This page is a mirror of the document checked into ClearCase?. At this time, the ClearCase? d spreadsheet and use it to replace the table below. Setting Location Setting Name Description of Use (Environment Var) JAVA_HOME Fallback for java home (Environment Var) SAW_TABLEVIEW_MAXROWSPERPAGE Sets default rows per p user. Max is 1000. (Environment Var) SAW_TABLEVIEW_MAXROWSPERPAGEINDELIVERY Sets default rows per p (Environment Var) SAWDontPreloadOdbcDriver? Prevents preloading of / AdministrativeLogin? Login credential of the runs its EXECUTE PHYS header saved result se / AdministrativePassword? Password credential of runs its EXECUTE PHYS posting this URL as an http://localhost/ana / AllowRememberPassword? Enables or disables the A value other than “Ye / AltDevicesEnabled? (obsolete) / AskEnabled? (obsolete) / AskMaxIndexValues? (obsolete) / AutoFlushEnabled? / AutoFlushThreshhold? / CacheBannerDashboardList? / CacheLowMemoryThresholdMB? Memory threshold (in m cleans up older cache e CacheMaxEntries? CacheMaxEntries? is ro Web Server keeps ope significant stress, incre its size is the memory / CacheMaxExpireMinutes? Sets the maximum am removed. The Default particular user last lon removed before one ho / CacheMinExpireMinutes? Sets the minimum amo removed. / CacheMinimumMemoryThresholdMB? Memory threshold (in m queries, until sufficient / CacheMinUserExpireMinutes? Sets the minimum amo cache entry is not rem used the cache entry. user logs in again at th minutes. / CacheRefreshOptimize? / CatalogAutoSaveMinutes? / CatalogAutoSaveTimeSpanDays? / CatalogMaxAutosaves? / The amount of time th The maximum number minimum value is 3. / CatalogPath? Contains the location o must be valid. An inva starting. / CatalogVersion? (obsolete) / ClientSessionExpireMinutes? Defines the length of id user's client (browser) specific state informati information, connectio / CollapsibleSectionsDefault? Determines whether da / ConfigDir? The location that Siebe / ConnectionExpireMinutes? Defines the length of id the Siebel Analytics Se for idle time only. / ConnectionMaxConcurrentEstablish? The maximum number to Siebel Analytics Ser exception. / CookieDomain? Domain for which cook / CookieExpire? Date on which persiste password is deleted. D / CookiePath? Domain path for which / CookieSecure? Indicates whether the This is a global setting / CordaLibDir? / CSVCharset / CubeMaxPopulatedCells? The maximum number user receives an error / CubeMaxRecords? The maximum number This roughly governs t (unpopulated cells in a user receives an error / DashboardInlineLoad? / DashboardMaxBeforeMenu? / DashboardShowInline? / DataDir? / DebugStartup? / DefaultMessageDir? / DefaultSkin? / DefaultStyle? / DefaultTimeoutMinutes? / DisablePivotTableAutoPreview? / Disconnected / DisconnectedDir? / Drillability When set to “yes” or “o allows debugging of th issuing a URL to nQWe automatically changed Controls the default th If FALSE, the Siebel An and results can not be if the installation has n DSN contains the value Server attempts to con generated. / DSN / Enable508 / EntropySourceHQ? The device to be used operating system prov found, a warning is log / EntropySourceSQ? The device to be used operating system prov found, a warning is log for generating session / ForceRefresh? Causes saw to always performance implicatio / HardenXSS? / JavaHome? / JavaHostDir? / JavaHostLibDir? / JavaMaxHeapPDF? The maximum heap siz (example: 500 MB). If repaired” when genera / JavaMinHeapPDF? The minimum heap siz (example: 500 MB). If repaired” when genera / LicenseFile? / LogConfigFile? / LogConfigNode? / LogonExpireMinutes? / MaintenanceMode? / MarketingCacheMaxEntries? Maximum number of d / MarketingCacheMaxExpireMinutes? Maximum time that a d / MarketingDataValidation? If set to TRUE, control written. / MarketingEnableNodeProfiling? Use Yes or No to enabl Segment and Segment / MarketingFileEncoding? Character set encoding UTF16BE, ANSI. / MarketingFileSystem? File path used by Siebe / MarketingFunctionShipFixedRandom? If set to TRUE, the SQL The function ship is sp / MarketingFunctionShipPctRandom? If set to TRUE, the SQL The function ship is sp / MarketingJobsLogDetailLevel? Amount of debugging i Manager 2 : SQL Execu SqlNodes? structures 5 Controls where Siebel Time after which a use Password ). To disable ClientSessionExpireMin MarketingJobsLogSize? Maximum number of jo 25% are timed out. / MarketingJobsWaitSeconds? Duration between succ Interface. The jobs inc Set Creation (in the Se Tree Counts. The waitwaiting on the jobs to / MarketingPreviewPath? File path where preview / MarketingPreviewSize? Number of default reco overridden in the UI fo / MarketingQualifyNumericData? / MarketingUseBOM? If set to FALSE, the list / MarketingWrapColumnHeaders? If set to FALSE, column delimited file formats. / MaxContentDispositionFilenameLength? Sets the maximum len over this length is trun header, the actual num / MaxFollowLinks? / MaxTicketLifetimeMinutes? / MinPDFSize? / MktgCacheTempCreateSQL? If using temporary tab table. The parameter " generated internally by / MktgCacheTempDropSQL? If using temporary tab The parameters "@{Te / MktgCacheTempInsertSQL? If using temporary tab temporary to cache tab (unique name generate “@{PhysicalTableName server). / MktgCacheTempTableNamePrefix? Prefix to the temporary characters of the prefix / MktgCacheUseTempTable? If set to TRUE, the Mar for each transaction) to / MsgCRCChecking? / / NewCursorWaitSeconds? Controls how long the "Searching…" page to t seconds) to avoid page Also, if running perform setting is set very high / OldCursorWaitSeconds? Controls how long the "Searching…" page to t seconds) to avoid page / OnDemandAnswers? Set to true for On Dem / PasswordCookieName? Cookie name used for / PdfLibDir? / PDFServerServiceString? / PDFThreads / PersistCookies? / PersistentStorageDirectory? The location where Sie Web attempts to creat / PersistPageState? Determines whether pa / PortalBannerHeight? Controls the height of an implementation-wid / PromptDropDownMaxValues? Maximum number of ro / Repository / ResDir? / ResultRowLimit? / SARootDir? / SAWRootDir? / SearchIDExpireMinutes? The maximum amount equal to ClientSessionE / SecureTheFort? (obsolete) / SessionIDCookieName? Cookie name used for / SessionIDEntropySourceQuality? Controls whether to us requested source is no entropy source is likely / ShowPageTabsAlways? Controls whether the d / ShowSectionHeadingsDefault? Controls whether the d / SynCursorWaitSeconds? / SystemSubjectArea? / TempDir? / UIDefaultTimeoutMinutes? / UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes? / UsePDFServer? / UseReplication? / UsernameCookieName? / WebcatWriteable? / WebDLL? Specifies the path to th / XMLAuthentication (obsolete) / XmlExternalsDir? Directory where we sto /Alerts? ContentDeliveryMode? Controls whether the d MHTML. /Alerts? DebugDeliveryEmail? Forces all deliveries to The maximum number If a running query has handles the case wher abandoning the search elsewhere and come b Cookie used to remem /Alerts? DefaultDeliveryDisposition? /Alerts? DefaultDeliveryFormat? /Alerts? EmbedResourcesInline? /Alerts? Enabled /Alerts? Force7bitASCIIAttachmentNames? /Alerts? IBotConnectString? Siebel Analytics Web S stored with the iBot. T instance. Useful for rep /Alerts? IgnoreWebcatDeliveryProfiles? Controls whether to ign delivery information re devices Delivers sends /Alerts? MHTMLMimeType? /Alerts? OverrideURL? /Alerts? ScheduleServer? /Alerts? SendIBotConnectString? /Alerts? SessionCleanupFrequencySeconds? /Alerts? SessionTimeoutSeconds? /Alerts? UpperCaseRecipientNames? Controls whether recip System subject area q /Alerts? UseForwardOnlyCursorForSystemSA? Uses a forward only cu /Auth? Impersonator An analytics user who /Auth? ImpersonatorPassword? Obfuscated password f /Auth? SSOClientHeader? /Auth? SSOEnabled (obsolete) Controls whether to se /Auth? SSOServerVariable? Set to REMOTE_USER variable; or the Siebel connect from the HTTP javax.servlet.http.Http name. /Auth? SSOStripWindowsDomain? If set to Yes or Y, Sieb deletes all characters u /Charts? AxisLimitsFudgeFactor? Factor used when com /Charts? AxisLimitsOverscanLimit? Another factor used fo /Charts? CacheDirectory? Sets the location Siebe files as well as the corr /Charts? DefaultImageType? Sets the default image PNG. Flash and SVG im currently support no in /Charts? DefaultInteraction? Controls what the defa possible values are: (a are by default created for navigating to the v charts are, by default, nothing. Note that this /Charts? DefaultNavigationPath? If the value of Charts\D default URL that the ch /Charts? DeliveredImageType? Controls the image typ /Charts? FlashCLSID? Adjusts the CLSID gen /Charts? FlashCodeBase? Adjusts the codebase g /Charts? FlashPluginsPage? Used with EMBED tags /Charts? FontMapFile? File that contains font fonts. /Charts? HttpClientTimeoutInSec? (obsolete) /Charts? JavaHostServiceString? Common service string /Charts? MaxCompletionTimeInSec? /Charts? MaxInMemoryChart? Maximum size of chart /Charts? MaxProcessingThreads? Number of threads use /Charts? MaxQueuedCharts? Number of queued ent /Charts? SVGPluginsPage? Entry used to write out /Charts/Funnel? DefaultImageType? Overrides global settin /Charts/Funnel? DeliveredImageType? Overrides global settin /Charts/Funnel? MaxConcurrent? Maximum concurrently /Charts/Funnel? ServiceString? Where to run funnel ch /Charts/Gauge? MaxCanvasHeight? The maximum height o /Charts/Gauge? MaxCanvasWidth? The maximum width o /Charts/Gauge? MaxGaugesPerCanvas? The maximum number /Charts?/POP DefaultImageType? Overrides global settin /Charts?/POP DeliveredImageType? /Charts?/POP FlashCLSID? (deprecated) /Charts?/POP FlashCodeBase? (deprecated) /Charts?/POP FlashPluginsPage? (deprecated) /Charts?/POP ServerPrefix? (obsolete) /Charts?/POP ServiceString? Where to run regular p /Charts?/POP SVGPluginsPage? (deprecated) /Charts/POPGauge? ServiceString? Where to run gauge ch /ColumnInfoCache? MaxLifetimeMinutes? The maximum lifetime (regardless of when it /ColumnInfoCache? UnusedExpireMinutes? The number of minute /ISAPI ConnectionPointBufferSize? /ISAPI DisableSendDelay? /ISAPI IdleCleanupFrequencySecs? /ISAPI IdleTimeoutSecs? /ISAPI KeepAliveFrequencySecs? /ISAPI KeepAliveMaxFailures? /ISAPI MaxAgeSecs? /ISAPI MaxConnections? /ISAPI MaxRetryAttempts? /ISAPI ServerConnectString? /JavaHost? ClassMain? /JavaHost? JniLibrary? Absolute path to jvm.d /JavaHost? JVMOptions Java command line par Djava.class.path:{CLA {SADATADIR}/web/co separated by semicolo /JavaHost? LogConfigFile? /ManageCatalog? MaxItemsPerPage? /MiniDump? AdminDumpType? /MiniDump? CompletelyDisable? TRUE prevents Siebel A MiniDump? configurati /MiniDump? DefaultDumpType? Default type of dump t normal—Capture only MiniDumpNormal?. For /MiniDump? DumpDirectory? Directory in which to p /MiniDump? MaxDumps? The maximum number dumps. /MiniDump? PreloadDbghelp? TRUE causes Microsoft crash to occur. This pr /MiniDump? SETranslatorDumpType? The type of dump to pe /MiniDump? UnhandledExceptionDumpType? The type of dump to pe /PermissionsDialog? MaxAccountsPerPage? /PivotView? MaxVisibleColumns? Sets the maximum num /PivotView? MaxVisiblePages? Sets the maximum num /PivotView? MaxVisibleRows? Sets the maximum num /PivotView? MaxVisibleSections? Sets the maximum num /Prompts? MaxDefaultValues? The maximum number /Prompts? MaxDropDownValues? The maximum number /Prompts? ReloadInline? Controls whether to us /ReportCache? CacheDirectory? /ReportCache? CrossUserVisibility? /ReportCache? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes? /ReportCache? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds? /ReportCache? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes? /ReportCache? DiskExpireMinutes? /ReportCache? DiskExpireReductionRatio? /ReportCache? DiskMaximumUsageKB? /ReportCache? DiskMinimumFreeKB? /ReportCache? DiskResaveMinutes? /ReportCache? DiskSubDirectories? /ReportCache? FileExtension? /ReportCache? MemoryBuckets? /ReportCache? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes? /ReportCache? MemoryExpireMinutes? /ReportCache? MemoryMaximumEntries? /ReportCache? MemoryMinimumBucketSize? /ReportCache? VerifyReloadedEntryKey? /RPC ConnectionPointBufferSize? The buffer used for soc /RPC DisableSendDelay? Controls whether to dis /RPC IdleCleanupFrequencySecs? How often idle sockets /RPC IdleTimeoutSecs? Threshhold for conside /RPC Listener Sets the interface and listen on all interfaces. /RPC MaxAgeSecs? The maximum time a s threshold. /RPC MaxConnections? The maximum number equate to end-user ses /RPC MaxListenBacklog? Value passed to listen( /StatePool? CacheDirectory? /StatePool? CrossUserVisibility? /StatePool? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes? /StatePool? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds? /StatePool? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes? /StatePool? DiskExpireMinutes? /StatePool? DiskExpireReductionRatio? /StatePool? DiskMaximumUsageKB? /StatePool? DiskMinimumFreeKB? /StatePool? DiskResaveMinutes? /StatePool? DiskSubDirectories? /StatePool? FileExtension? /StatePool? MemoryBuckets? /StatePool? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes? /StatePool? MemoryExpireMinutes? /StatePool? MemoryMaximumEntries? /StatePool? MemoryMinimumBucketSize? /StatePool? VerifyReloadedEntryKey? /UI Text (obsolete) - Provided a /UI DefaultFolder? (obsolete) - Create a d AbsoluteCommandURLPrefix? Controls how Siebel An is explicitly specified, i complete virtual path t CommandName? Controls how Siebel An files, style sheets (and of the form protocol:se then this defaults to pr can use this setting to hence reducing the loa fully qualified virtual pa then the prefix used is ISAPI extension. /URL CustomerResourcePhysicalPath? Specifies the physical l (includes styles/skins c Note that Siebel Analy network share, then th Analytics Web is runnin system the share is ex /URL CustomerResourceVirtualPath? This setting overrides t installation. /URL ForceAbsoluteCommandURL? /URL ForceAbsoluteResourceURL? If set to YES, then Sieb have fully qualified virt ResourcePhysicalPath? Specifies the physical l that ship with the prod full path must be provi read this path. If this i under which Siebel Ana access to the file syste from the physical locat URL\ResourceVirtualPa ResourceServerPrefix? Designates a separate on the main Web serve virtual path of the form ‘Path/file’, the prefix us extension. /URL ResourceVirtualPath? This setting overrides t For generating relative folder is present under generating absolute UR is specified, it must be added. Note that if a v resource files must be /Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayed? Sets default rows for e specified by the user. /Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery? Sets default rows for e /Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload? Sets default rows for e /XmlCacheDefaults? CacheDirectory? /XmlCacheDefaults? CrossUserVisibility? /URL /URL /URL /URL /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskExpireMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskExpireReductionRatio? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskMaximumUsageKB? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskMinimumFreeKB? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskResaveMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? DiskSubDirectories? /XmlCacheDefaults? FileExtension? /XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryBuckets? /XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryExpireMinutes? /XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryMaximumEntries? /XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryMinimumBucketSize? /XmlCacheDefaults? VerifyReloadedEntryKey? /AdvancedReporting? AdminURL? The URL for the Actuat Reporting users, permi /AdvancedReporting? AuthIdExpiry? The value in minutes o Actuate /AdvancedReporting? ConnectStringParameter? The parameter that is Analytics Server /AdvancedReporting? JavaHostServiceString? Points to the box that /AdvancedReporting? ServerAnalyticsODBCDSN? The DSN set up on the /AdvancedReporting? ServerURL? Points to the Actuate iS /AdvancedReporting? Volume The volume containing /AdvancedReporting? WebURL? The URL for the Actuat /ThreadPoolDefaults? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack shoul /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idl /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MinThreads? Minimum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MaxThreads? Maximum number of th /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jo /Catalog? CacheTimeoutSecs? How long to regard a c /Catalog? CacheCleanupSecs? When to go thru cache /Catalog? HashUserHomeDirectories? How many characters