ACCT 240: Managerial Acctg Syllabus

ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall Semester 2009
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Michael Kulper, CPA
BC 206
965-0581 x2686
MW 3 pm to 4 pm; TTh 1 pm to 2 pm; Friday by appointment.
The course provides an introduction to the uses of accounting data by management within an
organization for internal planning, control, and decision-making purposes.
1. Define the basic managerial accounting terms and apply those terms on a conceptual basis.
2. Calculate costs of products and services under job-order costing, process costing, and activitybased costing.
3. Differentiate the behavior of costs (i.e., variable, fixed, and mixed costs).
4. Perform cost-volume-profit analysis to determine breakeven point in sales, or sales volume
necessary to achieve a desired net operating income.
5. Calculate standard and normal costs for preparation of budgets, and compute and analyze cost
6. Apply the time value of money concept for long-term capital budgeting decisions.
The role played by accounting in accumulating, preparing, and analyzing data for its use in decisionmaking by management within an organization is emphasized in the course. A few of the more
recent developments in business process management - Lean Production and the lean thinking
model, the Theory of Constraints, and Six Sigma, – will be covered early on. The various terms,
concepts, and classifications utilized in accumulating and allocating costs will then be discussed.
The two costing systems which have emerged in response to variations in the manufacturing process
and are used in tracking costs -- job-order costing and process costing -- will be examined, as will
activity-based costing (ABC), which has been embraced by many companies. We will also look at
cost behavior, as well as the relationship between cost, volume, and profit (CVP analysis).
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
Additionally, absorption versus variable costing, budgeting, controlling costs through the use of
standard costs, and overhead cost analysis will be studied. We will also learn how to evaluate cost,
profit, and investment centers within a business entity. Lastly, we will identify the relevant
information (revenues and costs) and methods used by management in making both short-run and
long-run decisions.
Throughout the course it will be recognized that management accounting concepts are not only
applied in manufacturing settings, but in retail, wholesale, and service organizations as well.
Finally, it will be emphasized that a relentless drive for continuous improvement is key to
organizations of all types and sizes.
Accounting truly is the “language of business.” Accounting data is utilized every day in making
internal business decisions, and as a yardstick by which your performance will be measured.
Therefore, does it not make sense to study managerial accounting, so that you have some idea what is
SUCCESS in the business environment.
ACCT 230, with a minimum grade of "C,” is a prerequisite for enrolling in ACCT 240.
Eligibility for ENG 110 is advised
Completion of MATH 4 is advised.
Sophomore standing is strongly recommended.
TEXTBOOK AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS (available at SBCC Bookstore required, unless indicated otherwise)
Managerial Accounting, Garrison/Noreen/Brewer, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 13th Edition.
Workbook/Study Guide for the above (recommended).
Working Papers for the above (optional).
Five 100-question Scantron forms for exams.
Stapler - multiple page homework will not be accepted unless it is stapled.
Accounting is “learned by doing” and this is the reasoning behind the homework policy.
Understanding the material and, therefore, success in the course will only come through doing the
work!! It should require several hours of study outside of class each week! Conventional wisdom
says that you should plan on spending a minimum of two hours outside of class for each hour in
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
The following types of assignments will be prepared and submitted by you during the semester:
Homework assignments (questions, such as “Q2,” exercises, such as “E13-10,” and problems, such
as “P2-15”) will need to be prepared for every class session, except for exam dates. Typically,
questions at the end of a chapter are assigned for the first day a chapter is covered, while exercises
and problems at the end of a chapter are assigned for the second day a chapter is covered. Please see
the FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE handout for due dates.
Homework assignments must be completed before class on the dates indicated in the FALL
SEMESTER SCHEDULE handout. Please keep current with your assignments!! MANAGERIAL
ACCOUNTING IS A CHALLENGING COURSE and will require a serious commitment of time,
energy, and effort on your part. However, a serious commitment will yield a much more satisfying
and successful result!
Homework assignments will be collected and reviewed throughout the semester. The collection of
homework assignments will occur on the day they are due. In addition, you may be asked to present
your answers in class. You will lose points if you are not prepared, so please come prepared to
discuss your homework assignments! Homework assignments are assessed based on effort and
completeness, not correctness only.
Homework assignments have been allocated 100 POINTS for the semester. Five points
will be deducted from your 100-point total for any homework not submitted when requested, or
up to five points will be deducted for homework judged to be incomplete when submitted.
In-class assignments, as well as any random article summaries, will be included with homework
assignments in determining your overall point total. In-class assignments will be graded for
completeness and correctness! Please refer to the “COURSE GRADE” and “GRADING
SYSTEM” section of this syllabus regarding points.
Article reviews must be typed (single-spaced, with no larger than size 12 font) and will be collected
at the beginning of the class session indicated in the FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE handout.
Five articles have been assigned during the semester. Article reviews should be at least ONE page
in length, but no more than TWO. The first paragraphs of your review should consist of a brief
summarization of the article, while the final paragraph should consist of your comments in reference
to the article. Your ability to summarize the article effectively and comment appropriately, as well as
punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling will be reviewed.
The five article reviews have been allocated a total of 50 POINTS for the semester. If an article
review (10 points) is not submitted when due, you will lose all points on that assignment. Points
will be deducted for article reviews that poorly presented, or are judged to be incomplete when
submitted. Please refer to the “COURSE GRADE” and “GRADING SYSTEM” sections of this
syllabus regarding points.
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
Cases assignments must be typed (single-spaced, with no larger than size 12 font) and will be
collected at the beginning of the class session indicated in the FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE
handout. Five cases have been assigned during the semester. Case responses should be at least
ONE page in length, but no more than TWO. Please address all questions/issues in the case within
the body of your overall case response. In other words, do not separate your case responses into
parts “1,” “2,” etc., as it may be presented in your textbook. Your ability to support your position, as
well as punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling will be reviewed.
The five cases have been allocated a total of 50 POINTS for the semester. If a case (10 points) is not
submitted when due, you will lose all points on that assignment. Points will be deducted for a case
that is in error, poorly presented, or judged to be incomplete when submitted. Please refer to the
“COURSE GRADE” and “GRADING SYSTEM” sections of this syllabus regarding points.
Late assignments will be accepted TWICE during the semester, NO MATTER WHAT THE
REASON. Please note that a “late” can be used for all assignments due on a particular class
session date. When submitting late assignments, make it clear by adding a note (“FIRST LATE” or
“SECOND LATE,” and the DATE DUE) at the top of your late assignment. Late assignments
submitted without such a note will be returned to you. Late assignments must be submitted by the
following class session.
As specified in the SBCC Schedule of Classes, regular class attendance is required. The college
considers absence from the equivalent of one week of classes to be excessive. Therefore, since we
meet twice a week, I will drop you if you have missed TWO class sessions prior to the last drop date
(unless you can provide me with written documentation which supports an excused absence -- i.e., a
note from your physician for illness, or a religious holiday). Please communicate with me, or I will
assume you have dropped the course upon your SECOND unexcused absence.
After the second week of classes or your second late arrival to class, whichever happens later, I may
deduct 5 points from your overall point total at the end of the semester for each time you arrived late
to class during the semester. You can check with me any time during the semester to see how many
points you may have lost due to arriving late to class. Hopefully, you can see that I feel attendance is
important and, therefore, not attending class, or continually arriving late, will adversely affect your
grade in the course.
Make-up exams will only be allowed under the most unusual of circumstances, which have been
discussed with me prior to the exam date. Make-up exams must be scheduled at a time before the
date you were to take the exam with the class. Not showing up for exam will result in a score of
zero. Please refer to the “EXAMINATIONS” section of this syllabus for additional information.
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
Five examinations are scheduled during the semester for a total of 500 POINTS. Please refer to the
FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE handout for exam dates. The exams will test your knowledge of
the specific chapters indicated, although an understanding of the basic concepts covered in prior
exams will be necessary. The exams will consist of objective, multiple-choice questions which test
your conceptual (qualitative) and computational (quantitative) understanding of the topics covered,
as well as short problems, from time to time. Please note that the exams are designed to test your
understanding of concepts, rather than your ability to memorize terminology or mechanical steps!
No exam score will be dropped, as there is no cumulative final exam. Please refer to the “COURSE
GRADE” and “GRADING SYSTEM” sections of this syllabus for additional information as to
how the exam scores fit into your overall grade in the course.
As noted above under “ATTENDANCE,” make-up exams will only be given under the most
unusual of circumstances which have been communicated to me in advance of an exam!
Your grade will be based primarily on objective factors, as evidenced by your performance (points)
on exams, article reviews, cases, homework assignments, and in-class assignments. Scores for all of
the above can be accessed at during the semester. Please refer to the
“GRADING SYSTEM” section of this syllabus for additional information regarding the point
If you are on a grade borderline at the end of the semester, my overall perception of your
performance during the semester may cause me to either award you the higher or lower grade.
Be aware that this is totally at my discretion. The subjective portion will be based on my perception
of such things as your attendance, punctuality, preparation for class, and participation in discussion,
activities, etc.
The last day to drop the course without receiving a "W" (withdrawal) is Saturday, September 5.
The last day to withdraw without a grade ("A" - "F") being assigned is Friday, October 23.
Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations should use the following SBCC
procedure: contact the DSPS office, submit documentation of your disability to the DSPS office,
communicate with a DSPS counselor regarding options for services and accommodations, and reach
written accommodation agreement with the DSPS counselor and your instructor.
SBCC requests that you complete this process at least ten working days before your accommodation
is needed, in order to allow DSPS staff time to provide your accommodation. Contact: DSPS office
(805) 965-0581 x 2364, SS Building, Room 160, or
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
All assignments and examinations must be completed by students on an individual basis.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you choose to violate the academic honesty
policy established for this course, you will be subject to a failing grade on the assignment or exam in
question, and/or a failing grade in the course itself. These penalties are consistent with the SBCC
Academic Honesty Policy (see
During class sessions, you are expected to act in a manner compatible with the college’s function as
an educational institution. Therefore, all rules and regulations apply which are set forth in the SBCC
Standards of Student Conduct (see
In particular, if you choose to talk with your neighbor, are distracted by your cell phone or any other
electronic device, or are distracted by outside reading materials during class, you will be given a
warning the first time. If the incident involves talking with your neighbor, you will be asked to move
to another location in the classroom. The second time you will be asked to leave the classroom.
These disciplinary actions are consistent with the college’s Guidelines for Addressing Disruptive
Student Behavior and Recommended Actions.
Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Finally, please do not continually
leave the classroom during class sessions unless you have communicated to me what necessitates
you having to do so.
Some resources outside the classroom environment have been made available for your use in order
to improve your chances for success in the course. The resources available to you are:
1. MCGRAW-HILL INTERNET WEBSITE: Many valuable student resources, such as the
ONLINE LEARNING CENTER – STUDENT EDITION, are available on the McGraw-Hill
website for the textbook (
2. ACCOUNTING TUTORS: can begin assisting students after the first week of classes, pending
final funding as a result of budget cuts. The Accounting Education Department has usually been
allocated about 20 hours per week of tutor time in past semesters. Tutoring, if available, will be
provided in the faculty library (room BC204). Times will be announced and posted.
3. FELLOW STUDENTS: can be a wonderful source of assistance! Please do not hesitate to
form study groups. Research has shown them to be very useful!!
ACCT 240 - Managerial Accounting
Fall 2009
GRADING SYSTEM (point totals may be subject to revision during the semester)
Point Structure:
Article Reviews
2, 3, 9, 11, and 14
Homework Assignments/In-Class Assignments,
1st Exam
1 and 2
2nd Exam
3, 4, and 8
3rd Exam
5, 6, and 7
4th Exam
9, 10, and 11
5th Exam
12, 13, and 14
Total Points
@ 10 points for each article review.
# 10 points for each case.
5 points lost for each homework assignment or in-class assignment not submitted when due.
* Late assignments will be accepted TWICE during the semester, NO MATTER WHAT THE
REASON, but must be submitted by the following class session!!
Grade Scale (letter grades/points/percentages):
419 and below
(below 60%)