Title of abstract A. Ivanov1, K. Petrov1,2, A. Smith2, V.D. Collins3 1 Institution/Company, City, Country Institution/Company, City, Country 3 Institution/Company, City, Country 2 E-mail: email-address of corresponding author Basic guidelines for the preparation of a summary and an abstract for RCWLP&P 2015 are presented. This document is itself an example of the desired layout (inclusive of this abstract) and can be used as a template. You should use MS Word 2003 or later. The abstract is limited to 75 words and cannot contain equations, figures, tables, or references. It must be indented from left and right by 1.5 cm. Accepted summaries will appear in the Technical Digest printed for the participants of the Russian-Chinese Workshop and School. In the abstract above concisely state briefly what was done, principal results, and their significance. The summary should contain outline of the problem solved in details (all in English). Please, obey this template carefully during preparation of your contribution. The summary must be one or two full pages long and has an A4 format (210 mm × 297 mm), margins should be set for 2 cm top and bottom, 2 cm left and right. Please use “Times New Roman 16 pt” font for the title (bold), 11 pt for the abstract, 12 pt for main text, and 10 pt for references. Center the paper title at the top of the page. Only the first word and acronyms are capitalized. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Spell out acronyms unless they are widely known. The list of authors (12 pt) immediately follows the title with each line centered. The list of affiliations (11 pt, italic type) follows with clear notation for each author’s affiliation. E-mail address (11 pt) must be provided for correspondence. Fig. 1: Use gray or black & white style (figures in Underline the presenting author, please. colour are not acceptable). Caption must be 10 pt font Cite references using the format of [1] or [2, 3]. size. The references’ style is shown below (for journal, proceedings or book citations). A table or figure, such as Fig. 1, containing a schematic, photograph, and/or data, is encouraged (but not mandatory). Note that your figure(s) need not be embedded like Fig. 1. All information at the figure must be clear legible. If you want to include a string formula, please, try to use Microsoft Equation. Send your contribution in “doc” (or “docx”) format to a secretary of the Meeting: wlpp2015@gmail.com. The details of summary sending and registration of a participant can be found at the website: wlpp2015.laser.nsc.ru. Since the number of participants is limited there will be a selection process, based on your contributions. References [1] D.V. Brazhnikov, A.V. Taichenachev, A.M. Tumaikin and V.I. Yudin, “Electromagnetically-induced-absorption resonance with high contrast and narrow width in the Hanle configuration”, Laser Phys. Lett. 11, p. 125702 (2014). [2] A.I. Ivanov and K.A. Petrov, “Quantum metrology and quantum information”, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, P. Gill (Ed.), World Scientific, pp. 361–368 (2002). [3] F. Riehle, Frequency standards: Basics and applications. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2004.