3-31-14 min

Kingfield Selectmen Meeting Minutes
Monday March 31st, 2014, 6:00 PM Webster Hall 38 School Street
Attendance: Wade Browne, Raymond Meldrum, Heather Moody, Leanna Targett, John Dill,
Bruce White and Dee Menear
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Board reviews excel spreadsheet provided by AA, Targett in regards to the possible purchase of
two new plow trucks for public works. AA, Targett explains that the top is a list of the different
companies that were contacted and what they have provided for prices based upon the
specifications followed by two options from HP Fairfield which is the only company that would
provide us with the body, wing, and plow. Bruce White noted that even if we were to go
through any other company for those items it would end up being installed by HP Fairfield. AA,
Targett stated there is some info obtained regarding the selling of the green truck as well as
some trade in values which are listed on top in correspondence to the truck companies. Lastly
an idea on financing, the boxed in section gives an approximate cost for one full truck minus
half the reserve funds but does not include the sale or trade in of the green truck.
Selectman Meldrum asked how many miles the trucks currently have. Bruce White says
44,700. AA, Targett stated it was listed on excel sheet.
AA, Targett states that four companies have given a trade in value for the green truck; one is a
sight-on-seen guesstimate. Her feelings are that we put it out to bid with a minimum price of
say $12,000.00 and see where they come in before we decide upon the trade-in value.
Selectman Dill asked if we cared which truck we get. AA, Targett says no, that is why she called
a number of tuck companies. Bruce White said he is partial to International as they do not have
the urea system yet. Selectman Dill asked what the urea system was. Bruce White states that
it is a chemical that is sprayed into the exhaust system which allows it to burn cleaner (for
emissions), and at 11 degrees they will freeze in the lines from information he found out last
week. Chairman Moody states that Brian has that in his truck and hasn’t had any issues with it.
Selectman Wilson says that the truck still runs – it just smokes. Bruce White states that if it
freezes the trucks won’t go anywhere. AA, Targett states that according to what she was told
even if it freezes you don’t do anything different whatsoever – you take no action. Bruce White
states that you have to be out on the road for thirty minutes maintaining at least 30mph in
order to clean it out, and they don’t even do that plowing. Chairman Moody says sooner or
later we are going to have that system. Bruce White says not in his time. Chairman Moody
says that he should still learn about it and wrap his head around it. Selectman Browne notes
the information provided by AA, Targett on eura systems and notes that in contains a lot of
information. Selectman Meldrum states that the paperwork says that you do not need to
worry as the tanks and lines are heated. Bruce White says that is in the tank only not the lines
and the lines can still freeze. Selectman Wilson states that it doesn’t shut down the truck.
Bruce White says it will, if you ask anyone that tinkers on them that they are chasing the lines
all the time because they are freezing up. Selectman Wilson says that the provided paperwork
does not support that. Chairman Moody says she has not heard of that either. Selectman Dill
asked Bruce who he got his information from. Bruce white says he has two mechanics in his
family one that works at the bus garage and one that works for Isacsons.
Selectman Browne says either way, it looks like International is the cheapiest one. Selectman
Meldrum said if that is true, then that is what we would get for an actual bid then. AA, Targett
stated that these were sent out to bid. Selectman Wilson stated that the big thing for him is are
we going to need another truck in the next three years, because a lot of people are saying we
need two new trucks now, and to be honest he doesn’t know if we need any, but as far as
financing it doesn’t make sense to do one this year and one next, it’s just delaying the two
payments. Selectman Browne says he doesn’t disagree with that but it will increase the mil
rate all at once. Selectman Browne says it may be easier not all at once. Chairman Moody says
she thinks that we could do whatever needs to be done to the other truck (red one), put a few
thousand into it and put in for one truck then wait and stagger them out so that we don’t need
to do this again, maybe look at putting away enough money to purchase the second truck in
five years, she can’t imagine not being able to keep it running for another five years – the one
Strong sold was a 1988.
Selectman Browne stated that Jordan’s just got a bunch of trucks and he thinks they are in the
90’s, so maybe we don’t need to buy brand new trucks. Selectman Wilson asked if maybe we
should look at spending money to have the ones we own now totally overhauled. Chairman
Moody said maybe we need to look at “castoffs” – ones that have been traded in from other
towns or the state. Selectman Dill asked what Jordan’s was doing with the trucks they
purchased. Selectman Browne says using them and maybe selling them. Bruce White said that
Jordan’s has a truck right now that they won’t even sell to you. Chairman Dill said that they
must have some records of what they bought – price, year, mileage and maybe an opinion of
what has worked out best for them.
Selectman Meldrum states that one thing that stands out at him is the mileage on our trucks, it
seems extremely low. Selectman Wilson says that he has been thinking about the thought of
bringing them to HP Fairfield and has them overhauled, see if we can get another five years out
of them, then doubles up on what we are saving in reserves. Selectman Merv says he is not sure
what the best option is but the trucks have low miles and ask if there is a possibility to fix them
up and get another 5 years out of them. Selectman Dill asked AA, Targett if there was a
manager’s e-mail system that she could ask other towns what they do when they are in this
situation. AA, Targett states that she believes a lot of towns are purchasing new trucks this
year because dealing with the dealerships they had indicated that Falmouth, Yarmouth, South
Portland, DOT etc. was buying new trucks. Chairman Moody says that some of those towns
have decent trucks and maybe we could look into buying what they are replacing. Selectman
Wilson asks if we need someone else’s used truck or it is better to look at fixing what we have,
what we know. Chairman Moody states maybe fix up one or maybe both in order to save
money for a later purchase. Selectman Browne says it may be better to save instead of
financing them.
Selectman Dill asks what the mileage is on the trucks that the other area towns are replacing.
AA, Targett states that she believes 80,000 or more. Chairman Dill states he is just curious
maybe these trucks are ones that we shouldn’t have bought 14 years ago. Selectman Browne
says he thinks they are fairly good trucks. Selectman Dill agrees however maybe there is a
different make that lasts longer. Selectman Wilson states that maybe we need new brakes on
both trucks, new tires, new blade – it still may more sense to do this. Chairman Moody says
even a little bit of body work may be needed – and still better. Bruce White said the bodies are
rusted out. Selectman Wilson ways if the bodies are bad that is one thing if the frames are bad
that is entirely different. Selectman Meldrum stated that a lot of standard maintenance which
he wonders if that has been done to these trucks. Bruce White said the brakes would just
come up this year as he doesn’t think they will pass inspection. Selectman Wilson said that
doing some maintenance like brakes is still far cheaper than buying a truck or two.
Chairman Moody states that we need to look at this from a tax standpoint and even thought
the housing market is starting to come back if we could hold off on any major expenses it would
be better – less when we are getting more tax dollars. Selectman Meldrum states that he
feels Selectman Wilson is right on the money – that we should look at getting these rebuilt even
if we have to spend $30,000.00 we are still ahead and would be putting money in reserves.
Chairman Moody says yes, and then we can look at staggering them and hope the economy has
Selectman Wilson asked who is the best garage that the trucks could be brought to or someone
that could come and look at them. Bruce White says Morrison’s, which is the same place where
we purchased the trucks. Selectman Wilson says to tell them we want to fix everything to keep
these running for another five years or more. Selectman Dill asked Bruce if Morrison’s would
be willing to give us a price. Bruce said he believed so. Selectman Wilson said he is not
opposed to paying a little if needed to get this done, Chairman moody agreed. Selectman
Browne said it is no different than doing a commercial inspection and therefore the cost
shouldn’t be that much – definitely not $500.00. Chairman Moody states that we should
figure out a plan to not purchase two in the same year – to stagger them five years apart. It is
agreed that AA, Targett will call Morrison’s about an overhaul. Selectman Wilson stated
weather he can come to us and look at them or we need to drive them there. Bruce White
stated that he cannot drive them/leave them there if we have any snow coming. Board agrees
to start funding reserves at a higher amount for future purchases like the loader or equipment
for cleaning the sidewalks.
It is agreed that the board is doing all their due diligence to present to the budget committee
the different options.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Selectman Dill, Seconded by Selectman Meldrum. All in favor.