Syncro View repeater operation over the Syncro network

Syncro V5.70 – Syncro AS V5.20 firmware update details
Apollo Discovery Loop Sounder Beacon
This device can be configured to one of seven different volume settings and
independent sounder and beacon control.
Apollo XPander Radio Interface and Radio Devices
The XPander radio interface allows up to 15 Radio detection devices to be linked to
the Apollo protocol panel. Multiple XPander radio interfaces (up to five) may be
connected to a single loop to permit additional radio devices to be connected.
The radio device range includes Radio Call Point, Radio Smoke Detector, Radio
Multisensor and Radio Heat Detectors. In addition, a radio sounder and sounder
beacon is available. Each radio device has a unique address and appears at the panel
to be identical to the “wired” equivalent.
Additional fault monitoring is provided at the Syncro panel, to give unique fault
messages including Battery Missing, Internal Fault, Head Missing (head removed
from base), Tamper Fault, Signal Strength Fault and Radio Battery Fault.
Hochiki CHQ-WS2 Wall Sounder
This device supersedes the CHQ-WS wall sounder and supports the following
additional features - 51 sounder tones, 5 volume settings and Automatic switch off
after a pre-configured time.
Hochiki YBO-BS base sounder
This device supersedes the CHQ-BS base sounder and supports the following
features - 51 sounder tones and 13 volume settings.
Hochiki YBO-BSB base sounder beacon
This device supports the following features - 51 sounder tones, 13 volume settings
and independent control of the sounder and beacon elements
Hochiki CHQ-POM powered output module
This device has a programmable current output and two monitored inputs. The two
monitored inputs have the same attributes as the older CHQ-R input.
The powered output supports the following features – 2 to 32mA programmable
current (supplied from the detection loop), normally powered or switched power
option, automatic switch off after a pre-configured time and single shot pulse output.
In addition, this output is programmable with identical attributes to any other output
on the Syncro system.
NOTE: When the output is active, the programmed current will be drawn from the
detection loop regardless of the current actually drawn by the load device. Therefore
it is important that the current is selected to just above the load current required to
ensure sufficient current for the device is available, yet the overall current drain from
the loop is minimised. When the output is first switched, 32mA will be supplied for a
very short period of time, then the output current will be switched to the
programmed current. This is designed to accommodate surge current requirements
of some load devices.
Syncro V5.70 – Syncro AS V5.20 firmware update details
Kentec LIOU (Lite version of the MIOU)
A smaller version of the MIOU is now supported on Hochiki protocol panels. This
device has four programmable optically isolated inputs and 4 segregated,
programmable relay outputs, which are suitable for switching mains supplies. A short
circuit isolator is also included within the device and as per the MIOU, this device
requires a 24V supply.
Apollo Intelligent Reflective Beam Unit
This device is already supported in Loop Explorer and the Syncro panel, but now
shows additional fault events (Microprocessor Fault, Internal Fault, Prism (reflector)
targeting mode, Alignment mode, Signal High Fault and Contamination compensation
limit reached).
It is also possible to view additional diagnostic information in the panel View Devices
menu, including: Alignment Drift Negative / Alignment Drift Positive and
Contamination compensation level (40%, 60%, 80%).
Apollo Polling LED control
It is now also possible to control the polling LED on the Discovery Call point as well
as the Discovery detection devices.
Hochiki Polling LED control
It is possible to now control the polling LED on the following Hochiki devices HCP-E Call Point
ACB-E Heat Detector
ACA-E Multisensor
Hochiki Aspirated Smoke Detector
This device has the same type code as the ALG-E photoelectric detector but may be
configured (in Loop Explorer) and reported on the Syncro panel as an aspirated
device, for documentation purposes.
Open-ended network support
The Kentec Syncro system uses a secure 2-core network loop to join all Syncro
panels. When replacing older networked systems (such as the Signifire panel) the
network is wired as a spur, with no return. This firmware version allows network
open circuit faults to be suppressed from the two end panels.
The first and last nodes (panels) are configured in the Loop Explorer V4.8 “Panel
Settings - Network Interface” screen.
NOTE: The network response time is slower on open-ended networks. Transferring
configuration files across the network into control panels is also not supported on
this network configuration.
IMPORTANT: Syncro focus panels must not be fitted at the end of the open
network. Only Syncro, Syncro AS and Syncro Response panels may be fitted at the
end of the open network.
Syncro V5.70 – Syncro AS V5.20 firmware update details
Fire Zone indicators – Zone offset facility
In Loop Explorer V4.8 “panel settings” screen, there is the option to configure the
number of zone indicators fitted on the Syncro display and to configure the zone of
the first indicator.
This feature allows zone indicators on a networked system to be mapped to unique
zone numbers, so that particular panels only show fire zone indications for the zones
mapped to that panel.
Syncro Fire Contact – Disablement mode
When all of the Syncro panel Fire Contact output attribute flags have been
deselected and the output is not included in any cause and effects, the Fire Contact
will energise when ANY active disablement is present on the panel.
Syncro 16 Channel I/O Card – Disablement mode
When all of the output attribute flags have been deselected and the output is not
included in a cause and effect, then channel 1 will energise when ANY active
disablement is present on the panel.
This only applies to channel 1 of the S560 16 channel I/O card (at any address),
when the channel is configured as an output.
Syncro 8-way Relay Card – Disablement mode
When all the output attribute flags have been deselected and the output is not
included in a cause and effect, then relay 1 will energise when ANY active
disablement is present on the panel.
This only applies to output 1 of the S547 of the 8-way relay card (at any address).
“Zones by Node” cause and effect programming
When zones are used in cause and effect programming, they are common zones for
all panels on the network. In some instances a cause and effect may only apply to
devices in a particular zone on a certain panel.
Using Loop Explorer Version 4.8, it is now possible to select a zone from a particular
node (panel) in the Zone selection of the cause and effect action wizard.
This feature helps to rationalise cause and effect programming. An example where
this may be used is in the control of fire doors from detectors on different zones
either side of the fire doors.
Activate delays on initialisation
For systems configured with delays to outputs, a requirement of EN54-2 is that these
delays can be switched off and on at access level 2, using a disablement facility. On
Syncro, the delays are switched on using the "Disable Immediate Output Response"
menu option.
If the panel is restarted (rebooted), then all active disablements on that panel are
cleared, including the delays to outputs. In the event of a subsequent fire, the
sounders will operate immediately resulting in an undesirable evacuation of all staff.
There is a new panel configuration option in Loop Explorer version 4.8, which allows
the "Disable Immediate Output Response" menu option to be automatically selected
after a panel has been restarted (rebooted) with no other user intervention.
Syncro V5.70 – Syncro AS V5.20 firmware update details
View Device information for Discovery detection devices
The active Discovery sensitivity mode is now shown in the "view devices" screen next
to the analogue value.
Panel and loop output control using GUIDE
Additional serial port commands have been implemented to allow outputs and panel
functions to be controlled by the next generation GUIDE graphics system.
Hide disablement indication when delays are activated
A second configuration option relating to the EN54-2 "Delays to outputs"
requirements has been implemented.
Because EN54-2 requires the delays to outputs to be switched using a disablement
function, when the delays are active both the Delay Active and the General
Disablement indicators are illuminated on the front of the panel.
The presence of the General Disablement indication is often misinterpreted as a part
of the system is not working, rather than that the required delays are active. This is
considered undesirable in many installations.
The "hide disablement events for active delays" configuration option in Loop Explorer
V4 .8 panel setting screen allows the user to configure the Syncro panel not to show
the general disablement event when the "Disable immediate output response" option
is selected.
The general disablement indicator will still be lit by any other active disablements.
NOTE: When this option is selected the control panel does not meet the
current requirements of EN54-2
Support for OEM panel integration using the “Virtual Panel” option
In Loop Explorer V4 .8 “edit panel settings" screen there is a configuration option to
enable a panel to be set as a "virtual node".
This feature enables other panels to be connected to the Syncro serial data port and
to emulate the Syncro events. This is not a generally used feature and has only
been implemented on a limited number of special projects.
Panel compatibility for this feature has been included in this version of firmware.
Network refresh for disablements and zones in test
Amendments have been made to the panel operation to ensure that after panels on
the network have been rebooted, all panels reliably reflect all active disablements or
zones in test from other panels on the network. On some occasions it was found that
if the panel being restarted had an active disablement, this disablement persisted on
other panels on the network.
Panel input states following Autolearn or PC configuration transfer
The eight inputs inside the control panel are edge triggered. It was found that if an
input is active at the time the configuration is being transferred to the control panel
(or the panel is being auto configured), the panel was not aware that the input was
active after the panel has completed initialising.
This has been resolved in this firmware version.
Syncro V5.70 – Syncro AS V5.20 firmware update details
Syncro View repeater operation over the Syncro network
When using the Syncro View repeater to view devices on networked panels (i.e. not
on the host panel from the View repeater), the display of the Syncro View repeater
would occasionally timeout.
Revisions have been made to allow the Syncro View repeater to reliably interrogate
devices on both the local panel and on other networked panels.
Apollo Discovery type errors
If an Apollo discovery photoelectric detector was changed for a XP95 photoelectric
detector, or vice versa, the "type error" message was not being reliably reported. If
the device types were different (i.e. Discovery Heat changed to XP95 Multisensor),
then the type error fault is always reported.
This is resolved in this firmware version.
Network zone disablement display
When using the panel to disable zones on another panel on the network, the state of
any disabled zones on that panel were not being accurately displayed. This only
applied to the "disable zone" menu option. If using the "more events" option to look
at active events on the system, then all disabled zones are accurately displayed.
To ensure backward compatibility with older control panels, the Hochiki YBO-BS and
CHQ-WS2 sounders adopt the CHQ-BS type code. Therefore, when updating the
firmware in any older Syncro panels, be warned that type errors may occur when
these devices are detected and identified as their true part reference.
It may be necessary to modify the configuration files for existing panels, changing
CHQ-BS devices to YBO-BS / CHW-WS2 as appropriate.