Orders, Commands, Suggestions & Requests: English Grammar Lesson

Orders and commands
They are usually expressed by a verb of command, request, advice .... + object + infinitive.
The following verbs can be used: TELL - ADVISE – ASK – BEG – COMMAND ENCOURAGE – FORBID – IMPLORE – INVITE – ORDER – RECOMMEND (*ing) –
Direct Speech Imperative
Indirect speech tell + object + infinitive
“Get your coat, Tom”, she said.
She told Tom to get his coat
“Don’t open the window”, she said
She told me not to open the window
“Please, open the window”, she said
She asked me to open the window
Suggestions Let’s, Shall we?, Why don’t ...? / What about ...? / Why not ....?
Suggest + ing / suggest + sj. + should + inf.
“Let’s go to the beach”, she said / She suggested going to the … / that we should go to the …
”Let’s not say anything about it”, she said She suggested not saying anything about it
Request (as in interrogative sentences)
“Can you let me use your phone?”, I said
I asked her to let me use her phone
I asked her if I could use her phone
“If I were you, I’d stop smoking”, She said
She advised me to stop smoking
“Why don’t you take off your coat?”, he said
He advised me to take off my coat
“Could you show me your passport, please?”, he said
He asked me to show him my passport/ He asked me if I could show ...
“Don’t forget to order the wine”, she said
She reminded me to order the wine
You’d better not leave your car unlocked”, she said
She warned me not to leave the car unlocked advised
“Will you be quiet, please?”, she said
She told us to be quiet
Commands, orders and suggestions
1. “Please, stand by the window. Tell me if anyone comes into the house opposite”, he
2. “Read it for yourself if you don’t believe what I say”, she said
3. “Let’s have another drink, I don’t have to be home until 12”, he said
4. “Phone me when you finish your work”, I said
5. Write to me as often as you can”, my mother said
6. “Someone is coming. Get into the cupboard”, she told me
7. “Don’t touch it, you’ll make it worse”, he told me
8. “Don’t forget to thank Mrs. Pitt when you see her”, she said
9. “If the lift stops between two floors, press the emergency button”, he said
10. “I’ve helped you every time up to now” said his teacher “Why don’t you try to do the
next one by yourself?”
11. “Let’s stay here till the storm has passed”, she said
12. “Hold the ladder, it’s rather unsteady”, she said
13. “What shall I do with the foreign money?” she said. “Why don’t you go to the bank
and get it changed?”, I said
14. “Don’t swim near the rocks. It’s dangerous” Ian said to Jim
Mixed types
1. “Put down that gun. It’s loaded”, The man said
2. “Be polite to people you pass on the way up” the old politician said, “in case you
meet them again on your way down”
3. “Look at this dreadful letter. How shall I answer it?”, she said.
“I shouldn’t answer it at all”, I said
4. “ When you are a big boy, you will have to tie your own shoes” he said
5. “Let me explain, don’t be in such a hurry”, she said
6. “If you are taken prisoner” said the officer “give your name, rank and number but
refuse to answer any other questions”
7. “I’d work on Saturday if I received double pay”, he said
8. “I’ll sit up till he comes, I hope he won’t be late”, she said
9. “Where am I supposed to go now?”, she said
10. “Get the car off the road if you have a puncture. Don’t leave it on the road”, the
policeman said
11. “I wish he was here now. I would like to talk to him about it”, she said
12. “Be careful. The stairs are slippery”, my mum said