H2 survey

English H2/SP
Miss Harris
English Preparation
English Teacher:
7th grade
Student Name:________________________
Honors or Regular?
Ave. Grade
8th grade
9th grade
Please use the reverse side to respond completely to any of the information requested from the items
Books read for pleasure grades7-9:
Extracurricular activities you participate in:
Based on your academic instruction and assessments, choose from each of the items below
whether that item is a strength or a weakness:
Reading comprehension
Vocabulary usage
Written expression
Describe your personal goal for your English H2/SP Class. A goal may not be a specific grade, but
the specific traits perhaps associated with a grade. What steps will you take to achieve that goal?
Is there anything I should know about you, as we begin the year together, that you think would
help me to help you enjoy greater success this year?