Pre-Assessment Quiz - Brookhaven College

Before Proceeding… •  Go no further if you have not completed the DCCCD applica?on. To complete the applica?on, press link and then select “High School Student.” hDps:// •  Go no further if you have not yet created an “eConnect” account. To complete the applica?on, press the link to do so. Select “I’m new to eConnect” that is on the leL hand side. hDps:// •  Go to the main Brookhaven College website. Click “eConnect.” Select “Current Credit Student Menu.” Under “Prepare to Register,” select Pre-­‐Assessment Video. Select “Brookhaven College.” Watch video. A@erwards, select “Con2nue to Assessment.” Log in. Remember to put a lower case e before your DCCCD ID. ex) e1234567 Check the box to let Brookhaven College know that you have seen the pre-­‐assessment video. Answer all quesTons to the best of your ability. Once completed, select “submit.” Review all quesTons. Once you have reviewed all quesTons, select “Student Menu” to check your advising report for the pre-­‐assessment. Under My Personal InformaTon, select “My Advising Report (GPA).” Scroll down unTl you get to “Program of Study,” that is highlighted in light blue. Under “Program of Study,” look for PAA. Next to PAA, it should say: Completed with date on which it was done. A@erwards, you can log out and let your teacher or counselor know you have completed the PAA. !)*+6$+&H*E)0C6T)*&&