METHODS 20, 95–110 (2000) Article ID meth.1999.0909, available online at on Structure and Assembly of the Bacterial Endospore Coat Adriano O. Henriques* ,† and Charles P. Moran, Jr.* ,1 *Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Emory University, 3001 Rollins Research Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30322; and †Instituto de Tecnologia Quı́mica e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Apartado 127, 2781-901 Oeiras, Portugal Many biological processes are mediated through the action of multiprotein complexes, often assembled at specific cellular locations. Bacterial endospores for example, are encased in a proteinaceous coat, which confers resistance to lysozyme and harsh chemicals and influences the spore response to germinants. In Bacillus subtilis, the coat is composed of more than 20 polypeptides, organized into three main layers: an amorphous undercoat; a lamellar, lightly staining inner structure; and closely apposed to it, a striated electron-dense outer coat. Synthesis of the coat proteins is temporally and spatially governed by a cascade of four mother cell-specific transcription factors. However, the order of assembly and final destination of the coat structural components may rely mainly on specific protein–protein interactions, as well as on the action of accessory morphogenetic proteins. Proteolytic events, protein–protein crosslinking, and protein glycosylation also play a role in the assembly process. These modifications are carried out by enzymes that may themselves be targeted to the coat layers. Coat genes have been identified by reverse genetics or, more recently, by screens for mother cellspecific promoters or for peptide sequences able to interact with certain bait proteins. A role for a given locus in coat assembly is established by a combination of regulatory, functional, morphological, and topological criteria. Because of the amenability of B. subtilis to genetic analysis (now facilitated by the knowledge of its genome sequence), coat formation has become an attractive model for the assembly of complex macromolecular structures during development. © 2000 Academic Press Bacterial endospores are complex structures whose biogenesis culminates a developmental process initiated in response to nutritional deprivation (1–3). The 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: (404) 707– 3637. E-mail: 1046-2023/00 $35.00 Copyright © 2000 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. spore is a dormant cell type, extremely resistant to environmental challenges, but that nevertheless retains the ability to monitor its environment and to germinate and resume vegetative growth within minutes of exposure to specific germinants (1, 4). The basic endospore architecture (Fig. 1) is probably conserved across species. The core compartment (Cr), which contains the chromosome, is delimited by a membrane (IFM), covered by a thin germ cell wall (PGCW). This basic unit of viability is then enveloped by two protective layers of different properties, the cortex peptidoglycan (Cx), apposed to the forespore outer membrane (OFM), and the protein coat (Uc, IC, and OC). The morphological changes that occur during sporulation are similar in a number of bacilli and clostridia (2, 5), as well as in the round-shaped Sporosarcina ureae (but see below) (6). Other endospore formers have not yet been examined in detail (5). At the onset of spore formation, the sporangial cell is divided by a polar septum into two dissimilar compartments (Fig. 2A), a smaller prespore and a larger mother cell, each of which accommodates a copy of the genome (the sporulation division in S. ureae is, however, symmetric) (6). Soon after the asymmetric division (morphological Stage II), the septal membranes migrate around the prespore, a process that eventually converts it into a free protoplast separated from the mother-cell cytoplasm by two membranes of opposing polarity, the inner and outer forespore membranes (Stage III) (1–3). During Stages IV and V, the engulfed prespore (or forespore) is encircled first by the germ cell wall and then by the cortex (Fig. 1). Finally, the spore is encased within the coat, which consists of a 60- to 100-nm-thick protein layer at the spore surface. Most of the morphological variations seen in spores from different species occur at the level of the coat layers (see below). The 95 96 HENRIQUES AND MORAN mature spore is then released into the environment, on lysis of the terminal mother cell (1–3). The process of coat assembly is best understood in the bacterium B. subtilis, mainly because the advanced genetic tools available for this organism have allowed the cloning and analysis of a large number of coat genes [see (3) for a review] (Table 1). The coat can be viewed as a complex, multichambered organelle, to which different proteins are targeted during its maturation. Formation of the coat spans a developmental window of some 6 h (1, 3). During that period, four mother cell-specific transcription regulators ensure that the synthesis of proteins with specific functions in coat assembly is kept in register with the course of spore morphogenesis (1, 3, 7, 8). In addition to the intricate transcriptional control, the assembly of individual proteins depends on a topological imprint established early by the expression of genes encoding a unique class of morphogenetic proteins. These guide the assembly of the coat components, but may not themselves be part of the final structure (9 –13). The process of assembly further depends on specific but as yet poorly understood interactions (possibly sequential) among specific components (see below) and on secondary modifications, both enzymatic and nonenzymatic (14 –18). The mature coat is required for the spore’s ecological fitness (both its resistance to environmental challenges as well as its responsiveness to germinants). This discussion focuses on the approaches and methodology that have been employed in the analysis of the composition, structure, and function of the B. subtilis spore coat. The methods used and the con- cepts derived from the study of coat assembly in this organism should be generally applicable to other spore formers. General methods for the manipulation and genetic analysis of B. subtilis have been compiled recently (19, 20). STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE ENDOSPORE COAT In B. subtilis, sporulation triggered by exhaustion of a key nutrient in rich liquid medium [Difco sporulation medium, or DSM (21)] or by resuspension in a defined medium [Sterlini Mandelstam, or SM (22)] is a rapid and efficient process. Sporulation is essentially completed some 8 to 10 h after its onset, defined by the end of exponential growth or by the resuspension moment, accordingly. Routinely, more than 90% of the viable cells in a liquid culture form spores that are resistant to heat, organic solvents, hydrogen peroxide, or lysozyme, all of which are treatments that would promptly kill vegetative cells (1–3, 20). When examined by electron microscopy [see (23) for a protocol], spores purified from cultures 9, 24, or 48 h after the onset of sporulation appear structurally equivalent (20). The coat is clearly separated from the cortex by a zone of stained amorphous material commonly referred to as the undercoat (13) (Fig. 1). This layer appears to form a continuum with the cortex peptidoglycan, but may be separated from it by the forespore outer membrane (24, 25) (Fig. 1). The inner coat, which rests on FIG. 1. Spore structure. Shown is an electron micrograph of a thin cross section of a B. subtilis endospore (A) and a schematic representation (B) of a radial section of the spore in (A). (B) All the spore structures (as well as their presumptive locations) that are relevant to the present discussion but are not easily recognizable on the electron microscopy examination of wild-type spores. Cr, spore core; IFM, inner forespore membrane; PGCW, primordial germ cell wall; Cx, cortex; OFM, outer forespore membrane; UC, undercoat; IC, inner coat; OC, outer coat; SL, surface layer. Bar 5 0.2 mm. ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY the undercoat, is some 20 – 40 nm wide, and is formed by the juxtaposition of three to five thin lightly staining laminae. The outer coat, closely apposed to the inner layer, is wider (40 – 88 nm), and formed by thicker, electron-dense striations (Fig. 1). Freeze-etching studies revealed that the outer coat is organized in a pattern of closely aligned rods or bars that tend to run 97 along the longitudinal axis of the spore, just underneath a thin surface layer (26, 27). This surface layer assumes distinctive patterns from species to species (26, 27). The surface layer revealed by the freezeetching studies in B. subtilis is not clearly distinguished on conventional electron microscopy examination of spores (Fig. 1). However, several lines of FIG. 2. Stages of endospore formation and spore coat assembly. The relevant morphological stages of sporulation (as described in the text) are represented (A), in parallel with the course of the mother-cell cascade of gene expression (B). Note that the cotE gene is initially transcribed (from its P1 promoter) under the direction of s E-containing RNA polymerase, and in a second period (from its P2 promoter), by s E in conjunction with SpoIIID. (C) magnification of a region of the forespore outer membrane and a view of the assembly process. The putative final destination of the different coat proteins is represented, based on the evidence discussed in the text. Three stages in coat assembly are represented (see text). Coat assembly may be initiated with the synthesis, under s H control, of proteins that accumulate in the compartment defined by the two forespore membranes (e.g., TasA) and that later may in part associate with the cortex (at this stage cortex synthesis has not been initiated). TasA may also associate with the inner coat layers. At this early stage CotE forms a ring in a SpoIVA-dependent manner, at a distance from the forespore outer membrane. In a second period, coat structural proteins, most of which are synthesized under s K control, are targeted to different coat layers. At this stage, when cortex synthesis commences, SpoVID is required to keep the CotE ring in place. In a third period, deposition of the coat proteins continues. In addition, several gene products, some of which are made under GerE control (e.g., Tgl, CgeD), are involved in the modification of certain coat components. Some may act from the outside of the spores (e.g., CgeD, SpsC, SodA), without becoming associated with the structure. Others, e.g., Tgl, may associate with the outer coat layers. The outermost coat layer is proposed to contain proteins (e.g., CotM, CotX), crosslinked in a Tgl-dependent manner, defining a surface layer (SL) (see text). CotB and CotG may be subjected to crosslinking reactions, as discussed in the text. 98 HENRIQUES AND MORAN evidence suggest that the outermost coat layer may have properties that are distinct from the rest of the structure. For example, certain treatments result in detachment of a diffuse layer from the surface of the spores, without affecting the overall coat appearance (28). Also, mutants in which the surface properties of the spores are dramatically altered (cgeD or spsC; see below) display a normal coat morphology, suggesting that the mutations introduce subtle effects in an outermost layer that is not normally recognizable (29, 30). In a cotH mutant, in which the structure of the coat layers is profoundly altered, a diffuse surface layer that appears to peel off the compromised coats is evident (31). It can be questioned whether in this case the mutation reveals a normal preexisting structure or results in an abnormal one. However, it should be noted that in cotM and tgl mutants (see also below), which display specific defects in the external layers of the outer coat (29), this loosely attached layer is not observed, suggesting that its synthesis or assembly may be in part controlled by the two loci. There is considerable diversity, within the genus Bacillus, with respect to the structure, extent, and composition of the coat layers (26, 27). In some species the spore is further enveloped by a more or less conspicuous exosporium (of loose definition), normally separated from the coats (26, 27). The surface layer discussed above may correspond to an exosporium, in which case in B. subtilis it would be atypically joined to the outer coat (26, 32). Other spore appendages of even more obscure nature and function have been described. These include intriguing hair-like fibers projecting from the surface of B. subtilis or B. anthracis spores (26). FUNCTIONS OF THE COAT AND THEIR ASSESSMENT Lysozyme Resistance The spore’s resistance and germination properties develop late in development, during Stage V (Fig. 2A), TABLE 1 B. subtilis Genes Encoding Structural Components of the Coat Gene Location a (kb) Product(s) (kDa) cotA cotB cotC cotD cotE 684.7 3714.9 1904.6 2332.3 1774.4 58.5 42.9 8.8 8.8 20.9 cotF cotG cotH cotJA cotJC cotM cotS cotT cotV cotW cotX cotF cotZ ynzH ytaA 4166.3 3716.3 3716.2 755.9 755.9 1925.3 2845.1 1280.40 1251.5 1251.1 1250.6 1250.0 1249.4 1900.6 3161.2 13/8 1 5 e 23.9 42.8 9.73 21.69 15.2 40.29 12.98/7.76 e 14.36 12.32 18.58 17.87 16.52 11.6 41.2 Probable localization OC OC OC IC OC OC OC IC/OC IC IC — IC IC OC f OC f OC f OC f OC f ? ? Transcriptional regulation s K; GerE(2) c s K 1 GerE s K 1 GerE s K 1 GerE s E(P 1) d s E 1 SpoIIID (P 2) d sK s K 1 GerE sK s E 1 SpoIIID s E 1 SpoIIID s K; GerE(2) c s K 1 GerE sK s K (GerE) g s K (GerE) s K 1 GerE s K (GerE) s K (GerE) ? ? Assembly requirements b CotE CotE CotE, CotH — — — — CotE, CotH CotE, GerE CotJC CotJA — CotE GerE — — — — — — — a The positions of the various loci are based on the coordinates listed in the B. subtilis genome database [ Genolist/Subtilist; see also (73)]. b Assembly of the protein in question (but not its production) requires expression of the indicated loci. c GerE represses transcription from the cotA and cotM promoters. d The cotE gene is expressed from two promoters: one (P1) is used by s E-containing RNA polymerase, whereas the other (P2) requires the ancillary transcription factor SpoIIID. e Size of precursor and mature forms, respectively. f These genes encode components of the coat-insoluble fraction (16). g The cotV, cotW, and cotX genes are transcribed from the P VWX promoter, whereas cotX is also expressed from the P X promoter. The P YZ promoter drives transcription of the cotY and cotZ genes. GerE is required for transcription from the P x promoter, as well as for enhanced transcription from P VWX and P YZ (85). ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY concomitantly with the formation of the cortex and coat layers (33, 34). The cortex is critical for maintaining the spore’s dormancy and heat resistance. Its protection from the action of lytic enzymes such as lysozyme is probably the most important coat function and certainly the easiest to assay in the laboratory (see below). Purified spores are plated before and after treatment with lysozyme (250 mg/ml) for 15 min at 37°C, and the percentage of survivors is calculated (20, 34). The acquisition of lysozyme resistance, but not of other resistance properties, requires de novo protein synthesis during Stage V of sporulation, when most of the coat structural proteins are made and assembled (33, 34). Lysozyme resistance is prevented by the addition of a serine protease inhibitor to the medium, suggesting that proteolytic events are involved in coat assembly (33, 34). It should be noted that very little coat structure is required to confer nearly normal lysozyme resistance and that only spores with highly compromised coats are sensitive to lysozyme. Examples are those produced by cotE, gerE, or spoVID mutants (10, 13, 35). These mutants also show a slight decrease in heat resistance, probably as an indirect consequence of exposure of large parts of the cortex. When a culture at Hour 8 of sporulation is examined under a microscope equipped with phase contrast optics, the endospores appear as ellipsoidal phase bright bodies, either free or still partially or completely enclosed within the phasedark mother cell (2, 20). Refractility correlates with the degree of spore protoplast dehydration, which in turn depends on correct formation of the cortex [see (36) and references therein]. Certain coat mutants, including coatless mutants, or spores from which the coats have been chemically stripped remain phase bright and heat resistant. However, they become lysozyme and hydrogen peroxide sensitive and susceptible to organic solvents, e.g., chloroform and octanol (13, 35, 37– 40) (see also below), indicating that the coat acts as a permeability barrier. Moreover, these spores become deficient in germination. Germination Defects Germination is thus another important spore property that requires accurate formation of the coat layers (13, 35, 41– 43). However, germination can also be affected by defects in the structure of the cortical peptidoglycan (PG) or by specific defects in the germination machinery (e.g., germination receptors) that do not translate into obvious structural defects in the cortex or coat layers (25, 35, 36, 44). A germination (Ger) phenotype may reveal a coat deficiency if it correlates with functional, compositional, or structural changes in other specific coat attributes, while not affecting further spore properties, or if additional changes can be shown to be indirect consequences of a coat deficiency (e.g., the cotT or cotD mutant) (41, 45). 99 Spores of different species and strains germinate in response to a variety of physical and chemical stimuli [see, e.g., (44, 46, 47)]. For B. subtilis, the chemical germinants normally used include L-alanine (which can be used in a range of concentrations between 0.1 and 10 mM, sometimes in combination with 1 mM inosine) and related amino acids, Penassay broth, and a mixture known as AGFK (asparagine, glucose, fructose, KCl) (20, 41, 44). Germination can be scored on DSM plates, containing 3- to 4-day-old sporulated colonies that have been heat activated (48). The colonies are overlaid with a rich medium containing the 2,3,5triphenyltetrazolium indicator (Tzm). After a 2- to 3-h incubation in the dark, Ger 1 colonies are red, because the reactivation of dehydrogenase activity causes reduction of the dye (20). Ger 2 colonies remain uncolored, whereas intermediate phenotypes usually correlate with the severity and stage of the germination defect (4, 20). Because the overlay medium permits stimulation of germination by L-alanine, only mutants unable to respond to L-alanine or to both L-alanine and AGFK will produce a Ger 2 phenotype. In contrast, a red colony may correspond to a mutant unable to germinate in AGFK. These can be identified by a colony transfer assay, in which sporulated colonies are first transferred to a filter paper that (after treatments to kill sporulating cells and to prevent premature germination) is placed on top of a germination agar plate containing AGFK and Tzm (20, 49). Both tests can also be used to identify mutants that germinate faster than the wild type, although in this case liquid assays provide a more reliable measure of germination rates. In the latter case, a heat activated purified spore suspension is exposed to different germinants, and the rate of germination is followed, normally by measuring the loss in optical density of the suspension at 580 nm (13, 16, 20, 41). Other parameters that can be used as a measure of germination include loss of heat resistance, release of dipicolinic acid, or release of hexoxaminecontaining material from the cortex [see (20) for a discussion]. The various germinants should in principle be tested, as a mutation may interfere with specific germination pathways (4). Heat activation is normally required to achieve a maximum germination rate, but some cortex mutants do not require heat activation to achieve maximum germination (36). A similar test has also been occasionally used to probe subtle differences in coat structure (41). The ultrastructural analysis of germinating spores reveals that the coat is cracked at discrete locations, which may reflect the site of assembly of specific lytic enzymes (50). Because germination is sensitive to serine protease inhibitors, it has been suggested that proteases built into the structure play an active role in the process (51). At least one intracellular protease (of about 30 kDa) is known to be deposited into the coat outer layers, but appears to play no 100 HENRIQUES AND MORAN role in germination (52). The extracellular metalloprotease Mpr is also known to associate with the coat layers, but its function in coat assembly or spore germination, if any, is not yet known (29). The available evidence suggests some degree of functional differentiation between the two coat layers. This distinction is generally made on the basis of the phenotypes of two pleiotropic mutants. One, cotE, fails to assemble the outer coat and is lysozyme sensitive (13). The other, gerE, lacks any inner coat structure and is germination deficient [in fact the gerE mutant was found in a screen for a germination deficient phenotype (35)]. Although reiterated in the literature, this functional distinction cannot be precisely made on the basis of the phenotypes displayed by the cotE or gerE mutant. First, the cotE mutant exhibits reduced inner layers and is germination deficient (13, 29). Furthermore, it may also be deficient in undercoat formation (53). Second, in addition to missing the inner coat structure, the gerE mutant also lacks most of the outer coat [and what remains of the outer coat is altered (29, 35)]. A better illustration of the functional differentiation of the coat is perhaps demonstrated by mutations in two other coat loci (neither of which is associated with lysozyme sensitivity). A mutant (cotD) that presumably lacks a single inner-coat component (a supposition that nevertheless relies on its presence in the coats of a cotE mutant) responds slowly to the germinant L-alanine (45). Another mutant that displays a germination phenotype results from the inactivation of the cotT locus (41). That the locus encodes inner coat components is supported by the observation that overexpression of cotT results in spores with an enlarged inner coat (and no other structural alterations). These spores are also germination deficient (41), supporting the view that the inner coat plays an important role in germination. The ambiguity in the distinction of functions for the inner and outer coats probably results because of fundamental features of coat assembly and structure and because both coat structures are functionally linked. Redox Functions Differences in composition and structure of the coat layers among different species may reflect specific ecological pressures, but it is noteworthy that all endospores appear to have two different coat layers, inner and outer. Spores or purified coat material from a marine Bacillus species (strain SG-1) can oxidize Mn 21 to MnO 2, which precipitates on the outermost spore coat layers (54). Vegetative cells, in contrast, can reduce MnO 2, suggesting that the oxide accumulated on spores can be used as a terminal electron acceptor in the metabolism of vegetative cells (55). This, in turn, could confer a selective advantage over organisms relying only on oxygen (55). The genes involved in Mn 21 oxidation are clustered in an operon transcribed during sporulation under s K control (54) (see also below). One of the genes in the cluster (mnxG) encodes a protein of the blue copper family of oxidases (54). MnxG is related to CotA of B. subtilis, which is required for the production of the brown pigment that characterizes wild-type sporulating colonies [see (45) and references therein]. Disruption of the cotA locus results in the formation of unpigmented colonies and spores. These lack the 63kDa CotA protein (Table 1), but are functionally indistinguishable from wild-type spores (45). Two other redox enzymes appear to associate with the coat layers. One, encoded by the cotJC gene (Table 1), is similar to a Mn-dependent catalase from Lactobacillus plantarum, and is part of the internal coat layers (56, 57). The other is a Mn-dependent superoxide dismutase (the product of the sodA gene), which was found associated with the coats of a cotE mutant (23) (Fig. 2). There is no evidence that any of these enzymes are required for the protection of the spore against oxidative stress (23, 56 –58), but they could participate in crosslinking reactions involving coat proteins (23) (see also below). It has been recently suggested that the coat protects the spores in the digestive tract of ruminants (A. Driks, personal communication). However, spores in the soil (or the intestinal tract) are likely to face challenges profoundly different from those encountered by spores of certain pathogens, e.g., Clostridium or B. anthracis, in the host’s body, and to respond to different germination stimuli. Reinforcing the suggestion that different coats are made to meet specific conditions, we note that even within the same species the coat composition can be adjusted to the contents of the sporulation medium (60). This response is regulated at the transcriptional level for the abundant outer coat component CotC of B. subtilis (59, 60). PURIFICATION OF SPORES AND ISOLATION OF THE COAT FRACTION Spores are collected by centrifugation of cultures normally 24 h after the initiation of sporulation, resuspended in cold distilled water, and incubated overnight at 49C to lyse remaining cells, and the cycle is repeated two or three times. A lysozyme treatment can be employed to enforce cellular lysis, but this is not recommended with mutants with severe coat lesions or with uncharacterized mutations (20). This simple method provides spores of reasonable quality for many applications including electron microscopy or quantitative germination tests. However, during the extraction and analysis of coat proteins from spores, we occasionally faced proteolytic degradation of the sample, a problem that could be circumvented by sedimentation of the washed spores through a step gradient of 50% Renografin-74 (or the equivalent Renocal-74, both from ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY Squibb Diagnostics) (20, 61). Vegetative cells will be found together with cell debris at the top of the gradient, whereas sporulating cells containing endospores are found in a more or less wide band about 2 cm below. The sedimented spores are immediately washed with cold distilled water, as traces of Renografin have been found to induce some germination (26), and finally resuspended in a suitable volume of water. This procedure often gives greater then 99% highly clean spores, as assessed by phase-contrast microscopy. A correspondence can be established between the optical density of the suspension at 578 nm and the number of spores, either by plating or by direct counting in a Haussler chamber. The spore suspension can then be stored at 49C for a period no longer than 2–3 weeks, after which some alterations in the status of the coat layers can be detected (see below). Other methods of storage (e.g., freezing or lyophilization) are not advisable for any of the tests to probe the structure, composition, or function of the coat layers discussed here. The analysis of purified spores (prepared by extensive washing and lysozyme treatment of 48-h cultures) has revealed that the coat layers constitute 50 to 78% of the total spore protein, with small amounts of polysaccharides or lipids [see, e.g., (37, 62– 64)]. This was estimated following isolation of the spore coat fraction (see below), on a protein basis or by monitoring the radioactivity incorporated into protein during growth and sporulation in the presence of one or several labeled amino acids or sulfate [see, e.g., (37, 62, 63)]. In these and other classic studies, the coat fraction was prepared by mechanical disruption of the spores with 0.11- to 0.12-mm glass beads in a cell disintegrator, at neutral pH in the presence of EDTA and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), until no intact spores were detected by phase-contrast microscopy. The coat fragments were recovered by centrifugation, treated with lysozyme to remove the cortex peptidoglycan, and washed with different solutions including sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to remove membrane components (37, 62, 63). The final insoluble residue, defined as the coat fraction, often consisted of large coat fragments in which the usual coat morphological features as seen by electron microscopy were preserved (62). For storage, the coat fraction is resuspended in water or lyophilized. ANALYSIS OF THE COAT POLYPEPTIDE COMPOSITION Coat Soluble Fraction Coat proteins are usually extracted from either purified coats or spores by two families of methods (20). Treatment with 0.1 N NaOH at 49C for 15 min results in solubilization of less than 5% of the coat protein, but 101 preferentially solubilizes a group of alkali-soluble proteins (37, 62, 63). The group includes the outer-coat component CotC, of about 12 kDa, and at least two polypeptides of 5 and 8 kDa that are cotF dependent (15, 45). About 68% of the total coat protein (including the alkali-soluble proteins) can be solubilized by treatments with reducing agents and detergents at pH values between 6.8 and 9.8, and resolved by SDS– polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) (37, 62, 63). The exact solubilization conditions differ among laboratories, but in general the SDS–PAGE profile of released proteins is rather conserved, as in the following examples. Goldman and Tipper (62) boiled the coat fraction for 3 min in 60 mM Tris, 3% SDS, 5% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME), at pH 6.8, and noted no significant improvement in extraction on addition of denaturing agents such as guanidine hydrochloride plus 6 M urea, 8 M urea, or 6 M guanidine thiocyanate. In a related protocol Pandey and Aronson incubated purified coats for 2–3 h at 37°C in a buffer containing 5 mM CHES, 1% SDS, 8 M urea, and 50 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), at pH 9.8 (63). These authors found that about 6% of the solubilized material was polysaccharide (63) (see also below). In another study, Jenkinson et al. (37) treated purified coats for 30 min at 68°C in 5 mM CHES, 1% SDS, 50 mM DTT, 2 mM PMSF, at pH 9.8. Subjecting whole spores to the same treatment released only about 25% of the coat protein, consistent with the protective role of the coat (37). Nevertheless, the collection of SDS–PAGE-resolved polypeptides was similar to that released from isolated coats. During the extraction the spores retained refractility and heat resistance, indicating that no major structural disruption of the cortex had occurred (37). In our laboratory, we routinely boil intact spores for 8 min in the presence of 125 mM Tris, 4% SDS, 10% (v/v) 2-ME, 1 mM DTT, 0.05% bromphenol blue, 10% glycerol at pH 6.8 (23, 57, 65). After brief centrifugation, the supernate is directly applied to an SDS– polyacrylamide gel. This procedure results in profiles very similar to those reported by Jenkinson et al. (37), and is highly reproducible (23, 57, 65). The pattern of SDS–PAGE-resolved proteins extracted from wild-type purified spores or coats generally coincides with, and defines the collection of, soluble (or extractable) coat structural components. Different criteria have been used to define proteins as coat components. Proteins that associate loosely with the coat’s inner or outer interfaces are likely to be released during the purification of the coat fraction, but may remain bound to whole spores. Whether or not these proteins are relevant must be established by independent criteria (e.g., morphology, resistance, or germination tests of the corresponding mutant). Proteins that associate with the surface of the spores may be washed off with a salt solution. For example, a 102 HENRIQUES AND MORAN protease activity associated with the spores of B. cereus was easily released with 1 M KCl (66). No proteins in the coat soluble fraction appear to be covalently linked to the cortical peptidoglycan (32, 37). To determine this, cells were labeled with N-acetyl-D[ 14C]glucosamine, and the coat fraction was prepared with or without lysozyme treatment. None of the solubilized proteins was labeled, or its migration affected by incubation of the coat fraction with lysozyme prior to extraction (37). However, components of the cortex– coat interface that may loosely associate with the peptidoglycan may be highly relevant for coat assembly or function. It is not known whether the outer forespore membrane remains functional after coat deposition, but in B. subtilis at least 11 proteins in the total purified coat fraction are antigenically related to proteins present in the vegetative cell membrane (24). Their role, if any, in coat assembly needs to be established by independent criteria. In B. subtilis the collection of coat-soluble polypeptides consists of more than 25 different species, ranging in size from 6 to 63 kDa, as determined by the analysis of Coomassie-stained gels, and confirmed by pulse labeling of sporulating cells (23, 37, 43, 57, 65, 67). The profile is, however, dominated by a group of 4 to 6 species in the range 6 to 12 kDa (including CotC and CotD) and by one major protein of about 36 kDa (CotG), which together constitute about 50% of the total solubilized coat protein (37, 45, 67). At least one component of the soluble fraction (possibly two) is a glycoprotein (37, 63) (see below). At least 16 polypeptides of the soluble fraction have been identified by N-terminal sequence analysis (Table 1) (see below). Some of the bands recognized on an SDS–PAGE coat protein profile, however, correspond to more than one protein. Therefore, a strategy is to determine the sequence of internal peptide fragments obtained by proteolysis. Alternatively, and in an effort to render the protein profile less complex, pleiotropic mutants that lack several coat components (e.g., cotE or gerE) can be used (13, 35). One advantage of this approach is that species extracted in insignificant amounts from wildtype coats or spores may, as the result of misassembly or increased accessibility, be more readily extracted from the mutant. The TasA protein, for example (GenBank Accession No. P54507), which has a role in coat assembly, is barely detected in wild-type spores, but is the most prevalent polypeptide that can be extracted from the coats of gerE mutant spores (68). The coat polypeptide composition differs from species to species (14, 40, 69 –71). For example, B. cereus coats may contain a single main protein (14, 69), whereas five major proteins as well as a few other minor species are detected in B. megaterium (70, 71). The soluble proteins show some propensity to selfassemble. Addition of coat protein to spores of B. cereus that were stripped of both the inner and outer coat layers and were lysozyme sensitive resulted in extensive deposition of coat material around the spore and partial reconstitution of the coat layers (38). Moreover, lysozyme resistance was partially restored (38). In B. subtilis, the low-molecular-weight protein extracted from purified coats with SDS and reducing agents at alkaline pH was found to reassociate under certain conditions to form structures that resembled coat fragments (62). Proteins in the soluble coat fraction come from all coat layers, as suggested by electron microscopy observations of B. subtilis coat fragments after extraction of the soluble proteins (62). Extraction appears to solubilize the inner coat and most of the outer coat, but leaves behind an amorphous component, a diffuse darkly staining matrix, presumably derived from the outer coat, and a thin outer layer (62) (see also section on protein localization). This material (about 30% of the total coat protein), probably corresponds to the coat insoluble fraction. On the other hand, treatment with alkali may preferentially solubilize material from the outer coat layers (40, 69) (see below). Coat Insoluble Fraction The coat residue that remains after extraction resists solubilization by a variety of treatments and does not contribute significantly to the pattern of electrophoretically resolved proteins. It consists of about 30% of the total coat protein and defines the coat-insoluble fraction (37, 62, 63). Amino acid analysis indicates that this coat fraction has a high content of cysteine, as well as other modified residues, suggesting that it is highly crosslinked (62, 63). The importance of the cysteinerich fraction in coat assembly and function is illustrated by the observation that treatment with reducing agents renders spores of various species sensitive to lysozyme and H 2O 2 (39, 40). The insoluble residue can be rendered more soluble by proteolysis or by acid hydrolysis (16, 37). The purification by highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of a peptide derived from a formic acid hydrolysis of the insoluble fraction and its sequence analysis offered the possibility to clone the cotX gene, which codes for a 18.6-kDa protein (16). cotX belongs to the cotVWXYZ cluster of functionally related genes (16) (see also Table 1). Its analysis revealed that some proteins can partition between the insoluble and soluble coat fractions. The last two genes in the cluster encode highly similar cysteine-rich proteins. CotY (predicted molecular weight of 16.5) contains 15 cysteine residues, or 10% of the total number, whereas CotZ (16.5 kDa) contains 10 cysteines, or 7% of the total. Both CotY and CotZ are detected in the soluble fraction, as minor components with electrophoretic mobilities of 26 and 18 kDa, respectively. CotY also exists as 52- and 76-kDa dimeric and trimeric forms (with either itself or possibly CotZ). ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY These species can be detected on a Coomassie-stained gel when CotY is overexpressed from a plasmid (16). Higher-molecular-weight MW forms of CotY can be detected only by Western. The multimeric forms of CotY probably result from disulfide crosslinks, since they can be completely reduced in the presence of 200 mM DTT (16). Deletion of cotXYZ results in spores with a reduced outer coat, altered surface properties, and increased accessibility to germinants (16). The first three genes in the cluster, cotVWX, differ from cotY and cotZ in that they do not encode cysteinerich proteins: cysteines are absent from CotW (12.3 kDa), whereas both CotV (14.4 kDa) and CotX contain a single C residue. Nevertheless, CotX antigen can be immunologically detected in the soluble fraction as bands of 24 and 48 kDa, albeit in very low levels, as well as a high-molecular-weight cross-reacting material that does not enter the gel (16). The CotX multimers cannot be solubilized by excess reducing agents. CotW, CotV, and CotX are rich in glutamine and lysine residues. This led to the suggestion that CotX could be crosslinked via a transglutaminase-dependent formation of e-(g-glutamyl)lysine crosslinks (16). Interestingly, multimerization of CotY and CotZ is at least in part dependent on CotX, since deletion of cotX results in increased representation of monomeric CotY and CotZ in the soluble fraction. CotE is an abundant soluble protein, easily detectable on a Coomassie-stained gel (13), but recent studies have suggested that most of the CotE antigen is associated with the insoluble fraction (53). A region in CotE shares sequence similarity with the rod domain of the acidic (type I) bovine cytokeratin 19, involved in the formation of intermediate-size filaments (IFs) (53). This region in IF proteins is arranged in coiled-coil a helices, and is important in the interactions leading to filament formation (72). Analysis by electron microscopy has suggested that CotE could be involved in the formation of a network of filaments, whose complexity was in part dependent on another coat protein, CotT (53) (see also below). Oligopeptide repeats rich in glycine and aromatic residues (such as GGYGGG), characteristic of the head domain of type I cytokeratins, are also found in the heads or tails of type II (basic) IF proteins (72) and in the carboxy terminus of CotT (14). In addition, CotT also contains several repeats of a GGGY motif (see also below). Multiple antigenic forms of both CotE and CotT were detected under the same conditions that promoted filament formation, suggesting that both CotE and CotT could be crosslinked (53) (see also below). cot Genes Identified by Reverse Genetics A total of 17 cot genes have now been identified by reverse genetics (Table 1). These, by definition, encode coat structural components that, in some cases, may partition to various degrees between both the insoluble 103 and soluble fractions (see preceding section). The cloned cot genes include those encoding the most abundant species in the soluble fraction (see above). Other genes that participate in coat assembly, but that may not encode structural components [e.g., spoVID, tgl (10, 17)] are generically designated as coat genes. Most of the genes listed in Table 1 have been insertionally inactivated. Surprisingly, with the exception of cotE (13), none of the mutants displayed a lysozymesensitive phenotype, indicating extensive redundancy, or minor roles for individual components. The cotH gene was identified by reverse genetics (43), and its product confirmed as a coat component by use of a polyclonal antibody raised against purified CotH (31). The cotH mutant forms spores that are lysozyme resistant, despite having highly disorganized and incomplete coat layers, from which several prominent proteins (including CotH) are missing (43). However, the cotH mutant is impaired in germination (43). This example illustrates a recurring theme in coat studies; a role for a given locus in coat assembly has to be established by the analysis of the impact of several parameters, including germination, on the assembly of other coat proteins, morphology of the coat layers, or localization of the protein to the coats (see below). Interestingly, the cotH mutation exacerbates the germination phenotype of a cotE mutant (43), depicting the principle that the use of multiple mutants must always be considered. Posttranslational Modifications of Coat Proteins Several types of posttranslational modifications are found in coat proteins, including glycosylation, proteolytic processing, and crosslinking. Glycosylation Purified coat fractions contain some carbohydrate, and two low-molecular-weight polypeptides (of about 8 and 9 kDa) appear to be glycosylated (37, 63). It is unclear whether they correspond to any of the abundant low-molecular-weight species (37). The analysis of two divergent GerE-dependent transcription units, called cgeAB and cgeCDE (30) (see below) has revealed strong similarity between CgeD and the product of a paralogous gene, spsC, of the spsA–K cluster (73). CgeD and SpsC (as well as other products in the spsA–K cluster) share sequence similarity with nucleotide sugar transferases involved in the synthesis of extracellular polysaccharides (30, 73). These observations suggest that CgeD and SpsC could be involved in the glycosylation of coat proteins. Deletion of cgeD results in spores with altered surface properties (30), as does deletion of the entire spsA–K cluster (29). A somewhat similar phenotype is conferred by a deletion of cotXYZ (16). Because deletion of cgeD or of spsA–K does not change the pattern of extractable coat proteins, it is 104 HENRIQUES AND MORAN tempting to suggest that proteins in the insoluble fraction are glycosylated in a CgeD- and SpsC-dependent manner. CgeD has a highly hydrophobic stretch of amino acids near its N terminus (30). In contrast, the overall hydrophobic CotX has a highly charged N terminus that could serve to anchor the protein to the coat. In one scenario, CotX and CgeD could interact via their hydrophobic parts, which would result in the glycosylation of CotX and normal spore surface properties. It should, however, be emphasized that to date neither CgeD nor SpsC has been shown to promote the glycosylation of any coat component. Proteolytic Processing Some coat polypeptides or proteins required for coat assembly are derived from proteolytic processing of larger precursors. In at least one case, that of TasA, a signal sequence seems to be removed by a type I signal peptidase, suggesting that protein secretion may be important for coat assembly (68). In comparison, the primary products of the cotF and cotT genes are subjected to endoproteolytic cleavage (14, 15). The two processing products of CotF (of 5 and 8 kDa) are found associated with the coat (15). In contrast, only an 8-kDa processed form of the 13-kDa CotT precursor is normally found in the coats (14). Mature CotT has an unusual primary structure. Only 7 amino acids are represented among its 44 residues, and of these 11 are G (17.5%), 19 are P (30.2%), and 22 are Y (34.9%). Moreover, these residues are arranged in repetitive units of the form PYYYP (or PYYP), PRPP (or PRP), and GGGY (see section on the insoluble fraction). The C-terminal oligopeptide motif GGGYG is also reminiscent of cytokeratin 19 and other intermediate filament proteins (53, 72) (see above). The sequences at the carboxy-terminal side of the cleaved bonds in the CotF and CotT precursors are identical (ER), and suggest that a trypsin-like enzyme may be involved. The CotT precursor but not its mature form accumulated in spores of a gerE mutant that fails to produce a 30 kDa protease (14, 52, 74). This suggests that processing occurs on the spore and that gerE controls both the production and assembly of the protease. Disruption of cotT or accumulation of the CotT precursor interferes with germination (41), but no other phenotypes derive from the inactivation of cotF or cotT (14, 15). Given the involvement of serine proteases in lysozyme resistance and germination (33, 34, 51, 52), it is possible that additional coat proteins serve as substrates for serine proteases. Protein–Protein Crosslinking In several biological systems, crosslinking of structural proteins is know to result in the insolubilization of specific structural components and to confer a high degree of chemical and mechanical resistance to the modified structure [(23, 75) and references therein]. In addition to the formation of disulfide bonds that may sequester proteins such as CotY and CotZ in the insoluble fraction (see above), there is also evidence for irreversible crosslinking of coat proteins. The cotB gene, for example, encodes a polypeptide with an apparent mobility of some 45 kDa that apparently also accumulates as a dimer (67 kDa), resistant to detergents and reducing agents (29, 45). CotB has a predicted size of 42.9 kDa and does not contain cysteines. In its last third (130 residues), CotB contains 21 K (or 16%) and 55 S (or 42,3%) residues, arranged in sequences of the form SSKS, SSSKSK, or SSDYQSS, each repeated three times. The nature of the crosslinks that hold the putative CotB dimer together are unknown. A coat transglutaminase, proposed on the basis of the properties of CotX (see above), was also suspected from the analysis of the cotM locus (65). cotM belongs to the a-crystallin family of small heat-shock proteins, whose members can serve as substrates for a transglutaminase. Inactivation of cotM results in spores that are specifically deficient in the assembly of the outermost coat layers, but did not change the SDS–PAGE profile of proteins extracted from purified spores, suggesting that the protein is either not very abundant or insoluble (65). More recently, (g-glutamyl)lysine crosslinks were identified in purified spores and coat material, a transglutaminase extracted from the surface of the spores, and its gene (tgl) cloned by reverse genetics (17, 18). The Tgl substrates are unknown. They could include CotX and CotM. Suggestively, the electron microscopic observation of a tgl insertional mutant revealed a phenotype very similar to that presented by the cotM mutant (29, 65). The tgl mutant has unchanged resistance properties and, like the cotM mutant, displays a normal SDS–PAGE profile of soluble proteins. It is possible that the outermost coat layer (perhaps the thin outer layer seen on microscopic observation of the coat-insoluble residue mentioned above) is crosslinked in a transglutaminase-dependent manner, as already suggested (65). Purified coat material has a relatively high tyrosine content (63). Several coat proteins are tyrosine rich and have peculiar primary structures. For example, only 10 amino acids are represented in the 66-residuelong alkali-soluble CotC (45). Moreover, 3 amino acids make up 75% of the total number of residues in CotC (D, 18.2%; K, 28.8%; Y, 30.3%). Another protein, CotG, is also Y-rich (21 residues, or 11%), although the most represented amino acid is K (55 residues, or 28%). CotG has a predicted size of 22.5 kDa, but migrates as a 36-kDa species, possibly because of its unusual primary structure (67). Alternatively, CotG is an SDS/ DTT-resistant dimer, formed by crosslinks involving tyrosine or lysine residues (67, 75). The protein is or- ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY ganized in nine repeating units with the consensus H/Y KKS Y R/C S/T H/Y KKSRS (where the residues in bold mark the least conserved positions). Deletion of cotG resulted in spores that also lack CotB and in the formation of an expanded outer coat (67), which is missing its normal pattern of electron-dense striations (23). We recently found that the amount of extractable CotG was increased by mutations in the sodA locus, encoding a Mn-dependent superoxide dismutase (23). We proposed that SodA was required for the activation of a putative peroxidase involved in the oxidative crosslinking (and insolubilization) of CotG. Polymerization of CotG could be an important determinant of the structural organization of the outer coat layers (23). In the absence of functional SodA (which is not required to be coat associated), more CotG could partition in the soluble fraction (23). In a striking parallel, highly repetitive proline-rich plant proteins are known to be crosslinked by the reaction of H 2O 2 with a peroxidase (76). It should also be noted that the repetitive, P-rich CotT may also be crosslinked to itself or to CotE, and that the latter may also be a prominent component of the insoluble fraction (53) (see section on the insoluble fraction). o,o-Dityrosine bonds have been found in coat material from B. subtilis (63), and a peroxidase activity has been localized to the forespore membranes of B. cereus (77). Spores, at least those of B. subtilis, may contain dityrosine residues (78), but in minute amounts, and it is unclear whether this type of modification can significantly contribute to the assembly and function of the coat. Localization of Coat Proteins within the Coat Layers The structural differentiation of the coat has prompted several attempts to assign individual proteins to different layers. These attempts relied on differential extraction techniques, surface iodination studies, dependency on either cotE or gerE for assembly, or, more recently, direct localization of coat antigens by immunomicroscopy or by the use of fusions to the green fluorescent protein (GFP). For example, the alkali extraction of 2-mercaptoethanol-treated spores of B. coagulans solubilizes a tyrosine-rich component and results in loss of electrodensity from the outer coat layers (40). Moreover, the treatment destroys the characteristic pattern of parallel fibrils seen in the surface layers of the spores by freeze-etching (40). The tyrosine-rich component may be the equivalent of the 12-kDa CotC protein from B. subtilis, which is also tyrosine-rich, alkali-soluble, and associated with the outer coat (see below). Surface iodination studies have revealed that proteins of 36 and 12 kDa (the latter alkali-soluble) were prominent components of the outermost coat layers in B. subtilis spores prepared at Hour 9 of sporulation (37). From their electrophoretic mobilities and relative abundance, these proteins are likely to be CotG and CotC (45, 67) (see Table 1 and 105 Fig. 2C). Different proteins are surface exposed at earlier times (e.g., around Hours 5 and 6 of sporulation), and those appear to be progressively covered by other components as the spore matures (37). In combination with pulse labeling experiments, these studies have suggested that the order of assembly may not parallel the order of synthesis of the coat components (37). The properties of the cotE mutant are often used to provide a first indication of the localization of a given protein within the coat layers. The rationale is that any protein missing from the coats of a cotE mutant must be associated mainly with the outer layers (13). This type of analysis strongly supports the view that CotG and CotC, as well as CotA and CotB, are outer-coat proteins (13, 45, 67) (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Absence of CotA may explain why cotE mutant spores are unpigmented (13, 45). However, in the absence of more direct evidence, these results should be interpreted with caution, as the mutant also displays a diminished inner coat and undercoat (29, 53). Thus, CotE may also control the assembly of internal components. CotS, for example (79), is produced under the joint control of s K and GerE (see below), and has been localized by immunoelectron microscopy to the inner coat layers in B. subtilis (80) (Table 1). However, its assembly requires CotE (80). In addition, inner-coat proteins that are in close proximity or in association with CotE may be less represented or absent in the mutant. This may be the case with CotH, although this protein is also thought to be present in the outer coat (31, 43). Less reliable is the assumption that a protein absent from the coats of a gerE mutant is associated with the inner coat layers (see also section on functions of the coat). The GerE protein is a transcriptional regulator that acts to activate or repress transcription of several coat genes (60, 81) (see Fig. 2 and below). The gerE mutant lacks the inner-coat structure (35), but is also impaired in the production of several major outer-coat components, including CotC and CotG (60, 67, 81) (see also Table 1). However, a cotE gerE double mutant lacks both the inner- and outer-coat structure, and thus a coat protein that persists in the double mutant must be in part associated with internal layers of the coat. CotJC, for example, was easily detected in whole spores of a cotE gerE double mutant by immunofluorescence microscopy, but was barely detectable in intact wild-type spores (56). The subcellular localization of two proteins important for coat assembly, SpoIVA and CotE, has been studied by immunofluorescence or by the use of fusions to GFP (82– 84). These studies have confirmed earlier immunoelectron microscopy results according to which in sporulating cells, SpoIVA localizes around the forespore, in or close to the outer forespore membrane, determining the assembly of CotE in a ring-like structure at a distance from it (9) (see below). In these 106 HENRIQUES AND MORAN studies, an epitope-tagged version of CotE was used (9). Essentially the same pattern of subcellular localization has been determined for SpoIVA and a CotE– b-galactosidase fusion protein in the same cells by immunofluorescence microscopy (83). The cells were, however, somewhat impaired in CotE function (83). A SpoIVA–GFP fusion protein appears to assume the expected subcellular localization, completely surrounding the forespore at Stage III (82). However the GFP moiety interferes with SpoIVA function, and the fusion protein assumes its correct localization only at low temperatures and when the wild type spoIVA allele is coexpressed in the cells (82). At later developmental stages the GFP fluorescence disappears, suggesting that the protein is covered by the deposition of the coat proteins or is eliminated (82). A CotE–GFP fusion protein was shown to localize around the forespore in a spoIVA-dependent manner, but in those cells (as for the CotE–b-galactosidase fusion), assembly of the coat was found to be somewhat aberrant (84). Ultimately, the localization of individual components to different coat layers may require the resolution of immunoelectron microscopy, as recently exemplified by CotS (80) (see above). GENETIC CONTROL OF COAT GENE EXPRESSION A Hierarchical Cascade of Gene Expression In B. subtilis, the developmental pathway is governed at the transcriptional level by a cascade of four compartment-specific RNA polymerase sigma (s) factors, which come into play in the order s F, s E, s G, and s K (3, 7, 8). Activation of each s factor is linked to specific stages of sporulation, thus coupling gene expression to the course of morphogenesis (1, 3, 7, 8). The cloning of the cotA–E genes (13, 45), followed by that of several other cot genes, allowed their transcriptional analysis (14, 15, 17, 43, 57, 60, 65, 67, 68, 80, 85) (see Table 1 and Fig. 2). Coat gene expression is initiated soon after the sporulation division, and depends thereafter on the flow of a hierarchical cascade involving s E and s K and two auxiliary DNA-binding proteins, SpoIIID and GerE (60) (see also Fig. 2A and B). The mother-cell genetic program is initiated by the activation of pro-s E to its active form s E, specifically in this sporangial compartment (1, 3, 7, 8). Among the genes that s E controls are spoIVA, spoVID, and cotE (the latter from its P 1 promoter) (10 –12, 60), which encode proteins with important morphogenetic roles in coat assembly (see also the following section). s E also drives the expression of the spoIIID gene (3, 7, 8), encoding SpoIIID. The next class in coat gene expression is represented by SpoIIID-dependent transcription of the cotJ operon, and of the cotE gene, from its P 2 promoter (57, 60). Then, with the help of SpoIIID, s E transcribes the rearranged sigK gene, encoding an inactive pro form of s K (3, 7, 8, 86). The activation of s K is delayed until the completion of the engulfment sequence, which converts the prespore into a free protoplast within the mother-cell cytoplasm (Stage III) and marks the activation of s G in the forespore. Soon after, pro-s K is proteolytically converted to its mature form in the mother cell (3, 7, 8), where it replaces s E during the postengulfment stages of mother-cell development. It is then (from Hour 4 of sporulation onward) that the transcription of most cot genes commences and that the assembly of the coat structural components around the engulfed forespore is first noted by microscopy (2, 60). A first wave of s K-dependent gene expression results in the transcription of cotA, cotD, cotH, cotF, cotT, cotV, cotW, cotY, cotZ, and cotM (14, 15, 43, 60, 65, 85, 87) (Fig. 2). s K also directs transcription of the regulatory gene gerE (81, 88), whose product acts together with Es K to activate or enhance transcription of the last class of coat gene expression. The gerE-dependent regulon includes a minimum of 12 genes and operons. Transcription of cotB, cotC, cotS, and cotG of the soluble fraction, and cotX in the insoluble fraction is GerE dependent (60, 67, 80, 85) (see Fig. 2). Transcription of cotD, cotV, cotW, cotY, and cotZ is enhanced by GerE (60, 81, 85). GerE also represses the transcription of genes in earlier temporal classes (e.g., sigK, cotA, and cotM) (60, 65, 81, 87), thus reinforcing the course of the regulatory cascade (Fig. 2). Thus, with the sole exception of tasA (68) (see below), all the genes involved in the assembly of the spore coat are transcribed in the mother-cell compartment of the postdivisional cell. Genetic Screens for the Identification of Coat Genes Genetic screens aimed at the identification of mothercell-specific promoters have been employed to identify additional coat genes. In one example, the gene encoding pro-s E (or its mature form) was placed under the control of the IPTG-inducible P spac promoter in a strain carrying a deletion of the sigE gene. The strain was then transduced with a lysate of a temperate phage (SPb), bearing a random library of chromosomal fragments fused to the lacZ gene, and individual colonies screened for a conditional, IPTG-dependent Lac 1 phenotype (10). This type of screening allowed the identification and cloning of the s E-dependent gene spoVID and the cotJ operon, as well as the s Kcontrolled cotM gene (10, 57, 65). This approach had the advantage of revealing mother-cell genes independently of a selectable phenotype, but a potential role in coat assembly had to be investigated by complementary screens. The spoVID mutant was lysozyme sensitive, and the ultrastructural analysis confirmed a severe coat defect (10) (see below). In another case, the ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY disruption of cotJ resulted in spores with an altered composition of the coat layers, and assembly studies, as well as direct immunofluorescence localization, have indicated that it encoded at least two components (CotJA and CotJC) of the inner coat layers (56, 57). Finally, disruption of cotM resulted in spores with an altered coat composition and a specific ultrastructural deficiency in the outermost coat layers (65). Two loci, spoVIA and spoVIB, were identified in screens for mutants that were germination deficient and lysozyme sensitive (42, 89). The spoVIA mutant lacked a 36-kDa coat protein, but the mutation does not map to the cotG locus which encodes a prominent 36-kDa component (42, 67). The spoVIB mutation maps to the leuB region, near spoVID, but is not allelic to spoVID (10, 42). A third locus, spoVIC, was defined by a mutation near cysB causing slow sporulation and germination and abnormal assembly of the abundant 12-kDa protein (possibly CotC) (90). However, none of the loci has been further characterized. More recently, two suppressors of the lysozyme-sensitive phenotype conferred by a cotE deletion have been obtained (53). The mutations caused the assembly of minor polypeptides that were not seen in wild-type coat extracts and that may help restore the assembly of several coat polypeptides missing from the cotE mutant. The suppressors are lysozyme resistant, but not germination proficient, and thus do not compensate for all the functions of CotE (53). The suppressor mutations have been mapped to the aroD region of the B. subtilis chromosome, but are not yet characterized (53). Other than cotA (45), only one other locus important for coat assembly, spoIVA, found in screens for mutations affecting sporulation (2), has been cloned and characterized (11, 12) (see below). EARLY, MIDDLE, AND LATE EVENTS IN COAT ASSEMBLY Morphogenetic Proteins and Structural Components Immunoelectron microscopy studies have shown that following septation, the CotE protein starts assembling in a ring-like structure that at engulfment completely encircles the forespore, at a distance of about 75 nm from it [see (9) and Fig. 2C]. This pattern of CotE localization is dependent on the spoIVA locus, which encodes a 490-residue protein with a nucleotide binding motif (11, 12). SpoIVA itself localizes in close proximity to the forespore outer membrane soon after formation of the sporulation septum, and its pattern of subcellular localization then follows the movement of the engulfment membranes (9). Mutations in spoIVA do not prevent synthesis of cotE or any other coat proteins, except for CotC in DSM (60). However, 107 spoIVA mutants accumulate long swirls of coat material in the mother-cell cytoplasm that retain some of the ultrastructural features of normal coats (2, 11, 12). Thus, SpoIVA, which is not detected in mature spores, appears to guide the assembly of the coat to the forespore, by allowing formation of the CotE ring (9). CotE is thought to be initially kept in place by a matrix that fills the gap defined by the SpoIVA and CotE rings. The components of the matrix are not known, but are likely to be encoded by genes in the s E regulon, such as those in the cotJ operon whose products localize to the internal layers of the coat (56, 57). The matrix is thought to define the site of assembly of the inner coat, whereas the CotE ring marks the site of deposition of the outer coat (9). Appearance of active s K in the mother cell initiates cortex synthesis and triggers the expression of many coat genes (see preceding section and Fig. 2). At this point, a third protein, SpoVID, is required to maintain the CotE ring around the forespore (9). In a spoVID mutant, the ring of CotE forms normally. However, at a later stage, when synthesis of the cortex and deposition of most coat proteins are initiated, it detaches from the forespore (9). As a consequence, coat material is deposited in the mother-cell cytoplasm, leaving spores in which the cortex is exposed and that are lysozyme sensitive (10). The 63-kDa SpoVID protein, which is very rich in glutamic acid (118 residues, or 20.5%), may be required for binding the nascent coats to the cortex. Interestingly, a protein recently identified as possibly interacting with SpoVID shares sequence similarity to cell wall-binding proteins (91). Like SpoIVA, the SpoVID protein is not detected in mature spores. SpoIVA, CotE, and SpoVID guide the assembly of many other coat proteins, through a complex series of morphogenetic steps, and are often termed morphogenetic proteins, to emphasize this property. Morphogenetic proteins such as SpoIVA and SpoVID differ from CotE in that CotE is also an abundant structural component of the coat (13). The formation of ordered coat deposits in the mother cell of spoIVA and spoVID mutants (which are reminiscent of inner- and outer-coat fragments) suggests that at least to some extent coat assembly relies on predetermined (possibly sequence-specific) interactions among the individual coat polypeptides. However, no such structures are seen in a cotE mutant (9), suggesting that a cascade of interactions leading to coat assembly may start with CotE (see also below). A View of the Assembly Process Production of SpoIVA and CotE define an early organizational period in coat assembly, which is controlled by s E. A single amino acid substitution within the 235 recognition region of s E (position 217) produced a protein that could direct transcription from s Kbut not from s E-dependent promoters (92). No signs of coat assembly were detected in this strain, which was 108 HENRIQUES AND MORAN blocked at Stage II of sporulation, further emphasizing the role of the s E-controlled phase in the assembly process. However, the transcription of certain genes required for proper coat assembly (e.g., TasA) may even start before, in the predivisional cell under s H direction (3, 8, 68). In a tasA mutant the undercoat is abnormal, suggesting that this layer is in part made from the inside, through the action of secreted proteins that may first accumulate in the cellular compartment delimited by the forespore inner and outer membranes (68). However, formation of the undercoat has also been suggested to depend on CotE and CotT, which would then be a late event, since assembly of CotT requires GerE (14, 53). The efficient transcription of genes encoding components of the internal coat layers, such as the cotJ operon, requires s E and SpoIIID, and thus follows the initial organizational events (57). Coat gene expression then proceeds with s K. Two genes that encode inner coat components, cotD and cotT, can be transcribed by s K alone (14, 60). However, processing and assembly of CotT are delayed until the GerEdependent production of a serine protease (14). It is possible that the synthesis of several other components of the internal layers of the coat is controlled by s E (with SpoIIID) or by s K. s K also directs the expression of several outer-coat genes, such as cotA, cotH, cotV, cotW, cotY, cotZ, and cotM (see Fig. 2B). Finally, in a late period s K (with GerE) activates or reinforces the expression of at least three gene classes (Fig. 2B): (1) those required for the consolidation of the undercoat and inner-coat structures, encoding additional structural components [e.g., CotS (80)], or modification enzymes, which will probably include the gene for a CotT-processing enzyme (14) or other proteases (52, 74), and crosslinking enzymes [it is known, for example, that the formation of a crosslinking product of CotJC requires GerE (56)]; (2) those encoding outer coat components [e.g., CotB, CotC, CotG, CotV, CotW, CotX, CotY, CotZ (60, 67, 81, 85)]; and lastly, (3) genes involved in the maturation of the outer coat layers (crosslinking, glycosylation), whose products (e.g., Tgl, or CgeD), in some cases, may act from the outside after deposition of their substrates has occurred (17, 30). Sequential Interactions in Coat Assembly Assembly of the outer spore coat relies in part on a cascade of genetic dependencies in the order CotE, CotH, CotG, and CotB. In addition to CotE, a number of other proteins are missing from the coats of a cotE mutant (13), including CotB, CotC, CotG, and CotH (43, 45, 67). Disruption of cotH results in spores that, in addition to CotH itself, are missing CotG and CotB and have reduced levels of CotC (43). In contrast, CotG mutants lack CotB (67), whereas disruption of either the cotB or cotC loci only results in loss of the corresponding polypeptides from the coat (45). Interestingly cotB, cotH, and cotG form a gene cluster at about 3692.9 kb (73), although the significance of this clustering is unknown. Thus, the earlier a given locus acts on the assembly pathway, the more pleiotropic its effects on the assembly of other coat components, suggesting that the genetic dependencies correspond to sequential protein–protein interactions of the type A 1 B 3 AB 1 C 3 ABC, where C is a component that cannot be recruited for assembly by either A or B alone. However, other mechanisms of assembly are possible [see, for example, (93)]. In only one case have interactions between coat proteins been characterized (56). The yeast two-hybrid system was used to detect specific interactions between CotJA and CotJC, of the types CotJA–CotJA, CotJC–CotJC, and CotJA–CotJC (56). Coimmunoprecipitation results showed that CotJA and CotJC were present in complexes at the time of coat assembly (56). CotJA or CotJC was never detected in spore extracts in the absence of the other protein, indicating that complex formation was a prerequisite for assembly (56). FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN COAT BIOLOGY The genome sequence of B. subtilis (73) is a powerful tool that will have an enormous impact in coat biology. The inspection of the sequence has already revealed that several “classic” coat genes were found to have homologs in the chromosome. One striking example is ynzH (GenBank Accession No. BG13471), whose product shares more than 88% of its residues with CotC, suggesting that the two genes may be functionally redundant (73). Examples of other genes that appear to have homologs are cotF, cotH, cotJC, and cotS (73). CotJC, for example, is related to a second putative Mn-dependent catalase of B. subtilis, the YdbD protein, whose gene is transcribed during sporulation at about the same time as the cotJ operon (29, 57). CotS shares sequence similarity with YtaA (GenBank Accession No. BG12071), which was shown by N-terminal sequence analysis to be a coat protein (94). The 41-kDa YtaA protein is encoded in an adjacent but divergent transcription unit, which may be functionally related to the cotS operon (73, 79, 94). The cotS gene is preceded by a gene (ytxN) encoding a product similar to a lipopolysacharide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GenBank Accession No. BG11379) (73). In light of the suggestion that a role of SpoVID could be to link the nascent cortex and coat structures (see above), it is interesting to note that ytxN is followed by the ytxO gene (BG11380), which encodes an acidic protein related (although weakly) to SpoVID (10). The cotF gene is in a special class, as several loci encode products related to the CotF precursor (73): yraD and yraF encode products similar to its C-terminal half, whereas yraG and yraE code for products similar to the ENDOSPORE COAT ASSEMBLY N-terminal half of the CotF precursor (GenBank Accession Nos. BG13759, 12268, 12269, and 13760, respectively). A third locus, yhcQ (GenBank Accession No. BG11573) encodes a protein that (except for a short central region) shares sequence similarity with the full-length CotF precursor (72). Interestingly, the B. subtilis CotF protein also shares sequence similarity with a similarly sized protein from C. pasteurianum (GenBank Accession No. AF062550), suggesting that the availability of the genome sequences of other spore formers will be important in future coat studies. The genome sequences will allow the rapid identification of the complete collection of coat components encoded by paralogous and orthologous genes and the genetic and functional analysis of the corresponding loci. The genome sequences will also help in the identification of those coat genes that are unique to specific organisms. Other studies will follow, such as the localization of individual proteins to the coat layers and the analysis of the assembly requirements of each component, including the characterization of specific protein–protein (including enzyme–substrate) interactions leading to assembly. Immunoelectron microscopy, as well as immunofluorescence techniques, will likely play an important role in the analysis of protein localization, whereas genetic and biochemical techniques will be instrumental in the characterization of specific interactions or protein regions required for assembly. Two important advantages of using the yeast two-hybrid system to look for interactions among spore components are: (1) the system can be used for the identification of interacting domains or regions in different proteins; (2) it allows the use of libraries to screen for potential partners of a specific bait protein. Phage display methodology has recently been used in the identification of at least one previously unknown coat protein that is probably capable of interacting with SpoVID (91) (see also above). These and other types of screens aimed at the identification of possible interacting partners of selected coat proteins will likely become more common in the near future. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank E. Ricca, R. Zilhão, and A. J. Ozin for critically reading the manuscript. A. O. Henriques was the recipient of a fellowship from the Fundacao pava a Ciencia e Tecnológica (JNICT). This work was supported by PHS Grant GM54393 to C.P.M. from the National Institutes of Health. REFERENCES 1. Errington, J. (1993) Microbiol. Rev. 57, 1–33. 2. Piggot, P. J., and Coote, J. G. (1976) Bacteriol. Rev. 40, 908 –942. 109 3. Stragier, P., and Losick, R. (1994) Annu. Rev. Genet. 30, 297– 341. 4. Moir, A., and Smith, D. A. (1990) Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 44, 531–553. 5. Slepecky, R. A., and Leadbetter, E. R. 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