James Baldwin Collected Essays How you will be assessed: I. 5 Wiki Discussions @ 20 points each (100 points) Insightful comments to discussion questions, justified with evidence Must be completed on due date, when they will be scored II. 3 Dialectical Journals @ 25 points each (75 points) Find a 15-25 line passage that you find striking. Type it out and put into 2-column chart. Add line numbers. Write 3-paragraph analysis of passage. Short opening passage should be context (of text, within text) and thesis (no hook needed), then two paragraphs about techniques that create that effect. III. 1 Seminar Performance @ (50 points) Absent or late on a seminar day? Must record two passage commentaries to make up points. IV. 2 Seminar Feedbacks @ 25 points/each (50 points) Absent or late on a feedback day? Must write essay about topic to make up points. V. 3 Commentary Quizzes @ 25 points/each (75 points) VI. Commentary Recording completed online (50 points) VII. Personal Vocabulary List of 25 vocabulary words (3 per essay, plus one more) you owned this unit. (Word, Baldwin phrase found in w/ MLA citation, definition, part of speech, your own sentence) (50 points) VIII. Personal essay in the style of Baldwin – 500 words (125 points) IX. 1500-word analytic essay tracing an idea, and analyzing the techniques used to convey this idea, of Baldwin’s throughout any 3 essays, including any unassigned essay. (225 points) 800 points total