English 125 – Introduction to College Writing

English 125 – Introduction to College Writing
Section QR1 – Spring 2004
Michael J. Cripps
RQs #5 and CQs #5
Baldwin and Baldwin/Tan
Due Thursday, April 15, 2004
1) “Language, incontestably, reveals the speaker. Language, also, far more dubiously, is
meant to define the other – and, in this case, the other is refusing to be defined by a
language that has never been able to recognize him” (Baldwin 532). What does
Baldwin mean by this claim? Find two places in his essay that support your
interpretation of Baldwin’s idea here.
2) Baldwin offers up some examples of Black English. Pick one of these examples.
What does he say happens to these words when whites get hold of them? Be sure to
include textual support for your view here.
3) Can you think of another example of a word (perhaps not in Black English) that has
been adapted/adopted by mainstream society? How do you think this word shows
how “language is also a political instrument” (Baldwin 533)?
1) What relationship do you see between what Tan says about two Englishes and
Baldwin’s essay about language? Make a connection to develop your idea.
2&3) Find two more moments of connection between Baldwin and Tan.
4) What is your view on the relationship between language and oppression? Be sure to
develop your view by building a connection between Tan and Baldwin.