"Approve" Vice-Rector Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Professor__________________Y.Guminsky «______»____________________________ Thematic and schedule workshops of surgery department №2 for students IV course 81 - 86 group of medical faculty №1 at VII Semester 2013-2014 school year., 20 weeks, 40 hours № Subject classes 1 Introductory lesson Diseases of the liver. Fibrosis, cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatic failure. Parasitic and non parasitic liver lesions. Methods of the survey. Complications. Principles of medical tactics. Surgical diseases of spleen. Classification of abdominal hernias. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinic of the disease. Congenital hernias. Principles of surgical treatment of abdominal hernias. Complications. Tactics and treatment of complications. Acute appendicitis. Аnatomo-physiological features. Aetiology and pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics. Atypical clinical picture acute appendicitis. Complications acute appendicitis. The diagnostic and medical program. Аnatomo-physiological features of the biliary tract. Acute cholecystitis. Aetiology and pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics. Surgical tactics. Features of clinical current, clinical picture of acute cholecystitis. Diagnostic and medical program at elderly patients and patients with other pathology. Complications of acute cholecystitis and chlecystectomy. Jaundice as a surgical problem. Gallstone disease. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostic methods. Differentional diagnosis. The principles of treatment. Postholetcystektomy syndrome. Aetiology and pathogenesis, classification of acute pancreatitis. Clinic of an easy and heavy forms of acute pancreatitis. Differential diagnostics of acute pancreatitis. Complications of an acute pancreatitis: earl and late, local and general. Aetiology and pathogenesis, classification of perforative gastroduodenal ulcers. Clinic typical and atypical perforations of gastroduodenal ulcer. Medical tactics at perforative gastroduodenal ulcers.Aetiology and pathogenesis, classification of an ulcer and not ulser bleeding. Clinic of an bleeding inside of gastrointestinal tract. Laboratory and endoscopic methods of diagnostics of an bleeding. Medical tactics at an bleeding. At 40 hours 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Head of Department Surgery № 2 Number of classes 1 Number of hours 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 A.Godlevsky Professor "Approve" Vice-Rector Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Professor__________________Y.Guminsky «______»____________________________ Thematic and schedule workshops of surgery department №2 for students IV course 81 - 86 group of medical faculty №1 at VIII Semester 2013-2014 school year., 18 weeks, 36 hours Number of Number № Subject classes classes of hours Acute intestinal obstruction. Etiology and pathogenesis. The 1 2 4 typical clinical picture. Classification. Acute intestinal obstruction. The principles of conservative 2 2 4 and surgical treatment. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification of acute peritonitis. 3 2 4 Clinic. Therapeutic tactics in acute peritonitis. Complications of ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum. 4 Conservative and surgical treatment, the types of operations. 2 4 Diseases of the stomach operated. Chronic pancreatitis. Methods of diagnosis. Clinic. Diagnosis. 5 Complications of chronic pancreatitis. The principles of 1 2 treatment. Cysts and fistula. The principles of surgical tactics. Classification of surgical diseases of small bowel. Nonulcerative colitis. Crohn disease. Divertikular disease and polyposis of colon Diseases of the rectum - hemorrhoid, 6 paraproctitis, anal fissure, rectal fallout. The disease of soft 2 4 tissues perineum "perineum syndrome deletions. Pyoderma of perineum. Kondilomatozis of perineum. Epithelial coccygeal passages Trauma of abdomen cavity: penetrated and blant. Aetiology, 7 2 4 classification, diagnostic, tactic of treatment 8 Kurations of patients 2 4 9 Protection of the history of disease 1 2 10 The resulting modular control 2 4 At 36 hours Head of Department Surgery № 2 Professor A.Godlevsky