AP SPANISH LANGUAGE SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to help students master their ability to speak, read, listen and write in Spanish. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish and prepares students for the Advanced Placement Language Examination. Communication skills, through speaking and writing are emphasized and students are expected to use Spanish in class to converse about short stories, films and cultural topics. Students continue continue to refine sophisticated grammar skills, increase their cultural knowledge and learn new vocabulary. COURSE OUTLINE To teach the AP Language Course, our school uses “Una Vez Mas” which provides students with a thorough grammar review and practice. Although Although grammar command is essential, we use class time for student interaction in Spanish. Students complete the book exercises at home after I offer brief explanations. In order to provide authentic readings, I supplement the course with authors from the AP Literature list, Spanish speaking newspapers and audio materials from authentic sources. First Semester: Semester: Una Vez Más Reading Unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Chac Mool Un Día de éstos Las Medias Rojas Jacinto Contreras recibe su paga extraordinaria No Oyes Ladrar los Perros La Prodigiosa Tarde de Baltazar Second Semester Unit Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Una Vez Más Lesson 7 and 8 Lesson 9 and 10 Lesson 11 Unit 10 Lesson 12 Unit 11 Lesson 13 Reading El Hijo Mi Caballo Mago San Manuel Bueno, Mártir Continuidad en los Parques El Delantal Blanco SAMPLE OF CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES • Listening skills.- Students are given an authentic audio source on a given theme, then they are asked to outline the information, complete grids, or use graphic organizers to extract details versus main ideas. Students then work in pairs to share their ideas on the theme, and provide details that support their answer. • Writing skills.- Students are given topics to write about through authentic materials. Students are asked to identify and underline two or three main points and details. Then they paraphrase in writing using their own words these details. Students compare summaries to assess assess their comprehension of the text. Students make weekly journal entries of one page in length • Speaking skills.- Each week a student gives a speech to the rest of the class. The topics are chosen as a class at the beginning of the year, samples can be: be: an author, a cultural topic, etc. Each Friday a student gives the speech to the class, they are required to provide a printed text from an authentic source and an audio source related to the topic. After the speech, in small groups the students synthesize synthesize the information presented and share their views with the class. • Reading skills.- We use real literature from the AP literature list. Students analyze the readings both in form and content. Also students use authentic reading sources and engage in the same type of synthesis described in the Listening Skills section: reading, summarizing and sharing with the class. These sources include news articles from Spanish Speaking newspapers. TEXTS: TEXTS: · Una Vez Más (Prentice (Prentice Hall) Hall) ibsn 0-1313- 361125361125-0 · Ap Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)by Jose M. Diaz (Author), Margarita LeicherLeicher-Prieto (Author), Gilda Nissenberg (Author) ISBN: 0131660942 · Triangulo: A Proposito, Manual para estudiante, Cuarta edicion, (Spanish Edition) (Paperback) by barbara Gatski and John McMullan ISBN: 1877653896 / 9781877653896 Materials Needed • • • • • • ThreeThree-ring binder Pens/Pencils Spiral Notebook Spanish/English dictionary Textbook and workbook Audio recorder SPANISH NEWSPAPERS ON THE WEB: EL PAIS elpais. com EL MUNDO elmundo.es La Nación lanacion.com BBC bbcmundo.com Absences In the event of an excused absence, the student is responsible for getting missed assignments upon return. Assignments missed due to an excused absence only may be made up. You are given one day for each day absent to turn in makemake-up work. Tests, quizzes and assignments announced in advance do not fit into this rule. Also, the student will be responsible for getting notes from a group member or friend. Tardies A student will be marked tardy if they are not in their seat when the tardy bell rings. Late Work Late work is NOT ACCEPTED. Participation Each student will be given 3 points at the end of class every day, provided that he/she participated during class without being prompted to do so. Grade Information I. Tests –10% 10% II. Quizzes – 20% 20% III. Homework– Homework– 10% IV. Oral presentations– presentations– 20% V. Essays – 20% VI. Class Participation – 10% VII. Final exam – 10% The Grade Scale is based on our School Grading Policy: A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89% C = 70% 70% - 79 D = 60% - 69% F= 0% - 59% I have read and am informed of my student’s requirements for AP Spanish language Student’s Name Period Parent’s Signature Date