Stat 211

Stat 211
Elementary Statistics
(3-0) 3 Credits
Summer Semester 2010-2011
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Sofiya Ostrovska
Office: FEF 211
Phone: 586 8211
Office Hours:
Course Outline: Introduction to Statistics, Elements of Probability Theory, The Notion of
Probability, Independence, Random Variables and Probability Distributions, Normal Distribution.
Text Book: D.H. Sanders, R. K. Smidt, ‘ Statistics. A First Course’
References: J.S. Milton, P.M. Mc Teer, J.J. Corbet, ‘Introduction to Statistics’
Terry Sincich, ‘Business Statistics by Examples’
Course Topics:
Week 1: Summarizing Data: Frequency Distributions, Stem and Leaf Displays, Graphing Data,
Graphing Frequency Distributions, Shapes of Frequency Distributions.
Week 2: Measures of Central Tendency, Computing Measures of Central Tendency using
Frequency Distributions. Measures of Dispersion, Computing Measures of Dispersion using
Frequency Distributions.
Week 3: Sample Space, Sample Points, Random Events, Operations with Random Events.
Classical Probability, Independent Events, Multiplication Rule. Addition Rule.
Contingency Tables.
Week 4: Discrete Random Variables, Probability Distribution, Numerical Characteristics of
Random Variables.
Week 5: Continuous Random Variables, Probability Density Function, Numerical Characteristics
of Random Variables
Week 6: Normal probability distribution. Normal curve. Statistical meaning of the parameters.
Standard normal distribution. Standard score. Finding probabilities and cut-off values.
Week 7: Survey of the Course.
Attendance: You must attend classes and tests. Attendance to lectures cannot be less than 80 %.
Lectures: You are expected to keep silence unless you have a question. You are encouraged to ask
questions as soon as something is unclear to you.
Even if you have a textbook, you must take lecture notes.
Exams: Two mid-term exams and a final exam will be given. Also quizzes will be assigned during
the semester. No make-up exams will be given unless proper documentation for the absence is
received. (Excuse must be approved by the university)
Academic Dishonesty: No cheating during the exams and quizzes is allowed. Cheating includes
but not limited to both providing and copying information during the exams and in quizzes. It is
considered as a discipline violation. Hence in case of cheating, both parts will certainly get a score
of zero from the corresponding exam and quiz and disciplinary action will be applied.
Midterm Dates: MT I: July 12, 2011
MT II: July 26, 2011
Grading Policy: Final score is counted according to the following scheme:
Projects 20 %
MT Exams
40 % (20%+20%)
Final Exam
40 %
You have a two-day period after the scores are announced for your review