1989 ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM INTRODUCTION TO LATIN INTRODUCTION TO LATIN CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A, B, C, OR D. MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEET. 1. _ agricola in agro. A) Est B) Sumus C) Sunt D) Estis 2. Meus amicus _ in via videt. A) pecunia B) pecuniam C) pecuniae D) pecuniis 3. Tua soror _ cenam cras parabit. A) bonae B) bonam C) bonarum D) bonas ¡/: :: ~:~~~:~:sS~:t;:c:r:e~~n~; ~~;~e~n~~a:::::U~r A~)d:~t:O~) :L::e..~~~.~~:...~~..~~~..~~~~...~:..~.~~..::~~.~:... ~N : "j.. . 6. America est _' A) magnae patriae B) magnam patriam C) magna patria D) magnis patriis " 7. Discipuli et discipulae in silva saepe _' A) ambulat B) ambulo C) ambulant D) ambulas ~~ ~. 8. Homo duos _ habet. A) equos B) aures C) pedes D) oculos ...........................................................~ ~8) (5) 9. "Cur cantas, Cornelia?" Cornelia respondet, "_ quod sum laeta." A) Canto B) Cantat C) Cantant D) Cantas 10. Clarus poeta magnum numerum librorum in villa habet. A) with books B) books C) for books D) of books 11. Piratae cum captivis trans _ navigabant. A) aqua B) aquae C) aquam D) aquarum 12. Deus _ et solis et medicinae est Apollo. A) musica B) musicam C) musicae D) musicis ore sedebatis? A) are you sitting B) will you sit C) had you sat D) were you sitting 13. Cur sub arb 14. Magister discipulis dicit, "_ me, discipuli, cum diligentia!" A) Spectate B) Specto C) Specta D) Spectare 15. The great Roman orator Cicero spoke clearly in the senate. A) claro B) clare C) clari D) clarus .~ 16. Quid facit Quintus? A) Laborat in horto B) Ambu1at in silva C) Dormit in cubiculo D) Sedet in scho1a ........................ ~ 17. Servi cibum eguis semper dant. A) around the horses B) of the horses C) to the horses D) with the horses . (16) 18. Quis ad scho1am cum Pub1ia ambulat? A) Who B) Why C) Where D) When 19. Pater et mater kin atrio exspectant. A) you B) me C) us D) him 20. Which of the following would be the correct response to the question, "Quaenam est tempestas hodieT' A) Gratias tibi ago B) Pluii C) Salve, magistra D) Puella abest Dea 1unae et soror Apollinis est: A) Diana B) Iuno C) Venus D) Ceres 21. 22. During the Monarchy, 753 to 510 B.C., the rulers were: A) consuls B) emperors C) quaestors D) kings 23. Ubi est Hispania? Hispania est in: A) Europa B) Graecia C) Asia D) Africa 24. The best translation of E pluribus unum is: A) and the rest B) at one's pleasure C) one for all D) one out of many 25. The killing of the Nemean lion was performed by _ as one of his twelve labors. A) Perseus B) Theseus C) Hercules D) Aeneas 26. In Rome, chariot races took place at the: A) Forum B) Temple of Vesta C) Curia D) Circus Maximus 27. Octo et septem sunt: A) XV B) xix C) ix D) XIV 28. Swift as the wind was the Greek god Hermes whom the Romans called: A) Bacchus B) Mars C) Cupid D) Mercury 29. In the Trojan War the Trojans fought against the: A) Greeks B) Gauls C) Spaniards D) Carthaginians Nasus, bracchium, digitus and capillus are: A) articles of clothing B) rooms in a house C) parts of the body D) meals of the day An English word meaning "a tract of land" which is derived from the Latin word for "land" is: A) lot B) field C) terrain D) plateau 32. A Roman would normally eat dinner in the: A) trlclinium B) atrium C) cubiculum D) peristylium "r 33. This elevated structure supporting a water conduit invented by the Romans is a/an: A) bath B) circus C) temple D) aqueduct ................. . "1-"". 34. Roman farmers often invoked the gods when their crops were in need of water. A) cursed B) refused to worship C) called upon D) built temples to 35. The hero Theseus forgot to change black sails to white to signify his victory over the _ on the island of Crete. A) Hydra B) Medusa 30. 31. C) Minotaur D) Chimaera READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS POMONA, THE ROMAN GODDESS OF GARDENS Pomona erat nympha et poma curabat. Pomona viros non amabat. i poma (accusative plural) = fruit Ubi viri ad earn appropinquabant, nympha territa in silvam fugiebat. 2 Olim adu1escens, nomine Vertumnus, vidit Pomonam et earn amavit. Ubi Vertumnus earn spectavit, Pomona in silvam cucurrit. Adulescens in silvam secreto ambu1avit. Inter arbores latuit Vertumnus 4 adulescens = youth cucurrit = ran 5 latuit = hid et de amore cantavit. Tum Pomonam suaviter vocavit. Pomona 6 suaviter = sweetly respondit, et ubi virum pulchrum vidit, laeta nympha eum amavit. 7 3 36. Pomona was frightened of the: A) woods B) men C) other nymphs D) gods 37. Pomona fled to the: A) river B) garden C) cave D) forest 38. In hac fabula Vertumnus latuit: A) in horto B) in silva C) cum viris D) in aqua 39. Cur cantavit Vertumnus? A) to charm Pomona B) to put the nymphs to sleep C) to summon his friends D) to calm his fears 40. At the conclusion of the story Pomona decided to: A) race with Vertumnus B) return to the nymphs C) love Vertumnus D) run away from Vertumnus Copyright 1989 I 1989 LATIN I ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A, B, C, OR D. 1989 MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEETS. 1. Multa animalia ferocia in _ habitabant. A) montium B) montibus C) montes D) mons 2. "_, mater! Ad campum ambulamus," clamaverunt Lavinia et Marcus. A) Vale B) Valet C) Valete D) Valebat 3. Romulus et Remus erant _' A) geminos B) gemini C) geminorum D) geminum 4. Pueri defessi aquam cibumque petiverunt. A) water or food B) neither water nor food C) water and food D) water but not food 5. Multas gratias _ agimus. A) nostra mater B) nostra matre C) nostrae matri D) nostram matrem 6. Vox nymphae by the men audita est. A) viros B) a viris C) cum viris D) ad viros 7. Quid _ cupitis? A) facit B) fecit C) facere D) faciet 8. Charon mortuos trans flumen _ transportavit. A) pro nave B) sub nave C) nave D) de nave 9. _ sol non lucet, dies frigidus est. A) Quod B) Aut C) Sed D) Cur 10. She is certainly the best equestrian on the team. A) certa B) certe C) certi D) certo 11. Viri _ Medusam spectaverant in saxa mutati sunt. A) quibus B) quae C) qui D) cuius 12. Iulius Caesar dux _ erat. A) clarus B) clarum C) claro D) clari 13. Portat: portabit :: audit: _ A) audivit B) audiebat C) audiet D) audiverat 14. Equi of the girls per campos currebant. A) puellae B) puellis C) puellas D) puellarum /15. Dido had not been warned about the departure plans of Aeneas. A) monetur B) monebatur C) monita est D) monita erat 16. "You have been singing while l have been working," shouted the ant to the grasshopper. A) te...me B) tibi...mihi C) tuus...meus D) tu...ego 17. "Children, see how brightly the constellation of Orion shines tonight," said their father. A) liberi B) liberos C) liberis D) liberorum 18. Erimusne semper amici? A) Are we? B) Will we be? C) Were we? D) Had we been? 19. The Roman numeral M stands for the Latin word: A) mitte B) mille C) miles D) male 20. Victor _ accipiet. A) praemio B) praemium C) praemiorum D) praemiis 21. Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and doorways, was always pictured with: A) snakes as hair B) the body of a horse C) the head of a lion D) two faces 22. Corsica et Sicilia et Sardinia sunt _' A) montes B) insulae C) flumina D) urbes 23. The last meal of the day for most Romans was: A) cena B) prandium C) vinum D) ientaculum 24. The Latin abbreviation which introduces an example is: A) e.g. B) N.B. C) etc. D) et al. 25. Thermae, tepidarium and strigiles are terms associated with a Roman: A) religious ceremony B) political office C) school D) bath 26. A septilateral figure has: A) six angles B) many arcs C) seven sides D) eight surfaces 27. The Greek hero Belleropaon, riding the winged horse Pegasus, killed the: A) Minotaur B) Medusa C) Hydra D) Chimaera 28. The atrium was the _ in a Roman house. A) kitchen B) garden C) bedroom D) main room 29. The stilus was used by the Romans: A) to predict future events B) for cookirig meat C) to store dry goods D) as a writing implement 30. In order to emphasize the swiftness of its service a company might use the god _ as its symboL. A) Atlas B) Mercury C) Mars D) Vulcan 31. In a medieval monastery the scribe was responsible for: A) ringing the tower bell B) copying manuscripts C) preparing the meals D) leading the prayers 32. The Roman symbol of authority, a bundle of rods tied around an ax, was called the: A) comitia B) Lares C) cursus honorum D) fasces 33. Sailing down the Tiber toward the open sea, one would pass through the harbor of: A) Ostia B) Brundisium C) Naples D) Venice 34. Toga: vir :: _: femina A) soleae B) stoIa C) fibula D) bulla 35. The hero who left his farm to lead the Roman army to victory over the Aequi was: A) Fabricius B) Cincinnatus C) Horatius D) Romulus READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. PROTEUS, ELUSIVE GOD OF THE SEA Proteus erat filius Neptuni et deus maris. In mari phocas et bestias maritimas pro Neptuno curabat. Proteus quoque potestatem praedictionis habebat et de futuris multa praedicebat. Sed deus futura praedicere non cupiebat. Ubi aliquis de futuris eum rogabat, fugere temptabat et in varias formas ~ mutabat. In ignem, in aquam, etiam in bestiam se mutabat. Atque in variis insulis 1 2 3 4 5 phoca = seal potestatem = power praedictio = prediction aliquis = anyone se = himself 6 habitabat. Itaque !!!in!.2 invenire eum poterat. 7 Olim Rex Menelaus ab Asia ad Graeciam navigabat, sed navigare domum nesciebat. Rex auxilium a Proteo petere constituit. Haque nocte ubi Proteus dormiebat cum phocis, Menelaus dissimulavit se 8 10 esse phocam. Menelaus ad deum appropinquavit et eum ligavit. 11 Oeinde Proteus ligatus e somno excitatus est et neque currere neque formam mutare poterat. Haque deus invitus cursum ad Graeciam 13 Menelao demonstravit. - - 14 9 nemo = no one; poterat = was able nesciebat = he did not know; constituit = decided dissimulavit = pretended appropinquavit = approached; Iigare = to tie 12 invitus = unwilling; cursum = course 36. Proteus assumed various shapes so that he would not have to: A) follow Neptune's orders B) accompany Menelaus to war C) help the seals find a home D) answer questions about the future 37. King Menelaus did not know: A) how to get home B) how to please the gods C) where his ships were D) where his men were 38. King Menelaus tricked Proteus by: A) disguising himself as Neptune B) disguising himself as a seal C) pretending to sail away D) hiding his boat 39. Proteus was forced to grant Menelaus' request because: A) he was wounded B) he was tied up C) he was afraid of Neptune D) he owed Menelaus a favor 40. According to the information given in the passage, the English word "protean" means: A) readily changeable B) prone to accidents C) eager to please D) causing laughter Copyright 1989 1989 LATIN n ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM II 1989 MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEET. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A, B, C, OR D. 1. Daphne deum Apollinem ce1errime effugit. A) quickly B) rather quickly C) more quickly D) very quickly 2. Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the earth with rocks. A) pro saxis B) saxa C) apud saxa D) saxis 3. Nemo verba Cassandrae, _ regis, audivit. A) filia B) filiae C) filiam D) filiarum 4. Let Paris announce his decision. A) nuntiat B) nuntiabat C) nuntiet D) nuntiavit 5. _ monstra a Perseo interfecta sunt? A) Quis B) Quid C) Quod D) Quae 6. Ulixes et viri the approach Polyphemi magnopere timuerunt. A) aditu B) aditui C) aditum D) aditus 7. Post mortem Romulus _ appellatus est. A) deum B) deus C) dei D) deo 8. Cum amicis Latine cras _' A) colloquimur B) colloquemur C) collocuti sumus D) colloqui 9. Icarus, a patre _, altius volavit. A) monens B) monitus C) moniti D) monere 10. Tarquinius Superbus erat crudelior _' A) ceteri reges B) ceteris regibus C) ceteros reges D) ceterorum regum 11. Tria capita _ erant. A) cani Cerbero B) canis Cerberus C) canem Cerberum D) cane Cerbero 12. Nolite _ pueros puellasque ad Minotaurum! A) mittere B) mittitis C) mittetis D) mitti 13. Fabulam de bello Troiano _ narrabo. A) eis B) eos C) eum D) id 14. Virgine _ Perseus domum rediit. A) servatus B) servata C) servatum D) servatis 15. Infans Hercules erat tam potens ut duos serpentes strangulare _' A) potest B) posset C) poterat D) posse 16. Multi putaverunt Caesarem esse regem -,---. A) voluit B) voluisset C) volens D) velIe 17. Sibylla Aeneae imperat ut ramum aureum _' A) petiverit B) petivisset C) peteret D) petat 18. Dictator Romanus in imperio sex menses erat. A) within six months B) for six months C) in the sixth month D) by the sixth month 19. Caesar pontem trans Rhenum structurus est. A) has built B) must build C) is going to build D) has been built 20. Pars _ in castris mansit. A) peditum B) pedites C) peditibus D) pedes 21. In 510 B.C. Brutus and Collatinus were responsible for the: A) kidnapping of the Sabine women B) destruction of Alba Longa C) defeat of Pyrrhus D) expulsion of the Tarquins 22. Two attributes of Athena were: A) trident and horse B) sickle and sheaf of wheat C) aegis and owl D) forge and anvil 23. The Latin verb from which repetition is derived means: A) sell B) send C) survive D) seek 24. One would read the history of the founding of Rome in the works of: A) Ovid B) Livy C) Caesar D) Plautus 25. Arrange the following in the correct chronological order: I) the First Triumvirate is formed 2) Octavian defeats Antony at Actium 3) Marius and Sulla wage a civil war 4) Scipio Africanus destroys Carthage A) 3, 4, 1,.2 B) 4, 3, 2, 1 C) 3, 2, 4, 1 D) 4, 3, 1, 2 26. The presiding judge at a Roman trial was the: A) quaestor B) praetor C) aedile D) censor 27. Deus Romanus cui sunt duae facies est: A) Apollo B) Janus C) Pluto D) Mars 28. Select the pair which is mismatched. A) Theseus and Ariadne B) Orpheus and Andromeda C) Jason and Medea D) Dido and Aeneas 29. Triplex acies refers to: A) an award for military victory B) the legal order for political office C) a special religious sacrifice D) a Roman battle formation 30. _ was assigned the impossible tasks off etching water from the river Styx and obtaining Proserpina's beauty secrets. A) Psyche B) Pandora C) Arachne D) Callisto 31. The Roman maiden who betrayed the capitol to the Sabines and whose name was later given to the rock from which traitors were hurled to their death was: A) Rhea Silvia B) Tarpeia C) Lucretia D) Virginia 32. I always carry my Latin book with me. It is my _' A) ex post facto B) in toto C) vade mecum D) non sequitur 33. In ten days, Caesar bridged the Rhine in order to invade: A) Hispania B) Hibernia C) Illyricum D) Germania 34. Cincinnatus, Sulla and Caesar all held the title: A) emperor B) censor C) pharoah D) dictator 35. Mars: Ares :: Diana: _ A) Artemis B) Aphrodite C) Hestia D) Demeter MILTIADES' TREACHEROUS PLAN Persarum rex Darius, ex Asia in Europam exercitu traducto, Scythis bellum inferre constituit. Pontem in Istro flumine fecit. Custodes eius pontis reliquit principes quos secum duxerat. In hoc numero erat Miltiades. Mox nuntiatum est Darium in Scythas rem male gerere. Miltiades itaque custodes hortatus est ut pontem rescinderent. Miltiades dixit Darium, aut telis hostium aut inopia, paucis diebus moriturum esse et Graeciam liberam -futuram esse. Cum multi hoc consilium acciperent. Histiaeus tamen negavit hoc consilium usui principibus esse. "Vestra potestas," inquit Histiaeus, "regno Darii nititur. Dario interfecto, vos poenam vestris civibus dabitis:' Plurimi sententiam Histiaei secuti sunt. Miltiades, non dubitans 1 Persae = Persians 2 Scythae = nomadic tribes north of the Black Sea Isler = name for the lower part of the Danube Miltiades = Athenian noble performing military service 3 4 5 6 under Darius rescindere = to cut away 7 8 9 10 Histiaeus =. Persian leader; usui = an advantage nitor, niti = to depend on (with abl.) consilium suum ad' aures regis perventurum esse, Athenas fugit. 36. Darius left as guards for the bridge: A) European volunteers B) his own chiefs C) Scythians D) camp slaves 37. It was reported that Darius: A) was fighting successfully B) had left the field of battle C) was attacking the bridge guards D) was conducting his campaign poorly 38. Miltiades urged the guards to cut down the bridge so that: A) Darius would die B) they might save their king C) they might have time to regroup D) Darius might entrap the enemy 39. Histiaeus: A) supports Miltiades' plan B) asks for a vote on Miltiades' plan C) is undecided about Miltiades' plan D) is against Miltiades' plan 40. Miltiades fled to Athens because: A) Histiaeus ordered him to leave B) he knew Darius would hear of his plan on a mission to Greece D) he was wounded at the bridge C) Darius sent him Copyright 1989 Prose ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM 1989 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A,B,C, OR D. LATIN m-iy PROSE 1989 MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEET. 1. Prima luce surrexi ut duo milia passuum ante ientaculum _' A) currebàm B) cucurri C) currerem D) curram 2. Hi sunt aediles qui _ praesunt. A) ludis B) ludi C) ludos D) ludorum 3. Custos exclusit homines _ tu salutatum me miseras. A) quos B) quibus C) qui D) quis 4. I know why tourists spend entire days in Pompeii. A) agunt B) agant C) agent D) agerent 5. Putasne esse more di1lieUit exitium quam initium invenire? A) difficilius B) difficile C) difficillimum D) difficilem 6. Romani sententias de candidatis in _ aedificiorum saepe scribebant. A) paries B) parietis C) parietum D) parietibus from the rostra in the forum. A) dicentium B) dicentibus C) dicens D) dicentes 7. It would have been exciting to hear the famous orators speaking 8. CaITUm novum emere non possum quod mihi satis _ non est. A) pecunia B) pecuniae C) pecuniam D) pecunias 9. Cur putas eum mentem changed? A) mutare B) mutavit C) mutavisse D) mutat 10. Clamoribus _, Calpurnia timere incepit. A) audientibus B) auditis C) audiendis D) audituris 11. Cum Cicero et Hortensius _ competitores, inimici'tamen non erant. A) erant B) fuerunt C) essent D) fuerint 12. Veritatem let him speak. A) dicit B) dicat C) dicet D) dixit 13. Res publica _ liberata est. A) magna pericula B) magnis periculis C) magnum periculum D) magni periculi 14. Eram tardus hodie; '--- pudet. A) ego B) mihi C) me D) mei 15. Sunt nonnulli qui _ potestatem esse cariorem vita. A) censuissent B) censuerint C) censerent D) censeant 16. Cicero relates that it was the Tiber "quo omnis iuventus _ causa venit." A) natanda B) natando C) natandum D) natandi 17. Which one of the following expresses a thought completely different from the others? A) Labor omnia vincit B) Maxime laborandum est ore C) Labor mihi non placet D) Nihil sine magno lab 18. Spartacus erat gladiator _' A) ferox facies B) feroces facies C) feroci facie D) ferocem faciem 19. Si loqueris Latine saepe, magistra magnopere _' A) gavisa erat B) gavisa est C) gaudebit D) gaudebat 20. Romani gallinam piscesque edebant sed praesertim _ fruebantur. A) agnum B) agni C) agnus D) agno 21. The winged lions with eagles' heads which kept vigil over a legendary pile of gold were: A) Gorgons B) Fates C) Furies D) Griffins 22. What Latin verb is the root of the English words innocuous, nuisance, obnoxious, and innocent? A) nolle B) notare C) noscere D) nocere 23. Who was once a supporter of Cicero but later agreed to his assassination? A) Pompey B) Caesar C) Sulla D) Octavian 24. This statement conveys the sentiments of many Romans toward the end of the Republic: "Omnia venalia Romae." A) Everything is for sale in Rome B) All things come to Rome C) Romans hunt everything D) All roads lead to Rome 25. A news service during the early part of the Empire might have issued the bulletin: "Claudius Invades _ 100 Years After Caesar!" A) Sicily B) Greece C) Spain D) Britain 26. Drusus crossed the _ River to advance into Germany as far as the Elbe River. A) Rhone B) Seine C) Rhine D) Marne 27. Circe had prophesied that _ would encounter many perils before reaching Ithaca. A) Aeneas B) Orestes C) Achilles D) Odysseus 28. It was the duty of the _ to warn people to stand aside and give way to the consuL. A) lictores B) vigiles C) aediles D) praetores 29. The Pantheon was built in commemoration of Octavian's victory at _' A) Zama B) Actium C) Lake Trasimene D) Pharsalus 30. A Roman historian who lived and wrote during the Empire was: A) Plautus B) Cato the Elder C) Catullus D) Tacitus 31. The power of veto over almost all resolutions and actions of magistrates belonged to the: A) censors B) consuls C) patricians D) tribunes 32. Pompey was resolved not to allow _ to stand for the consulship in 49 B.c. unless he disbanded his army. A) Cicero B) Octavian C) Caesar D) Crassus by fire. A) Molo of Rhodes B) Archias 33. Cicero defended _, a poet and teacher, whose records of Roman citizenship had been destroyed C) Demosthenes D) Aristophanes 34. The Romans would have expressed April 21, the legendary date of the founding of Rome, as: A) a.d. XI Kal.Mai. B) a.d. V Id. Apr. C) pridie KaL. MaL D) Non. Apr. 35. Her acerbic tone made him feel uncomfortable. A) boastful B) servile C) bitter D) flattering READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. CICERO RETURNS FROM SICILY Tum existimabam omnes homines Romae nihil aliud nisi de quaestura mea in Sicilia loqui. Ego frumenti maximum numerum Romam in summa caritate miseram; negotiatoribus comis, mercatoribus iustus, oppidis liberalis, sociis amicus, omnibus eram visus in omni officio diligentissimus. Excogitabam totam Italiam honores a Siculis in me audivisse. Itaque hac spe decedebam, ut mihi populum Romanum ultro omnia delaturum putarem. At ego cum itineris faciendi causa Puteolos venissem, qua tempestate plurimi et laútissimi solent esse in eis locis, concidi paene, cum ex me quidam quaesisset quo die Roma exissem, et num quid in ea esset novi. Adapted from Cicero i quaestura = quaestorship 2 frumentum = grain shipments comis (nominative singular) = courteous 3 4 5 Siculi = Sicilians; deeedebam = leaving (my post as governor) 6 ultro omnia = further praise and honors 7 8 Puteolos = Pozzuoli, southern seaside town; 9 (7) qua tempestate = in the season when; (7) lautissimi = very sophisticated 36. According to lines 1 and 2, Cicero considered his quaestorship a: A) result of his family's encouragement B) frequent topic of conversation at Rome C) result of his speaking ability in the courts at Rome D) great opportunity for a Roman political writer 37. In lines 3-5 we learn that the Sicilians: A) distrusted Cicero's intentions B) had heard earlier of Cicero's fáme C) accorded honors to Cicero D) empowered Cicero to import grain 38. In lines 3-4 negotiatoribus...amicus illustrates the rhetorical figure: A) personification B) alliteration C) simile D) asyndeton 39. In line 8 concidi paene is closest in meaning to: A) I almost fell flat B) It was quite a coincidence C) I lost almost all my fortune D) I almost fell in with these people . 40. Cicero was expecting to be asked what was going on in: A) Sicily B) Greece C) Rome D) Pozzuoli Copyright 1989 Poetry 1989 LATIN m-iy POETRY ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM 1989 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A,B,C, OR D. MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEET. 1. The Vestal Virgins were sacred priestesses by whom the flame in Vesta's temple was protected. A) quibuscum B) a quo C) a quibus D) quarum 2. Orpheus declared that he would always love Eurydice. A) amaturum esse B) amabit C) amaverit D) amavisse 3. If Sisyphus had wished to be called a friend of the gods, he would not have betrayed their secrets. A) amico B) amicum C) amicus D) amici 4. Quis scit cur talia fecerit? A) in this way B) such things C) what kind D) so great 5. As soon as I iiiWe made up my mind, I will write to you. A) constituebam B) constituero C) constitueram D) constituo 6. Temporibus antiquis oraculum Apollinis _ erat. A) Delphi B) Delphorum C) Delphis D) Delphos 7. "Odysseus, do not approach the cave of Polyphemus!" A) Non accedis B) Ne accedas C) Non accedunt D) Ne accedamus 8. Hector, dux Troianus, _ Achillis resistere non iam potuit. A) impetibus periculosis B) impetus periculosi C) impetuum periculosorum D) impetus periculosos 9. "My father, I await your instructions." A) meo patre B) mi pater C) patri mihi D) patrem meum 10. Hannibal victus Romanos metu liberavit. A) by fear B) with fear C) from fear D) in fear 11. Augustus Caesar bibliothecam clarissimam _ causa aedificavit. A) Iibrorum servandorum B) libris servandis C) Iibro servando D) libros servandos 12. The emperor will ask the magistrates what they decided at their last meeting. A) decrevissent B) decreverint C) decernant D) deeernerent 13. If those men truly loved Rome, they would not be setting out for Spain now. A) non profecti sint B) non proficiscerentur C) non profecti essen! D) non proficiscantur 14. Veritus sum ne diceres. A) I feared you would speak. B) I am afraid you will speak. C) I am afraid you won't speak. D) I feared you wouldn't speak. 15. Legatos ad imperatorem mittent rogatum auxilium. A) having been asked B) to ask C) of those asking D) about to ask 16. "Vincere scis, Hannibal, victoria uti nescis." A) to be used B) I used C) to use D) of using 17. Nemo fuit diligentior quam Tacitus _ nos omnes laudamus. A) qui B) quo C) quem D) cui 18. Cum Sibyllinos Iibros ad vos attulero, eos diligenter intenteque legitote. A) by reading B) to be read C) read D) I will read 19. Sociis a nobis credendum est. A) We must trust our allies. B) Our alhes must trust them. C) You must trust our allies. D) Our allies must believe in themselves. 20. On the ninth day the sailors spotted land. A) nonis diebus B) novem diem C) nono die D) novem dies 21. Avus, consobrina, nepos and socer are words used to denote Roman: A) occupations B) religious festivals C) crops D) family relationships 22. The goddess _ in her three different manifestations, is associated with Proserpina, Hecate and Luna. A) Minerva B) Diana C) Juno D) Vesta this line is: A) DDDSDS B) DDSDDS C) DSDDDS D) DSSSDS 24. What Latin verb is the root of the English derivatives desultory, resilient, assault, and salient? A) sHere (to cease) B) salire (to leap) 23. "Hos inimica super mixto premit agmine turbo." The metrical pattern of C) sulcare (to plow) D) sauciare (to wound)- - - - 25. Aeneas was bound to Anchises by: A) political ties B) fùial piety C) a religious oath D) military duty 26. Much of the material for Shakespeare's three plays based on ancient Roman characters was gleaned from the work of the ancient biographer: A) Martial B) Ovid C) Plutarch D) Terence 27. The hill on the west bank of the Tiber at Rome, which served as a defensive outpost, and was later incorporated into theAurelian Wall is called the: A) Mamertine B) Janiculum C) Campus Martius D) Ara Pacis 28. In poetry, the forms superum and deum may mean: A) the gods B) of the gods C) for the gods D) by the gods 29. The Miles Gloriosus, Mostellaria and Aulularja were comedies written by the Roman author: A) Cornelius Nepos B) Lucretius C) Ovid D) Plautus 30. Apicius tells us that garum was an important item in Roman: A) cooking B) clothing C) travel D) engineering 31. After Jason sailed from the Aegean Sea through the Hellespont, he entered the: A) Tyrrhenian Sea B) Black Sea C) Atlantic Ocean D) Adriatic Sea 32. The English words cohesive and inherent are derived from the Latin verb haereo meaning: A) penetrate B) clarify C) conceal D) stick 33. The first temples built by the Ro~ow the influence of earlier Italian inhabitants, the _' A) Oscans B) Etruscans C) Sabines D) Gauls 34. Hermes was sometimes called Argeiphontes because he was the slayer of the hundred-eyed monster Argus, who was sent by Juno to guard: A) 10 B) Iris C) Danae D) Andromache 35. The Latin word pecunia reveals that the economy of the earliest Romans depended on: A) livestock B) landholdings C) metal ingots D) salt READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. A STORY OF NIOBE Nee flecti ~ nec bracchia reddereIJ1otus, i nee pes ire potest; intra quoque viscera saxum est; 2 cervix = neck flet tamen, et validi circumdata turbine venti 3 in patriam rapta est. Ibi fixa cacumine montis 4 cacumine = top liquitur, et lacrimas etiam nunc marmora !!!!!!!!!!!1 5 manant = pour forth Tum vero cuncti manifestam numinis iram femina virque timent cultuque impensius omnes 6 7 impensius = more seriously magna gemelliparae venerantur numina divae. Ovid, Metamorphoses 8 gemelli parae = twin-bearing 36. In lines i and 2, we learn that Niobe: A) cannot contain her anger any longer B) is hiding in the depths of the rocks C) cannot walk D) warns the others by waving her arms 37. ...rapta est. Ibi fixa... (line 4) tells us that Niobe was: A) quickly restored B) taken in by a false report C) snatched and set down 38. 39. 40. D) pierced violently The subject of Iiquitur (line 5) is: A) tears B) the mountain top C) marble stones D) Niobe In line 8, there is an example of the poetic figure: A) litotes B) synchesis C) tmesis D) polysyndeton In lines 6-8 we learn that Latona, the mother of the twins Apollo and Diana: A) abandons the mountain top B) fears Niobe C) punishes the twins D) enjoys renewed worship by the people Copyright 1989 1989 LATIN V ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM V 1989 READ THE PASSAGES AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM A, B, C, OR D. MARK ANSWERS ON ANSWER SHEET. THE MICE AND THE WEASELS Cum victi mures mustelarum exercitu, historia quorum et in tabernis pingitur, fugerent et artos circum trepidarent cavos, aegre recepti tamen evaserunt necem. Duces eorum, qui capitibus cornua suis ligarant, ut conspicuum in proelio haberent signum, quod sequerentur milites, 1 mustela = weasel 2 3 4 artus -a -urn = narrow aegre recepti = not well received 5 6 7 8 haesere in portis suntque capti ab hostibus; quos immolatos victor avidis dentibus capacis alvi mersit tartareo specu. Quemcumque populum tristis eventus premit periclitatur magnitudo principum; 10 12 periclitatur == is tested minuta plebes facilt praesidio latet. 13 minutus = subordinate 9 immolatus = sacrificed a1Vus = belly specus = hollow 11 1. According to the passage how did the Romans know this story? A) by reading it in Greek B) by looking at murals C) by listening to the story as told by their mothers D) by hearing slaves retell it 2. The tense of fugerent (line 3) is: A) present B) future C) imperfect D) perfect 3. The English word "internecine" is derived from the Latin verb necare, which is associated with the noun necem in line 4 meaning: A) enemy B) war C) death D) weapons 4. The best translation of the syncopated form Iigarant (line 6) is: A) will tie B) have tied C) were tying D) had tied 5. According to lines 6-7, the cornua (line 5) served what purpose? A) defensive protection B) offensive weapon C) military standard D) disguise 6. The best translation of quod sequerentur milites (line 7) is: A) to follow the soldiers B) because the soldiers were followed C) which the soldiers might follow D) that followed the soldiers 7. An alternative form of haesere (line 8) is: A) haeserunt B) haeserant C) haeserint D) haerere 8. The subject of suntque capti (line 8) is: A) duces B) eorum C) qui D) hostibus 9. Who wore the horns? A) leaders of the mice B) all the mice C) leaders of the weasels D) all the weasels 10. Qui sunt victores in hoc bello? A) cornua B) mures C) mustelae D) populus n. The adjective tartareo in line 10 is an allusion to: A) the Civil War between Pompey and Caesar B) Hades C) the loss of the standards at Carrhae D) a volcano 12. What is the moral of this fable? A) We learn by the misfortune of others. . B) Beware of the insincere friend. C) It is difficult to see beyond one's own nose. D) Danger is greatest for the mostconspicuou,s. 13. This fable was written by Rome's most famous fabulist ~ (15 B.C.-50 AD.). A) Martial B) Lucretius C) Phaedrus D) Plautus WVE AT FIRST SIGHT Isque ubi pendentem vidit de rupe puellam, deriguit, facie quem non stupefecerat hostis, vixque manu spolium tenuit, victorque Medusae victus ab Andromeda est. lam cautibus invidet ipsis felicisque vocat, teneant quae membra, catenas. i rupis = crag, rock 2 3 4 cautes = pointed rocks 5 catena = chain Et postquam poenae causam cognovit ab ipsa, 6 destinat in thalamos per bellum vadere ponti, altera si Gorgo veniat, non territus illa. Marcus Manilius 7 per bellum ... ponti = to go through war against the sea 8 14. This poem is about which mythological hero? A) Theseus B) Perseus C) Hercules D) Bellerophon 15. The hostis in line 2 is: A) Neptune B) Medusa C) Chimaera D) Pegasus 16. To what or whom does spolium in line 3 refer? A) Andromeda B) mirror C) sickle D) head 17. The best translation of ab Andromeda in line 4 is: A) by Andromeda B) toward Andromeda C) from Andromeda D) about Andromeda 18. The grammatical construction of cautibus...ipsis in line 4 is: A) ablative of separation B) dative with special verbs C) indirect objeet D) ablative of place where 19. The case and number of felicis in line 5 is: A) genitive singular B) vocative singular C) nominative plural D) accusative plural 20. The antecedent of quae (line 5) is: A) Andromeda B) membra C) catenas D) cautibus 21. In line 6, the hero discovers poenae causam from: A) Cassiopeia B) the sea monster C) Andromeda D) Medusa 22. In thalamos (line 7) refers to: A) marriage B) death C) birth D) war 23. The best translation of veniat (line 8) is: A) came B) should come C) will come D) were coming 24. The metrical scansion of line 1 is: A) SSDDDS B) DDDSDS C) DSSSDS D) SDDSDS 25. The author of this selection was Marcus Manilius whose didactic poem Astronomica was published during the reign of the second emperor of Rome, _' A) Claudius B) Nero C) Tiberius D) Caligula A LETTER FROM PLINY ABOUT THE GAMES C. Plinius Càlvisio Suo S. i Omne hoc tempus inter meos Iibellos iucundissima quiete transrnisi. "Quem ad modum," inquis, "in urbe potuisti?" Circenses erant, quo genere spectaculi ne levissime quidem teneor. 2 Nihil novum, nihil vàrium, nihil quod non semel spectasse sufficiat. Quo magis miror tot milia virorum tam pueriliter identidem cupere currentes equos, insistentes curribus homines videre. Si tamen aut velocitate equorum aut hominum arte traherentur, esset ratio nonnulla; nunc favent panno, pannum aiiia.nt, et si in ipso cursu iucundus = pleasant 3 4 5 semel = one time 6 quo magis = so much the more; identidem = again and again 7 8 9 medioque certamine hic color ilIuc, ilIe huc transferatur, studium favorque transibit. Capio aliquam voluptatem, quod hac voluptate non capior. Ac per hos dies libentissime otium meum in litteris 10 colloco, quos alii otiosissimis occupationibus perdunt. Vale. 13 pannus = piece of cloth colored to identify the rider 11 12 Adapted froir ..ny, Letters, IX.6 26. The S. which appears in line 1 of this selection stands for: A) scribit clare B) sa1utem dicit C) salit celeriter D) servat humiliter 27. How has Pliny spent the past several days? A) traveling in the city B) exercising C) watching the games D) reading and writing 28. The ellipsis in line 3 is probably: A) venari B) scribere C) ambulare D) natare 29. The best translation of ne levissime quidem (line 4) is: A) less lightly B) not even very slightly C) not too lightly D) very lightly indeed 30. What figure of speech appears in line 5? A) anaphora B) polysyndeton C) zeugma D) praeteritio 31. The verb sufticiat (line 5) is subjunctive in a clause of: A) purpose B) characteristic C) proviso D) result 32. Pliny is astonished in lines 6-7 that thousands of men enjoy watching: A) the horses galloping B) the men running C) bets being collected at the races D) the chariots colliding 33. The words velocitate equorum ...hominum arte (line 8) illustrate: A) synchesis B) synecdoche C) chiasmus D) metaphor 34. The verbs of the condition in lines 7-8 are best translated: A) were attracted...would be B) had been attracted...wou1d have been C) should be attracted...would be D) will be attracted...would be 35 The subject of favent (line 9) is: A) horses B) charioteers C) gladiators D) spectators 36. Pliny makes several observations about the games. Not included among Pliny's observations about the games is: A) In their enthusiasm the spectators crowd onto the racing track. B) The spectators favor a mere piece of cloth. C) The spectators would suddenly switch sides if the colors were exchanged. D) He takes pleasure in the fact that he does not take pleasure in the games. 37. The best translation of quod (line 11) is: A) in order that B) which C) in the fact that D) therefore 38. The antonym of otium (line 12) is: A) odium B) negotium C) voluptas D) gaudium 39. The antecedent of quos in line 13 is: A) litteris B) alii C) occupationibus D) dies 40. Pliny the Younger lived: A) 234-149 B.c. B) 106-43 B.C. C) 63 B.C.- AD. 14 D) AD. 61-1l2 Copyright 1989