Business Administration – Third Year Semester I 1. Seminar – Marketing Project – Dr. Talia Rymon No books are required 2. Seminar – Business Administration – Prof. Eli Berkovitz No books are required 3. Basics of Economics Measurement – Ms. Orly Arav Basic Econometrics 4th Edition – Danmor n. Gujarati McGraw Hill 4. Consumer Behavior – Dr. Arie Rotem Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) Consumer Behavior International Edition (required) Mowen and Minor (1999) Consumer Behavior 5th Edition (recommended) 5. Marketing Communication – Dr. Yaron Timmor 1. Advertising Promotion and Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications/ Terence A. Shimp/ Dryden Press 1997 2. Advertising Management / David A. Aaker ; John G. Myers ; Rajeev Batra /Prentice-Hall Fifth Edition 3. Integrated Advertising Promotion & Marketing Communications/ Kenneth E Clow & Donald Baack/Prentice Hall 2002 4. .'ב+' כרכים א6991 האוניברסיטה הפתוחה/ ליברמן,הורניק/ ניהול הפרסום. 6. Social and Political Market – Mr. Romey Hassman A. Required Reading Social Marketing/ Philip Kotler, Ned Roberto, Nancy Lee/ SAGE Publications, 2002; Second Edition/ ISBN 0-7619-2434-5 B. Recommended Reading 1. No Place For Amateurs/ Dennis Johnson/ Routledge, 2001/ ISBN 0-415-92836-2 {on political marketing} 2. SOFT Power/ Joseph S. Nye/ Public Affairs, 2004/ ISBN 1-58648-225-4 {on public diplomacy} 3. The Crisis Counselor/ Jeffery Caponigro/ Contemporary Books, 2000/ ISBN 0-8092-2490-9 {on crisis management} 7. Financial Statements Analysis – Prof. Amir Ziv To be announced on a later date 8. Analysis of Business Processes – Dr. Eyal Moshe 1) Managing Business Process Flows / Anupindi, Chopra, Deshmukh, Van Mieghem and Zemel (ISBN #: 0-13-907775-8), first edition, 1999, Prentice Hall. 2) The Six Sigma Revolution / George Eckes (ISBN: 0-471-38822-X), first edition, 2001, WIELY. 9. B to B Marketing – Dr. Ron Berger To be announced on a later date 10. Marketing Strategy – Dr. Sharon Horski “MARKSTRAT3, The Strategic Marketing Simulation”, Jean-Claude Larréché & Hubert Gatignon, 1999 11. Retail Marketing – Mr. Izhak Sidi 1. Retail Management by Berman & Evans 9th edition, international edition, Prentice Hall 2. Retail Marketing Management by David Gilbert 2nd edition, Prentice Hall Semester II 1. Seminar – Marketing Project – Dr. Talia Rymon No books are required 2. Seminar – Business Administration – Prof. Eli Berkovitz No books are required 3. Global Marketing – Mr. Gali Michael Keegan Warren J .Global Marketing Management Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall 4. Direct Marketing – Mrs. Ofrit Kol Mary Lou Roberts and Paul D. Berger (1999), Direct Marketing Management, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 5. Business Entrepreneurship – Mr. Shally Tshuva Measuring and managing the value of companies McKinsey & Company: Tom Copland, Tim Koller, Jack Murrin Tools and Techniques for determining the value of any asset By Aswath Damodaran 6. Global Management – Dr. Orly Yehezkel To be announced on a later date 7. Tourism and Hotel Management – Dr. Danny Abramovitz 1. Buttler, F. (1994). Hotel and food service marketing. 6th ed., London: Cassell. 2. Gunn, C. (1994). Tourism planning: basics, concepts, cases. 3rd ed., Washington DC: Taylor & Francis. 3. Heath, E. & Wall, G. (1992). Marketing tourism destinations, a strategic planning approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 4. Kotler, P., Bowen, J. & Makens, J. (1999). Marketing for hospitality & tourism. 2nd ed., New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 5. Seaton, A. V. & Bennett M. M. (1996). Marketing tourism products, concepts, issues, cases. International Thomson Business Press. 8. Sales Management – Mr. Tamir Gado 1. Robert J. Calvin : Sales Management .McGraw-Hill, 2000, 1 edition 2. William Miller: Proactive Sales Management: How to Lead, motivate and stay ahead of the game. American Management Association , 2001, 1 edition 3. Jeffrey Pfeffer: Managing with Power. HBS Press Book , 1992, 1 edition 4. Dan Ciampa; Michael Watkins: Right from the start. HBS Press Book , 2005 , 1 edition 5. Sun-Tzu: The Art of War. Penguin Book, 2003 , Second Revised Edition 6. Arnold David: Seven Rules of international Distribution. Harvard Business Review, November – December , 2000, 7. Garvin, A., David & Roberto, A., Michael: Change Through Persuasion. Harvard Business Review, February, 2005, 8. Nicholson, N.: How to Motivate Your Problem People. Harvard Business Review, January, 2003, 9. Product Policy – Dr. Ron Berger To be announced on a later date