Exam questions

Exam questions. Year 2013
Injury, inflammation and acute phase response
1.Ischemic cell injury. The causes and pathogensis. Reversible and irreversible injury.
Role of ionized intracellular Ca++ and lipid peroxidation in the pathology.
2.An acute inflammation. Definition. Causes. Clinical signs of inflammation and their
pathogenesis. Connection with an acute phase response.
3.Vascular changes in the site of an acute inflammation. The role of biological active
substances in vessels reactions.
4. Cellular events in an acute inflammation. Emigration of the leukocytes, stages and
their mechanisms. The most important chemattractants and their role in leukocyte
5.Mediators of an acute inflammation, their sources and mechanisms of action.
6.Phagocytosis, stages with their mechanisms. Oxygen-dependent and oxygen-nondependent mechanisms of pathogen killing. Positive and negative role of inflammation.
7.Acute phase response. Definition. The causes and mechanisms of its outstanding.
Mediators of an acute phase response and their role. Positive and negative influence an
organism. Connection between acute phase response and inflammation.
8.Fever as a basic symptom of an acute phase response, the stages and mechanism of
an rising in temperature during the first stage. Positive and negative influence an
9.The proteins of an acute phase response. Positive and negative reactants and their
role in this condition.
1.Classification of the hypersensitivity reactions. Atopic disorders, clinical examples and
common pathways of their pathogenesis. Diagnostic methods and principle treatment.
2. Hay fever, the causes and mechanisms of three steps of pathogenesis.Clinical
features. Basic diagnostic methods and treatment.
3. Bronchial asthma. Classification. Atopic bronchial asthma, the causes and
pathogenesis of early and late accident of atopic bronchial asthma. Mechanism of
expiratory dispnea and complications.
4.Reactions of hypersensitivity type II. The causes ,clinical examples in form reactions
and disease and their pathogenesis. Mediators. Complement-dependent and nondependent injury of the target cells.
5.Type IV of hypersensitivity reaction. Classification and the most important clinical
variants. Etiologic factors in delayed type of hypersensitivity reaction. Mediators and
their role in the pathology.
5.Type III of hypersensitivity reactions. The antigens and antibodies. The steps of
pathogenesis and clinical variants in form of local and systemic reactions. Mediators of
type III reactions and mechanisms of organs injury.
6. Serum sickness disease. The causes, pathogenesis and clinical symptoms.
Preventive measures to avoid the disease.
7.Primary immunodeficiency. Classification and clinical variants . Clinucal features and
pathogenesis of agammaglobulinemia type Bruton and Di-Georgi syndrome.
8.Secondary immunodeficiency.The
stages and
immunopathgenesis. Clinical symptoms in their dynamic. The most important causes of
patient’s death.
Water-salt and ABB-pathology
1.Hypohydration of an organism. The main causes in the adults and children.
Classification. Clinical features and pathogenesis of disturbances in water-salt and ABB.
Possible methods of treatment
2.Hyperhydration. Classification. The possible causes and clinical variants. Edema,
pathogenetic classification. Role of RAAS in their pathogenesis.
3. Acid base balance disturbances. Classification. Metabolic acidosis, the causes.
Compensatory and non-compensatory forms and their indices. Disturbances in watersalt balance. Mechanisms of compensation of ABB and clinical symptoms.
4.Respiratory acidosis as a variant of disturbances in ABB. The causes. Compensatory
and non-compensatory forms with corresponding indices of ABB. Mechanisms of
compensation. Clinical symptoms. Disturbances in water-salt balance. The possible
causes of death.
5.Respiratory and metabolic alkalosis. The causes. Mechanisms of compensation in
respiratory alkalosis. Laboratory indices, disturbances in water-salt balance and clinical
Pathology of hemostasis
1.Primary hemostasis. The factors which are involved in the phenomena. The diseases
of primary hemostasis, their etiology, pathogenesis and type of hemorrhages (BernardSoulier syndrome, Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia and von Willebrand’s disease).
Informative laboratory data.
2.Secondary hemostasis. The steps and two pathways of their activation.The disease of
secondary hemostasis, causes. Hemophilia. Hereditary defect and pathogenesis of
hemorrhage. Clinical features, diagnostic tests and treatment.
3.DIC. The most important causes, steps and clinical features in their dynamic.
Laboratory indices and methods of correction of hemostasis.
Blood system pathology
1. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Classification. Neutrophilia, causes, pathogenesis
and changes in the blood
2.Two forms of agranulocytosis. The causes. Changes in the blood and bone marrow.
Clinical features and unfavourable complications.
3.Acute leukemia. Classification of an acute myeloleukemia. Theories of etiology and
pathogenesis. Clinical features with their explanation, blood and bone marrow picture.
Laboratory data ( cytochemical and phenotyping researches supporting the diagnosis).
4.Acute lympholeukemia. Classification. Theories of etiology and pathogenesis. Blood
and bone marrow picture. Clinical picture and pathogenesis of symptoms. Laboratory
data ( cytochemical reactions and phenotyping).
5.Cronic myeloleukemia as a variant of myeloproliferative disease. Etiology and
pathogenesis. Blood and bone marrow picture. Clinical symptoms with their explanation.
Cytogenetical evidence of the disease
6.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Classification. Etiology and pathogenesis. Typical
clinical features. Blood and bone marrow. Pathogenesis of possible autoimmune
7.Erythrocytosis. Classification. Erythremia vera as a myeloproliferative disease.
.Etiology and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms with their explanation. Blood and bone
marrow. Pathogenesis of possible complications.
8.Fe-deficiency anemia. The main causes, blood and bone marrow picture. Clinical
symptoms. Laboratory indices of iron turnover.
9.B(12)-folate deficiency anemia. The main causes and pathogenesis. Clinical features,
blood and bone marrow picture.
10.Aplastic anemia.The main causes. Theories of pathogenesis, clinical features with
their explanation. Blood and bone marrow picture. Life-threatening complications of
11. Sideroblastic anemia. Classification. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms,
blood and bone marrow picture. Laboratory indices of iron turnover. Unfavorable
complications of the disease.
12. Anemia of acute and chronic blood loss. Etiologic factors. Stages of anemia of an
acute blood loss , their pathogenesis. Blood picture and the main symptoms.
Endocrine system pathology
1. General adaptation syndrome (GAS). Definition. The stages and Selye’s triad of
symptoms . Pathogenesis. Role of adaptive hormones in stress realizing.
2.Stress and disease. The most important clinical variants associated with stress with
their basic mechanisms related to stress reaction.
3.Hypercortisolism. Cushing’s syndrome and Cushing’s disease. The causes, common
and different clinical symptoms with their pathogenesis.
4.Primary and secondary aldosteronism. The causes. Clinical syndromes of primary
aldosteronism with their pathogenesis. Changes in water-salt balance and ABB.
5.The diseases of pituitary gland. The most important clinical forms with their
6.Addison’s disease. The main causes. Pathogenesis of the disease and its main
symptoms. Possible complications
7. Acute adrenal insufficiency . The causes, clinical features with their pathogenesis
Possible methods of treatment.
8.Pheochromacytoma. The causes and pathogenesis of the disease. Clinical symptoms
with their pathogenesis. Acute complications and diagnostic methods.
9.Hyperthyroidism. The main causes. Grave’s disease. Pathogenesis of the disease
and their main symptoms. Diagnostic laboratory tests.
10.Hypothyroidism. The main causes and specific syndromes. Clinical features with
their explanation.
11.Hyperparathyroidism. The causes, pathogenesis of the disease and its symptoms.
Laboratory data characteristic of the disease.
12. Hypoparathyroidism. Etiology and pathogenesis of the main clinical features.
Specific laboratory indices.
13. Hypoglycemia. The causes. Clinical features of an acute hypoglycemia and their
pathogenesis. Methods of correction.
14.Diabetes mellitus type I. Etiopathogenesis. Clinical features and difference between
type I and type II forms. Early and late complication with their mechanisms.
15. Diabetes mellitus type II .The problems of etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical
symptoms and laboratory tests. Pathogenesis of early and late complications.
Nervous system pathology
1.The causes and signs of upper and lower motor neurons injury.
2.The disease of disturbances in peripheral cholinergic synapses. Etiology and
pathogenesis, clinical symptoms and possible treatment.
2. General characteristic of movement disorders associated with basal ganglia injury.
Etiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease and Hantinghton’s chorea. Clinical
symptoms and possible treatment.
3. Two kinds of pain, their receptors and pathways of transmission .Antinociceptive
system and its role in pain modulation. Methods of pain inhibition.
Cardiovascular pathology
1.Acute left-sided heart insufficiency. The causes, symptoms with their pathogenesis,
hemodynamic indices, unfavorable consequences, and methods of treatment.
2.Chronic left- sided heart insufficiency. The, causes, symptoms with explanation of
their pathogenesis, hemodynamic indices, complications. Methods of treatment.
3. Acute and chronic right-sided heart insufficiency. The main causes, hemodynamic
indices. Clinical symptoms with their pathogenesis. Methods of treatment.
4. Myocardial infarction .The causes, clinical features with their pathogenesis.
hemodynanic indices. Diagnosis laboratory data. Early and late complications.
5. Classification of heart insufficiency. The causes of preload and postload heart failure.
The mechanisms of compensation. Positive and negative points of the compensation
6.ECG in myocardial infarction. ECG characteristics of different zones in complete
myocardial infarction. ECG signs of transmural and non-transmural forms. ECG patterns
of evolution in time(stages ).
7. Systolic and diastolic forms of heart failure. The causes and hemodynamic indicies.
8.Primary and secondary hypertension. Etiology. Factors predisposing to primary
hypertension development. Stages,clinical symptoms with their explanation and
organopathology. Treatment.
9.Secondary hypertension. Classification. The causes and pathogenesis of each of
form. Clinical features and possible complication.
Respiratory diseases
1.Restrictive lung disease. The causes. Clinical variants. The causes, pathogenesis of
respiratory disturbances. Ventilation indices and changes in blood gases. Possible
changes in ABB.
2. Obstructive lung disease. Clinical variants. Etiology of disease and pathogenesis of
expiratory dispnea. Changes in ventilation indices. Possible complications.
3. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the adults and children. Causes and
pathogenesis. Clinical features and acute complication.
4.Lung edema. The most important causes and mechanism of outstanding in heart
5. Pathological types of breathing. The main causes. Pathogenesis. The diagram of
breathing with their explanation. Possible changes in blood gases.
6. Emphysema. Primary and secondary forms. The causes. Pathogenesis. Character
disturbances in breathing, ventilation indices and complications.
Gastrointestinal tract and liver pathology
1.Peptic ulcer disease and symptomatic ulcer. The most important factors which are
involved in its outstanding. Pathogenesis . Clinical features and laboratory data.
Possible life-threatening complications of the disease. The methods of treatment.
2. Two forms of an acute liver insufficiency. The causes. Pathogenesis, clinical
symptoms and their mechanism. Laboratory data.
3.Three types of jaundice. Intrahepatic form.The causes and mechanisms of hepatocyte
injury. The characteristic syndromes. Clinical and laboratory manifestations.
4.The causes of chronic liver insufficiency development. Clinical syndromes with their
explanation. Laboratory data.
5.Pre- and posthepatic jaundice. The causes, pathogenesis and clinical features.
laboratory data.
Kidney disease
1.Three forms of an acute renal failure, the causes and stages. Pathogenesis of acute
intrarenal failure. The symptoms and role of RAAS in the process of its
aggravation(vicious circle). Laboratory data.
2.Chronic renal failure. The main causes. Stages and its clinical characteristics in
dynamic. Laboratory data. Possible method of treatment.
3. Nephrotic syndrome. The main causes. The symptoms and their pathogenesis