INTERNATIONAL TASK FORCE ON VEHICLE-HIGHWAY AUTOMATION 18TH ANNUAL MEETING Host: TBD September 6, 2014 When/Where The International Task Force on Vehicle-Highway Automation will hold its 18th annual meeting on September 6th, 2014 in Detroit. The meeting will be held at _____________ and will occur just prior to the opening of the ITS World Congress. Purpose The purpose of this invitation-only meeting is to provide a forum for information exchange and discussion among researchers, government officials, and the private sector regarding ongoing programs to develop advanced driving assistance systems and automated driving. The task force uniquely takes a "big picture" approach, knowing that technical symposia regularly address the technological underpinnings of such systems, and examines ways in which the government authorities, the infrastructure, and the vehicle industry can collaborate / cooperate to most effectively offer these services to society. Cooperative intelligent vehicle-highway systems are a key focus, because through cooperative systems the significant goals of congestion relief and sustainability can be addressed. Previous Meetings The ITFVHA was conceived during the ITS World Congress in Orlando in 1996, and the first ITFVHA was held in conjunction with Demo '97 in San Diego -- 65 persons from 10 countries participated. The second meeting was held in Delft, Netherlands in conjunction with Demo 98, and the third meeting was held along with the 1999 ITS World Congress in Toronto. The fourth meeting was held in conjunction with the very successful Japanese Demo 2000. The fifth meeting was held in Sydney, Australia, the sixth meeting occurred in Chicago in 2002, next was Paris in 2003, Nagoya in 2004, and San Francisco in 2005, London in 2006, Versailles in 2007, New York in 2008, Stockholm in 2009, Busan in 2010, Orlando in 2011, Vienna in 2012, and Tokyo in 2013. Proceedings have been generated for each meeting. Attendees Previous meetings have included representatives from government ministries, state departments of transportation, vehicle manufacturers, Tier One suppliers, academic institutions, private infrastructure providers, and associations. Countries/regions represented have included: Australia, California, Canada, China, Denmark, European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Minnesota, The Netherlands, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States. Private sector representatives typically include automotive and heavy truck manufacturers, industrial automation firms, and technology providers. Approximately 60 people are expected to participate at this year’s meeting. Topics Overviews of relevant programs worldwide will be offered, including ongoing deployment of first generation systems. Additionally, key topics will be presented by experts, followed by discussion. Topics will likely include benefits (safety, productivity, traffic flow), deployment paths, cooperative systems, infrastructure roles, and user acceptance / public perception. Discussion will focus on the research and policy implications which stem from these issue areas. For planning purposes, those who plan to attend should notify Richard Bishop at Richard Bishop ITFVHA Chair, Bishop Consulting Highland, Maryland, USA