UNJOURNALING TOPICS 1 -Write a paragraph about a cat

1 -Write a paragraph about a cat attacking something,
but don’t use the words hiss, scratch or pounce.
2 -Describe the gunky stuff that gets caught in the
basket at the bottom of the sink. Don’t use the words
disgusting or gross.
3 -Write a paragraph that includes twenty words with
double vowels. Examples: poodle, peep, needle.
4 -Create a sentence with words that begin with the
letters in sentence, in order. In other words, the first
word in the sentence should begin with “s”, the second
word should begin with “e”, the third word should
begin with “n”, etc.
5 -In one paragraph, describe a scene from any sport.
Use these words somewhere in the paragraph:
bounced, struggled, spied, roared, collapsed, and
6 -Write one sentence consisting entirely of threesyllable words (not counting the articles a, an, and
7 -Create a much more interesting version of this
The dog barked.
What kind of dog was it? Where was it? Why was it
barking? How would you describe the barking? Make
the sentence as interesting as possible by choosing
your words and details carefully.
8 -Here’s what the artist called her painting:
Polar Bear Eating Vanilla Ice Cream in a Blizzard
To viewers, it looked like a plain white piece of canvas.
How might the artist describe what looks like a plain
black canvas? How about a plain blue canvas?
9 -Write a three-sentence paragraph about a dog,
using no letters of the alphabet that appear before “m”.
10 -A child finds an extraterrestrial in her backyard.
It’s not E.T. Who is it? What is it like? What does the
child do? What happens?
11 -Write a sentence in which the first word is one
letter long, the second word is two letters long, the
third word is three letters long, etc. See how long you
can make the sentence.
12 -Pen a paragraph that is permeated with p’s. In
other words, write a paragraph that uses at least ten
alliterative phrases that repeat the “p” sound.
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds.
Bob boiled beans with a bunch of broccoli and bits of
13 -Write a paragraph about winter, starting every
sentence with the letter “w”.
14 -Write a conversation between two people, making
the conversation consist entirely of questions.
“Do you want to grab a hamburger?” asked Chris.
“Do I look like someone who would ever let beef pass her
lips?” asked Amber
See how long you can make the conversation.
15 -Burp! Slosh! Snort! Write a paragraph
incorporating at least ten onomatopoetic words.
Onomatopoetic words are words that sound like
what they mean. Examples:
beep, boing, swoosh, hiccup, plop, fizz
16 -Create your own fairy godmother. What does she
look like? What does she have to offer you? Explain
how she helps you. Describe her personality.
17 -Write a three-sentence paragraph using only the
first half of the alphabet, letters “a-l”. (You may not
use t, m, s or any other letter that appears past “l” in
the alphabet.
18-What’s icky? Write five sentences describing five
icky things.
19 -You know what an orfinbellydorper is. Most people
don’t. Explain to them what to do with one.