Spanish Summer Reading Assignment ML 4600 I. Book A. Selections of Leyendas mexicanas (National Textbook Company - ISBN- 0-8442-7238-8) **Must be new – Answers may not be handwritten in the book B. Larousse diccionario de español* II. Assignment Page Exercise - Page “El sol y la luna” 1 A&B 4-5 “Las orejas del conejo” 9 A&B 12-13 “El león y el grillo” 17 A&B 19-21 “Los novios” 25 A&B 27-29 “El enano de Uxmal” 33 A&B 36-37 “Un lecho de rosas” 41 A&B 43-45 “Atzimba, la princesa” 47 A&B 49-51 “La Virgen de Guadalupe” 53 A&B 55-56 “La china poblana” 59 A&B 61-62 • Read each story, one at a time, paying close attention to the words and expressions noted on the margin, in order to get a general idea of the story. • Read the story one more time, underlining now those words that you cannot deduce the meaning from the context of the story. Note: Even if most words are familiar to you, select at least five that you find less common • On a sheet of lined paper, in your own handwriting, A) -Make a list of these words (remember, five words minimum), -Look up their definition in the dictionary -Write it down next to each word B) -Copy the sentence where the word is located, substituting the word for a synonym or equivalent expression. -Underline the answer • On a separate sheet, do the exercise(s) for each story: -Exercise A- Select the answer that completes each sentence correctly and write the complete sentence. Underline the answer. -Exercise B- Read each question carefully and answer it in a complete sentence. You do not need to write the question. *Special attention must be given to the correct spelling, accent marks, etc. III. Once all the stories have been completed, -Write a cover page with your full name and the title of the book -Staple together with all the vocabulary and exercise pages. No binders, please! Date due This assignment is due the first day of class. You will receive a test grade for this task. Tests count 30% of the semester work.