Forecasting interest rates- Set duration longer. Identifying mispriced bonds- substitution swap- sell same maturity, same coupon bond yielding 8% and buy the same bond yielding 9%. The idea is the 9% yield, or cheaper yield will reach the 8% yield. Yield spread strategies- buy higher yielding/sell lower yielding (intermarket spread swap or credit spread strategy) In such an intermarket spread swap, the expectation is that the yield on the new bond will fall (its price will rise), causing the intermarket spread to narrow Yield curve strategies- Non-parallel shift; is when the yield curve twists into a different shape Yield curve twists- a flattening of yield curve Butterfly shifts-change in hump of yield curve Bullet strategies- holding a high concentration of portfolio in a certain maturity i.e. 10 year bonds Barbell strategies- hold in short and long term. Liquidity in short and higher yield in long. - buy 5 and 20 year bond; after 1 year, reinvest into a new set of 5 and 20 year bond to maintain strategy Bond ladders-Equal investment throughout the yield curve. Buy 1, 2,3,4,…10 year bonds. After 1 year, reinvest proceeds from maturity of 1 year into new 10 year bonds. When interest rates rise, the bond prices would fall, but is somewhat offset by allowing the proceeds from short term maturity to be reinvested at higher yielding long term maturities.