School of Arts and Sciences

Cowley Community College Transfer
Track to Newman University
School of Arts and Sciences
ewman University welcomes the
opportunity to work with Kansas
Community Colleges to aid in a smooth
and efficient transfer of credit hours.
Beginning with the 2013 academic year,
all NU baccalaureate degrees require:
 Completion of Newman Studies
Program (NSP); students entering
NU with an AA or AS degree
from a regionally accredited
community college will meet the
skills and general education
components of the Newman
Studies Program with the possible
exception of 3 hours each of
specified philosophy and theology
 4 NSP Core Courses,
 A minimum of 124 credit hours
 40 upper division hours (above
3000 at Newman)
 30 resident credit hours
 At least 62 credit hours from a
four-year college/university.
See the Cowley College Newman Studies
Program Equivalencies for courses with
meet the NSP requirements.
Listed here are courses which meet major
requirements. Courses with * meet NSP; courses
with # will transfer but will not count as upper
division credit. Based on 2014-2015 Newman
University Catalog
Accounting – B.S. Degree
(39 credit hours)
___ACC 1150 Principles of Accounting I
AND ACC 1160 Principles of Acct II
___ACC 1165 Managerial Accounting
___ECO 6113 Prin of Macroeconomics
___ECO 6114 Prin of Microeconomics
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
___MTH 4432 Calculus for Business and
Art – B.A. Degree
(60-63 credit hours)
___ART 2111 Art Appreciation
___ART 2124 Foundation Painting I
___ART 2125 Foundation Painting II#
___ART 2126 Foundation Drawing I
___ART 2127 Foundation Drawing II
___ART 2130 Foundation Design I
___ART 2135 Foundation Design II
___ART 2141 Art History I
___ART 2142 Art History II
___ART 2145 Sculpture I
___ART 2146 Ceramics I
___MCM 2430 Digital Photography
Biochemistry – B.S. Degree
(65-67 credit hours)
___CHM 4220 Chemistry I*
___CHM 4230 Chemistry II
___MTH 4435 Calculus I*
___MTH 4440 Calculus II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I* OR
PHS 4560 Engineering Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II OR
___PHS 4561 Engineering Physics I
Biology – B.A. Degree
(45-48 credit hours)
___BIO 4125 General Biology I*
___BIO 4135 General Biology II
___BIO 4150 Human Anatomy &
___BIO 4160 Microbiology
___CHM 4220 Chemistry I*
___CHM 1230 Chemistry II
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Concentration in General Biology
(27 credit hours)
___HER 5220 Principles of Nutrition
OR HER 5221Therapeutic Nutrition
__MTH 4425 Trigonometry
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Chiropractic
(38 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___HER 5220 Principles of Nutrition
OR HER 5221 Therapeutic Nutrition
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Dentistry
(37 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Medical
(19 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
Concentration in Pre-Medicine
(39 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Occupational
Therapy (27 credit hours)
Biology – B.S. Degree
___ALH1655 Medical Terminology
(62-69 credit hours)
___HER 5220 Principles of Nutrition
See B.A. Degree plus
OR HER 5221 Therapeutic Nutrition
a concentration in one of the following:
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
biology teaching, biomedical research,
Certification in First Aid & CPR
general biology, pre-chiropractic, preConcentration in Pre-Optometry
dentistry, pre-medical technology, premedicine, pre-occupational therapy, pre- (20 credit hours)
optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical ___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
therapy, pre-physician assistant, or pre___PHS 4551 General Physics II
veterinary medicine.
Concentration in Pre-Pharmacy
Concentration in Biology Teaching
(38 credit hours)
(47 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___EDU 6211 Intro to Tchg Prof
Concentration in Biomedical Research ___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
(30 credit hours)
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___PHS 4550 Gen Physics I
___PHS 4551 Gen Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Physical Therapy
(27 credit hours)
___ALH1655 Medical Terminology
___HER 5220 Principles of Nutrition OR
HER 5221 Therapeutic Nutrition
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Certification in First Aid & CPR
Concentration in Pre-Physician Assistant (32
credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Concentration in Pre-Veterinary Medicine
(34 credit hours)
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Business General – B.B.A. Degree
(57-59 credit hours)
A grade of “C” or better is required in all
courses for this major.
___AC 1150 Prin of Accounting I AND
AC 1160 Prin of Acctg II
___AC 1165 Managerial Accounting
___ECO 6113 Prin of Macroeconomics
___ECO 6114 Prin of Microeconomic
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Additional courses:
___BUS 1350 Business Law#
___BUS 1430 Prin of Marketing#
Additional Business Studies course:
___BUS 1430 Principles of Marketing#
Chemistry – B.A. or B.S. Degree
(50-57 credit hours)
___CHM 4220 Chemistry I*
___CHM 4230 Chemistry II
___CHM 4250 Organic Chemistry I
___CHM 4251 Organic Chemistry II
___MTH 4435 Calculus I*
___MTH 4440 Calculus II
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
___PHS 4551 General Physics II
Communication – B.A. Degree
(47 credit hours)
___MCM 2411 Mass Media and Society
___COM 2711 Public Speaking*
These courses may be counted as major
___COM 2725 Interpersonal
___MCM 2727 Intro to Public Relations
___MCM 2412 News Reporting
Counseling – B.S. Degree
(63-66 credit hours)
Three concentrations are available:
Addiction Studies
Criminal Justice
___SOC 6811 Principles of Sociology*
___PSY 6712 Developmental Psych*
History – B.A. Degree
(43-45 credit hours)
___HIS 6420 World History 1*
___HIS 6421 World History 2*
___HIS 6411 US History to 1876*
___HIS 6412 US History since 1876*
Foreign Language – 6-8 credit hours
in any one language
History – B.S. Degree
(46 total credit hours)
___HIS 6420 World History 1*
___HIS 6421 World History 2*
___HIS 6411 US History to 1876*
___HIS 6412 US History since 1876*
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
OR ECO 6113 Prin of Macroecon
Information Technology –
B.B.A Degree
(55 credit hours)
___AC 1150 Princ of Accounting I
AND ACC 1160 Principles of
Accounting II
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Interdisciplinary Studies –
B. A. Degree
(30 credit hours)
Admission to this major is required
and is limited to students who have
been out of high school for eight
years, have a minimum grade-pointCriminal Justice – B.S. Degree
Business Studies – B. S. Degree
average of 2.0 and have completed 30
(39 credit hours)
(33 credit hours)
hours of college credit at a regionally
All major courses need to be completed at accredited institution.
Before students may enroll in the
Newman University.
Management program the following
Child and Adolescent Studies
requirements must be met:
The major requires two 12 credit hour
1. admission to Newman University,
approved areas of emphasis.
2. completion of a minimum of 62 semester
Optional concentration in Strategic
English – B.A. Degree
credit hours including English Composition I
(46-48 credit hours)
___BUS 1430 Principles of Marketing#
and II, and Speech,
___LIT 2511 Intro to Literature*
3. three years of full-time work experience,
___ENG 2260 Creative Writing*#
4. acceptance to the program.
___LIT 2550 American Lit I*#
Prerequisite courses:
Liberal Studies – B.A. Degree
___LIT 2551 American Lit II*#
___AC 1150 Prin of Accounting I AND AC ___LIT 2560 English Lit I*#
(39 credit hours)
1160 Prin of Acctg II
This major requires 12 credit hours
___LIT 2561 English Lit II*#
___AC 1165 Managerial Accounting
from each of 3 academic disciplines
___CAP 1516 Computer Applications
offered at Newman University; 3
_ Forensic Science
___ECO 6113 Prin of Macroeconomics
credit hours in each discipline must be
(59 credit hours)
___ECO 6114 Prin of Microecon
from NU. It also requires an
___BIO 4125 General Biology I*
___MTH 4420 College Algebra*
Interdisciplinary Project.
___BIO 4135 General Biology II
The School of Business may conditionally
___CHM 4220 Chemistry I*
admit a student into the Business Studies
program without these courses but they must ___CHM 4230 Chemistry II
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
be completed prior to graduation.
___PHS 4550 General Physics I*
Management - B.B.A. Degree
Psychology – B.S. Degree
(69-71 credit hours)
A grade of “C” or better is required in all
courses for this major.
(33 credit hours)
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics
___PSY6711 General Psychology*
___AC 1150 Prin of Accounting I AND
AC 1160 Prin of Acctg II
___AC 1165 Managerial Accounting
___ECO 6113 Prin of Macroeconomics
___ECO 6114 Prin of Microeconomics
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Additional courses:
___BUS 1350 Business Law#
___BUS 1430 Prin of Marketing#
Sociology – B.S. Degree
(33 credit hours)
___SOC 6811 Principles of Sociology*
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Sports Communication – B.A.
(45 credit hours)
___AC 1150 Prin of Accounting I
AND AC 1160 Prin of Accounting II
(61-63 credit hours)
___ECO 6114 Prin of Microeconomics
___AC 1150 Prin of Accounting I AND AC
Additional courses:
1160 Prin of Accounting II
___BUS 1350 Business Law#
___AC 1165 Managerial Accounting
___BUS 1430 Prin of Marketing#
___BUS 1430 Principles of Marketing#
___ECO 6113 Prin of Macroeconomics
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics*
Management Information
Systems – B.S. Degree
Theatre – B.A. Degree
(48 credit hours)
___THE2730 Theatre Appreciation
(44 credit hours)
___THE2735 Acting
B.A. degree is available but only as a second ___THE2742 Stagecraft
major. The same courses apply.
And a Concentration in Performance or
___MTH 4435 Calculus I*
___MTH 4440 Calculus II
___MTH 4423 Elementary Statistics
Theology – B.A. Degree
___MTH 4460 Linear Algebra
(45-47 credit hours)
___REL 6432 Survey of Old Testament*
OR REL 6434 Survey of New Testament*
Philosophy – B.A. Degree
(37-39 credit hours)
Courses in the major, beyond those that meet
Newman University’s General Education
requirements, must be taken at Newman
Schedule a
Campus Visit
at 316-942-4291,
ext. 2237,
Toll-Free at
Mathematics – B.S. Degree
2014-2015 Newman Catalog