PRE-APPRAISAL SHEET Project ID and Title: __________________________________________________ Project Classification: __________________________________________________ VAP Goal/Programme Area: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Appraiser: SECTION 1 A. Thrust: B. Types of development intervention C. Stage D. Previous Project(s) E. Regionality SECTION 2 F. Objective A:_______________________________ B:_______________________________ C:_______________________________ a) b) c) a) b) c) THRUST, STAGE & REGIONALITY Regionalism Integration Competitiveness Policy initiatives Establishment of institutional mechanisms Human capacity building 1. Confidence building (exchanging experiences and best practices) 2. Harmonization (agreeing to work in a multisystem environment) 3. Special assistance (direct support, filing the development gaps) 4. Joint efforts (implementing regional activities) 5. Regional integration and expansion (as an entity, expand activities) a) Appropriate sequence of stages has been passed b) Sufficiently/Non-sufficiently supportive a) The intervention can only be done regionally b) The intervention is more effective to be carried out collectively c) The intervention benefits all Member Countries ASSESSMENT Recommended Funding Please determine the presence of typical corresponding Objective, Outputs, Activities, and apply scoring in Section 2. (In case of mixed stages, please mark the most dominant stage ) Score (10%) A B C (WA) Score (10%) B C A (WA) PROJECT DESIGN How does the objective correspond to the Stage? Strength: SCORE Weight (15%) C A B (WA) Weakness: Proposed Revision: G. Outputs Will the critical outputs ensure the attainment of the objective? Strength: Weight (15%) A B C (WA) 1/2 Weakness: Proposed Revision: H. Activities Will the activities produce the above critical outputs? Weight (15%) B C A (WA) Strength: Weakness: Proposed Revision: I. Inputs Are the proposed inputs sufficient to achieve the optimum outputs? Strength: Weight (15%) C A B (WA) Weakness: Proposed Revision: J. Management and Implementation Arrangement Are the management and implementation arrangement realistically set? Weight (10%) A B C (WA) Strength: Weakness: Proposed Revision: K. Success Criteria (qualitative and/or quantitative measures of the achievement of the output(s) should be mentioned) Are the success criteria properly identified? Weight (10%) B C A (WA) Strength: Weakness: Proposed Revision: TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE: DESCRIPTION: Recommendation Option Pass Pass with revision Reformulate Fail Threshold Range >80 70-80 >50 - <70 <=50 2/2