What Every Candidate Needs to Know

what every
CANDIDATE needs to know
Region Officer Candidates may run for Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Reporter, and Historian.
State Officer Candidates may run for At-Large (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian) or Region President.
Campaign Materials
Region Office
Due to limited space and time, Region Officer Candidates do not have to create campaign materials. If Region
Officer Candidates wish to create materials, they may, but it is not required.
State Office
State Officer Candidates are encouraged to create campaign materials. Creation of a promotional poster will
be of great use in the Meet the Candidates Session with Voting Delegates. Flyers, pamphlets, small trinkets,
etc. may also be handed out during this session, but are not required.
Election Process
Region Office
Candidates will receive a number at the election session and Voting Delegates will use that number when
voting. Going in order by office, Candidate will give a 2 minute maximum speech. A colored card will show
Candidates how much time they have left for their speech:
Green = Start Yellow = 1 minute remaining
Red = Stop
One problematic question will be asked, after all Candidate speeches have been given. Once voting
commences, Voting Delegates will write down the number for the Candidate they have chosen next to the
position on the ballot.
State Office
State Officer Applicants will interview with the Board of Directors for candidacy approval prior to the elections.
Candidates will receive a number at check-in, which Voting Delegates will use when voting. Following check-in,
Candidates will mingle with Voting Delegates at the Meet the Candidates Session. Going in order by office,
Candidates will give a 2 minute maximum speech. A colored card will show Candidates how much time they
have left for their speech:
Green = Start Yellow = 1 minute remaining
Red = Stop
One problematic question will be asked, after all Candidate speeches have been given. Once voting
commences, Voting Delegates will write down the number for the Candidate they have chosen next to the
position on the ballot.
Problematic Questions
Problem questions will be based on, but not limited to the following topics:
Professional Development − Leadership − SkillsUSA Handbook
Examples of past problematic questions:
• Why do you want to run for office?
• What leadership qualities do you possess that will make you a successful officer?
• If you could remove one piece from the SkillsUSA Emblem, what piece would it be and why?
Region Officer Applications are due OCTOBER 1st | State Officer Applications are due MARCH 1st
Phone: 602.542.5565 | Email: info@azskillsusa.org | Website: www.azskillsusa.org
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Meet the Candidate Session?
Due to limited time at the Region Officer Elections, The Meet the Candidates session is only for State
Officer Elections. It is a time for voting delegates to meet all the candidates and ask them any
questions. At this time, candidates will hand out any campaign materials.
How much are we allowed to spend on campaign materials?
Region Officer Candidates are allowed to spend a maximum of $25 on campaign materials.
State Officer Candidates are allowed to spend a maximum of $100 on campaign materials.
How big can the promotional poster be?
The poster should not exceed 3 feet by 5 feet. The poster can be a standing tri-fold or one sheet
of poster board/foam core. Each candidate will have a table that he or she can stand their
poster on.
What does the speech need to be about?
A candidateʼs speech should be related to any of the following topics: why you want to be
in that office/position, what qualities you possess, what you want to accomplish in office, etc.
How long do I have for the speech?
Candidates have a maximum of two minutes to give their speech. Colored cards will be shown
indicating how much time is left.
What do I need to wear?
Candidates are expected to wear SkillsUSA Official Dress. Business attire is acceptable if a
candidate does not have Official Dress. Please refer to our Conference Attire Policy for more
When are results of the Election announced?
Results of the Election are announced at the Closing Session.
What campaign items are not allowed?
Campaign items that are not allowed include:
- Items that fly
- Food, Liquid, Gum, or Candy
- Balloons, Frisbees, Balls, Bubbles, or Soap
- Glass Items
- Social Media (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.)
Phone: 602.542.5565 | Email: info@azskillsusa.org | Website: www.azskillsusa.org