENDANCE/ ABSENCE: It is imperative that you attend every lab. No make-up labs will be given and failure
to show up will result in a zero for that week’s lab. Excusable absences (emergencies only) will have to be
discussed with the TA at least one day before the scheduled lab. In cases where your attendance is required at
a University-sponsored event (field trips, sports, etc.), you can attend another TA’s section during a given week:
Prior arrangements must be made, and a letter from your professor or coach must verify your required
absence on the day of the scheduled lab section. The TA must sign your lab notebook at the end of the lab
make-up. The TA will grade your make-up quiz, indicate the class average on the quiz, and give it to your lab
TA. Two missed labs will require you to drop the course except under EXTREME circumstances. (See Class
Policies; page vi – vii of the lab manual). NO SWITCHING LAB SECTIONS!
Chem. 1BL Lab Assignment
Jan. 3 – 7
Check-In / Syllabus / Safety
Complete Exp. 8 Pre-Lab Questions
Jan. 10 – 14
Experiment 8: Acid-Base Equilibria
Holiday Jan. 17
Jan. 19 – 21
Experiment 9: Thermochemistry
Monday labs do Exp. 9 next week.
Jan. 24 – 28
Exp. 10: Oxidation of Vitamin C
Monday Labs do Exp. 9
Lab Reports
Lab Final/Quiz
Lab Final
Jan. 31 – Feb. 4
Feb. 7 – 11
Feb. 14 – 18
Holiday Feb. 21
Feb. 23 -25
Feb. 28 – Mar. 4
Mar. 7 - 11
Experiment 11: Electrochemistry
Monday Labs do Exp. 10
Expt. 12: Electrochemical Cells
Monday Labs do Exp. 11
Experiment 13 Chemical Kinetics
Monday Labs do Exp. 12
Exp. 14 Atomic Spectroscopy, Check-out
Monday Labs do Exp. 13
Lab Final Review / Quiz
Monday Labs do Exp. 14, Check-Out
LAB FINAL: Monday, March 14* 4 – 6 PM
Rooms to be announced
20 %
*If you have a foreign language final at this time or if you have other finals on March 15, you can take the lab
final Friday, March 11, 4-6 PM, Room to be announced.
Taking the Lab Final is required to complete the course. If you do not take the lab final, you will fail the
course. The lab final is worth 20% of your grade. If you fail the lab final your grade in lab will drop an entire
LABORATORY REPORTS: There are seven Lab Reports. Each Lab Report is worth 20 points (See Report
Guidelines, page viii – ix of the lab manual). Use the grading rubric provided to help you write the lab report.
Include the name of your lab partner and your TA on your lab report.
Pre-Lab will be checked at the beginning of each lab session.
1. Title, Date, and Name (your name, the name of your partner, the name of your TA)
2. Introduction: State the problem or question and method used to answer the question in your own
words. The introduction should be very brief – only a couple sentences.
3. Answer Pre-Lab questions (get help during TA office if needed)
Observations: Keep a record of the experiment as it progresses. Did it change color? Did it get hot, or cold?
Try to understand what is happening. Include balanced equations for chemical reactions.
Results: Include any data, calculations, graphs, etc.
Discussion: Use the grading rubric provided for each experiment to write your discussion (must be typed).
You can hand-write the equations and reactions in a typed discussion.
HELP: If you need help writing your discussion, you can see any TA during office hours.
Review Questions
All questions should be answered completely and correctly in your lab notebook (if you
any trouble with the problems, please e-mail me or ask for help at TA office hours).
Report Quality: Lab reports must be legible. Original data must be included with the lab report.
Lab reports are due in class the week after you complete the lab (unless some other
announcement was made; always check the website to confirm).
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at the beginning of each lab. Be prepared for a quiz every lab period. The quizzes
will cover the current experiment (pre-lab information) as well as previous experiments (fundamental ideas and
techniques). No make-up quizzes will be given. If you are late to lab you must finish the quiz in the amount of
time set out for the other students. It is in your best interest to be on time.
Academic Dishonesty: Lab experience encourages students to work together, but all lab reports must show
individual work and thought. Plagiarism will result in a zero for that assignment. Evidence supporting any
act of cheating will result in a zero. A second incident of dishonesty will result in the student being taken to
the student conduct committee on campus and to the Dean of Students.
Technique: Points given by the TA at the end of the quarter.
Points will be determined by lab safety, lab clean-up at the end of class (this includes putting away your drawer
and locking the cabinet), and experimental performance. After lab I will inspect your station for proper cleanup.
Check-out on the last day of lab is very important! Work all problems on the practice lab final before you come to
lab. Be prepared to take a quiz (questions will be similar to those on the practice lab final). You will also
check-out. To check-out you must clean all the glassware, replace missing or broken glassware from the
stockroom; discard trash or broken glassware in appropriate waste containers. Organize all glassware and
equipment on the counter for the TA to check. Organize the glassware and equipment in a clean bin and return
it to your locker. Failure to check-out on the last day of class will result in zero points for your technique