Quick Instructions and Guides

Stanley S. Bergen, Jr. Building
65 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ 07107-3001
Quick Instructions and Guides
Department Heads:
Here’s the link to the Instructor and Course Evaluation - http://shrp.rutgers.edu/CourseEval/. Click
“ENTER” to start; login with your Rutgers NetID and password; and then your department landing page
will open. This is the summary of the courses and primary instructors currently offered by your
department that was provided to us by the Registrar’s office.
While you are in this page, please make sure that all information is accurate, i.e. list of instructors and
courses. If sub-instructor/s needs to be evaluated, it is important that they are added before the
students initiate the evaluation process. If you need help, there’s a “need help? click here” at the top
of the of every page. You can also email shrp_apps@shrp.rutgers.edu.
Adding a faculty as a Primary Instructor requires the approval of the Dean. Click the "Managing all
faculty in Dept.” at top of the page.
Adding a course/s will require the approval of the Department Chair. To add a course, click the name of
the particular instructor. This page also gives you the ability to Add or Edit the Sub-Instructor for that
course. The process of adding an instructor/s or course/s is explained in the “need help? Click here”
link at the top of the page.
Starting the Evaluation Process:
To start the Instructor and Course Evaluation process, at the department landing page, click the link
“Email to all Faculty” at the top of page, edit the subject and body of the message and then click “SEND
EMAIL”. All primary instructors in your department will get this message.
Monitor the progress of the evaluation by comparing the number of Enrolled and evaluation completed
or % completed. Faculty should send reminders to encourage students to complete the evaluation.
View reports at any time as a web page (.html) or as a pdf file.
All Department Chairs’ evaluation results is visible only to the Dean. All primary and sub-instructors in
each department will be visible only to its Chair until granted access on the day after the grades is due.
Sharing Report to Primary Instructor (PI) after the Grades Due date:
Option 1 – Click SEND to PI button at the top page. This will email the result to each respective PI.
Option2 – Check the box below the PI View Report column. This will allow the PI to see the Report.
Teaching Across Departments:
Since this evaluation is based upon “courses”, all evaluations for that course will only be visible to the
Department Chair who owns it. Instructor’s evaluation maybe shared upon request and the approval of
the Dean.
Primary Instructor:
The Instructor and Course Evaluation is now online. http://shrp.rutgers.edu/ CourseEval/.
DO NOT use the paper-based evaluation or the evaluation created in the Moodle LMS. This will not be processed.
Ways for Students to Access the Evaluation:
By Email – built-in to the application is the ability of the Primary Instructor to email all the students in the
course, the link to the application. Click Compose along the Email Class column.
SHRP Website: http://shrp.rutgers.edu – Technology Services – SHRP Apps Login – Course Evaluation.
Moodle Course: the link will be posted in your Moodle Course/s.
On-campus students can use the computer lab in the campus. Contact shrphelp@shrp.rutgers.edu to
reserve space.
Starting the Evaluation Process:
All Primary Instructors will be informed via Email that the Instructor and Course Evaluation is ready for the
Login using your Rutgers NetID and password! After login, you will see a list of course/s that you are identified as
the Primary Instructor. This list was provided by the Registrar’s Office. If you are missing any course that you are
the Primary Instructor, click the ADD COURSE link. This process requires the approval of the Department Chair.
Primary Instructor Not teaching:
If the Primary Instructor listed (as posted in Banner) does not teach the course at all, maybe only act as a facilitator
or moderator, he or she should not be evaluated. In this case, make sure to uncheck the box under the
column “PI Teaching”.
If the Course has Sub-Instructor/s that needs to be evaluated as well - it is required to add the Sub-Instructors
first before starting the evaluation.
Click ADD under the Sub-Instructors column. Locate the name from the drop down list and then click
ADD. If the sub-instructor name is not listed, you can add by providing the Name and RUID.
Repeat the process until all Sub-Instructors are added.
Click “Send Sub-Instructor(s) for approval” when finished.
Your Department Chair will then receive the pending approval message of adding sub- instructor/s to
the course.
The Department Chair then logs in and approves the lists, you will be informed by email and then their
names appear in the Approved Sub Instructors column.
See the Class List:
Click the CRN Number. This is the list provided by the Registrar’s Office from Banner. If there’s any discrepancy in
the list, please make the necessary edits. There’s a Remove button if the student does not belong to the course
and an Add Student button at the end of the list to add more students. You need to supply the First and Last name
and NetID.
When ready to conduct the evaluation:
Make sure to Release the Course Evaluation and the Instructor Evaluation by clicking on the
corresponding boxes. A check mark indicates that students can see the evaluation.
Click Save Changes.
Click Compose to email your students to start the evaluation.
Students will evaluate the Course once and then evaluate the primary and each of the sub-instructors of the
course. Separate results will be generated for each instructor.
Monitor Progress:
Monitor progress of the evaluation under the columns Enrolled and % Completed. A follow up email is encouraged
to ensure higher completion rate. Click Compose to send follow up reminders.
After the Grades Due date, contact your Department Chair to share or make the Report accessible.
For the Students:
The Instructor and Course Evaluation is now ONLINE! You should receive an email message, with the
link to the application, from your Primary Course Instructor when it is ready.
There are several ways to access the application:
- By Email – the Primary Course Instructor will email you the link to the evaluation.
- SHRP Website - http://shrp.rutgers.edu – Technology Services – SHRP Apps Login – Course
- Moodle Course - the link will be posted in your Moodle Course/s.
- On-campus students can use the computer lab in the campus.
To Evaluate:
- Click the link to login using your Rutgers NetID and Password.
- You will then see the list of courses that you are currently enrolled.
- Click "Start".
- You will see the evaluation questions for each course and for each instructor in each course.
Make sure to click "Submit" at each time in order for your responses to be recorded.
- If you decides to stop at any point and logs out, the next time you log in, the application
will tell you what's left to be done.
- Each question requires a response from you!
o Clicking "Submit" and if any of the questions don't have a response; a message will
popup saying the evaluation is not complete.
o The “no response” questions will be highlighted for easy review.
- Once all courses and instructors are evaluated, you will get a message that the
evaluation is done and a Thank You!