Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77–92 / locate / media Automatic recognition of cortical sulci of the human brain using a congregation of neural networks ` a , *, Jean-François Mangin a , Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos a , Denis Riviere ´ c Jean-Marc Martinez b , Vincent Frouin a , Jean Regis a ´ ´ ´ ´ Leclerc, 91401 Orsay, France Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, CEA, 4 place du General b ´ ´ ´ , CEA, Saclay, France Service d’ Etude des Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees c ´ ´ , La Timone, Marseille, France Service de Neurochirurgie Fonctionnelle et Stereotaxique Received 24 January 2001; received in revised form 18 June 2001; accepted 21 September 2001 Abstract This paper describes a complete system allowing automatic recognition of the main sulci of the human cortex. This system relies on a preprocessing of magnetic resonance images leading to abstract structural representations of the cortical folding patterns. The representation nodes are cortical folds, which are given a sulcus name by a contextual pattern recognition method. This method can be interpreted as a graph matching approach, which is driven by the minimization of a global function made up of local potentials. Each potential is a measure of the likelihood of the labelling of a restricted area. This potential is given by a multi-layer perceptron trained on a learning database. A base of 26 brains manually labelled by a neuroanatomist is used to validate our approach. The whole system developed for the right hemisphere is made up of 265 neural networks. The mean recognition rate is 86% for the learning base and 76% for a generalization base, which is very satisfying considering the current weak understanding of the variability of the cortical folding patterns. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Neural networks; Cortical sulci; Folding patterns; Automatic recognition system 1. Introduction The development of image analysis methods dedicated to automatic management of brain anatomy is a widely addressed area of research. A number of works focus on the notion of deformable atlases, which can be elastically transformed to reflect the anatomy of new subjects. An exhaustive bibliography of this approach initially proposed by Bajcsy and Broit (1982) is largely beyond the scope of this paper (see (Thompson et al., 2000) for a recent review). The complexity and the striking inter-individual variability of the human cortex folding patterns, however, have led several groups to question the behaviour of the *Corresponding author. Tel.: 133-1-6986-7852; fax: 133-1-69867868. ` E-mail addresses: (D. Riviere), http: / / www` (D. Riviere). deformable atlas framework at the cortex level (Mangin et al., 1995b; Collins et al., 1998; Hellier and Barillot, 2002; Lohmann and von Cramon, 2000; Cachier et al., 2001). Two main issues have to be addressed: 1. What are the features of the cortex folding patterns which should be matched across individuals? While some sulci clearly belong to this set of landmark features because they are usually considered as boundaries between different functional areas, nobody knows to which extent secondary folds should play the ´ same role (Regis et al., 1989, 1995). Some answers to this important issue could stem from foreseeable advances in mapping brain functional organization (Watson et al., 1993) and connectivity (Poupon et al.). While the number of reliable landmarks to be matched is today relatively limited, comparison of deformable atlas methods at the cortex level should focus on the pairing of these landmarks. 1361-8415 / 02 / $ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S1361-8415( 02 )00052-X 78 ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 2. Deformable atlas methods rely on the optimization of some function which realizes a trade-off between similarity to the new brain and deformation cost. Whatever the approach, the function driving the deformations is non-convex. When high-dimensional deformation fields are used, this non-convexity turns out to be particularly problematic since standard optimization approaches are bound to lead to a local optimum. While multi-resolution methods may guarantee that an ‘interesting optimum’ is found, the complexity of the cortical folding patterns implies that a lot of other similar optima exist. An important issue is raised by this observation: is the global optimum the best one according to the pairing of sulcal landmarks? The answer to this issue should be taken into account when comparing various approaches. To overcome some of the difficulties related to the nonconvexity of the problem, several teams have proposed to design composite similarity functions relying on manual identifications of the main sulci (Thompson and Toga, 1996; Collins et al., 1998; Vailland and Davatzikos, 1999). These composite functions impose the pairing of homologous sulcal landmarks. While a lot of work remains to be done along this line, this evolution seems required to adapt the deformable atlas paradigm to the human cortex. This new point of view implies a preprocessing of the data in order to extract and identify automatically these sulcal landmarks, which is the subject of our paper. The various issues mentioned above have led us to initiate a long term project aiming first at a better understanding of the cortical folding patterns (Mangin et al., ´ 1995a; Regis et al., 1995), and second at the automatic identification of the main sulci (Mangin et al., 1995b). During a feasibility study, this project led to a first generation of image analysis tools extracting automatically each cortical fold from a T1-weighted MR image. Then, a sophisticated browser allowed our neuroanatomist to navigate through various 3D representations of the cortical patterns in order to identify the main sulci. This visualization tool led to the creation of a database of brains in which a name was given to each fold. This database was used to train an automatic sulcus recognition system based on a random graph model. Any cortical folding pattern was considered as a realization of this model, which led us to formalize the recognition process as a consistent labelling problem. The solution was obtained from a maximum a posteriori estimator designed in a Markovian framework. While this first tool generation has been used for four years for the planning of depth electrode implantation in the context of epilepsy surgery (about 40 operations), a number of serious flaws had to be overcome to allow a wider use of the toolbox. This paper gives an overview of the second tool generation with emphasis on the more important improvement, which consists in using standard neural nets to build a better model of the random graph probability distribution. Our approach may be considered as a symbolic version of the deformable atlas approach. The framework is made up of two stages. An abstract structural representation of the cortical topography is extracted first from each new T1-weighted MR image. This representation is supposed to include all the information required to identify sulci. A contextual pattern recognition method is then used to label automatically cortical folds. This method can be interpreted as a graph matching approach. Hence, the usual iconic anatomical template is replaced by an abstract structural template. The one to many matching between the template nodes and the nodes of one structural representation is simply a labelling operation. This labelling is driven by the minimization of a global function made up of local potentials. Each local potential is a measure of the likelihood of the labelling of a restricted cortex area. This potential is given by a virtual expert in this area made up of a multi-layer perceptron trained on a learning database. While the complexity of the preprocessing stage required by our method may appear as a weakness compared to the straightforward use of continuous deformations, it results in a fundamental difference. While the evaluation of functions driving continuous deformations is costly in terms of computation, the function used to drive the symbolic recognition relies on only a few hundred labels and can be evaluated at a low cost. Hence, stochastic optimization algorithms can be used to deal with the non-convexity problems. In fact, working at a higher level of representation leads to more efficiency for the pattern recognition process, which explains an increasing interest in the community (Lohmann and von Cramon, 1998, 2000; Le Goualher et al., 1998, 1999). In the following, the second section summarizes the main steps of the preprocessing stage. The third section gives an overview of the building-up of a database of manually labelled brains used to teach cortical anatomy to the pattern recognition system. The fourth section introduces the probabilistic framework underlying the graph matching procedure. The fifth section focuses on the training of the artificial neural networks. The sixth section describes the stochastic minimization heuristics and some results. Finally, the last section highlights the fact that improving the current system will require collaborative work with various neuroscience teams. 2. The preprocessing stage This section describes briefly the robust sequence of treatments that automatically converts a T1-weighted MR image into an abstract structural representation of the cortical topography. The whole sequence requires about half an hour on a conventional workstation. All the steps have been validated with at least 50 different images, some of them with several hundred. These images have been acquired with 6 different scanners using various MR ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere sequence parameters. Several experiments have led us to select inversion–recovery sequences as the best choice for our purpose. Most of the treatments rely on several years of fine tuning which assures today a robust behaviour with non-pathological images. Further work has to be done to deal with the pathologies that invalidate some of our assumptions. The system should be rapidly facilitated with an interface allowing a step by step check of intermediate results and proposing alternative treatments in case of problems. The following descriptions focus on the main ideas behind each treatment. Most of the refinements 79 added to get robust behaviour are beyond the scope of the paper. 2.1. Bias correction ( Fig. 1( B)) The first step aims at correcting the standard inhomogeneities in MR images. This is achieved using a smooth multiplicative field which minimizes the entropy of the corrected image intensity distribution. This method can be used without adaptation with various MR sequences because the underlying hypothesis is only low entropy of Fig. 1. A sketch of the sequence of image analysis treatments (G and J 3D renderings represent views from inside white matter). ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 80 the actual distributions of each tissue class (Mangin, 2000; Likar et al., 2000). 2.2. Histogram analysis ( Fig. 1( C)) The second step leads to estimations of the gray and white matter mean and standard deviations. It relies on a scale-space analysis of the histogram which is robust to modifications of the MR sequence (Mangin et al., 1998). 2.3. Brain segmentation ( Fig. 1( D)) The parameters given by the previous step are used to segment the brain. This result is obtained following the standard mathematical morphology sketch (erosion, selection of the largest connected component, reconstruction). Two important refinements have been added for robustness: a regularized binarization using a standard Markov field based model, and additional morphological treatments to prevent morphological opening of thin gyri (Mangin et al., 1998). 2.4. Hemisphere separation ( Fig. 1( E)) A second sequence of morphological processing is used to separate both hemispheres from the rest of the brain. This algorithm, which is similar to the previous one, is applied to a regularized segmentation of white matter. A priori knowledge on the brain orientation is used to select the seeds which are reconstructed to get three objects: the white matter of each hemisphere and the cerebellum / stem white matter. A second reconstruction recovers the gray matter of each object (Mangin et al., 1996). A standard affine spatial normalization could be used in the future to get rough mask of the hemispheres that may be used to increase the robustness of the seed selection (Friston et al., 1995). All the following steps are applied independently to each hemisphere. 2.5. The gray /CSF union ( Fig. 1( F)) This step aims at segmenting an object with a spherical topology. Its external interface is the hemisphere hull defined by a morphological closing and its internal interface is the gray / white boundary. This segmentation is achieved using a sequence of homotopic deformations of the hemisphere bounding box (Mangin et al., 1995a). The topological constraints assure the robustness of the following treatments. The detection of the gray / white boundary relies on the minimization of a Markov field like global energy including the usual regularization provided by the Ising model. 2.6. Skeletonization ( Fig. 1( G)) The gray / CSF object provided by the previous step is skeletonized. This skeletonization is done using a homotopic erosion that preserves the initial topology. An important refinement relative to our previous work (Mangin et al., 1995a) is the use of a watershed like algorithm embedded in the erosion process. The landscape driving the water rise is the mean curvature of the MR image isosurfaces, which is used to mark ridges corresponding to the medial localization of cortical folds. Topologically simple points (Malandain et al., 1993) are iteratively removed from the initial object according to a sequence of increasing altitudes. As soon as a point verifies the topological characterization of surface points (Malandain et al., 1993), it is preserved until the end of the process. Some pruning procedures remove curves from the final result in order to yield a skeleton made up of discrete surfaces. 2.7. Simple surfaces ( Fig. 1( H,I)) Skeleton points connected to the outside are first gathered to represent the hemisphere hull. The remaining part of the skeleton is then segmented into topologically simple surfaces, which will represent cortical folds. This algorithm relies on the topological characterization proposed by Malandain et al. (1993). Simple surfaces are defined from an equivalence relationship defined for a set of surface points. A refinement relative to previous work (Malandain et al., 1993; Mangin et al., 1995a) consists of an erosion of the initial set of skeleton surface points at the level of junction points. This erosion aims at improving the robustness of the split. The standard equivalence relationship then provides simple surface seeds. A morphological reconstruction yields the complete simple surfaces. 2.8. Buried gyri ( Fig. 1( J)) The previous segmentation of the skeleton is not sufficient to separate all of the cortical sulci. Indeed, some of the simple surfaces sometimes include several sulci, which is not tractable for our symbolic recognition process. ´ According to our anatomical research hypothesis (Regis et al., 1995; Manceaux-Demiau et al., 1997), this situation is related to the fact that some gyri can be buried in the depth of the folds. Since our recognition process is based on a labelling using the sulcus names, we have to assure as far as possible that the preprocessing yields an oversegmentation of the sulci. Therefore, the previous simple surfaces are split according to a detection of putative buried gyri. In our opinion, these gyri can be revealed by two kinds of clues: local minima of the geodesic depth along the bottom of the fold, and points with negative Gaussian curvature on the gray / white boundary. This point of view, which is related to the approach of Lohmann and von Cramon (1998), led us to design the following algorithm, which is inspired by the usual morphological construction of the catchment basins dual to a watershed line. First, points of ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere the gray / white interface having a negative Gaussian curvature are removed from the gray / CSF object. Then, consistent local maxima of the distance to the hull geodesic to the remaining gray / CSF domain are detected. They represent the seeds of the catchment basins. The basins are then reconstructed following the usual water rise approach using the inverse of the previous distance for the altitude. Finally, simple surfaces which belong to several catchment basins are split according to the basin parcellation. 2.9. Graph construction ( Fig. 2) The objects provided by the last step are finally gathered in a structural representation which describes their relationships. Three kinds of links are created between these nodes (cf. Fig. 2): rT links represent splits related to the simple surface definition; rP links represent splits related to the presence of a putative buried gyrus (the ‘pli de passage’ ´ anatomical notion (Regis et al., 1995)); and rC links represent a neighborhood relationship geodesic to the hemisphere hull. This last type of link is inferred from a Voronoı¨ diagram computed conditionally to the hemisphere hull using the set of junctions between hull and nodes as seeds (Mangin et al., 1995a). The resulting graph is enriched with numerous semantic attributes which will be used by the recognition system. Some of these attributes are computed relative to the well-known Talairach reference system, which is computed from the manual selection of anterior and posterior commissures but will be inferred automatically from virtual spatial normalization in the future (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988). Nodes are described by their size, minimal and maximal depth, gravity center localization, and mean normal. Links of type rT and rP are described by their length, extremity localizations, minimal and maximal depth, and mean direction. Links of type rC are described by their size and the localization of 81 the closest points of the linked nodes. The resulting attributed graph is supposed to include all the information required by the sulcus recognition process. 3. The learning database Our preprocessing tool can be viewed as a compression system which provides for each individual brain a synthetic description of the cortex folding patterns. A sophisticated 3D browser allows our neuroanatomist to label manually each node with a name chosen in a list of anatomical entities. The lack of a validated explanation of the structural variability of the human cortex is an important problem during this labelling. Indeed, standard sulci are often split into several folds with various connections, which leads to ambiguous configurations (Ono et al., 1990). It has to be understood that this situation prevents the definition of an unquestionable gold standard to be reached by any sulcus recognition method. Therefore, one of the aims of our research is to favour the emergence of new anatomical descriptions relying on smaller sulcal entities than the usual ones. According to different arguments that would be too long to develop in this paper, these units, the primary cortical folds that appear on the fœtal cortex, are stable across individuals; a functional delimitation meaning ´ is probably attached to them (Regis et al., 1995). During ulterior stages of brain growth, some of these sulcal roots merge with each other and form different patterns depending on the subjects. The more usual patterns correspond to the usual sulci. In our opinion, some clues on these sulcal root fusions can be found in the depth of the sulci (Fig. 5). A model of these sulcal roots derived from our anatomical research has been used to label 26 right hemispheres. This model shares striking similarities with the Fig. 2. A subset of the final structural representation. 82 ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere model recently proposed by Lohmann and von Cramon (1998, 2000). This new type of anatomical model, however, requires further validations before being properly used by neuroscientists. Therefore, the results described in the following have been obtained after a conversion of this fine grain labelling to the standard (Ono et al., 1990), which will allow comparisons to other group’s works. This choice leads to a list of 60 names for each hemisphere, where each name represents one standard sulcus or one usual sulcus branch. The 26 right hemispheres have been randomly separated into three bases: a learning base made up of 16 brains is used to train the local experts leading to the inference of a global probability distribution; a test base of five brains is used to stop the training before over-learning; and finally, a generalization base of five brains is used to assess the actual recognition performance of the system. We encourage the reader to study Figs. 3 and 4, which give an idea of the variability of the folding patterns. Of course, our manual labelling can not be considered as a gold standard and could be questioned by other anatomists. It has to be noted, however, that a lot of information used to perform the manual recognition is concealed in the depth of the sulci. Fig. 3. A survey of the labelled database. The three first rows present nine brains of the learning base, the fourth row presents three brains of the test base, and the last row presents three brains of the generalization base. Each color labels one entity of the anatomical model. Several hues of the same color are used to depict different roots or stable branches of one given sulcus. For instance, color codes of main frontal sulci are: 2 reds5central, 5 yellows5precentral, 3 greens5superior, 2 blues5intermediate, 4 purples5inferior, 8 blues5lateral fissure, red5orbitary, rose5marginal, yellow5 transverse. ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 83 Fig. 4. A survey of the labelled database which provides an idea of inter-individual variability in areas not covered by Fig. 3. Fig. 5. The sulcal root model in the temporal lobe. Left: a virtual representation where only sulcal roots are drawn on an adult size brain. It should be noted that this configuration can not be observed during brain growth because some sulcal root merge occur before the apparition of the whole set of roots. Right: a usual actual anatomical configuration at adult age where potentially buried gyri are indicated by a double arrow. 84 ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 4. The random graph and Markovian models The structural model underlying our pattern recognition system is a random graph, namely a structural prototype whose vertices and relations are random variables (Fig. 6). In order to allow vertices and relations of the random graph to yield sets of several nodes or several links in individual brains, the classical definition proposed by Wong and You (1985) is extended by substituting the monomorphism by a homomorphism (Mangin et al., 1995b). The recognition process can be formalized as a labelling problem, where a label is associated with each vertex of the random graph. Such a labelling of the nodes of an individual graph, indeed, is equivalent to a homomorphism towards the random graph. Hence, the sulcus recognition problem amounts to searching for the labelling with the maximum probability. For the application to the right hemisphere described in this paper, the random graph is made up of 60 vertices corresponding to the 60 names used to label the database. Once a new brain has been virtually oriented according to a universal frame, in our case the Talairach system, the cortical area where one specific sulcus can be found is relatively small. This localization information can already lead to interesting recognition results (Le Goualher et al., 1998, 1999). Localization, however, is largely insufficient to perform a complete recognition. Indeed, a lot of discriminating power only stems from contextual information. This situation has led us to introduce a Markovian framework (Mangin et al., 1995b) to design an estimator of the probability distribution associated with the random graph. This framework provides us with a very flexible model: Gibbs distributions relying on local potentials (Geman and Geman, 1984). These potentials are inferred from the learning base. They embed interactions between the labels of neighboring nodes. These interactions are related to contextual constraints that must be adhered to in order to get anatomically plausible recognitions. During our past experiments (Mangin et al., 1995b), the system potentials were designed as simple ad hoc functions. Various failures of the global system rapidly led us to the firm belief that the complex dependencies between the pattern descriptors used to code sulcus shapes require a more powerful approach. Neural nets represent an efficient approach to the approximation of complex functions. Hence, each potential of the current system is now given by a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) (Rumelhart et al., 1986). Each perceptron may be considered as a virtual expert of some local anatomical feature. The choice of MLPs mainly stems from the fact that they have led to a lot of successful applications, which implies that a large amount of information on their behaviour can be found in ¨ literature (Orr and Muller, 1998). Two families of potentials are designed. The first family evaluates the sulcus shapes and the second family evaluates the spatial relationships of pairs of neighboring sulci. Hence, the first family is associated with the random graph vertices, while the second family is associated with the random graph relations. Each potential depends only on the labels of a localized set of nodes, which corresponds to the Markov field interaction clique (Geman and Geman, 1984). For a given individual graph, each clique corresponds to the set of nodes included in the field of view of the underlying expert (Fig. 7). For sulcus experts, this field of view is defined from the learning base as a parallelepiped of the Talairach coordinate system. The parallelepiped is the bounding box of the sulcus instances in the learning base computed along the inertia axes of this instance set. For sulcus pair relationship experts, the field of view is simply the union of the fields of view of the two related sulcus experts. Pairs of sulci are endowed with an expert if at least 10% of the learning base brains possess an actual link between the two related sulci in the structural representation (cf. Fig. 2). For the model of the right hemisphere described in this paper, this rule leads to 205 Fig. 6. A small random graph (left) and one of its realizations, an attributed relational graph representing one individual cortical folding pattern (right). ai represent vertices of the random graph, while bij represent relations. ai realizations are sets of nodes (SS ki ) representing folds, while bij realizations are sets of links ( r kij ) representing junctions, ‘plis de passage’ and gyri. ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 85 Fig. 7. 60 sulcus experts and 205 relationship experts are inferred from the learning base. Each expert evaluates the labelling of the nodes included in its field of view. relationship experts. The whole system, therefore, is made up of a congregation of 265 experts, each expert e being in charge of a potential Pe . The expert single opinions are gathered by the Gibbs distribution ]Z1 exph 2 o e Pe (l)j, which gives the likelihood of a global labelling l (Z is a normalization constant). Hence, the sulcus recognition amounts to minimizing the sum of all of the perceptron outputs. 5. Expert training 5.1. MLP topology and pattern coding The choice of MLP topology (number of layers, number of neurons in each layer, connectivity) is known to be a difficult problem without general solution. For our application where a lot of different MLPs have to be designed, an adaptive strategy may have been the best choice. In the following, however, only two different topologies will be used: one for sulcus experts and one for relationship experts. The small size of our learning database, indeed, prevents a consistent adaptive strategy to be developed. Different experiments with a few experts have led us to endow our perceptrons with two hidden layers and one output neuron. The first hidden layer is not fully connected to the input layer, which turned out to improve the generalization power of the networks used by our application. This first hidden layer is split into several blocks fed by a specific subset of inputs with a related meaning (see Fig. 7). This sparse topology largely reduces the number of weights to be estimated by the backpropagation algorithm used to train the MLPs (Rumelhart et al., 1986). Some experiments beyond the scope of this paper have shown that this choice usually leads to a restricted area of low potential (good patterns), which was not necessarily the case with a fully connected network. Finally, first and second layers are fully connected, and neurons of the second layer are all connected to the output neuron. The numbers of neurons in each layer are the following: (27–44–8–1) for sulcus experts and (23–32–5–1) for relationship experts. Once again, this ad hoc choice stems from experiments with a few experts. While smaller networks can lead to good results for some experts in charge of simple pattern recognition tasks, other experts seem to require large networks to perform their task correctly. Anyway, since our training process includes a protection against overlearning, our system is robust to over-proportioned networks. Expert inputs are vectors of descriptors of the anatomical feature for which the expert is responsible. These descriptors constitute a compressed code of sulcus shapes and relationships. The descriptors are organized in consistent blocks which feed only one subset of the first hidden layer. Sulcus shapes are summarized by 27 descriptors and sulcus relationships by 23 descriptors. These descriptors are computed from a small part of the graph corresponding to one single label (sulcus) or one pair of labels (relationship). A few Boolean logical descriptors are used to inform of the existence of a non-empty instance of some anatomical entity (sulcus, junction with the hemisphere hull, actual link between two sulci, . . . ). Integer syntactic descriptors and continuous semantic descriptors are inferred from the attributes and the structure of the subgraph to be analyzed. For instance, the size of a sulcus is the sum of the sizes of all the nodes endowed with this sulcus label. A detailed description of all the procedures used to compute these descriptors is largely beyond the ` 2000). The different blocks of scope of this paper (Riviere, descriptors are the following (the (N 2 N9) notation means that N input neurons corresponding to N descriptors feed N9 first hidden layer neurons). 5.1.1. Sulcus experts Empty instance (1 – 36). One Boolean which 86 ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere feeds all the first layer neurons informs on the existence of an instance of the sulcus. Localization (10 – 16). Gravity center, extremities of the junction with brain hull, one Boolean informs on the existence of a hull junction. Orientation (7 – 8). Mean normal, mean direction of the junction with brain hull, one Boolean informs on the existence of a hull junction. Size (3 – 10). Sulcus size, minimal and maximal geodesic depth. Syntax (6 – 10). Number of connected components using all links or only contact links; number of non-contact links between contact related connected components, maximal gap between these components (continuous); number of internal links of ‘buried gyrus’ type. 5.1.2. Relationship experts Empty instance (1 – 32). One Boolean which feeds all the first layer neurons informs on the existence of a link between both sulci. First sulcus (3 – 6). Sulcus size, number of connected components, number of such components implied in actual links between the sulci. Second sulcus (3 – 6). Same as above for second sulcus. Semantic description (11 – 14). Minimal distance between the sulci; semantic attributes of the contact link (junction or buried gyrus): namely junction localization, mean direction, distances between the contact point and the closest sulcus extremities, respective localization of the sulci, and angle between sulcus hull junctions. Syntactic description (3 – 6). Number of contact points, number of links of ‘buried gyrus’ type between the sulci, minimal depth of such links (continuous). 5.2. Training The supervised training of the experts relies on two kinds of examples. Correct examples extracted from the learning base must lead to the lowest output, namely the null value. Counterexamples are generated from correct examples through random modifications of some labels of the clique nodes. For examples of a sulcus l, two random numbers are used: n a nodes are added to the sulcus correct pattern while n d nodes are deleted. For examples of a relationship (l 1 ,l 2 ), the two sulci are corrupted simultaneously. In order to obtain a good sampling of the space surrounding the correct pattern domain, the previous numbers are drawn from a distribution which favorizes small numbers. For the same reason, in half of the cases, the nodes to be added to the sulcus have to be chosen randomly only among the nodes linked with a node of the sulcus correct pattern. For the rest of the cases, they are chosen randomly among all the nodes of the clique. Unfortunately, the blind generation of counterexamples sometimes yields ambiguous patterns. For instance, if a small branch is added to a correct sulcus pattern, the resulting example may still be considered as valid from the anatomical point of view. If many such ambiguous examples are presented to the expert as incorrect, the result of the training is unpredictable (like for a human expert). This difficulty is overcome via the use of a rough continuous distance between the correct example and the generated counterexample. For sulcus experts, this distance is made up of the variation of the total sulcus size added to the variation of the number of connected components multiplied by an ad hoc weighting factor. For relationship experts, a similar distance is defined by the variation of the total size of the links implied in the relationship. These distances are used to choose the output taught to the perceptron during the training. The ad hoc rule used to 1 compute this output is: output 5 ]]] . Hence, small d s 1 1 exp 2 ] 100 d distances lead to intermediate outputs (0.5) while larger distances lead to the highest output (1). This means that the output taught for ambiguous examples is lower than for the reliable counterexamples, which clarifies the situation. Indeed, if the domain of correct examples is corrupted by some ambiguous counterexamples, the network will lead to an average output below 0.5, while the surrounding domain full of reliable counterexamples will lead to an average output largely over 0.5. Moreover, the choice of a continuous taught output creates some slope into the landscape of the potential provided by the expert, which helps the final minimization used for sulcus recognition to find its way towards a deep minimum. The balancing of the number of counterexamples versus the number of correct examples presented during the training is another important point. The training is made up of iterations over the learning base. Therefore, while new counter-examples are generated during each iteration, the correct examples are always the same, which may be problematic with a small base. It should be noted, however, that the situation is not so critical because counterexamples include some anatomical knowledge. Therefore, since few counter-examples can be located in the middle of the correct pattern domain, a good generalization can be obtained from only a few correct examples. We have verified with a few experts that the crucial parameter is in fact the ratio between correct examples and close counterexamples. Here ‘close’ refers to a threshold on the taught output (0.75). When the ‘correct / close’ ratio is too low, the error function driving the backpropagation algorithm leads to forbid any area of low potential. When this ratio is ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 87 Fig. 8. A survey of the training of the central sulcus (top) and intermediate precentral sulcus (bottom) experts. The x-axis represents the number of iterations over the learning base, while the y-axis represents the perceptron output between 0 and 1. Dark (blue) points represent correct examples, light (green) points close counter-examples, and middle grey (red) points remote counter-examples. The output taught to the perceptrons are 0 for correct examples, about 0.75 for close counter-examples, and 1 for remote counter-examples. The first chart shows the evolution of the perceptron output for the learning base during the training. The second chart is related to the output for the test base. The third chart presents the evolution of the mean error on the test base. A consistent increase of this criterion corresponds to overlearning beginning. too high, the low potential area is too large and includes a lot of incorrect patterns. The final ratio was tuned via experiments with a few experts: two close counter-examples and seven remote counter-examples for one correct example. A high number of remote counter-examples was chosen to get bounded low potential areas. A last point to be solved is related to counter-examples without instance of the underlying sulci (no node with the sulcus label). If the sulcus always exists in the learning base, the taught output is 0.75. This output is lower than the highest output because a missing identification is more acceptable than a wrong answer. When the sulcus does not exist in all the brains of the learning base, the taught output is related to its frequency of appearance: output 5 0.5 1 0.25 ]]]]] . This ad hoc rule allows us first to deal 1 1 exp(240( f 2 0.9)) with situations where the sulcus is missing erroneously in a few brains ( f . 0.9). In that case the taught output is close to the previous situation (0.75). Second, for sulcus existing only in a subset of the learning base, the taught output tends to be 0.5, which means that the empty instance can only be challenged by good instances. Finally, the backpropagation algorithm requires a criterion to stop the training when a sufficient learning has been done and to avoid over-learning. This criterion is computed from a second base, the test base. The stop criterion is made up of the sum of two mean errors computed, respectively, for correct examples and for remote counterexamples of the test base. The learning is stopped when this criterion presents a consistent increase (Fig. 8(bottom)) or after a maximum number of iterations (Fig. 8(top)). The minimum value of the stop criterion is used to get a measure of confidence in the expert opinion. This measure is used to weight the output of this expert during the recognition process. It should be noted that some experts are endowed with a very low confidence, for instance when the sulcus shape is so variable that its identification stems only from the identification of the surrounding sulci. Another explanation to the various levels of confidence is the small size of the learning base which is not sufficient to learn all the variations of the sulcus patterns. Base size effects on learning are explored in Figs. 9 and 10 for the Fig. 9. Evolution of the central sulcus expert output on the test base during training on three different bases obtained by permutations. The color code is the same as in Fig. 8. The learning base includes 16 brains and the test base includes five brains. Left: perfect generalization. Middle and right: two brains are problematic. This dependence on the choice of the learning base means that the learning base size is too small. 88 ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere Fig. 10. Evolution of the central sulcus expert output on the test base during training on 6 different configurations of learning and test bases. The chart title give the respective number of brains in each base. Top: The three charts show that the learning base size has to be sufficient to get good generalization. Bottom: The three last charts show that increasing the test base size provides a quicker observation of overlearning. This effect, however, is very difficult to predict with small learning bases. central sulcus expert. It should be noted that since this sulcus shape is especially stable, these base size effects are bound to be more important for most of the other experts. Fortunately, since the final recognition of a sulcus results from the opinion of several experts, the global system is already rather efficient in spite of the weaknesses of individual experts. 6. Results The 265 expert training process has been performed on a network of ten standard workstations and lasts about 24 h. Of course, while this high training cost was cumbersome during the tuning of the system, it is acceptable in a standard exploitation situation. Indeed, this training is done only one time, or more exactly each time we decide to enlarge the learning database. 6.1. Minimization The sulcus recognition process itself consists of the minimization of the energy made up of the weighted sum of the expert outputs. For practical reasons, expert outputs are first scaled between 21 and 1 and then multiplied by a confidence measure. During the minimization, each node label is chosen in a subset of the sulcus list corresponding to the expert fields of view which include this node, plus the unknown label which has no related expert. The minimization is performed using a stochastic algorithm inspired by the simulated annealing principle (Geman and Geman, 1984). This algorithm is made up of two kinds of iterations. While most iterations correspond to the standard approach (Geman and Geman, 1984), one in ten follows a different algorithm dedicated to our application. These special iterations aim at overcoming bad situations where the minimization is lost very far from the correct labelling area. Such situations which occur during the high temperature period are problematic because a number of node transitions are required to reach a domain where the global energy embeds meaningful anatomical information. A fast annealing schedule, however, has not enough time to find such paths only by chance. Therefore, the standard algorithm gets trapped in a non-interesting local minimum. This problem is solved when one considers more sophisticated transitions involving several nodes simultaneously, which is very usual to the field of stochastic minimization (Tupin et al., 1998). The two kinds of iterations are as follows: • Standard iterations browse the nodes in a random order. For each node, the energy variations DU(l) corresponding to transitions towards each possible label l are computed. Then, the actual transition is drawn from a distribution where each label l is endowed with the e 2DU (l ) / T probability ]]] , where T is a temperature paramo e 2DU (l ) / T l ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere eter. This temperature parameter is multiplied by 0.98 at the end of each global iteration, which is the usual scheduling of simulated annealing. • Special iterations are made up of two successive loops over the labels in a random order. For each label l, the ‘erasing loop’ computes the energy variations induced either by replacing l by the unknown label globally, or for only one l related connected component. Anatomically speaking, this operation aims at challenging globally the current identification of the underlying sulcus. Such transitions may imply a lot of nodes simultaneously and therefore be very difficult to find during the standard iteration process. The actual transition is drawn from a distribution similar to the standard iteration one. The ‘identification loop’ envisages for each label l all the transitions that replace unknown label by l for one unknown related connected component. This loop takes advantage of the fact that suspicious identifications have been erased by the previous loop, which means that a whole sulcus may be identified at a time in the unknown space even if it is made up of a lot of nodes. Our implementation of the simulated annealing principle is beyond the framework of standard convergence proofs (Geman and Geman, 1984). The transitions considered during the special iterations, indeed, are not reversible because they depend on the current graph labelling. Hence, the usual Markov chain approach to the proof is not 89 directly applicable. A solution could stem from theoretical works dedicated to sophisticated samplers used to study Gibbs field phase transitions (Swendsen and Wang, 1987). Indeed, these samplers are applied to study the fractal nature of the Ising model realizations at critical temperature, which implies the use of connected component related transitions. Anyway, theoretical proofs are usually related to very slow annealing schedule. Therefore, our implementation which performs only about 400 global iterations has to be considered as a heuristics (Fig. 11). For the following results, the minimization lasts about 2 h on a conventional workstation. While an optimized implementation is planned in order to achieve a significant speed-up, it should be noted that the manual labelling work is even slower. Because of the heuristical nature of our minimization, the improvements resulting from the special iterations can only be assessed on a statistical basis, using different brains. This algorithm, indeed, is bound to be trapped in a local minimum because of the highly non-convex nature of the underlying energy. Implementations with or without special iterations have been compared during a one shot experiment on the 26 brains (Fig. 12). The implementation including special iterations led to a lower energy for 18 brains. Further studies should be done to assess the influence of the frequency of occurrence of special iterations. This first experiment led also to the interesting observation that the nature of the global energy landscape Fig. 11. Global energy behaviour during simulated annealing. The special iterations lead to large energy decreases during the high temperature period, while their influence becomes imperceptible later. ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere 90 Fig. 12. Final energy yielded by simulated annealing relative to energy of the manual labelling. From left to right: 16 brains of the learning base, 5 brains of the test base, 5 brains of the generalization base. For each brain, the square / circle corresponds to an annealing including only standard iterations while the cross / star corresponds to the complete scheme. depends on the base. Indeed, the differences between both minimizations is larger for the learning base than for the generalization base. This effect could be related to expert over-learning which creates deeper local minima for the learning base. This could predict an easier minimization in generalization situations which could afford us to use faster implementations. 6.2. Recognition rate A global measure is proposed to assess the correct recognition rate. This measure corresponds to the proportion of cortical folds correctly identified according to the manual labelling. The contribution of each node to this global measure is weighted by its size (the number of voxels of the underlying skeleton; Mangin et al., 1995a). The mean recognition rate on each of the three bases is proposed in Fig. 13. In order to check the reproducibility of the recognition process, the minimization has been repeated ten times with different initializations for one brain of each base (Fig. 14(left)). This experiment has shown that the recognition rate is related to the depth of the local minimum obtained by the optimization process. This result is confirmed by Fig. 14(right) which shows the recognition rates for the 52 minimizations of the experiment described in Fig. 12. This result tends to prove that the global energy corresponding to our recognition system is anatomically meaningful, whatever the minimization difficulties. Therefore, the recognition rate could be easily improved if the best of several minimizations was kept as the final result. The recognition rate obtained for the generalization base is 76%, which is very encouraging considering the variability of the folding patterns. As matters stand relative to our understanding of this variability, it should be noted that numerous ‘errors’ of the system correspond to ambiguous configurations. In fact, after a careful inspection of the results, the neuroanatomist of our team often admits to a preference for the automatic labelling. Moreover, the automatic system often corrects flagrant errors due to the cumbersome nature of the manual labelling. Such disagreements between manual and automatic labelling explain the surprising observation that whatever the underlying base, the final energy yielded by the minimization is lower than the energy related to the manual labelling. The base influence on the results call for an enlargement of the learning base and of the test base, which was foreseeable Fig. 13. Node number, recognition rate, energy of the manual labelling (Ubase ), and energy of the automatic labelling Uannealing for each base. Fig. 14. Left: Recognition rate relative to final energy for ten different minimizations applied on one brain of each base. Right: Recognition rate relative to final energy for the 52 minimizations of Fig. 12. Squares / circles denote standard annealing, while cross / stars denote complete annealing. ` et al. / Medical Image Analysis 6 (2002) 77 – 92 D. Riviere and should improve the results. We also plan to develop a system using several experts for each anatomical entity in order to get a better management of the coding of the ` et al., 1998). This work will structural variability (Riviere include automatic adaptation of the topology of the neural networks to each expert. The pattern recognition system described is this paper includes many ad hoc solutions that are sometimes difficult to justify. The design of a computational system actually dealing with the problem of the sulcus recognition, however, leads necessarily to such choices. Providing a discussion for each problematic point would be too cumbersome to be interesting. A few of them, however, have to be addressed. 6.2.1. The oversampling requirement We have mentioned during the description of the preprocessing stage that a requirement to get a good behaviour of our method was an oversampling of the anatomical structures to be identified. While this oversampling is usually reached at the level of standard sulci, we are not satisfied yet with the sulcus split into sulcal roots. Therefore, a new segmentation related to mean curvature of the cortical surface has been recently proposed in order to use detection of the sulcal wall deformations induced by buried gyri (Cachia et al., 2001). Moreover, a study of the brain growth process from antenatal to adult age has been triggered in order to improve the current sulcal root point of view. Finally, we plan to add into our random graph model a new kind of anatomical entities corresponding to the merge of two smaller entities. This would allow us to consistently tackle the recognition of the sulcal roots although some of the buried gyri are not always detected. 6.2.2. The recognition rate The choice of a global measure to assess the recognition rate gives a very crude idea of the results. This measure, however, is sufficient to study the behaviour of the framework relative to the size of the databases. The cumbersome sulcus by sulcus analysis underlying this ` global measure may be found in (Riviere, 2000). In our opinion, however, the small size of the learning base should lead to analyze these results with great cautions. Another weakness of our recognition rate is the fact that the same sulcus segmentation is used both for manual and automatic labelling. This is clearly a bias in favour of our method. Therefore, in the future, more careful studies will have to be performed using several segmentations for each brain using for instance several MR scans. Considering the cumbersome manual identifications, however, we have decided to postpone that kind of validation studies until the discovery of a reliable detector of buried gyri. 6.2.3. The probability map While our framework has been intentionally developed with weak localization constraints, accurate probability 91 maps of the localization of the main structures in a standard space may be used. In our opinion, however, such constraints could lead to a much less versatile system unable to react correctly to outlier brains. In fact, large scale experiments will have to be performed in order to find the good balance between localization and structural constraints. 7. Conclusion A number of approaches relying on the deformable atlas paradigm consider that anatomical a priori knowledge can be completely embedded in iconic templates. While this point of view is very powerful for anatomical structures presenting low inter-individual variability, it seems insufficiently versatile to deal with the human cortical anatomy. This observation has led several teams to investigate approaches relying on higher levels of representation. All these approaches rely on a preprocessing stage which extracts sulcal related features describing the cortical topography. These features can be sulcal points (Chui et al., 1999), sulcal lines inferred from skeletons (Royackkers et al., 1999; Caunce and Taylor, 1999), topologically simple surfaces (Mangin et al., 1995), 2D parametric models of sulcal median axis (Le Goualher et al., 1997; Vaillant and Davatzikos, 1997; Zeng et al., 1999), crest lines (Declerck et al., 1995; Manceaux-Demiau et al., 1997) or cortex depth maxima (Lohmann and von Cramon, 1998; Rettmann et al., 1999). In our opinion, this direction of research can lead further than the usual deformable template approach. 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