Critical Content/Concept Web Unit Topic: 8th grade Physical Education Conceptual Lens: Grade: Lens Overview Cooperative Games/Activities 8 Rules/Safety Skills Suggested Activities: Re-Run Sukiyaki Scooters Component: Cooperative Games Healthy Lifestyles Overview: The purpose of this component will be for the students to understand that the accomplishments are acceptable if the outcomes reflect cooperation and participation. Through participating in the various activities, the students will understand how sportsmanship and following rules deter conflict. Strategies Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Cooperative Games/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Rules/Safety 1. Object manipulation and spatial awareness are critical 1.A. Why is safety a key component in activities? factors of safety. 5.1.1 Apply safety procedures when participating in all physical activities. 2. Rules define the boundary of a team activity/game and 2A. What rules of the games are implemented to deter contributes to the enjoyment and participation of the conflict? activity/game. 2B. How did the groups/teams eliminate conflict? 5.1.3 Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. 5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice. 3. Sportsmanship deters conflict and enhances enjoyment 3A. How do sportsmanship and/or teamwork carry over of the selected cooperative activity/game into everyday life? 5.1.3 Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group 3B. What is sportsmanship? goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. 5.1.5 Recognize the role of sport, games and dance in modern culture. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Cooperative Games/Activities Enduring Understandings 4. Body and spatial awareness enhance dynamic movement 1.1.2 Adapt and combine skills to meet the demands of increasingly complex situations. 2.1.4 Observe and identify characteristics of highly skilled performance that enable success in an activity. 5. Activity specific body movements and object manipulation enhance level of performance 2.1.2 Identify the critical elements of movement concepts as they relate to performance. 2.1.4 Observe and identify characteristics of highly skilled performance that enable success in an activity. Guiding Questions Skills 4A. How does body/spatial awareness and proper locomotor skills increase efficiency and performance? 4B. Why is body/spatial awareness important for safety? 4C. How is body/spatial awareness important to be successful in cooperative games? 5A. How is performance influenced by proper technique? Strategies 6. Team and individual decision-making based on rules and 6A. How do rules and strategies for each specific activity strategies heightens success and appreciation for the team increase student success and appreciation for the activity/game. game/activity? 1.1.1 Demonstrate increasing competence and strategies in more specialized skills and in invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games through the use of modified games. 1.1.3 Use basic offensive and defensive strategies in a modified version of a team sport and individual sport 2.1.3 Explain and demonstrate game strategies for invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Cooperative Games/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Healthy Lifestyles 7. Individuals are responsible for active participation with 7A. How does individual participation affect team or group their team or group. success? 3.1.1 Participate in daily physical activities to enhance self-confidence by accomplishing personal goals. 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 8. Positive choices contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 8A. How will choices pertaining to physical activity affect 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical you later in life? activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 3.1.3 Establish personal physical activity goals that meet individual needs and enhance personal enjoyment Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Cooperative Games/Activities Critical Content and Skills Students will Know… 1. Rules for the selected game/activity 2. Safety concerns associated with each game/activity 3. How sportsmanship impacts flow and enjoyment of the activity/game 4. Students will know proper technique for: Dribbling Passing Catching Throwing/Tossing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing Jumping Body Manipulation Rhythm 5. Appropriate positioning as applied to selected activity/game AC = Assessment Code: AC Q – Quizzes O – Observations D – Dialogues T - Tests P - Prompts WS – Work Samples SA – Student Self-Assessment Students will be able to do… 1. Play each game/activity by the rules 2. Demonstrate an appreciation for the safety concerns associated with each game/activity 3. Demonstrate good sportsmanship while participating in the cooperative activity/game 4. Resolve conflict peacefully through appropriate channels 5. Students will be able to demonstrate the following skills with control: AC Dribbling Passing Catching Throwing/Tossing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing Jumping Body Manipulation Rhythm Revised Spring 2007 6. The strategies associated with the selected activity/game 7. Cooperatively working with others will lead to a positive outcome 8. Students will know the importance of continued participation activities will have a positive affect on their health and fitness 6. Participate in the selected activity using proper positioning 7. Demonstrate ability to use strategies associated with the selected cooperative activity/game 8. Demonstrate ability to work cooperatively with others 9. Students will actively participate in individual activities/games Revised Spring 2007 Critical Content/Concept Web Unit Topic: 8th Grade Physical Education Conceptual Lens: Grade: Lens Overview Individual Sports/Activities 8 Rules/Safety Skills Component: Individual Sports Healthy Lifestyles Strategies Overview: This component provides the students with the opportunity to participate in individual activities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Individual sports provide the opportunity for students to pursue activities that are outside the team sports realm; this promotes individuality. Suggested Activities: Archery Badminton Bowling Dance Darts Frisbee Golf Golf Pickle Ball Rock Climbing Table Tennis Tennis Track and Field Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Individual Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Rules/Safety 1. Object manipulation and spatial awareness are critical 1A. What is the importance of object manipulation and factors of safety. safety in relation to spatial awareness? 5.1.1 Apply safety procedures when participating in all physical activities. 2. Rules define the boundary of the selected individual activity/game and contributes to the enjoyment and participation of the activity/game. 5.1.1 Apply safety procedures when participating in all physical activities. 2A. How does the responsibility of abiding by the rules affect participation and strategy? 3. Sportsmanship deters conflict and enhances enjoyment of the selected individual activity/game 5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice. 5.1.4 Willingly join others of diverse characteristics and backgrounds during physical activity. 3A. How does sportsmanship carry over into everyday life? 3B. What is sportsmanship? Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Individual Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions skills 4A. How can an understanding of spatial awareness improve performance? 4B. How is spatial awareness related to body control? 4. Body and spatial awareness enhance dynamic movement. 1.1.1 Demonstrate increasing competence and strategies in more specialized skills and in invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games through the use of modified games. 1.1.2 Adapt and combine skills to meet the demands of increasingly complex situations. 5A. How is performance influenced by proper technique? 5. Activity specific body movements and object manipulation enhance level of performance 2.1.2 Identify the critical elements of movement concepts as they relate to performance. 2.1.4 Observe and identify characteristics of highly skilled performance that enable success in an activity. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Individual Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Strategies 6. Individual decision-making based on rules and strategies heightens success and appreciation for the activity/game. 1.1.1 Demonstrate increasing competence and strategies in more specialized skills and in invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games through the use of modified games. 1.1.3 Use basic offensive and defensive strategies in a modified version of a team sport and individual sport 2.1.3 Explain and demonstrate game strategies for invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games. 5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice. 6A. How do rules and strategies for each specific activity increase student success and appreciation for the game/activity? Healthy Lifestyles 7. Individuals are responsible for active participation. 3.1.1 Participate in daily physical activities to enhance selfconfidence by accomplishing personal goals. 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 7A. How does individual participation affect other students? 7B. How does motivation affect individual participation? 8. Positive choices contribute to a healthy lifestyle 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 3.1.3 Establish personal physical activity goals that meet individual needs and enhance personal enjoyment 8A. How will choices pertaining to physical activity affect you later in life? Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Individual Sports/Activities Critical Content and Skills AC = Assessment Code: Students will Know… 9. Rules for the selected game/activity 10. Safety concerns associated with each game/activity 11. How sportsmanship impacts flow and enjoyment of the activity/game 12. Students will know proper technique for: Dribbling Catching Throwing/Tossing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing Jumping Body Manipulation Rhythm 13. The difference between offense and defense as they apply to individual activities/games AC Q – Quizzes O – Observations D – Dialogues T - Tests P - Prompts WS – Work Samples SA – Student Self-Assessment Students will be able to do… 1. Play each game/activity by the rules 2. Demonstrate an appreciation for the safety concerns associated with each game/activity 3. Demonstrate good sportsmanship while participating in the individual activity/game 4. Resolve conflict peacefully through appropriate channels 5. Students will be able to demonstrate the following skills with control: Dribbling Catching Throwing/Tossing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing Jumping Body Manipulation AC Revised Spring 2007 14. Appropriate positioning as applied to selected activity/game 15. The strategies associated with the selected activity/game 16. Students will know the importance of continued participation activities will have a positive affect on their health and fitness Rhythm 6. Transition between offense and defense 7. Participate in the selected activity using proper positioning 8. Participate in the selected activity using proper positioning Revised Spring 2007 Critical Content/Concept Web Unit Topic: 8th Grade Physical Education Conceptual Lens: Grade: Lens Overview Fitness 8 Muscular Strength and Endurance Cardiovascular Endurance Healthy Lifestyles Required Assessment: President’s Fitness Challenge Component: Fitness Flexibility Overview: The purpose of this component is to encourage overall fitness and the role fitness plays in living a healthier, happier and longer life. Motivation and the interrelationship of physical and healthrelated skills will be emphasized to promote a healthy lifestyle. Students will understand the fitness components and specific activities needed to improve personal fitness. Speed and Agility Suggested Activities: Distance Running Plyometrics Power Walking Resistance/Weight Training Speed/Agility Training Taebo Aerobics Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Fitness Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Muscular Strength and Endurance 1. Muscular strength and endurance enhance 1A. What type of activities/exercises can you perform to performance and decrease risk for injury improve muscular strength and endurance? 2.1.1 Describe training and conditioning principles for 1B. What is muscular strength? specific physical activities. 1C. What is muscular endurance? 4.1.1 Demonstrate health-related fitness by improving, meeting and/or sustaining gender and age-related fitness standards as defined by approved tests 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 4.1.4 Apply basic principles of training to improve physical fitness goals. Cardiovascular Endurance 2. Improving cardiovascular endurance will enhance 2A. How do you determine a Target Heart Rate? wellness and the quality of life 2B. How can cardiovascular endurance be improved? 2.1.1 Describe training and conditioning principles for 2C. What is cardiovascular endurance? specific physical activities. 4.1.1 Demonstrate health-related fitness by improving, meeting and/or sustaining gender and age-related fitness standards as defined by approved tests 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 4.1.3 Assess physiological indicators of exercise during and after physical activity. 4.1.4 Apply basic principles of training to improve physical fitness goals. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Fitness Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Flexibility 3. Improving flexibility will reduce the risk of muscle 3A. How does flexibility reduce your risk of injury while and tendon injuries. participating in physical fitness activities? 2.1.1 Describe training and conditioning principles for 3B. How can flexibility be maintained and/or improved? specific physical activities. 3C. What is flexibility and how does it improve 4.1.1 Demonstrate health-related fitness by improving, performance? meeting and/or sustaining gender and age-related fitness standards as defined by approved tests 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 4.1.4 Apply basic principles of training to improve physical fitness goals. Speed and Agility 4. Improving speed and agility impact the level of 4A. What is speed and how does it improve performance? performance 4B. What is agility and how does it improve performance? 2.1.1 Describe training and conditioning principles for specific physical activities. 4.1.1 Demonstrate health-related fitness by improving, meeting and/or sustaining gender and age-related fitness standards as defined by approved tests 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 4.1.4 Apply basic principles of training to improve physical fitness goals. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Fitness Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Healthy Lifestyles 5. Improving personal fitness will lead to an improved 5A. Why is conditioning a key component in fitness quality of life and decreased risk of injury and activities? disease 5B. Justify the importance of each fitness component. 2.1.1 Describe training and conditioning principles for 5C. What are the components of fitness and what tests do specific physical activities. we perform to measure each. 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 4.1.4 Apply basic principles of training to improve physical fitness goals. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Fitness Critical Content and Skills AC = Assessment Code: Students will Know… 1. Muscular strength is the body’s ability to generate force in a short amount of time 2. Muscular endurance is the measure of how well muscles can repeatedly generate force and the amount of time they can maintain activity 3. Cardiovascular endurance is the body’s ability to exercise continuously for extended periods of time without fatigue 4. Target Heart Rate is a measure of cardiovascular endurance 5. Students will know that flexibility is the ability to move through a full range of motion 6. Weight transfer and body control improve agility 7. Agility is the ability to change directions quickly 8. Speed is the ability to move across a distance in a short period of time 9. Motivation and individual responsibility play an important role in fitness 10. Making healthy lifestyle choices now and in the future plays a role in decreasing obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and various other medical conditions. AC Q – Quizzes O – Observations D – Dialogues T - Tests P - Prompts WS – Work Samples SA – Student Self-Assessment Students will be able to do… 1. Students will participate in the President’s Fitness Challenge 2. Students will participate in activities that prepare for the President’s Fitness Challenge 3. Students will participate in physical education activities AC Revised Spring 2007 Critical Content/Concept Web Unit Topic: 8th Grade Physical Education Conceptual Lens: Grade: Lens Overview Team Sports/Activities 8 Skills Rules / Safety Teamwork / Sportsmanship Component: Suggested Activities: Basketball Football Lacrosse Rugby Soccer Team Sports Strategies Overview: This component provides the students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding about the multiple aspects of team sports. The students will also understand that individual responsibility and attitude play an important role in group success. To raise the level of performance, instructors will focus on: skills, rules/safety, strategy, sportsmanship/teamwork, and healthy lifestyles. Healthy Lifestyles Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Team Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Rules/Safety 1. Object manipulation and spatial awareness are critical factors of safety. 5.1.1 Apply safety procedures when participating in all physical activities. 2. Rules define the boundary of a team activity/game and contributes to the enjoyment and participation of the activity/game. 5.1.3 Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. 5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice. 1A. What is the importance of object manipulation and safety in relation to spatial awareness? 2A. How does the responsibility of abiding by the rules affect participation and increase safety? Skills 3. Body and spatial awareness enhance dynamic movement 1.1.2 Adapt and combine skills to meet the demands of increasingly complex situations. 2.1.4 Observe and identify characteristics of highly skilled performance that enable success in an activity. 4. Activity specific body movements and object manipulation enhance level of performance 2.1.2 Identify the critical elements of movement concepts as they relate to performance. 2.1.4 Observe and identify characteristics of highly skilled performance that enable success in an activity. 3A. How can an understanding of spatial awareness improve performance? 3B. How is spatial awareness related to body control? 4A. How is performance influenced by proper technique? Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Team Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Teamwork/Sportsmanship 5. Individuals are responsible for their actions, attitude, 5A. Why is giving and showing respect for others important and participation within their team or group. in Physical Education? 5.1.2 Solve problems by analyzing potential 5B. How does responsibility of abiding by the rules affect consequences when confronted with a behavioral choice. the participation of the team or group? 5.1.4 Willingly join others of diverse characteristics and backgrounds during physical activity. 6. Sportsmanship and teamwork deters conflict and 6A. How do sportsmanship and/or teamwork carry over into enhances team success. everyday life? 5.1.3 Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group 6B. What is sportsmanship? goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. 5.1.5 Recognize the role of sport, games and dance in modern culture. Strategies 7. Team and individual decision-making based on rules and 7A. How do rules and strategies for each specific activity strategies heightens success and appreciation for the team increase student success and appreciation for the activity/game. game/activity? 1.1.1 Demonstrate increasing competence and strategies in more specialized skills and in invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games through the use of modified games. 1.1.3 Use basic offensive and defensive strategies in a modified version of a team sport and individual sport 2.1.3 Explain and demonstrate game strategies for invasion, wall/net, fielding/striking, and target games. Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Team Sports/Activities Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions Healthy Lifestyles 8. Individuals are responsible for active participation with 8A. How does individual participation affect team or group their team or group. success? 3.1.1 Participate in daily physical activities to enhance self-confidence by accomplishing personal goals. 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 4.1.2 Participate in a variety of health-related fitness activities in and out of physical education 9. Positive choices contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 9A. How can choices pertaining to physical activity affect 3.1.2 Explore a variety of new and challenging physical you later in life? activities for personal interest, self-expression and social interaction in and out of the physical education class 3.1.3 Establish personal physical activity goals that meet individual needs and enhance personal enjoyment Revised Spring 2007 Grade: 8 Subject: PE Unit: 8th Grade Physical Education Lens: Team Sports/Activities Critical Content and Skills AC = Assessment Code: Students will Know… 1. Rules for the selected team activity/game 2. Safety concerns associated with each team activity/game Passing Dribbling Catching Throwing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing 3. How individual attitude affects team success 4. How individual level of participation affects personal and team success 5. How sportsmanship enhances the flow and enjoyment of a team activity/game AC Q – Quizzes O – Observations D – Dialogues T - Tests P - Prompts WS – Work Samples SA – Student Self-Assessment Students will be able to do… 1. Play each team activity/game by the rules 2. Demonstrate an appreciation for the safety concerns associated with each team activity/game Passing Dribbling Catching Throwing Trapping Shooting Striking Kicking Punting Running Dodging Chasing 3. Students will successfully participate in the selected activity with a team or group 4. Students will actively participate in the selected activity 5. Students will demonstrate sportsmanship in a team or group environment 6. Students will be able to resolve conflict peacefully through appropriate channels AC Revised Spring 2007 6. How conflict between teams and teammates will deter from enjoyment and success in the team activity/game 7. The difference between offense and defense 8. The various positions and how they apply to team strategy 9. The strategies associated with the selected team activity/game 10. Students will explain the importance of continued participation in team or group activities will have a positive affect on their health and fitness 7. Transition between offense and defense 8. Play a variety of positions 9. Demonstrate individual and team strategy 10. Students will actively participate in team or group activities/games Revised Spring 2007