Spanish 12 Course Outline - Saint Patrick Regional Secondary School

Spanish 12 Course Outline 2015-2016
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
The study of Spanish enables students to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to
understand and communicate effectively in Spanish. Living in a culturally diverse and ever-changing
society, students also need to acquire understanding of, and positive attitudes toward, cultures that
may vary from their own. In Spanish language study, students are provided with opportunities to
recognize and learn about cultural links that affect communication in Spanish, such as social position,
gender roles, family, and age. Communicating in real-life situations helps students gain selfconfidence and develop their risk-taking, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills. Using Spanish to
create and convey meaning encourages students to discover new means of expressing their
individuality. In addition, Spanish language education helps students develop strategies for continued
learning outside the classroom and at the same time enhances their learning of first and additional
Spanish 12 at a glance:
El uso impersonal del pronombre reflexivo “se”
Los participios pasados regulares
Preposiciones de lugar
La formación y el uso del pretérito perfecto
Los participios pasados irregulares
El pluscuamperfecto
El futuro
El uso de para y por
Repaso: el comparativo de los adjetivos
Futuros irregulares
El uso del futuro para indicaar probabilidad
El condicional
Repaso: preposición + infinitivo
El futuro perfecto
Repaso: mandatos afirmativos: la forma familiar (tú) irregular
Repaso: preposición de tiempo + infinitivo
Mandatos: Las formas negativas regulares de tú y de Ud., Uds.
Repaso: verbo + preposición + infinitive
St. Patrick Secondary
September, 2015
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Spanish 12 Course Outline 2015-2016
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
Mandatos: la primera persona del plural (nosotros)
La posición de los pronombres con los mandatos
Los mandatos con dos pronombres
El subjuntivo; la formación regular
El uso del subjuntivo: mandatos indirectos
El concepto del subjuntivo
Los subjuntivos irregulares
El uso del subjuntivo después de las expresiones que muestran emociones
El uso del subjuntivo después de expresiones impersonales
El subjuntivo de los verbos en -ar y -er con cambios en el radical
El subjuntivo de los verbos en ir con cambios en el radical
El uso del subjuntivo despues de expresiones de duda
El preterito perfecto del subjuntivo Los pronombres relativos
El uso del subjuntivo despues de los prohombres relativos
El subjuntivo después de para que y después de ciertas conjunciones
Repaso: el futuro
El subjuntivo o el indicativo después de algunas conjunciones de tiempo
Resúmen: el uso del subjuntivo
El imperfecto del subjuntivo: formas regulares, formas irregulares, y usos del subjuntivo
Repaso: el condicional
El uso del imperfecto subjuntivo: después de si
Textbooks and Resources:
Spanish for Mastery 2, Entre Nosotros, by Valette & Valette, 1997.
Expanded Workbook, Spanish for Mastery 2, Entre Nosotros, by Valette & Valette, 1997.
Vistazos: Lecturas Faciles 1, by Carrera-Hanley, Vallette, Valette, 1986
Various cultural and instructional videos, music and additional materials
Various online learning tools: DuoLingo…
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September, 2015
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Spanish 12 Course Outline 2015-2016
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
Please see the Performance Standards and Assessment Rubrics BEFORE you begin an assignment
or activity. FORMATIVE tasks give you a chance to practice your skills before any SUMMATIVE
activities. You will have multiple opportunities for self-assessment and together we will decide what
combination of tasks and/or activities represent most accurately your skills at each reporting period.
What are Benchmarks?
Performance Standards and Rubrics give you very concrete feedback. If there are numbers, they
reflect your SKILL LEVEL and are not necessarily “points” that I can simply add together (and then
divide) to arrive at a numerical value. The government does require me to report a percent – so how
do I do that accurately? Have a look:
You will receive 100% once you have MASTERED all the learning outcomes.
You are EXCEEDING course expectations. 98% (High), 92% (Mid), 88% (Low)
You are MEETING course expectations. 84% (High), 80% (Mid), 76% (Low)
Your Spanish oral, reading and writing skills are at BEGINNING stages. With continued
practice you’ll improve! 71% (High), 67% (Mid), 63% (Low)
You are NOT YET MEETING course expectations or you have not done enough practice. I am
unable to make an assessment. An “I” will be given at this time.
Linear Evaluation
St. Patrick Secondary
Homework, Activities & Projects
Unit Tests (Summative)
Exams (Mid-term? & Final)
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Spanish 12 Course Outline 2015-2016
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
Classwork, Homework and Assignments:
1. Students must be responsible for completing their own homework. At home practice is essential to
students overall success in this course.
2. Late assignments
If you are absent on an assignment due date please submit the work the day you return. If there is
a reason for homework or assignments not being completed, please arrange to speak to your
teacher. An “I”, (Incomplete) will be given until the assignment is submitted.
3. Presentation is extremely important. Make sure it is neat. Be proud of your work.
Your name, the subject, the block, your teacher and the date must be listed on the lefthand side of any page of notes or class exercises. On the right hand side of the page state
the type of exercise. Below write the title of the topic being studied.
CLASSROOM STANDARDS: In our classroom…
1. We are respectful.
2. We are willing to participate and to make positive contributions.
3. We are polite and courteous to others. Everyone’s ideas count.
4. We try our best, we take risks, we create and we learn from our mistakes.
5. We celebrate each other’s success.
1. Bring your Personal Electronic Device (PED), textbook and workbook to every class.
1. You must keep any PED(s) on top of your desk if you are not otherwise using it to access
information or to complete an activity.
2. Please be sure that your PED(s) are in silent mode.
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September, 2015
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Spanish 12
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
Prescribed Learning Outcomes for Spanish 12 with Corresponding
Instructional Strategies:
Communicating: It is expected that students will:
1. Describe or narrate events, situations or experiences
Sentence and Question Formation – each lesson contains scenarios in which newly
acquired vocabulary and grammatical skills are used in order to form sentences and
transfer information. Vocabulary focuses on thematic and debatable issues.
2. Exchange opinions on topics of general interest
Students conduct personal interviews in which they share their thoughts and feelings on a
variety of topics.
3. Exchange information about plans related to future activities and give reasons for preferences
“Preguntas Personales” – every chapter includes the personal questions section. Also,
quizzes and tests feature personal responses to questions related to interests and
hobbies. The focus of these activities in on the students’ underlying reasons for their plans,
preferences and opinions.
4. Interact in a variety of familiar situations drawn from real life
Students engage in small role-plays and skits enacting real-life situations such as
introductions, telephone conversations, social gatherings and outings, shopping scenarios,
Acquiring Information: It is expected that students will:
1. Research and use relevant information from a variety of age-appropriate Spanish-language
resources to complete authentic tasks
Students research, plan and create their own restaurant menus, using information from a
variety of sources including magazines, newspapers, books and other reference material,
personal preference, etc.
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September, 2015
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Spanish 12
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
2. Convey acquired information in a variety of formats
Students complete a group project focused on social justice issues (such as status and
equality of women, child homelessness, education, government structure and
representation, poverty, etc.) in Spanish-speaking countries. These projects make use of a
variety of source materials and are presented in written, visual and oral formats.
Experiencing Creative Works: It is expected that students will:
1. View, listen to, and read creative works, and respond to them in various ways
At the beginning of every chapter, students will either read or listen to a short narrative
piece and reply orally or in written form to a series of related questions.
Students participate in oral testing based on creative works during every quiz and test
Students view appropriate Spanish-language film and movie presentations, discuss them
in a class setting and answer related questions.
Students read stories and cultural expositions, responding to them in various ways
including orally, in written form, completing crossword puzzles, etc.
Understanding Culture and Society: It is expected that students will:
1. Examine the cultural impact of Spanish exploration in various regions of North America.
“Nota Cultural” – every section briefly introduces the culture, geography and people of a
Spanish-speaking country. “Nota Cultural” at the 11th grade level provides expanded detail
and information over that in the 10th grade.
Students complete a group project focused on social justice issues (such as status and
equality of women, child homelessness, education, government structure and
representation, poverty, etc.) in Spanish-speaking countries. These projects make use of a
variety of source materials and are presented in written, visual and oral formats.
2. Identify characteristics of customs and traditions in the Spanish-speaking world.
In addition to “Nota Cultural”, the research projects and presentations, students view video
material related to the cultures and customs of various Spanish-speaking countries.
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Spanish 12
Instructor: Mrs. C. Ferreira
3. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of similarities between cultures of the Spanishspeaking world and their own.
Students frequently discuss their own cultural traditions when class discussions are
featuring those of Spanish-speaking countries. Discussions frequently center on the
culture and traditions of the Philippine Islands.
St. Patrick Secondary
September, 2015
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