Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Class Block: ________________ Miss C. Smith DNA Model Project st Your assignment is to research and build a Double Helix DNA Model. Your DNA Model will be due on February 1 . It will count as two test grades. The maximum grade you can obtain is 105! You will have three weeks to work on it. So, do a great job and don’t put it off until the last minute! I would suggest using wire or pipe cleaners as a framework, and using beads, candies with holes, colored marshmallows, or some other item that you can support on the framework to represent sugars, phosphate groups, hydrogen bond, and the four nitrogenous bases. That means you need seven different colors or shapes, and a way to hold them together and support them. Also, the model must show the helical shape of DNA. Finally, a key must accompany your model. (The key must include your name and a representation of each different part of your model that identifies which structural part it represents. I do not expect this to be an expensive project, so use what you have. You can make great models using pasta (uncooked), jellybeans, gumdrops, toothpicks, pipe cleaners and a variety of beads. So be creative with this model! Do not use anything that will spoil or create a mess. Do not make it too big. Remember, you have to get it to school in one piece. It should have a minimum of ten base pairs represented. If you have an idea that doesn’t fit this description, please check with me first to make sure it will work and you will get maximum points. Have fun!! GRADING RUBRIC Expectations 3-D DNA Model Deoxyribose Sugar Phosphate Hydrogen Bond Correct Nucleotide Sequence Nitrogenous Bases Pairing A to T & G & C Helical shape Free standing or hanging Base Pairs (10 Rungs) Key Your Name Deoxyribose Sugars Phosphate Hydrogen Bond Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Neatness Legible (Readable) Key Sturdy Bonus Points Creativity Possible Points Earned Points 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 5 Grade: __________________ I acknowledge that I have read the criteria for this project that is worth 35% of my child’s grade (TEST). I further acknowledge that the time frame allotted is three weeks. Should I have any questions I will contact the teacher ASAP @ 804-469-4380 or Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________ ***Signature is a homework grade***