For the Students:

Stanley S. Bergen, Jr. Building
65 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ 07107-3001
Quick Instructions and Guides
For the Students:
The Instructor and Course Evaluation is now ONLINE! You should receive an email message, with the link
to the application, from your Primary Course Instructor when it is ready.
There are several ways to access the application:
By Email – the Primary Course Instructor will email you the link to the evaluation.
SHRP Website - – Technology Services – SHRP Apps Login – Course
Moodle Course - the link will be posted in your Moodle Course/s.
On-campus students can use the computer lab in the campus.
To Evaluate:
Click the link to login using your Rutgers NetID and Password.
You will then see the list of courses that you are currently enrolled.
Click "Start".
You will see the evaluation questions for each course and for each instructor in each course.
Make sure to click "Submit" at each time in order for your responses to be recorded.
If you decides to stop at any point and logs out, the next time you log in, the application
will tell you what's left to be done.
Each question requires a response from you!
o Clicking "Submit" and if any of the questions don't have a response; a message will
popup saying the evaluation is not complete.
o The “no response” questions will be highlighted for easy review.
Once all courses and instructors are evaluated, you will get a message that the
evaluation is done and a Thank You!