ART RUBRIC Name______________________________________ Date____________ Points____________ EXPECTATONS NO NAME WILL = NO GRADE / NO LATE WORK Behavior *comes to class on time *comes to class with needed materials *work area clean *stayed on task Followed Directions *stylistic 3D full round fish sculpture *Dr. Seuss characteristics *proper clean up *proper use of tools Productivity *student finished work adequately Specific Expectations *3-Dimensional full round fish sculpture *detail: Dr. Seuss style detail, size, texture on the fish detail, total 3-D sculpture in paper Neatness *clean bright color detail Goes Beyond: A and B Creativity, extra effort, depth, higher thinking, understanding A/B C/D F 10 9 8 7654 3210 10 9 8 7654 3210 10 9 8 7654 3210 10 9 8 7654 3210 10 9 8 7654 3210 Basic rubric completion marks will score a C, D, or failing grade. Student must go beyond to earn an A or B ***__________________________________ For All Students By signing this, the student is stating that the artwork/ ownership is 100% the student’s work. Work not 100% student’s work, will result in a zero. If the rubric is not signed the student work will receive 50% of earned grade.