Welcome to the Library!

Welcome to
the Library!
Departments of Tampere
University Library
• Linna
– Kalevantie 5 (Linna building)
– economics, law, information-,
administrative- and social sciences,
humanities & education
– textbooks
– newspapers in English, French,
German and Spanish
• Arvo
– health sciences
– textbooks for health sciences
– Lääkärinkatu 1 (Arvo building)
Library offers a place for studying
Computers, reading areas and rooms
for group work in both departments
Also place to study 24/7:
Silent reading room in Linna and
Learning centre in Arvo
Opening hours
Linna Library
Monday - Friday 8-19
Saturday 10-15
Sunday closed
Reading Room is open 24/7
=> you need student card for
entrance when the Library is
Library card
• You need a library card to check out or reserve a
book. The library card is integrated into your student
card. To activate it:
1. Fill out an application in the library or online
2. Visit the library and bring ID-card/passport with
you to prove your identity
• The same library card is valid in both libraries.
• You don’t need the card to access the library
• You can get a temporary library card if you need to
borrow books before you get your student card
Loan periods
• textbooks 14 days
• NB! Short loan copies of textbooks only until next
working day 10 am.
• other books 28 days
• reference books and journals overnight or over a
Reserving books
You can do it yourself in Tamcat
Only books that are currently borrowed can be reserved
It’s free
Once the book becomes available you’ll be notified by email
• You have 1 week to pick up the book (1e fine if the book
is not picked up)
• In the library there are requested books’ shelves where
you can find the book in alphabetical order by your last
Interlibrary loan services
• To order an interlibrary loan
fill out a form online
• Book from Finland 9 e
• Book from abroad 20 e
• Photocopies from Finland 6 e
• Photocopies from abroad 8 e
Copying & printing in the Library
• You can use your print quota
for printing
• For copying you need to buy
a copy card at the service
desk in the library or Juvenes
campus shop
• The same copy card is valid
in both libraries
• examples of prices:
10 copies 1,70 e
100 copies 9,90 e
Tampere University Library Catalogue
• Tamcat= the online
catalogue of the
• Includes information
about books, e-books
(remote use via Nelli)
and printed journals
Location and availability information
in Tamcat
Kurssikirjat = textbooks
Lyhytlainat = short loans
Patron information
Here you can check your customer (=patron)
information and renew your loans!
Remember to renew your loans!
• You can either:
– renew your loans yourself in Tamcat
– ask the staff to do it for you, when visiting the
– send e-mail to uusinnat@uta.fi
• The overdue fine e.g. for a text book is € 0,8/
Nelli – library’s electronic resources in
one place
• For remote access log in with basic user account
Library Orientation - Linna
Monday 31 August
• 10:15-11:45
• 12:15-13:45
• 14.15-15.45
• Sign up at the International
• 10:15-11:45
• 12:15-13:45
• 14.15-15.45
• Meeting point: the lobby by
Tuesday 1 September
Wednesday 2 September
• 12:15-13:45
• 14.15-15.45
Office’s infodesk
the entrance of Linna library
Friday 4 September
• 12:15-13:45
The orientation is 1,5 hours and includes:
• tour of Linna library
• introduction to using library catalogue Tamcat and library’s other e-resources.
Library Orientation - Arvo
• Master's Degree Programme
in Health Sciences Wed 9.9. at
• Master's Degree Programme
in Bioinformatics Tue 15.9. at
• International Doctoral
Programme in Epidemiology
Thu 17.9. at 13.15-14.15
• Meeting point: Arvo library,
Kauppi Campus
Basics of Information Literacy course
• Learn more about information seeking and the
materials available to you in the Library, find
relevant sources for your thesis
• 1 ECTS course offered in the 3rd study period
beginning in January
• Part of the curriculum in some Master’s degree
• Everyone can attend
• See library website for more information